This document provides an image asset checklist for creating a contest on Strutta, an app creation platform. It lists 12 types of images needed including specifications for images used in the Facebook tab, contest site banner, introduction, prizes, judges, and sponsors. Background images are suggested to fill the 720 pixel width of the contest site on different devices. Custom app and Facebook share images are also mentioned. The checklist aims to guide users in selecting and uploading the proper images for their contest promotion.
2. Specs:!
Facebook Canvas App is 720 pixels wide which 鍖lls Facebook's Canvas Page frame (Facebook ads line the right column).!
Users must click through a promotional image on your Facebook Page to access the app.
Set a custom app URL (PRO package feature)!
Optimized for viewing and interaction on mobile devices!
User 鍖ow:!
From your Facebook Page, users must click through a tab graphic to access the contest. You can bypass the promotional graphic by sending
users directly to the promotion site through Facebook ads or other online posts and advertisements using the direct URL.!
1. User arrives on Facebook Page and clicks on the contest icon from the list of apps.!
2. In contests which are fan-gated, non-fans see a 'Like us to proceed' image.!
3. Once they Like your Page, if they are an existing fan, or if you have chosen not to fan-gate, then they are presented with the tab image.!
4. After clicking on this tab image the user will then land on the promotion site!
Facebook Canvas App
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3. Launch a free-standing branded promotion site. This option is perfect if youre looking to design a unique user experience outside of
Facebook, set a custom URL (PRO Package feature) and allow users to access your promotion on a mobile device. !
User 鍖ow:!
Users visit the contest through the direct URL, through a tab on your Facebook Page (by clicking the contest icon from the list of apps),
through Facebook ads or other online posts and advertisements.!
Standalone Microsite is 720 pixels wide with unlimited background width (depending on your device screen size).!
Facebook and other social integrations available!
Set a custom URL (PRO package feature)!
Optimized for viewing and interaction on mobile devices!
Standalone Microsite
Direct URL
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4. Launch an HTML iframe that can be embedded directly within a
page of your website. This option is ideal if youre looking to
drive traf鍖c to your website, keep full website navigation, and
maintain ad space.!
User Flow:!
Users visit the contest through the direct URL, through a
promotional graphic on your Facebook Page (by clicking the
contest icon from the list of apps), through Facebook ads or
other online posts and advertisements.!
Website Embed is 720 pixels wide. The size can be
changed within the iframe embed code.!
Facebook and other social integrations available!
Utilize your own website URL!
Accessible* on mobile devices (provided your site is
Note: Iframe sites are not responsive on mobile.
Website Embed (iframe)
5. Views & Apps Image | 111x 74 pixels!
Include a call to action in the photo or tab name.!
Users will click on this tab image on your Facebook
page to access the promotion.!
Note: You may not want your promotion site on your
Facebook page. If not, your users can access the
promotion site through the direct URL (Microsite &
Iframe only). !
Fan - Gate Image | 810 x 1200 pixels (optional)!
image for non-fans (optional)!
If you choose to Fan-Gate your promotion, those who
do not already like your page already will land on this
image. !
This image should communicate that the user must
like the Facebook page to access the promotion.!
Add this image in the Integration > Facebook >
Facebook Tab > Fan-Gate section of your Stuttta
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6. * Tab Image | 810 x 1200 pixels!
image for fans (required)!
The Tab image is the initial image users will see when
they access the promotion. Users who already like your
page will land on this image and bypass the Fan-Gate
This image should include a call to action for those who
already like your page. Clicking this image will take the
user to the promotion site.!
Add this image in the Integration > Facebook >
Facebook Tab section of your Strutta builder.!
Note: !
If you Fan-Gate your promotion, non-fans will click
through two images to reach the promotion.!
1. Fan-Gate image!
2. Tab image!
If you do not Fan-Gate your promotion, users will click
through one image.!
1. Tab image!
Banner Image | 720 x 100 pixels!
This image will remain visible throughout all
pages of your promotion site so consider
including the title of your promotion.!
Add this image in the General > Look & Feel
> Customize Assets > Banner Image section
of your Strutta builder.
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7. Intro Image or Video | 720 x 405 pixels or
16:9 aspect ratio for videos !
The intro image or video should include key
details of the promotion.!
Add this image in the General > Look & Feel >
Customize assets > Intro Image section of your
Strutta builder.!
Note: All images are converted to JPEG
including transparent PNGs.
Prize Image | 100 pixels x any height!
| Image Asset Checklist| Contact us | @strutta | Strutta on Facebook | 7
8. Prize Image | 100 pixels x any height!
Adding a prize will populate a new tab on
your site Prizes. This is optional.!
This image will also display as a thumbnail
on the main Details page.!
Add this image in the Content > Prizes
section of your Strutta builder.!
Judge Image | 100 pixels x any height!
Adding a judge will populate a new tab on
your site Judges. This is optional.!
Add this image in the Content > Judges
section of your Strutta builder.
Sponsor Image or Logo | 100 pixels x any
Adding a sponsor will populate a new tab on
your site Sponsors. This is optional.!
Add this image in the Content > Sponsors
section of your Strutta builder.
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9. Background Image | Any size!
Canvas App, Microsite and iframe: !
The width of the contest site is 720 pixels wide. The size of the background image will change depending on what device
the user is on or if their browser is fully enlarged or not. If a user is viewing the site on a smaller screen, the contest site will
scale down and 鍖t the screen, however, the background image may be cut off on a smaller screen.!
If you do not want to add a background image, choose a background color in your builder to 鍖ll the white space.!
Add this image in the General > Look & Feel > Customize Assets > Background Image section of your Strutta builder.!
Width of contest site | 720 pixels
Fluid background width
Example: Browser full screen enabled Example: Browser size scaled down
| Image Asset Checklist| Contact us | @strutta | Strutta on Facebook | 9
10. Custom App Image | 74 x 74 pixels!
Before a user can vote or enter in a Facebook
promotion, they need to authorize the app!!
You only need this image if you are creating a
Custom App. Ask your project or account
manager if this is necessary for you.!
The permissions asked in the Facebook pop-
up box will depend on the settings
implemented in your promotion. Learn more
about why Facebook asks for permissions
Facebook Share Image | Any size!
The share Facebook link on the main Details
page of the promotion site opens a pop-up
window with default share tools. !
Note: The thumbnail image in the pop-up is
pulled from the main Intro image of your
promotion and scaled to 鍖t. If you are using a
video instead of an image, send us an image
and we will upload it for you!
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