Recursion is a technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems. It involves defining a problem in terms of simpler instances of the same problem. Some key examples of using recursion to solve problems include computing factorials, calculating sums, generating Fibonacci numbers, and traversing directory structures. Recursion uses repetition with abstraction - defining functions that call themselves on smaller inputs until they arrive at a base case.
Recursion is a technique for solving complex problems by breaking them down into smaller subproblems. It involves defining a problem in terms of simpler instances of the same problem. Some key examples of using recursion to solve problems include computing factorials, calculating sums, generating Fibonacci numbers, and traversing directory structures. Recursion uses repetition with abstraction - defining functions that call themselves on smaller inputs until they arrive at a base case.
This document provides an overview of Arduino, an open-source hardware platform used for building interactive objects and prototypes. It describes Arduino as a single-board microcontroller intended to make electronics projects more accessible. Key topics covered include the Arduino programming environment, common Arduino boards and their features, examples of simple Arduino projects like blinking an LED and building a line-following robot, and comparisons to other prototyping platforms. The document encourages readers to get started with Arduino for its low cost, easy programming environment, and large community support.
Structure in programming in c or c++ or c# or javaSamsil Arefin
This document discusses structures in C++. It defines a structure as a collection of related data items that can be of different types. Structures allow grouping of data together, like elements in a student record. Individual structure members can be accessed using the dot operator. Arrays of structures and structures containing arrays are also discussed. Examples are provided to demonstrate defining, declaring, initializing, and assigning values to structures and nested structures.
There are three main editions of Java: Java SE (Standard Edition), Java EE (Enterprise Edition), and Java ME (Micro Edition). Java SE is for general use and desktop applications. Java EE adds enterprise features like EJBs, JSP, and web services for developing enterprise applications. Java ME is for small devices like phones. The document then discusses Java concepts like classes, objects, fields, methods, constructors, and data types. It provides examples of how to define and use classes, objects, and methods in Java.
This document defines an AcademicPerformance class that creates a GUI application for forecasting students' academic performance. It imports various Java libraries for GUI components and event handling. The class initializes labels, combo boxes, buttons, and text areas to display student grades and forecast results. It defines handlers for button click events to clear inputs, forecast results, and display additional information. The main method sets up the frame, content panel, menu bar, and adds all components before making the frame visible.
This presentation guide you how to make a custom Splash Screen step by step using Java Programming. In addition, you will learn the concept and usage of Java Timer, Java Progress Bar and Window ...
This document provides an introduction to Python programming for an artificial intelligence lab course. It covers downloading and installing Python and the Anaconda distribution, using Spyder as an IDE, variables and data types in Python, and basic concepts like indentation, variable naming conventions, and Python keywords. The goal is to prepare students to use Python for labs related to artificial intelligence topics.
The document provides an overview of J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), which is a version of Java designed for small, resource-constrained devices. It discusses what J2ME is, the motivations for its creation, its core concepts including configurations, profiles, and optional packages, and how to get started developing applications using J2ME. The document serves as an introduction to the J2ME platform for developing applications on devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, and other small computing devices.
Create Splash Screen with Java Step by StepOXUS 20
This presentation guide you how to make a custom Splash Screen step by step using Java Programming. In addition, you will learn the concept and usage of Java Timer, Java Progress Bar and Window ...
To review computer basics, programs, and operating systems
To explore the relationship between Java and the World Wide Web
To distinguish the terms API, IDE, and JDK
To write a simple Java program
To display output on the console
To explain the basic syntax of a Java program
To create, compile, and run Java programs
(GUI) To display output using the JOptionPane output dialog boxes
This document discusses looping structures in algorithms and programming. It defines looping as repeating statements to fulfill a looping condition. The main types of looping structures are for, while, and repeat loops. Examples are given in pseudocode and Pascal to illustrate for loops that count ascending and descending, while loops, and repeat loops. Exercises are provided to practice different types of loops.
An overall perspective of the IoT for Indian Agriculture and to leverage the solutions for building the eco-system for Indian Agriculture. Currently being worked through NASSCOM, Bangalore
Presentation for a group of employees of Centric, a large software consultancy company. It provides an illustration of how IoT is currently being developed in farming, agri-logistics and food consumption. It also addresses the technical and organizational challenges that have to be overcome to make IoT application in agri-food a success. Open platforms and software development and above all appropriate business models are key issues that have to be addressed. The new EU-project "Internet of Food and Farm 2020" will address these issues by fostering a collaborative IoT ecosystem to upscale the use of IoT in agri-food.
IOT based smart security and monitoring devices for agriculture sneha daise paulson
Agriculture sector being the backbone of the Indian economy deserves security. Security not in terms of resources only but also agricultural products needs security and protection at very initial stage, like protection from attacks of rodents or insects, in fields or grain stores. Such challenges should also be taken into consideration. Security systems which are being used now a days are not smart enough to provide real time notification after sensing the problem. The integration of traditional methodology with latest technology as Internet of Things can lead to agricultural modernization. Keeping this scenario in mind an Internet of Things based device have been designed, tested and analyzed which is capable of analyzing the sensed information and then transmitting it to the user. This device can be controlled and monitored from remote location and it can be implemented in agricultural fields, grain stores and cold stores for security purpose. This paper is oriented to accentuate the methods to solve such problems like identification of rodents, threats to crops and delivering real time notification based on information analysis and processing without human intervention. In this device, mentioned sensors and electronic devices are integrated using Python scripts. Based on attempted test cases, we were able to achieve success in 84.8% test cases.
The KG2 Database contains 135,000 farm records from over 25 years of experience in agribusiness in Australia. It maintains purchase decisions, operating details, and opinions of farmers. KG2 works with organizations involved in crop production and provides data solutions for extensive animal production such as beef and sheep as well as intensive industries like dairy, pigs, and poultry. KG2 also has databases of agricultural service providers that support farmers.
