3. The higher the risk the lower the
The lower the risk the higher the
Risk refers to the relative risk that
a buyer feels if he were to invest in
your company.
6. Risk is derived from two indexes:
The relative attractiveness of your business
to an end user.
The readiness level of your systems and
documentation to be opened to scrutiny by
a potential buyer.
7. Prepare a plan at least 12 24 months before
Develop a checklist of the things you will you
need to do to make your business more
Implement the correct documentation and
systems that you will need to have in place
8. Example two businesses have a
turnover of $1 million dollars and a Net
profit of $150,000
Are they both going to be valued at the
same amount?
9. RELIANCE: One business appears to rely on the Directors and
Owners and the other appears to rely on staff members.
NEWSTART: One may be a new start company and the other may be
an established company with a 5 year trading history.
R&D: One of the companies may have spent a considerable amount
on Research and Development that will lift their profits in the future.
SALES CONTRACTS: One may have developed long term contracts
that will ensure the profit for the next 24 months whereas the other
will have to rely on winning contracts or work on a weekly basis.
CUSTOMER LOYALTY: One may have an easily identifiable
customer database that is very loyal and the other may have a high
turnover database.
10. GROWTH MARKET: One of the companies may have developed a
product that is positioned in a growth market and the other may not.
GEOGRAPHY: One may be in a better geographical segment.
BRAND: One may have a brand that is more recognisable.
PATENT: One of the companies may have developed a worldwide
patent that locks the brand into immediate worldwide distribution.
DOMINANT NICHE: One of the companies may be a dominant
player in a niche whereas the other is a smaller player with a less of a
competitive advantage in a wider marketplace.
STRATEGIC FIT: One business may be a strategic fit to the other
business and therefore the acquiring business may be able to
generate more profit in the future as a result of this strategic fit.
12. Tax returns
Photocopies of all contracts
Full company history including shareholder details
Full disclosure of all liabilities
Breakdown of assets
Understanding of valuation
PLUS 67 different items need to be covered by all owners
wishing to sell.
13. Prepare an Attractiveness Index report.
Provide you with a Business Worth methodology
Provide you with hard copy templates (book)
Provide you with electronic forms, questionnaires
and calculators.
Work with you on a monthly basis to prepare your
business for sale.
14. Copyright MAUS Business Systems
trading under Corprat Pty Ltd All
rights reserved worldwide
Attractiveness Readiness
Lower Risk
Higher Value
15. Strive to Thrive is a MAUS Certified Partner
that specialises in Business Coaching for
small manufacturers.
The MAUS Exit strategy will help you create
an attractive and valuable business when you
are looking to sell or exit.
Contact Strive to Thrive today at: