Wrapper classes allow primitive data types to be used as objects. Wrapper classes include Integer, Double, Boolean etc. Strings in Java are immutable - their values cannot be changed once created. StringBuffer and StringBuilder can be used to create mutable strings that can be modified. StringTokenizer can split a string into tokens based on a specified delimiter.
6. Primitive String Object => Primitive Data Type
//1.Primitive String Object =>Primitive String Object =>
Primitive Data Type
//2Primitive String Object => Primitive Data Type
Using method
parseInt(primitive type);
syntax :
String s1=Integer.parseInt(100)
10. String
String is a sequence of characters placed in double quote( ).
Strings are constant , their values cannot be changed in the
same memory after they are created.
11. How to create String object
There are two ways to create String object:
1)By string literal.
2)By new keyword.
1)By string literal:
For Example: String s1=welcome";
String s2=welcome; //no new object will be created
12. 2) By new keyword:-
For Example: String s=new String(Sachin");
String s=new String(SachinTendulkar");//create two objects
and one reference variable.
13. Immutability
In java, string objects are immutable. Immutable simply means
unmodifiable or unchangeable.
Once string object is created its data or state can't be changed
but a new string object is created.
14. Advantages Of Immutability
Use less memory:
String word1 = "Java";
String word2 = word1;
String word1 = Java";
String word2 = new String(word1);
Less efficient:
wastes memory
15. Disadvantages of Immutability
Less efficient you need to create a new string and throw
away the old one even for small changes.
String word = Java";
word= word.concat(technologies);
word Java
16. Constructors
No Argument Constructors:
No-argument constructor creates an empty String. Rarely used.
Example: String empty=new String();
Copy Constructors:
Copy constructor creates a copy of an existing String . Also rarely used.
Example: String word = new String(Java);
String word2 = new String(word);
Other Constructors:
Most other constructors take an array as a parameter to create a String.
Example: char[] letters = {J, a, v, a};
String word = new String(letters);//Java
17. String Methods
substring(int begin):
Returns substring from begin index to end of the String.
Example: String s=nacre;
To perform content comparision where case is important.
Example: String s=java;
concat(): Adding two strings we use this method
Example: String s=nacre;
s= s.concat(software);
System.out.println(s);// nacresoftware
18. length() , charAt()
int length();
char charAt(i);
Returns the number of characters in the
Returns the char at position i.
Character positions in strings are numbered starting from
0 just like arrays.
Problem".length(); 7
Window. charAt (2); n'
19. New features of String
In 1.5 Version:
Wrapper classes are introduced.
String s = Integer.toString(10);
In 1.7 Version:
Java 7 extended the capability of switch case to use Strings also,
earlier java versions doesnt support this.
If you are implementing conditional flow for Strings, you can use
if-else conditions and you can use switch case if you are using
Java 7 or higher versions.
21. Limitation of String in Java ?
What is mutable string?
A string that can be modified or changed is known as mutable
string. StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes are used for creating
mutable string.
Differences between String and StringBuffer in
Main difference between String and StringBuffer is String is
immutable while StringBuffer is mutable
23. StringBuffer
StringBuffer is a synchronized and allows us to mutate the
StringBuffer has many utility methods to manipulate the string.
This is more useful when using in a multithreaded
Always modified in same memory location.
24. StringBuffer Constructor:
1. public StringBuffer()
2. public StringBuffer(int capacity)
3. public StringBuffer(String s)
4. public StringBuffer(CharSequence cs)
25. Method Use In StringBuffer
1. Append
2. Insert
5.Replacing Character at given index
26. StringBuilder
StringBuilder is the same as the StringBuffer class
The StringBuilder class is not synchronized and hence in a
single threaded environment, the overhead is less than using a
27. StringTokenizer
A token is a portion of a string that is separated from another
portion of that string by one or more chosen characters (called
The StringTokenizer class contained in the java.util package
can be used to break a string into separate tokens. This is
particularly useful in those situations in which we want to read
and process one token at a time; the BufferedReader class does
not have a method to read one token at a time