Watch the full webinar with audio and video here:
Business users need to stay connected to company systems while on the go, and developers need to create apps that empower their mobile workforce. How can you create apps that meet user needs and company requirements?
Jason Ruger, Senior Director of IT Strategy and Information Security for Motorola Mobility, explains the challenges and solutions for building enterprise mobile apps.
Webinar topics include:
-Mobile app security and misconceptions
-Designing an app that works across multiple platforms
-Testing across multiple Android versions
-Deploying enterprise apps and updates
-Learn how to free your clients from their laptops and make them even more productive with your Android apps.
De la comunicaci坦n del talento al talento en comunicaci坦n
World Talent Advertising and Communications es una compa単鱈a partner de la red global de TMP. La historia de TMP Worldwide comienza en 1969. Es la historia de la compa単鱈a con la trayectoria m叩s extensa como especialista en comunicaci坦n del business to business actuando en la publicidad de Recursos Humanos asi como en la publicidad de los centros de formaci坦n y finalmente en la publicidad corporativa. Un gran grupo que en la actualidad engloba a m叩s de 5.000 profesionales y trabaja con m叩s de 480 organizaciones en todo el mundo.
A d鱈a de hoy, puedes encontrarnos en Bogot叩, donde compartimos la visi坦n de que en publicidad es necesario proponer una estrategia y una t叩ctica audaces e innovadoras que fueran mucho m叩s all叩 del clasificado , con el fin de resolver los problemas de localizaci坦n, selecci坦n y retenci坦n del talento.
The document presents data from a Lexis-Nexis search on the frequency of politically loaded terms used in various print media to describe conservatives and liberals. It finds that the media uses negative labels like "partisan", "extreme", "hard", and "far" more often to describe conservatives and Republican positions than liberals and Democratic positions. For example, searches showed the term "partisan Republican" was used 85 times in the last 90 days compared to 58 times for "partisan Democrat". The document concludes that the raw numbers support the conservative claim of liberal bias in the media, even if journalists insist their work is impartial. Readers are invited to draw their own conclusions.
The document discusses designing user interfaces for multiple screen sizes and orientations. It emphasizes making interfaces functional, beautiful, whimsical and emotional. It provides tips for layouts, animations, handling orientation changes and engaging users. Code snippets demonstrate implementing galleries, scrollable views and fragment transactions.
Este documento discute conceptos clave de 辿tica como virtudes, principios y fundamentaciones. Explica que la 辿tica trata sobre lo moral y busca razones universales para guiar la conducta humana hacia el bienestar del individuo, la sociedad y el universo. Presenta los cuatro principios 辿ticos b叩sicos de respeto a la autonom鱈a, no maleficencia, beneficencia y justicia. Tambi辿n aborda temas como la distribuci坦n y racionalizaci坦n de recursos de salud ante la escasez.
Este documento establece las reglas y procedimientos para la provisi坦n de cargos de directores y subdirectores interinos en escuelas prioritarias. Detalla 31 鱈tems que establecen el orden de prelaci坦n de los maestros considerados para dichos cargos en base a su experiencia, calificaciones y capacitaciones. En la mayor鱈a de los 鱈tems se indica que "no hay aspirantes". El documento data de 2014.
Este documento presenta un proyecto de capacitaci坦n sobre conciencia ling端鱈stica dirigido a docentes de preescolar en el Liceo los lamos. El proyecto busca mejorar los procesos de ense単anza-aprendizaje mediante el desarrollo de habilidades meta-ling端鱈sticas en los estudiantes. El cronograma detalla las etapas del proyecto, que incluyen la propuesta inicial, recolecci坦n de informaci坦n, y aprobaci坦n por parte de la directora de la instituci坦n. De ser aprobado, el
Staff Creaitva dise単a la imagen corporativa y papeler鱈a de "Agritrade"
Si deseas conocer m叩s de nuestros proyectos y servicios, vis鱈tenos en
The document provides an overview of migrating Java ME apps to Android, including key differences between the platforms and how to structure Android applications. It discusses how Android applications are collections of activities, services, and content providers rather than monolithic apps, and how to declare an app's components in the Android manifest. It also provides an example "Hello World" Android app.
