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Telephone: 61-2 4982 1598 (ah)
Address: 1/14 Noamunga St, Boat harbour, 2316.
Email: feyone@ihug.com.au
An enthusiastic and innovative systems engineer with a broad and extensive range of experience, from
product development through fibre telecommunications and the Telco environment to defence and
aerospace (military radars and air traffic control systems). With a background encompassing the full
development lifecycle from initial design proposals to maintenance and support he brings a wealth of
knowledge to a consulting or in house role. His history, including private sector and government in both civil
and military environments demonstrates his ability to seamlessly adapt to a wide variety of workplace
Most recently, he has been a Design Team leader and System Design Authority at Chemring Aust.
Standing Qualifications admitting to Corporate membership of the I.E (Aust).
Past member of INCOSE - International Council of Systems Engineering.
Currently cleared to NV1 by Commonwealth of Australia and ITAR certified.
2005 Box Hill Tafe - Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)  completed
Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (Completed)
Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. (Dual Degree).
Senior Hardware Engineer  Lockheed Martin Australia Apr. 2014 to Current
Lockheed Martin Australia maintains 4 Lockheed Tactical Air Defence Radars for the
RAAF. My role was the Lead Hardware Engineer for a major upgrade that replaced
the existing legacy communications system with a current technology replacement.
My tasks included creation of the System Design Document and PDR/CDR
presentations. A major aspect of this project was the successful integration of COTS
hardware in a mobile military platform and proving it met MOTS requirements.
Systems Design Authority  Chemring Australia Nov. 2013 to Feb 2014
Chemring Australia is setting up a new Electronic Warfare systems development
I was hired to lead the 6 engineer development team and act as the Design Authority
on a new man portable EW product. Part of the role included regular liason with our
customers Chemring Technology Solutions in the UK to ensure that the product
matched the parent company requirements specification. As a first step, I created a
70 page system requirement specification and an 8 page system architecture dwg.
Senior Systems Engineer  Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) Aug. 2012 to Apr 2013
This fixed term contract provided Systems Engineering & Technical Authority for
CBNRE ILS Risk Analysis. The contract required the review & update of the design
approval and associated documentation for legacy CBRNE (Chemical, Biological,
Radiological & Nuclear Equipment). This entailed the location and review of legacy
documentation and the creation of new documentation including a detailed risk
analysis to support or reject the acceptance for use of this equipment under the
current DMO processes. All the equipment was supplied prior to the current approval
Plus 3 weeks creating Exemplar Defence Purchasing Documents (DPD) in the same
area of the DMO as a contractor for Noventus in early November.
Senior N/W Design Engineer  Uecomm (NID) June 2010 to Apr. 2012
Uecomm is a SingTel/Optus Group company with its headquarters in Melbourne.
Directly owned by Optus Networks Pty Ltd, Uecomm is a stand-alone business unit
providing high bandwidth data and dark fibre networks to medium scale enterprises.
My role was the design and implementation of a whole of network upgrade and
replacement program that covered 17 core sites, 105 local exchange sites and
thousands of customers including Centerlink, Vodaphone and the Reserve Bank of
Duties & Responsibilities:
My duties cover the entire Project development & implementation process:
- Systems engineering and creation/review of High level designs for quote.
 Creation of detailed network and fibre design documentation.
 Review and approval of Junior engineer designs.
 Management of contractors & Subcontractors  variations management.
- Project Implementation management (for 6 months).
 Update and creation of Procedure and process documents.
- Creation and proposal of QA processes and documentation.
Uecomm (NID) continued - Achievements:
Imported a culture of QA and detailed design that was taken up by the entire network design
team. Detailed Design documentation went from semi-detailed overviews to fully
detailed documents that supported accurate updates to the GIS system Uecomm uses.
Prior to this cultural change, record keeping was problematic, as the As Built
information supplied was as vague as the design information supplied. Similarly, prior to
my arrival there was no QA or peer review process for any fibre designs. Now every
design has a high level design review, and a detailed design check prior to issue.
Recognised a series of long term problems with the Core backbone network and championed a
series of major projects designed to both rectify the current issues and support the next
ten years of growth without further works requirements.
Systems Engineer Thales Australia  Air
Systems division. July 2002 to Feb 2010
Thales is a large multinational French corporation (12,000 employees) who are one of
the worlds leading suppliers in the aerospace and Defence industry. The Air Systems
Division is a civilian branch that develops and sells Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems,
and sometimes acts as the prime contractor for entire airports.
