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Students CAN Write
Changing the Narrative of a Deficit Model
Kevin English: Wayne Memorial High School - Wayne, MI
Kirsten LeBlanc: St. Paul Catholic School - Grosse Pointe Farms, MI
Beth Shaum: St. Frances Cabrini Middle School - Allen Park, MI
Students cant write because
In the 1970s and 1980s:
...theyre spending too much time watching TV
In the 1990s and 2000s:
. theyre spending too much time online
In the 2000s and 2010s:
 theyre texting and tweeting too much
Students cant write. Says who?
The Media
Education Reformers
Teachers who dont write
The need for data is trumping our need to nurture writers and
Any one-shot assessment procedure cannot capture the
depth and breadth of information teachers have available to
them. Even when a widely used, commercial test is
administered, teachers must draw upon the full range of their
knowledge about content and individual students to make
sense of the limited information such a test provides.
-NCTEs Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing
Students need writing
This is Just to SayI have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
- William Carlos Williams
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
The Weave of Music
Each instrument makes a different color
percussions heavy rhythm are shades of red
strings plucked tune are shades of blue
winds fluent call are shades of yellow
voices are shades of purple
generated noises awkward frequencies are
shades of green
Some prefer more of a color
Some prefer a heavy red count
Some like some purple
and maybe the occasional shade of green
-Griffin A, 8th grader
When you ask them to look for mentors, students can do great things
Change our mindset
We can obsess over what our students are doing
wrong, which is an exercise in futility because
developing writers will ALWAYS make mistakes
 or we can focus on what our students do well
as an entrypoint for helping them improve.
Look for more than what you asked for or you might miss
moments of brilliance
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
...good sixth grade writing may
have more errors per word than
good third grade writing. In a
Piagetian sense, children do not
master things for once and for all.
A child who may appear to have
mastered sentence sense in the
fourth grade may suddenly begin
making what adults call sentence
errors all over again as he
attempts to accommodate his
knowledge of sentences to more
complicated constructions. -
Roger McCaig (1977)
... it is not unusual
for people
acquiring a skill to
get worse before
they get better and
for writers to err
more as they
venture more. -
Mina Shaughnessy
Errors are a sign
your students are
"But their grammar is so bad!"
 What exactly do we mean by this?
 What rules are we holding sacred?
 Productive rules that help with clarity?
 or arbitrary, prescriptive, archaic "rules"
Do our students feel this way
about their own writing?
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
A run-on/fragment
in the first
Well thats all well and good,
but certainly this text messaging
business is ruining the English
language as we know it.
"[Adolescence] is characterized by its own
language, both as a traditional defense
against outsiders (i.e., adults) and as a
group identity sharing. The latter is
something in which most adolescents have
historically engaged although the shape of it
is varied in different generations."
- Handbook of Adolescent Literacy Research
So in the words of my 8th
Chillax, bruh.
Are we encouraging
But they have to know the rules before they can
break them.
How do our beliefs about writing influence the work
students complete?
How we spend our time matters. If we only show
students one genre of writing, i.e., the five-
paragraph essay, then thats all we can ever
expect. Theres more to writing!
Same writing, different students
Ive read the same thing
150 times.
Ive yet to read a five-paragraph essay that gave
me goosebumps.
Subversion its a Good Thing
How would you respond
to this student?
Do you give him a
high five?
Or a detention?
Dont be so quick
to dismiss the
student who
perpetually turns in
work late.
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
Ask yourself:
Whats more important - that the
assignment is turned in on time, or that
its done with passion and conviction?
Quantity Time
Are we giving
 enough time to
really commit to a
piece of writing?
 a long enough
leash to wrestle
with their own
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
Sacred Writing Time
There must be
time for the seed of
the idea to be
nurtured in the
mind. -Don Murray
Three Rules:
1. Write the entire
2. Ignore your
inner critic.
3. Have fun!
I just need
to write
Anyone? Anyone?