Connected Agricultural services and internet of things..Atul Khiste
This document discusses connected agriculture and the Internet of Things. It begins with an overview of global challenges in food production such as the need to increase food output 50% by 2025 to feed a growing population. It then discusses opportunities for connected solutions in agriculture to address issues like increasing productivity while using fewer resources. The document proposes a connected agriculture solution that would provide farmers technology and expert advice to better manage irrigation, seeds, pesticides, and make decisions. It outlines a functional architecture and implementation challenges for the solution.
Greedy algorithms make locally optimal choices at each step in the hopes of finding a global optimum. They have two key properties: the greedy choice property, where choices are not reconsidered, and optimal substructure, where optimal solutions contain optimal solutions to subproblems. The activity selection problem of scheduling non-conflicting activities is used as an example. It can be solved greedily by always selecting the activity with the earliest finish time. While greedy algorithms are simple, they do not always find the true optimal solution.
3. function brute_force ( text [], pattern []) { // n text 蠍語 // m 谿場朱る 伎 蠍語 for ( i = 0; i < n ; i ++) { for ( j = 0; j < m && i + j < n ; j ++) { if ( text [ i + j ] != pattern [ j ]) break; } // るジ 蠍螳 朱 襭襯 觜碁 if ( j == m ) // 殊 蟆郁骸襯 谿場 } }
4. text[] O(nm) pattern [] A B A B C A A B C C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
7. Case : 伎 蠍語願 3 蟆曙 伎螳 H 0 = H s[0]..s[2] = s[0] * B 2 + s[1] * B + s[2] H 1 = H s[1]..s[3] = s[1] * B 2 + s[2] * B + s[3] H 2 = H s[2]..s[4] = s[2] * B 2 + s[3] * B + s[4] H 3 = H s[3]..s[5] = s[3] * B 2 + s[4] * B + s[5] 鐚 鐚 S: 覓語 H: 伎螳 m: 伎 蠍語 B: B >= 覓語伎 覓語
8. 豐蠍郁 H 0 = H s[0]s[m-1] = = s[0]*B m-1 + s[1]*B m-2 + + s[m-2]*B + s[m-1] 蟯螻 H n = H s[n]..s[n+m-1] =(H n-1 - s[n-1]*B m-1 ) * B + s[n+m-1] S: 覓語 H: 伎螳 m: 伎 蠍語 B: B >= 覓語伎 覓語
9. // a 螳 蟆曙一 襾語襯 蟲蠍 int_mod ( int a , int b ) { return ( a % b + b ) % b ; } function Rabin_Karp ( text [], pattern []) { // n: 覓語 蠍語 m: 蠍語 B: 讌覯 // M: 企 ( る襦覦讌 ) if ( n < m ) return ; // 伎 蠍語願 蠍碁 轟壱 覿殊 // 伎 伎螳 蟲 , hp = 0; for ( i = 0; i < m ; i ++) hp = int_mod ( hp * B + pattern [ i ], M ); // 覓語伎 蠍語 m 襷殊 伎螳 蟲 , ht = 0; for ( i = 0; i < m ; i ++) ht = int_mod ( ht * B + text [ i ], M ); れ 伎襦 伎伎
10. if ( ht == hp ) // ろ語 願骸 殊讌 // 覓語伎 磯手覃伎 伎螳 蟲螻 觜蟲襯 覦覲 // E = ( B m-1 )%M for ( i = m ; i < n ; i ++) { ht = int_mod ( ht - int_mod ( text [ i - m ] * E , M ), M ); ht = int_mod ( ht * B , M ); ht = int_mod ( ht + text [ i ], M ); if ( ht == hp ) // 伎螳 殊覃 狩 覓語 } } 伎 伎 伎伎
16. // F[] failure function 朱 覿襴覃 螳 豺襯 ロ function build_failure_function ( pattern []) { // m: 伎 蠍語 F[0] = F[1] = 0; // 焔渚 for ( i = 2; i <= m ; i ++) { j = F[ i - 1]; // j:i-1 螳 蠍 る覿 覓語 蠍語 for ( ; ; ) { if ( pattern [ j ] == pattern [ i -1]) {F[ i ] = j + 1; break ;} // pattern[j] 覿覿 覓語 れ 襦 覓語 // pattern[i-1] 結覿 覓語 れ 襦 覓語 if ( j == 0) { F[ i ] = 0; break ; } // 覓語螳 るゴ覃伎 j=0 企 螻 讌 0 j = F[ j ]; // るゴ讌襷 j!=0, れ朱 蠍 る語 蟆 } }
17. function Knuth_Morris_Pratt ( text [], pattern []) { // n: ろ語 蠍語 m: 伎 蠍語 // F[] the "failure function build_failure_function( pattern []); i = 0; // 殊 覓語 j = 0; // ろ語 豌 覓語 for ( ; ; ) { if ( j == n ) break ; // ろ語 覃 襭 譬襭 if ( text [ j ] == pattern [ i ]) { i ++; // 殊 覓語 讀螳 j ++; // れ 覓語 觜蟲 if ( i == m ) // ろ語 願骸 殊 覓語 覦蟆 !!! } // 覓語螳 るゼ 蟆曙 , i 螳 0 朱 れ 襦 企 else if ( i > 0) i = F[ i ]; // 覓語螳 るゼ蟆曙 , i 螳 0 企朱 ろ語 れ 覓語襦 企 else j ++; } }
18. text[] ...... ...... Worst Case : O( nm ) Best Case : O(m+n) A B C A B C D A B A B C D A B C D A B D E A B C D A B D A B C D A B D A B C D A B D A B C D A B D A B C D A B D