Duties & Responsibilities:
My duties cover the entire Project development & implementation process:
- Systems engineering and creation/review of formal product specifications.
 Project bid preparation for system hardware aspects of projects.
 Creation of formal design review documentation.
 H/W Systems Integration during project development & implementation process,
- Conducting of hardware integration and hardware platform system level tests.
 Contractual negotiation with suppliers for Certificates of Compliance,
- Qualification / Testing of new H/W elements for use with our ATC technology.
 Management of obsolescent technology and technology replacement.
Used innovative problem solving and negotiation skills to resolve a number of issues with the
upgrade of the Incheon ATC system. The result was that the customer got a better and
more reliable solution, while the reducing installation costs & times by about 10%.
Supervised the installation of numerous upgrades to the Australian ATC system, becoming the
companys expert on this very complex installation. These installations were always
delivered on or ahead of time and budget due to my systems engineering and
supervision of the installation of these projects.
Systems Engineer Tenix Defence Systems  Centaur ESM Radar Project.
Nov 00 to Jun 02
ESM is a passive electronic warfare radar system. My position was the senior
systems engineer on an upgrade project replacing the existing Sceptre A ESM system
with a Centaur ESM system. My duties covered the entire upgrade process:
- Systems engineering and creation/review of formal product specifications.
 Creation of formal design review documentation.
 Systems Integration Engineering during the upgrade process,
 Management of formal system requirement validation documentation (Cat 0-5)
 Creation of Cat 3,4 & 5 Test processes and procedures.
 Contractual negotiation with suppliers for Certificates of Compliance.
 Contractual negotiation with CoA for system design waivers.
Snr H/W Engineer RLM SYSTEMS 
JORN Radar Project Sep 99 to Oct 00
JORN is Australias Jindalee Over the horizon Radar Network, and this includes all
the advanced computing and software requirements included to support the radars
function. My role as Senior Hardware engineer for DSE (Digital Systems
Engineering) was to manage the installation and DoD C3 level documentation for the
JORN computing environment, a mix of DEC/Compaq AlphaServer 4100,
AlphaServer 1200, DPWS-600 and RAID systems. My duties covered:
- System design, creation of product specifications and design review documentation.
 Management of formal design reviews with the Commonwealth of Australia. (CoA)
- System installation inc. management of remote site tech staff and Compaq engineers).
 Creation of formal system requirement validation documentation (DT1-A tests)
 Contractual and technical negotiation with suppliers and the CoA.
Post PDF  Private Contracting activities  Aug 99  Feb 00
Creation of components, schematic capture and layout of a 10 layer daughter board
for an experimental all optical Gigabit Network for the Photonics Research Centre.
This 10 layer PCB utilised a mix of through hole and surface mount technology and
required transmission line design for all the shielded Gigabit tracks on the board.
Creation of a range of intelligent LED based automotive lights for trucks, including
combined tail/brake lights and indicator lights with a built in autoflash feature and
miniaturised on board power supplies with power line protection circuitry built in. All
these units were tested against the ADR requirements and passed.
Manager/Snr Engineer Melbourne University - Product Development Facility Sep 97 to Aug.99
The PDF was a small commercial electronics design laboratory developing and
testing new products under contract to Australian businesses. When I took over the
role as its manager it was $160K in debt and running at an annual loss of
~$60K/annum. As of the end of the 1998/99 financial year, the operating debt had
been reduced to less than $10K and the PDF was generating net surplus revenue of
~$75K per annum. My role was manager and chief design engineer. My staff
consisted of a full time development engineer and contracted programmers/test
engineers as required.
The PDFs primary role was to develop new products under contract to Australian
industry. During my tenure these products included:
- The Smart Traffic Light (STL) currently under test by Vicroads.
- Emergency roadside flare in use by the Victorian police.
The PDF also fulfilled a secondary role as technical and engineering support for the
Photonics research lab. One example of this was a simple optical isolator (cost ~$50)
which replaced existing commercial models costing up to $3,000.
My duties as the PDF manager included:
 Quoting and negotiation of development and test contracts.
 Formulating and writing new standard contracts & agreement templates.
 Management and supervision of engineering staff and contractors.
 Provision of design and development consultancies.
 Design of complex electronic circuits and systems.
