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Student Group Orientation

   The Office of Student Life
Forms and when to use them
 Student Group

  Registration Application
 Activity Registration
 Authorization Form for
 Emergency Contact
Organization Registration Application
 Student Group

 This form must be filled
  out every year BEFORE
  the group can do
 If there is any change in
  officers, this needs to
  be re-filled out.
Name of Organization

   Must have 5 students
 listed, even if you dont
have that position in your

 All of these students
MUST have classes, and
  at least a 2.0 GPA.
Advisor Contact

   Advisors Signature

Presidents Signature
Activity Registration Form
 Student Group

 Use this form EVERY
  TIME you have any
  event, including:
       Community Service
    Name             Name of
     Date            Event

   type of


 Advisor Signature
Member in Charge
Authorization Form for Travel
 Student Group

 Use this form when you
  travel anywhere:
     Including travel within
      the city of Houston

Date    Check North
Purpose        Destination
 of Trip       and Hotel
   When        Information
  do you

Every student going
    on the trip must
 print, sign, and put
            their G#.
Emergency Contact Form
 Student Group

 When traveling, every
  person going, including
  advisors, need to fill out
  and turn in an
  emergency contact
 Your travel form wont
  be approved until we
  receive all of the
  emergency contact




Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to fill out an Activity
Registration Form EVERY time I have a
           meeting? Why?
 Student Group

 Yes. You must fill out an Activity Registration form
  EVERY TIME you do something as a group. It doesnt
  matter if it is on or off campus. We need to know what
  you are doing.
 The Office of Student Life is here to monitor your group
  and make sure that you are following any rules or laws
  needed to keep your group active and having fun. Any
  group found having unapproved activities or meetings
  may be shut down.
Why do I need to turn in my Activity
Registration form so early? Cant I just
    give it to you the day before?
Student Group

 We need the Activity Registration form at least
  10 days before your activity because we are
  not the only department to approve them.
Activity Registration Form Process
 Student Group

Step 1            Student Life

Step 2            Room Reservation

Step 3            Room Setup
I want to hang up flyers. What is
           the process?
Student Group

1. Make sure you have received an email saying
   your event is approved.
2. Email or bring by a copy of the flyer to
   Student Life to be approved for content.
3. Take all copies to Deborah Longtine in
   Slovacek S211 to get them stamped.
4. Hang on approved bulletin boards.
Dos and Do Nots of Hanging Flyers
 Student Group

 On any glass, including       On approved bulletin
  doors                          boards
 On a departmental bulletin    In the cafeteria/Student
  board without permission       Center lobby area
I want to get some group money from
 the college. How do I go about doing
Student Group

 You would do a budget request through
  Student Life.
 Normally that process is done around March
  for the next fiscal/school year.
How would we get a group bank
Student Group

 In order to get a group bank account, your
  group would need to apply to get an EIN
  (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS
 We recommend Woodforest bank. They know
  how to set up a student group account. Just
  tell them you are a SJCN student group.
Getting an EIN
Student Group

 EIN applications MUST be filled out in the
  advisors name.
 Application here:
    The application is available during the following
         Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m.
         Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
         Sunday 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Getting an EIN
Student Group

Getting an EIN
Student Group

A Note about Bank Statements
 Student Group

 Bank statements MUST
  come to Student Life;
  NOT to the groups
  themselves or the
 We will receive the
  bank statements and
  then send the advisor a
We want to do a fundraiser? What
      are the guidelines.
Student Group

                 An approved student group
                  can fundraise one day a
                 Fill out an Activity
                  Registration form BEFORE
                  you buy anything for your
                 BE CREATIVE!!!
Fundraiser Ideas
    Student Group

    Bake Sales/Food Sales       Tournaments (e.g.
    Have a party/dance           chess, golf, tennis, etc.)
    Garage Sale (off-campus)    Face Painting
    Hold a Carnival             Hair Show
    Host a fashion show         Haunted House/Room
    Costume Contests            Silent Auction
    Car Wash                    Talent Show
    Food Eating Contest         Wheel of Fortune
                                 Student Involvement Days
What are Student Involvement
Student Group

 Our student Involvement
  Days (Gator Days) take
place once a semester. The
 purpose is to encourage
 students to join student
 organizations on campus
by student groups hosting
       a booths with
 games, prizes, and food.
Wed like to sell items from a
      catalog. Can we do this?
Student Group

 Yes. Just make sure the company holds a State
  of Texas sales tax permit.
Someone donated a TV to our group.
We want to have a drawing for a change
 to win; one chance for $1. Is this ok?
Student Group

