P&P is a human resources consulting firm established in 1997 in Romania with offices throughout Central and Eastern Europe as well as Austria. As part of the Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger International group, P&P provides executive search, management consulting, and training services. With over 240 consultants in over 90 offices globally through its partnership in InterSearch, P&P offers a full range of international HR solutions tailored to clients' local market needs.
The document discusses how events serve as offline social networks where people can meet new people, learn new content, and build communities around shared interests or causes. Attending events allows networking and discovering opportunities through other people. Successful entrepreneurs become experts in their industries and facilitate the talents of others through their networks and by hosting localized events that create positive externalities. The right networks are important for marshaling resources and enlisting support.
P&P is a human resources consulting firm established in 1997 in Romania with offices throughout Central and Eastern Europe as well as Austria. As part of the Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger International group, P&P provides executive search, management consulting, and training services. With over 240 consultants in over 90 offices globally through its partnership in InterSearch, P&P offers a full range of international HR solutions tailored to clients' local market needs.
The document discusses how events serve as offline social networks where people can meet new people, learn new content, and build communities around shared interests or causes. Attending events allows networking and discovering opportunities through other people. Successful entrepreneurs become experts in their industries and facilitate the talents of others through their networks and by hosting localized events that create positive externalities. The right networks are important for marshaling resources and enlisting support.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la hidrosfera, incluyendo los oc辿anos, mares, r鱈os, lagos y otros cuerpos de agua. Explica que el agua cubre el 71% de la superficie terrestre y describe las propiedades qu鱈micas y f鱈sicas del agua, as鱈 como los movimientos de los oc辿anos como las olas, mareas y corrientes. Tambi辿n resume los diferentes tipos de agua dulce como r鱈os, lagos y aguas subterr叩neas.
The document discusses the future of social ticketing. It notes that friends telling other friends about events is important for social ticketing. Global dollars per share for ticketing are provided for various event categories. Why people share events with others is examined, such as building relationships, helping themselves, and crafting identity. The future of ticketing is seen to include leveraging social networks, group buying, rewards for sharing, and increased engagement. By 2020, social ticketing is predicted to move beyond just social networks.
This document provides information about Italy in a student-created slideshow. It discusses Italy's main dishes of pork, beef, seafood, potatoes, and pasta. It also notes that over 60 million people live in Italy, Rome is the capital city, and the primary religion is Roman Catholic. The slideshow concludes by thanking the viewer and explaining the meaning behind the colors of the Italian flag.
Fun Quest propose une large gamme de formules fun de Team Building et d'Incentives pour entreprise. L'occasion de resserrer les liens, apprendre mieux se conna樽tre et surtout s'amuser ensemble. D辿j des formules partir de 8 personnes ! Voir www.funquest.be
This document discusses developing case studies on 10 households associated with JEEViKA, a program that provides livelihood opportunities and empowers rural poor households in Bihar. The objectives are to study social and economic changes, analyze loan and repayment trends, and understand women's roles. Primary data will be collected through SHG meetings, interviews, and discussions. Success stories will be written to highlight positive impacts such as increased income, independence from money lenders, and self-sufficiency. Recommendations include making meetings and record keeping more regular and exploring additional non-farm livelihood sources.
The University of Business Doctoral Programs (UBDP) is an exclusive business research university that aims to mold accomplished professionals to their fullest potential. UBDP offers doctoral programs and focuses on conducting research to help professionals develop their skills and expertise. The document provides information on the doctoral programs at the University of Business and their goal of cultivating professionals' talents.
This document discusses decentralizing control for product development. It argues that decentralizing into autonomous teams allows for faster decision making, reduced costs, and faster time to market. However, it also notes disadvantages like lack of organization-wide understanding. A hybrid approach is proposed that allows for both decentralized autonomous teams and some central coordination to mitigate disadvantages while gaining advantages. This includes cross-team meetings and executives providing direct support to decentralized teams.
Lisa M. Newman is the founder and CEO of Marigold Consulting, which offers training to help individuals and professionals bloom personally and professionally. Marigold partners with clients to foster a productive learning environment where ideas are generated and solutions discovered. To learn more about Marigold's services or to schedule a session, visit their website.
National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)Sha Amor-Albona
This document summarizes the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) framework in the Philippines. The NCBTS:
- Defines effective teaching across seven domains and provides standards for teacher competencies.
- Provides a framework for teacher development, assessment, and continuous professional growth.
- Can be used by teachers for self-assessment and developing individualized professional development plans.
The document outlines the NCBTS framework and describes how teachers can use the Teacher Strengths and Needs Assessment and Individual Plan for Professional Development forms to evaluate their competencies, set goals, and monitor their progress.