 Interfacing with industrial designers to ensure complete design of product.
 Development of specialised test facilities and testing of new products.
Senior Engineer TELSTRA Jul 89 to Sep 97
I spent 6 years as the Product Specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical fibre transmission
equipment in the Optical Fibre Systems Section, followed by 2 years supporting a
network management software development called the COMNET Project.
COMNET Project Test, Fault & Documentation Manager for the COMNET Project (2 Years).
May 95 to Sep 97 COMNET is a 2nd order element management software system used to control
Remote Integrated Multiplexers (RIM) in the access area of the network.
 Technical specialist and Vendor liaison for the COMNET S/W development.
 Management of Acceptance testing of software.
 Technical support of testing during field trial of software in the live network.
 Proposing and assisting in the implementation of design improvements.
 Negotiation of software support agreement and warranty conditions.
 Renegotiation of software development contract terms and conditions.
 Evaluation, correction and acceptance of Manuals.
 Writing, updating and correcting existing design and application guides.
Optical Systems Product Specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical fibre transmission equipment (6 Years).
Jul 89 to May 95 Involved with NEC, Siemens and Alcatel optical transmission equipment optical
fibre transmission equipment over this period. Specific duties of this role included:
Technical Duties
 National support specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical transmission eqpt.
 Evaluation of network performance and quality of equipment in service.
 Proposing and assisting in the implementation of design improvements.
 Acceptance testing of redesigned 565 Mbit/s optical fibre equipment.
 Evaluation, correction and acceptance of Manuals.
 Technical evaluation and management of several retrofit programs.
 Resolving specialist problems in specific route designs.
 Writing, updating and correcting existing design and application guides.
 Developing and drafting installation and commissioning guidelines.
Commercial Duties
 Supply contract management, including negotiation, placement,
maintenance and delivery performance, (up to $20M/annum).
 Development contract - including Telstra being paid design royalties, etc.
 Administration and coordination of software and hardware retrofits.
Responsible for formation and supervision of specialist teams for the following projects:
 Optical transmission and PSE quality improvement program.
This program saved $1.3M at a cost of $60K.
 NEC 565 Mbit/s optical transmission equipment lab tests and field trials.
 NEC 565 Mbit/s terminal and repeater install/repair handbook evaluation.
 NEC RD-PSE Field Trial and evaluation.
 NEC PSE FIU (TESAMS) Field Trial and evaluation.
Special Projects  Creation of an Optical transmission system design application guide for the
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT).
 Involvement with Telstra's National Communications Team.
Prior Contract Work
Design, prototyping, testing and commissioning of computer circuit boards.
Work included all firmware development writing the users and repair manuals.
Design Engineer JACOBS RADIO (Contract) 6 Months
Design of a complex multi-function laboratory power supply using MOSFET based
switchmode technology for U.S. and Australian military specifications.
Design Engineer McCONNELL DOWELL NICHOLLS  Qld (Consultant) 3 days
The consultancy position was initially for 6 months to design a new echo-canceller
for a satellite link system, as the system's echo-canceller was not sufficient for
Australian conditions; expected cost was $90,000+. Effective liaison with Telecom
solved the problem with 3 phone calls over a 3 day period, cost was under $1,000.
Test Engineer LABTAM (Contract) 3 Months
Setting up test procedures for computer controlled data acquisition systems.
Service Engineer HEWLETT PACKARD (Contract) 6 Months
Repairing and calibrating sophisticated test equipment to component level.
Design Engineer SIEMENS INDUSTRIES (Contract) 6 Months
Design of exchange equipment, analysing design drawings, checking and
correlating other design documentation and redesigning / correcting as necessary.
Tutoring TUTORING (Part time) 18 Months
Tutoring 30 students from Latrobe valley in Mathematics & Science. Development
of course work to be taken in week long blocks, Level 3 to Level 10.
Technical Officer WOOMERA ELECTRONICS (Contract) 4 Months
Control of a production line testing procedure. This position involved running a
test bench system and training/overseeing the work of another technician.
Design Engineer PRISM LIGHTING (Contract) 10 Months
Responsible for all technical research & design work for the company including
supervision of two technical/production staff.
Technical writer MELBOURNE HOUSE Publishing Company (Contract) 3 Months
Developed a number of electronic projects for interfacing with the BBC
microcomputer, including prototyping and testing of all projects and ghost writing a
book to go with these projects, detailing construction requirements, and all
programming required.