I write all these comments
and my students just
ignore them!
doing the same thing over
and over again and
expecting a different result.
Its not just what feedback you give, but how you give it
that matters
 Are their papers bleeding red?
 Give them no more than 2 conventional issues to
work on
 Dont forget to tell students what they did
 Ask them questions rather than giving
 Have you thought about...?
 I wonder what it would look like if...?
Have you thought about why students dont write?
Think about WHEN you give feedback, not just what
that feedback is
If students cant write, some of thats on you.
Caldecott Essay Criteria Point Value Points Earned
Mentions title, author, and illustrator of the book at the
beginning of the essay
Summary of the story 5
Description of the artwork 5
References the Caldecott criteria 5
Answers why you think it is the most distinguished
picture book of 2014
Effective reasoning and evidence as to why you think it
is the most distinguished
Written in multiple, indented paragraphs (preferably
Written in a formal yet conversational style
(i.e., it has voice and personality, yet still adheres to
the proper conventions of Standard English)
Total 50
Are we celebrating all kinds of authors and books in our
...or only a select and privileged few?
Repositioning Students
Students are writers in the room, too!
They know what they need!
I need to know what other words I could
use except he said and she said. I need
more descriptive words.
Im not sure how to end it, or even how to
lead to the end. Does it need dialogue?
And they know how to help!
Other people like my work,
but they said I needed
more details about Chuck
and if he got in trouble by
the store.
My peers wanted me to
explain more about Danny.
I only mentioned his name.
People seemed to like
how I played with
colors but they also
said I need to go
deeper into her goals
and hopes.
Write Beside Them
What we discover when
we write with our
students is that this
writing thing is HARD...
 and we begin to show
a little empathy toward
our students plight.
Write Beside Them
"For years I had expected
my students to go on
swimming without me
while I barked orders from
my chaise lounge." -
Penny Kittle
Mrs. Shaum,
remember when you
said at the beginning
of the year to call
you out if youre not
writing with us? Well,
did you do the article
of the week?
How do you write beside your students?
Writing is how we think our
way into a subject and make it
our own.
~ William Zinsser
Students Cant Write in Math...
 Writing has no place in the math
 Elementary students are too young to
express their thoughts in writing.
 Its too hard.
Are We Sure About That?!
If I can think about it, I can
talk about it. If I can talk
about it, I can write about it.
~ Lucy Calkins
In Order to Own the Concept...
Students need to be given time to:
about the concept at hand, in their own words.
Let Me Think About That
Thoughtful reflection is an integral part of the
math classroom.
Lets Talk Math!
A meaningful discussion leads to in-depth writing.
Write Now...A Window to their Thoughts
Wrap up discussion with written responses.
Allow students to apply, analyze, evaluate
and create!
Students Surprising Thoughts!
Are fact families always
inverse operations?
There are 4 children, 2 parents
and 2 grandparents at a
birthday party. What fraction
are children? ...
No, if you do 3 divided by zero the
answer is undefined because you cant
do 0 x 0 and get 3.
3 x 0 = 0 0 x 3 = 0
0 / 3 = 0 3 / 0 = undefined
Well, the parents are children of the
grandparents so that means there are 6
children (4 children and 2 grandparents.)
The fraction that are children is 6/8.
Writing SamplesDirect from a 3rd Grade Math Class
Students can write   nerdcampmi 2015, day 1
The Progression of Learning
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
~ Benjamin Franklin
I dont know. I dont get this.
Do you mean?
No, wait...I got this!
I Got This!
 Created a multistep
story problem.
 Identified strategies
needed to solve it.
 Broke it down into
 Solved with detailed
explanation of
thought process.