 Since the TV is considered a donation, this is
 REMEMBER: Be prepared to give someone an
  opportunity to win the TV even if they do not
  give you the suggested donation. Failure to
  do so will make your drawing illegal.
My group is traveling. Does our
   advisor have to come too?
Student Group

 That depends. A student organization advisor
  is required to travel with students under the
  following circumstances:
    Organization competitions
    National, State, or Regional meetings/conferences
    Overnight trips
    When students miss class
 If you are unsure, come ask us!
What is the Alcohol Policy and
    how does it affect my group?
 Student Group

 There can be no alcohol or drugs. It doesnt
  matter if a student is over 21 years old. It is
  against college policy and subject to
  disciplinary action.
I have more questions. How do I
       contact Student Life?
Student Group

 Come by: Slovacek Student Center S101
 Call us: 281-459-7167
 Or email us:
    Lamar McWaine (lamar.mcwaine@sjcd.edu)
    Amanda Herrick (amanda.herrick@sjcd.edu)
Student Group

More Related Content

Student Group Orientation

  • 1. Student Group Orientation The Office of Student Life
  • 2. Forms and when to use them Student Group Orientation Organization Registration Application Activity Registration Form Authorization Form for Travel Emergency Contact Form
  • 3. Organization Registration Application Student Group Orientation This form must be filled out every year BEFORE the group can do anything. If there is any change in officers, this needs to be re-filled out.
  • 4. Name of Organization Must have 5 students listed, even if you dont have that position in your group. All of these students MUST have classes, and at least a 2.0 GPA.
  • 5. Advisor Contact Information Advisors Signature Presidents Signature
  • 6. Activity Registration Form Student Group Orientation Use this form EVERY TIME you have any event, including: Fundraisers Meetings Ceremonies Community Service Recruitment Etc.
  • 7. Club Name Name of Date Event Check type of event Description Equipment Location Advisor Signature Member in Charge
  • 8. Authorization Form for Travel Student Group Orientation Use this form when you travel anywhere: Including travel within the city of Houston SAN JAC CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT APPLIES DURING ALL COLLEGE APPROVED ORGANIZATION TRIPS.
  • 9. Date Check North Group Advisor Purpose Destination of Trip and Hotel When Information do you leave? Advisor Signature
  • 10. Every student going on the trip must print, sign, and put their G#.
  • 11. Emergency Contact Form Student Group Orientation When traveling, every person going, including advisors, need to fill out and turn in an emergency contact form. Your travel form wont be approved until we receive all of the emergency contact forms.
  • 12. Trip Information Student Information Emergency Contact Medical Information Student Signature
  • 14. Do I have to fill out an Activity Registration Form EVERY time I have a meeting? Why? Student Group Orientation Yes. You must fill out an Activity Registration form EVERY TIME you do something as a group. It doesnt matter if it is on or off campus. We need to know what you are doing. The Office of Student Life is here to monitor your group and make sure that you are following any rules or laws needed to keep your group active and having fun. Any group found having unapproved activities or meetings may be shut down.
  • 15. Why do I need to turn in my Activity Registration form so early? Cant I just give it to you the day before? Student Group Orientation We need the Activity Registration form at least 10 days before your activity because we are not the only department to approve them.
  • 16. Activity Registration Form Process Student Group Orientation Step 1 Student Life Step 2 Room Reservation Step 3 Room Setup
  • 17. I want to hang up flyers. What is the process? Student Group Orientation 1. Make sure you have received an email saying your event is approved. 2. Email or bring by a copy of the flyer to Student Life to be approved for content. 3. Take all copies to Deborah Longtine in Slovacek S211 to get them stamped. 4. Hang on approved bulletin boards.
  • 18. Dos and Do Nots of Hanging Flyers Student Group Orientation DO NOT HANG FLYERS: DO HANG FLYERS: On any glass, including On approved bulletin doors boards On a departmental bulletin In the cafeteria/Student board without permission Center lobby area
  • 19. I want to get some group money from the college. How do I go about doing that? Student Group Orientation You would do a budget request through Student Life. Normally that process is done around March for the next fiscal/school year.
  • 20. How would we get a group bank account? Student Group Orientation In order to get a group bank account, your group would need to apply to get an EIN (Employer Identification Number) from the IRS We recommend Woodforest bank. They know how to set up a student group account. Just tell them you are a SJCN student group.
  • 21. Getting an EIN Student Group Orientation EIN applications MUST be filled out in the advisors name. Application here: http://www.irs.gov/businesses/mall/article/0,,id=102767,00.html The application is available during the following hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • 22. Getting an EIN Student Group Orientation Click Here!
  • 23. Getting an EIN Student Group Orientation Click Here!
  • 24. A Note about Bank Statements Student Group Orientation Bank statements MUST come to Student Life; NOT to the groups themselves or the advisors. We will receive the bank statements and then send the advisor a copy.
  • 25. We want to do a fundraiser? What are the guidelines. Student Group Orientation An approved student group can fundraise one day a month. Fill out an Activity Registration form BEFORE you buy anything for your fundraiser. BE CREATIVE!!!
  • 26. Fundraiser Ideas Student Group Orientation Bake Sales/Food Sales Tournaments (e.g. Have a party/dance chess, golf, tennis, etc.) Garage Sale (off-campus) Face Painting Hold a Carnival Hair Show Host a fashion show Haunted House/Room Costume Contests Silent Auction Car Wash Talent Show Food Eating Contest Wheel of Fortune Student Involvement Days
  • 27. What are Student Involvement Days? Student Group Orientation Our student Involvement Days (Gator Days) take place once a semester. The purpose is to encourage students to join student organizations on campus by student groups hosting a booths with games, prizes, and food.
  • 28. Wed like to sell items from a catalog. Can we do this? Student Group Orientation Yes. Just make sure the company holds a State of Texas sales tax permit.
  • 29. Someone donated a TV to our group. We want to have a drawing for a change to win; one chance for $1. Is this ok? Student Group Orientation Since the TV is considered a donation, this is fine. REMEMBER: Be prepared to give someone an opportunity to win the TV even if they do not give you the suggested donation. Failure to do so will make your drawing illegal.
  • 30. My group is traveling. Does our advisor have to come too? Student Group Orientation That depends. A student organization advisor is required to travel with students under the following circumstances: Organization competitions National, State, or Regional meetings/conferences Overnight trips When students miss class If you are unsure, come ask us!
  • 31. What is the Alcohol Policy and how does it affect my group? Student Group Orientation There can be no alcohol or drugs. It doesnt matter if a student is over 21 years old. It is against college policy and subject to disciplinary action.
  • 32. I have more questions. How do I contact Student Life? Student Group Orientation Come by: Slovacek Student Center S101 Call us: 281-459-7167 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SJCNorthStudentLife Or email us: Lamar McWaine (lamar.mcwaine@sjcd.edu) Amanda Herrick (amanda.herrick@sjcd.edu)