Student Engineer VICRAIL - Special Projects Section (Temporary position) 6 Months
Development of a platform indicator system using electromagnetically
controlled 7 segment displays plus several other small projects.
Student Engineer REPCO RESEARCH PTY. LTD. (temporary position) 6 Months
Development of a complex digitally ramped multiple power supply for operating
solid state electronic film equipment. Essentially the project involved a number
of programmable timer controlled precision high voltage power supplies.
Training Courses
Training has included the following short courses:
 Level 2 First Aid course.
 Electrical safety / Preventing strain Injuries / OH&S course (3 courses)
 Management for Engineers / Project management in transport technologies
 Team Leadership training.
 MS-Project 3 / MS-Project 4 basic & Advanced (4 separate courses)
 Effective Meetings and Effective Presentations (2 separate courses)
 NCT communications
 Software Engineering (1 week course)
 Using copper loop for High data rate services (ADSL/HDSL systems)
 Mobile Networks and Systems / Introduction to SDH (2 courses)
 ASIC Design course / Network Management & Control (2 courses)
 Application of traffic theory in packet switched networks
 Quality tools and their uses
 Business Case development / Contract Specification (2 separate courses)
 Chemical Safety/Hazardous materials course.
 Contractor health & safety management
 Linux Administration course.
General Interests - Building Model spacecraft - both current and future designs.
- Electronics - incorporating effects into models, etc.
- Medieval re-enactment - Society for Creative Anachronism, (SCA).
- Strategic and Role Playing games / Chess.
- Science Fiction and Future Technologies.
- Ice skating.
 Street Latin dancing.
Steve Dartnell Force Protection Manager  Chemring Australia.
(03) 8561-8709 / (04) 1831-2535, Stevedartnell@chemring.com.au
Steve was my Divisional head at Chemring Australia.
Greg Mitchell TADRS Project Engineering Manager - Lockheed Martin Australia - Electronic Systems.
(08) 8168 2702, (04) 1156 2697, greg.mitchell@lmco.com
Greg is my current line manager.
Tony Antoniadas National Import/Export Control Officer  BAE Systems
(04) 0700 6395, tony.antoniades@baesystems.com.
Tony has worked with me directly for 3 years and indirectly for 3 years at Thales.

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Stretton CV

  • 1. FABIAN STRETTON Telephone: 61-2 4982 1598 (ah) Address: 1/14 Noamunga St, Boat harbour, 2316. Email: feyone@ihug.com.au PROFILE An enthusiastic and innovative systems engineer with a broad and extensive range of experience, from product development through fibre telecommunications and the Telco environment to defence and aerospace (military radars and air traffic control systems). With a background encompassing the full development lifecycle from initial design proposals to maintenance and support he brings a wealth of knowledge to a consulting or in house role. His history, including private sector and government in both civil and military environments demonstrates his ability to seamlessly adapt to a wide variety of workplace cultures. Most recently, he has been a Design Team leader and System Design Authority at Chemring Aust. EDUCATION Standing Qualifications admitting to Corporate membership of the I.E (Aust). Past member of INCOSE - International Council of Systems Engineering. Currently cleared to NV1 by Commonwealth of Australia and ITAR certified. 2005 Box Hill Tafe - Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) completed 2002 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (Completed) 1983 SWINBURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. (Dual Degree). CAREER HISTORY Senior Hardware Engineer Lockheed Martin Australia Apr. 2014 to Current Lockheed Martin Australia maintains 4 Lockheed Tactical Air Defence Radars for the RAAF. My role was the Lead Hardware Engineer for a major upgrade that replaced the existing legacy communications system with a current technology replacement. My tasks included creation of the System Design Document and PDR/CDR presentations. A major aspect of this project was the successful integration of COTS hardware in a mobile military platform and proving it met MOTS requirements. Systems Design Authority Chemring Australia Nov. 2013 to Feb 2014 Chemring Australia is setting up a new Electronic Warfare systems development team. I was hired to lead the 6 engineer development team and act as the Design Authority on a new man portable EW product. Part of the role included regular liason with our customers Chemring Technology Solutions in the UK to ensure that the product matched the parent company requirements specification. As a first step, I created a 70 page system requirement specification and an 8 page system architecture dwg. Senior Systems Engineer Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) Aug. 2012 to Apr 2013 This fixed term contract provided Systems Engineering & Technical Authority for CBNRE ILS Risk Analysis. The contract required the review & update of the design approval and associated documentation for legacy CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Equipment). This entailed the location and review of legacy documentation and the creation of new documentation including a detailed risk analysis to support or reject the acceptance for use of this equipment under the current DMO processes. All the equipment was supplied prior to the current approval process. Plus 3 weeks creating Exemplar Defence Purchasing Documents (DPD) in the same area of the DMO as a contractor for Noventus in early November.