 Presented final
answer in a
There will always be an error, a
refusal, an inadequate paragraph. Student
writing will never be perfect. We live
among the mess. We can choose to
wallow in the doom. Or we can choose
joy. - Ruth Ayres
Contact us
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Kevin English - kevinmenglish@gmail.com (@KevinMEnglish)
Kirsten LeBlanc - keleblanc92@gmail.com (@thewolverinekel)
Beth Shaum - bethshaum@gmail.com (@BethShaum)
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Ayres, R., & Overman, C. (2013). Celebrating writers: from possibilities through publication. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse.
Christenbury, L., Bomer, R., & Smagorinsky, P. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of adolescent literacy research. New York: Guilford
Kittle, P. (2008). Write beside them: risk, voice, and clarity in high school writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
McCaig, R.A. (1977). What research and evaluation tell us about teaching written expression in the elementary school. In C.
Weaver and R. Douma (Eds.), The language arts teacher in action (pp. 46-56). Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University.
Distributed by the National Council of Teachers of English.
Shaughnessy, M.P. (1977). Errors and expectations: A guide for the teacher of basic writing. New York: Oxford University
Sheils, M. (1975, December 8). Why johnny can't write. Newsweek, p. 58.
Weaver, C. (1996). Teaching grammar in context. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
Bibliography - Math References
Chapin, S., OConnor, C. & Anderson, N. (2009). Classroom Discussions Using Math Talk to Help
Students Learn. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions.
Smith, M. & Stein, M. (2011). 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions.
Reston, VA: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Van de Walle, J. & Lovin, L. (2006). Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 3-5. Boston,
MA: Pearson Education Inc.
Trade Books Referenced
Gaiman, N., & Young, S. (2013). Fortunately, the milk. New York: Harper.
Levine, G. C. (2012). Forgive me, I meant to do it: false apology poems. New York: Harper.
Lloyd, N. (2014). A snicker of magic. New York: Scholastic.
Winter, J. (2011). The watcher: Jane Goodall's life with the chimps. New York: Schwartz & Wade

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Students can write nerdcampmi 2015, day 1

  • 1. Students CAN Write Changing the Narrative of a Deficit Model Kevin English: Wayne Memorial High School - Wayne, MI Kirsten LeBlanc: St. Paul Catholic School - Grosse Pointe Farms, MI Beth Shaum: St. Frances Cabrini Middle School - Allen Park, MI
  • 2. Students cant write because In the 1970s and 1980s: ...theyre spending too much time watching TV In the 1990s and 2000s: . theyre spending too much time online In the 2000s and 2010s: theyre texting and tweeting too much
  • 3. Students cant write. Says who? The Media Education Reformers Parents Teachers who dont write
  • 4. The need for data is trumping our need to nurture writers and readers Any one-shot assessment procedure cannot capture the depth and breadth of information teachers have available to them. Even when a widely used, commercial test is administered, teachers must draw upon the full range of their knowledge about content and individual students to make sense of the limited information such a test provides. -NCTEs Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing
  • 6. This is Just to SayI have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold - William Carlos Williams
  • 8. The Weave of Music (Excerpt) Each instrument makes a different color percussions heavy rhythm are shades of red strings plucked tune are shades of blue winds fluent call are shades of yellow voices are shades of purple generated noises awkward frequencies are shades of green Some prefer more of a color Some prefer a heavy red count Some like some purple and maybe the occasional shade of green -Griffin A, 8th grader
  • 9. When you ask them to look for mentors, students can do great things
  • 10. Change our mindset We can obsess over what our students are doing wrong, which is an exercise in futility because developing writers will ALWAYS make mistakes or we can focus on what our students do well as an entrypoint for helping them improve.
  • 11. Look for more than what you asked for or you might miss moments of brilliance
  • 15. ...good sixth grade writing may have more errors per word than good third grade writing. In a Piagetian sense, children do not master things for once and for all. A child who may appear to have mastered sentence sense in the fourth grade may suddenly begin making what adults call sentence errors all over again as he attempts to accommodate his knowledge of sentences to more complicated constructions. - Roger McCaig (1977) ... it is not unusual for people acquiring a skill to get worse before they get better and for writers to err more as they venture more. - Mina Shaughnessy (1977)
  • 16. Errors are a sign your students are learning!