This document summarizes the differences between developing native Android apps and developing apps using HTML5. It discusses that native Android apps have the best user experience and performance but are more expensive to develop, while HTML5 apps can be lower cost but have lower performance. It also covers technologies like geolocation, web sockets, and responsive design that help make HTML5 more full-featured for mobile. Overall it analyzes the tradeoffs between platforms for different types of apps and use cases.
This document summarizes a case study about three problems at Google's Melbourne branch: Google+, scripted greetings, and monitoring lunch lines. For Google+, making social media use mandatory conflicted with employees' personal time. Scripted greetings seemed insincere and led to resignations. Monitoring lunch lines flooded employees with complaints and kept them unaware. Recommendations included making Google+ optional, allowing role playing for greetings, and surveying employees about lunch lines.
This document discusses aeroponics as a tool for food security. Aeroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil, with roots in a misty environment. It has several benefits over traditional agriculture including more precise nutrient and environmental control, higher yields from less land, less water usage, and elimination of many plant diseases and pests. The document outlines the benefits and potential commercial applications of aeroponics in Nigeria, including opportunities to supply local and export markets with high-quality produce year-round. It also discusses factors like capital costs, skilled labor needs, and the lack of existing aeroponics industry organizations as potential weaknesses or barriers to adoption in Nigeria.
There are enormous agribusiness opportunities for startups due to new consumer trends, exports business and business models; this session will provide for an overview of four such opportunities.
Este documento presenta un proyecto de capacitaci坦n sobre conciencia ling端鱈stica dirigido a docentes de preescolar en el Liceo los lamos. El proyecto busca mejorar los procesos de ense単anza-aprendizaje mediante el desarrollo de habilidades meta-ling端鱈sticas en los estudiantes. El cronograma detalla las etapas del proyecto, que incluyen la propuesta inicial, recolecci坦n de informaci坦n, y aprobaci坦n por parte de la directora de la instituci坦n. De ser aprobado, el
Staff Creaitva dise単a la imagen corporativa y papeler鱈a de "Agritrade"
Si deseas conocer m叩s de nuestros proyectos y servicios, vis鱈tenos en
The document provides an overview of migrating Java ME apps to Android, including key differences between the platforms and how to structure Android applications. It discusses how Android applications are collections of activities, services, and content providers rather than monolithic apps, and how to declare an app's components in the Android manifest. It also provides an example "Hello World" Android app.
This document summarizes the differences between developing native Android apps and developing apps using HTML5. It discusses that native Android apps have the best user experience and performance but are more expensive to develop, while HTML5 apps can be lower cost but have lower performance. It also covers technologies like geolocation, web sockets, and responsive design that help make HTML5 more full-featured for mobile. Overall it analyzes the tradeoffs between platforms for different types of apps and use cases.
This document summarizes a case study about three problems at Google's Melbourne branch: Google+, scripted greetings, and monitoring lunch lines. For Google+, making social media use mandatory conflicted with employees' personal time. Scripted greetings seemed insincere and led to resignations. Monitoring lunch lines flooded employees with complaints and kept them unaware. Recommendations included making Google+ optional, allowing role playing for greetings, and surveying employees about lunch lines.
This document discusses aeroponics as a tool for food security. Aeroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil, with roots in a misty environment. It has several benefits over traditional agriculture including more precise nutrient and environmental control, higher yields from less land, less water usage, and elimination of many plant diseases and pests. The document outlines the benefits and potential commercial applications of aeroponics in Nigeria, including opportunities to supply local and export markets with high-quality produce year-round. It also discusses factors like capital costs, skilled labor needs, and the lack of existing aeroponics industry organizations as potential weaknesses or barriers to adoption in Nigeria.
There are enormous agribusiness opportunities for startups due to new consumer trends, exports business and business models; this session will provide for an overview of four such opportunities.