  • 2. Fabian STRETTON Senior N/W Design Engineer Uecomm (NID) June 2010 to Apr. 2012 Uecomm is a SingTel/Optus Group company with its headquarters in Melbourne. Directly owned by Optus Networks Pty Ltd, Uecomm is a stand-alone business unit providing high bandwidth data and dark fibre networks to medium scale enterprises. My role was the design and implementation of a whole of network upgrade and replacement program that covered 17 core sites, 105 local exchange sites and thousands of customers including Centerlink, Vodaphone and the Reserve Bank of Australia. Duties & Responsibilities: My duties cover the entire Project development & implementation process: - Systems engineering and creation/review of High level designs for quote. Creation of detailed network and fibre design documentation. Review and approval of Junior engineer designs. Management of contractors & Subcontractors variations management. - Project Implementation management (for 6 months). Update and creation of Procedure and process documents. - Creation and proposal of QA processes and documentation. Uecomm (NID) continued - Achievements: Imported a culture of QA and detailed design that was taken up by the entire network design team. Detailed Design documentation went from semi-detailed overviews to fully detailed documents that supported accurate updates to the GIS system Uecomm uses. Prior to this cultural change, record keeping was problematic, as the As Built information supplied was as vague as the design information supplied. Similarly, prior to my arrival there was no QA or peer review process for any fibre designs. Now every design has a high level design review, and a detailed design check prior to issue. Recognised a series of long term problems with the Core backbone network and championed a series of major projects designed to both rectify the current issues and support the next ten years of growth without further works requirements. Systems Engineer Thales Australia Air Systems division. July 2002 to Feb 2010 Thales is a large multinational French corporation (12,000 employees) who are one of the worlds leading suppliers in the aerospace and Defence industry. The Air Systems Division is a civilian branch that develops and sells Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems, and sometimes acts as the prime contractor for entire airports. Duties & Responsibilities: My duties cover the entire Project development & implementation process: - Systems engineering and creation/review of formal product specifications. Project bid preparation for system hardware aspects of projects. Creation of formal design review documentation. H/W Systems Integration during project development & implementation process, - Conducting of hardware integration and hardware platform system level tests. Contractual negotiation with suppliers for Certificates of Compliance, - Qualification / Testing of new H/W elements for use with our ATC technology. Management of obsolescent technology and technology replacement. Achievements: Used innovative problem solving and negotiation skills to resolve a number of issues with the upgrade of the Incheon ATC system. The result was that the customer got a better and more reliable solution, while the reducing installation costs & times by about 10%. Supervised the installation of numerous upgrades to the Australian ATC system, becoming the companys expert on this very complex installation. These installations were always delivered on or ahead of time and budget due to my systems engineering and supervision of the installation of these projects. 2
  • 3. Fabian STRETTON Systems Engineer Tenix Defence Systems Centaur ESM Radar Project. Nov 00 to Jun 02 ESM is a passive electronic warfare radar system. My position was the senior systems engineer on an upgrade project replacing the existing Sceptre A ESM system with a Centaur ESM system. My duties covered the entire upgrade process: - Systems engineering and creation/review of formal product specifications. Creation of formal design review documentation. Systems Integration Engineering during the upgrade process, Management of formal system requirement validation documentation (Cat 0-5) Creation of Cat 3,4 & 5 Test processes and procedures. Contractual negotiation with suppliers for Certificates of Compliance. Contractual negotiation with CoA for system design waivers. Snr H/W Engineer RLM SYSTEMS JORN Radar Project Sep 99 to Oct 00 JORN is Australias Jindalee Over the horizon Radar Network, and this includes all the advanced computing and software requirements included to support the radars function. My role as Senior Hardware engineer for DSE (Digital Systems Engineering) was to manage the installation and DoD C3 level documentation for the JORN computing environment, a mix of DEC/Compaq AlphaServer 4100, AlphaServer 1200, DPWS-600 and RAID systems. My duties covered: - System design, creation of product specifications and design review documentation. Management of formal design reviews with the Commonwealth of