  • 17. "But their grammar is so bad!" What exactly do we mean by this? What rules are we holding sacred? Productive rules that help with clarity? or arbitrary, prescriptive, archaic "rules" Do our students feel this way about their own writing?
  • 19. A run-on/fragment in the first paragraph!
  • 21. Well thats all well and good, but certainly this text messaging business is ruining the English language as we know it.
  • 22. "[Adolescence] is characterized by its own language, both as a traditional defense against outsiders (i.e., adults) and as a group identity sharing. The latter is something in which most adolescents have historically engaged although the shape of it is varied in different generations." - Handbook of Adolescent Literacy Research
  • 23. So in the words of my 8th graders: Chillax, bruh.
  • 25. But they have to know the rules before they can break them. How do our beliefs about writing influence the work students complete? How we spend our time matters. If we only show students one genre of writing, i.e., the five- paragraph essay, then thats all we can ever expect. Theres more to writing!
  • 26. Same writing, different students Ive read the same thing 150 times. Ive yet to read a five-paragraph essay that gave me goosebumps.
  • 27. Subversion its a Good Thing
  • 28. How would you respond to this student? Do you give him a high five? Or a detention?
  • 29. Dont be so quick to dismiss the student who perpetually turns in work late.
  • 31. Ask yourself: Whats more important - that the assignment is turned in on time, or that its done with passion and conviction?
  • 32. Quantity Time Are we giving students: enough time to really commit to a piece of writing? a long enough leash to wrestle with their own decision-making?
  • 34. Sacred Writing Time There must be time for the seed of the idea to be nurtured in the mind. -Don Murray Three Rules: 1. Write the entire time. 2. Ignore your inner critic. 3. Have fun!
  • 35. I just need to write today.
  • 36. Anyone? Anyone? I write all these comments and my students just ignore them!
  • 37. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
  • 38. Its not just what feedback you give, but how you give it that matters Are their papers bleeding red? Give them no more than 2 conventional issues to work on Dont forget to tell students what they did well Ask them questions rather than giving demands Have you thought about...? I wonder what it would look like if...?
  • 39. Have you thought about why students dont write?
  • 40. Think about WHEN you give feedback, not just what that feedback is
  • 41. If students cant write, some of thats on you.
  • 42. Caldecott Essay Criteria Point Value Points Earned Mentions title, author, and illustrator of the book at the beginning of the essay 5 Summary of the story 5 Description of the artwork 5 References the Caldecott criteria 5 Answers why you think it is the most distinguished picture book of 2014 5 Effective reasoning and evidence as to why you think it is the most distinguished 10 Written in multiple, indented paragraphs (preferably double-spaced) 5 Written in a formal yet conversational style (i.e., it has voice and personality, yet still adheres to the proper conventions of Standard English) 10 Total 50
  • 43. Are we celebrating all kinds of authors and books in our classrooms... ...or only a select and privileged few?
  • 44. Repositioning Students Students are writers in the room, too!
  • 45. They know what they need! I need to know what other words I could use except he said and she said. I need more descriptive words. Im not sure how to end it, or even how to lead to the end. Does it need dialogue?
  • 46. And they know how to help! Other people like my work, but they said I needed more details about Chuck and if he got in trouble by the store. My peers wanted me to explain more about Danny. I only mentioned his name. People seemed to like how I played with colors but they also said I need to go deeper into her goals and hopes.
  • 47. Write Beside Them So What we discover when we write with our students is that this writing thing is HARD... and we begin to show a little empathy toward our students plight.
  • 48. Write Beside Them "For years I had expected my students to go on swimming without me while I barked orders from my chaise lounge." - Penny Kittle
  • 49. Mrs. Shaum, remember when you said at the beginning of the year to call you out if youre not writing with us? Well, did you do the article of the week?