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Hello,For those of you who dont know me, my name is Amanda Herrick and I am the Administrative Assistant for the Office of Student Life. I asked you to this meeting because there is a lot of confusion going on about what youre supposed to do as a student group. Forms, fundraisers and things like that. I wanted to hold this meeting so that I can go over exactly what the rules are and answer any questions that you might have about running a student group.
  • #3: The first thing we are going to go over is the forms that we use for student life and when to use them. There are basically 4 forms that you will use as a student group. The Organization registration application that you already filled out to become a student group, the activity registration form that you use when you want to have meetings or fundraisers, and the authorization form and the emergency contact form for when you travel as a group.
  • #4: First one, the organization registration form. You must fill this form out every year before your group can hold meetings or do fundraisers or basically do anything. Also if there is a change in the officers, this must be filled out again.
  • #5: Now we are going to go over how to fill this out. We wont spend too much time on this because you guys have done this already for this year, but we will hit the high points.
  • #7: The next form is the activity registration form. You will fill this one out every time you have any type of event. Meetings, fundraisers, everything except travel, which has its own form.
  • #9: This is the travel form. You will fill this out anytime you are going to travel, even if its here in Houston.
  • #12: When you travel, every person going on the trip needs to fill out an emergency contact form, including advisors. Your travel form wont be approved until we receive the emergency contact forms.
  • #14: Now we are going to go over some questions that I get asked all the time.
  • #17: Lamar-violate rules-space or event at same timeCharlotte-Room reservationDanette-unlock doors-move any tables and chairs
  • #18: First make sure your event has been approved.Then bring them by student life for us to approve the content.Then take them to Deborah Longtine in S211 to get them stamped.Then you hang them up on approved bulletin boards.
  • #26: Texas House Bill 596 allows student groups to sell items tax-free one day a month.
  • #29: Youre group collects tax on each item sold to send to the company then the company submits taxes to the state. The percentage of profits from sales that each group receives is considered a donation. Since it is a donation, sales are not limited by the number of days.