Australia. (CoA) - System installation inc. management of remote site tech staff and Compaq engineers). Creation of formal system requirement validation documentation (DT1-A tests) Contractual and technical negotiation with suppliers and the CoA. Post PDF Private Contracting activities Aug 99 Feb 00 Creation of components, schematic capture and layout of a 10 layer daughter board for an experimental all optical Gigabit Network for the Photonics Research Centre. This 10 layer PCB utilised a mix of through hole and surface mount technology and required transmission line design for all the shielded Gigabit tracks on the board. Creation of a range of intelligent LED based automotive lights for trucks, including combined tail/brake lights and indicator lights with a built in autoflash feature and miniaturised on board power supplies with power line protection circuitry built in. All these units were tested against the ADR requirements and passed. Manager/Snr Engineer Melbourne University - Product Development Facility Sep 97 to Aug.99 The PDF was a small commercial electronics design laboratory developing and testing new products under contract to Australian businesses. When I took over the role as its manager it was $160K in debt and running at an annual loss of ~$60K/annum. As of the end of the 1998/99 financial year, the operating debt had been reduced to less than $10K and the PDF was generating net surplus revenue of ~$75K per annum. My role was manager and chief design engineer. My staff consisted of a full time development engineer and contracted programmers/test engineers as required. The PDFs primary role was to develop new products under contract to Australian industry. During my tenure these products included: - The Smart Traffic Light (STL) currently under test by Vicroads. - Emergency roadside flare in use by the Victorian police. The PDF also fulfilled a secondary role as technical and engineering support for the Photonics research lab. One example of this was a simple optical isolator (cost ~$50) which replaced existing commercial models costing up to $3,000. My duties as the PDF manager included: Quoting and negotiation of development and test contracts. Formulating and writing new standard contracts & agreement templates. Management and supervision of engineering staff and contractors. Provision of design and development consultancies. 3
  • 4. Fabian STRETTON Design of complex electronic circuits and systems. Interfacing with industrial designers to ensure complete design of product. Development of specialised test facilities and testing of new products. 4
  • 5. Fabian STRETTON Senior Engineer TELSTRA Jul 89 to Sep 97 I spent 6 years as the Product Specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical fibre transmission equipment in the Optical Fibre Systems Section, followed by 2 years supporting a network management software development called the COMNET Project. COMNET Project Test, Fault & Documentation Manager for the COMNET Project (2 Years). May 95 to Sep 97 COMNET is a 2nd order element management software system used to control Remote Integrated Multiplexers (RIM) in the access area of the network. Duties Technical specialist and Vendor liaison for the COMNET S/W development. Management of Acceptance testing of software. Technical support of testing during field trial of software in the live network. Proposing and assisting in the implementation of design improvements. Negotiation of software support agreement and warranty conditions. Renegotiation of software development contract terms and conditions. Evaluation, correction and acceptance of Manuals. Writing, updating and correcting existing design and application guides. Optical Systems Product Specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical fibre transmission equipment (6 Years). Jul 89 to May 95 Involved with NEC, Siemens and Alcatel optical transmission equipment optical fibre transmission equipment over this period. Specific duties of this role included: Technical Duties National support specialist for 565 Mbit/s optical transmission eqpt. Evaluation of network performance and quality of equipment in service. Proposing and assisting in the implementation of design improvements. Acceptance testing of redesigned 565 Mbit/s optical fibre equipment. Evaluation, correction and acceptance of Manuals. Technical evaluation and management of several retrofit programs. Resolving specialist problems in specific route designs. Writing, updating and correcting existing design and application guides. Developing and drafting installation and commissioning guidelines. Commercial Duties Supply contract management, including negotiation, placement, maintenance and delivery performance, (up to $20M/annum). Development contract - including Telstra being paid design royalties, etc. Administration and coordination of software and hardware retrofits. Responsible for formation and supervision of specialist teams for the following projects: Optical transmission and PSE quality improvement program. This program saved $1.3M at a cost of $60K. NEC 565 Mbit/s optical transmission equipment lab tests and field trials. NEC 565 Mbit/s terminal and repeater install/repair handbook evaluation. NEC RD-PSE Field Trial and evaluation. NEC PSE FIU (TESAMS) Field Trial and evaluation. Special Projects Creation of an Optical transmission system design application guide for the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT). Involvement with Telstra's National Communications Team. 5