  • 50. How do you write beside your students?
  • 51. Writing is how we think our way into a subject and make it our own. ~ William Zinsser
  • 52. Students Cant Write in Math... Writing has no place in the math curriculum. Elementary students are too young to express their thoughts in writing. Its too hard.
  • 53. Are We Sure About That?!
  • 54. If I can think about it, I can talk about it. If I can talk about it, I can write about it. ~ Lucy Calkins
  • 55. In Order to Own the Concept... Students need to be given time to: REFLECT DISCUSS WRITE about the concept at hand, in their own words.
  • 56. Let Me Think About That Thoughtful reflection is an integral part of the math classroom.
  • 57. Lets Talk Math! A meaningful discussion leads to in-depth writing.
  • 58. Write Now...A Window to their Thoughts Wrap up discussion with written responses. Allow students to apply, analyze, evaluate and create!
  • 59. Students Surprising Thoughts! Are fact families always inverse operations? There are 4 children, 2 parents and 2 grandparents at a birthday party. What fraction are children? ... No, if you do 3 divided by zero the answer is undefined because you cant do 0 x 0 and get 3. 3 x 0 = 0 0 x 3 = 0 0 / 3 = 0 3 / 0 = undefined Well, the parents are children of the grandparents so that means there are 6 children (4 children and 2 grandparents.) The fraction that are children is 6/8.
  • 60. Writing SamplesDirect from a 3rd Grade Math Class
  • 62. The Progression of Learning Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. ~ Benjamin Franklin I dont know. I dont get this. Do you mean? No, wait...I got this!
  • 63. I Got This! Created a multistep story problem. Identified strategies needed to solve it. Broke it down into manageable diagrams. Solved with detailed explanation of thought process. Presented final answer in a sentence.
  • 64. There will always be an error, a refusal, an inadequate paragraph. Student writing will never be perfect. We live among the mess. We can choose to wallow in the doom. Or we can choose joy. - Ruth Ayres
  • 65. Contact us Find this presentation on 際際滷share Kevin English - kevinmenglish@gmail.com (@KevinMEnglish) Kirsten LeBlanc - keleblanc92@gmail.com (@thewolverinekel) Beth Shaum - bethshaum@gmail.com (@BethShaum) 際際滷share link:
  • 66. Bibliography Ayres, R., & Overman, C. (2013). Celebrating writers: from possibilities through publication. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse. Christenbury, L., Bomer, R., & Smagorinsky, P. (Eds.). (2009). Handbook of adolescent literacy research. New York: Guilford Press. Kittle, P. (2008). Write beside them: risk, voice, and clarity in high school writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. McCaig, R.A. (1977). What research and evaluation tell us about teaching written expression in the elementary school. In C. Weaver and R. Douma (Eds.), The language arts teacher in action (pp. 46-56). Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University. Distributed by the National Council of Teachers of English. Shaughnessy, M.P. (1977). Errors and expectations: A guide for the teacher of basic writing. New York: Oxford University Press. Sheils, M. (1975, December 8). Why johnny can't write. Newsweek, p. 58. Weaver, C. (1996). Teaching grammar in context. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers.
  • 67. Bibliography - Math References Chapin, S., OConnor, C. & Anderson, N. (2009). Classroom Discussions Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions. Smith, M. & Stein, M. (2011). 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions. Reston, VA: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Van de Walle, J. & Lovin, L. (2006). Teaching Student Centered Mathematics Grades 3-5. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
  • 68. Trade Books Referenced Gaiman, N., & Young, S. (2013). Fortunately, the milk. New York: Harper. Levine, G. C. (2012). Forgive me, I meant to do it: false apology poems. New York: Harper. Lloyd, N. (2014). A snicker of magic. New York: Scholastic. Winter, J. (2011). The watcher: Jane Goodall's life with the chimps. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books.