  • 6. Fabian STRETTON Prior Contract Work Design Engineer WEBSTER COMPUTER CORPORATION 2 years Design, prototyping, testing and commissioning of computer circuit boards. Work included all firmware development writing the users and repair manuals. Design Engineer JACOBS RADIO (Contract) 6 Months Design of a complex multi-function laboratory power supply using MOSFET based switchmode technology for U.S. and Australian military specifications. Design Engineer McCONNELL DOWELL NICHOLLS Qld (Consultant) 3 days The consultancy position was initially for 6 months to design a new echo-canceller for a satellite link system, as the system's echo-canceller was not sufficient for Australian conditions; expected cost was $90,000+. Effective liaison with Telecom solved the problem with 3 phone calls over a 3 day period, cost was under $1,000. Test Engineer LABTAM (Contract) 3 Months Setting up test procedures for computer controlled data acquisition systems. Service Engineer HEWLETT PACKARD (Contract) 6 Months Repairing and calibrating sophisticated test equipment to component level. Design Engineer SIEMENS INDUSTRIES (Contract) 6 Months Design of exchange equipment, analysing design drawings, checking and correlating other design documentation and redesigning / correcting as necessary. Tutoring TUTORING (Part time) 18 Months Tutoring 30 students from Latrobe valley in Mathematics & Science. Development of course work to be taken in week long blocks, Level 3 to Level 10. Technical Officer WOOMERA ELECTRONICS (Contract) 4 Months Control of a production line testing procedure. This position involved running a test bench system and training/overseeing the work of another technician. Design Engineer PRISM LIGHTING (Contract) 10 Months Responsible for all technical research & design work for the company including supervision of two technical/production staff. Technical writer MELBOURNE HOUSE Publishing Company (Contract) 3 Months Developed a number of electronic projects for interfacing with the BBC microcomputer, including prototyping and testing of all projects and ghost writing a book to go with these projects, detailing construction requirements, and all programming required. Student Engineer VICRAIL - Special Projects Section (Temporary position) 6 Months Development of a platform indicator system using electromagnetically controlled 7 segment displays plus several other small projects. Student Engineer REPCO RESEARCH PTY. LTD. (temporary position) 6 Months Development of a complex digitally ramped multiple power supply for operating solid state electronic film equipment. Essentially the project involved a number of programmable timer controlled precision high voltage power supplies. 6
  • 7. Fabian STRETTON Training Courses Training has included the following short courses: Level 2 First Aid course. Electrical safety / Preventing strain Injuries / OH&S course (3 courses) Management for Engineers / Project management in transport technologies Team Leadership training. MS-Project 3 / MS-Project 4 basic & Advanced (4 separate courses) Effective Meetings and Effective Presentations (2 separate courses) NCT communications Software Engineering (1 week course) Using copper loop for High data rate services (ADSL/HDSL systems) Mobile Networks and Systems / Introduction to SDH (2 courses) ASIC Design course / Network Management & Control (2 courses) Application of traffic theory in packet switched networks Quality tools and their uses Business Case development / Contract Specification (2 separate courses) Chemical Safety/Hazardous materials course. Contractor health & safety management Linux Administration course. General Interests - Building Model spacecraft - both current and future designs. - Electronics - incorporating effects into models, etc. - Medieval re-enactment - Society for Creative Anachronism, (SCA). - Strategic and Role Playing games / Chess. - Science Fiction and Future Technologies. - Ice skating. Street Latin dancing. REFEREES Steve Dartnell Force Protection Manager Chemring Australia. (03) 8561-8709 / (04) 1831-2535, Stevedartnell@chemring.com.au Steve was my Divisional head at Chemring Australia. Greg Mitchell TADRS Project Engineering Manager - Lockheed Martin Australia - Electronic Systems. (08) 8168 2702, (04) 1156 2697, greg.mitchell@lmco.com Greg is my current line manager. Tony Antoniadas National Import/Export Control Officer BAE Systems (04) 0700 6395, tony.antoniades@baesystems.com. Tony has worked with me directly for 3 years and indirectly for 3 years at Thales. 7