This document provides information and advice about forming study groups. It discusses reasons to form a study group, such as being able to teach and learn from others, gaining a deeper understanding of material, and finding a supportive network. Practical tips are offered, such as establishing group protocols, listening more than talking, dealing with different personalities, having fun, and using technology like Dropbox to collaborate. The document encourages integrating knowledge, sharing experiences, and reflecting on decisions to make study groups most effective.
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Study groups lally orientation 2013
1. on study groups
summer 2013 orientation
Presented by
Jose Hanchi
MBA 2013
Lally School of Management & Technology
2. what is your opinion?
I like study groups
I dont need study groups
having no opinion = not considered
study groups can help you test and
develop your opinions
5. why form a study group?
sometimes you teach others
other times you learn from others
e.g. you missed a piece of information
best of both:
you get a better & deeper understanding
6. why form a study group?
you may find your tribe !!
example of Meg Ryan
in The Element
10. practical advice
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figure out a protocol
moderate the conversation
listen, listen, talk
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can
listen twice as much as we speak -Epictetus
11. practical advice
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figure out a protocol
moderate the conversation
listen, listen, talk
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can
listen twice as much as we speak -Epictetus
introverts avoid conflict & prefer mentor-like
extroverts prefer competition & seek social
12. practical advice
moderate the meetings
practice and develop your listening skill
learn to deal with different personalities
13. recommendations - behavior
above all: commit & contribute
schedules & places are secondary
stay connected: txt, voice, email, calendars
have fun too
dont sign a contract
dont take things personal
14. recommendations logistics
use a whiteboard
find a way to share ideas in writing
access to food/coffee, WiFi, electricity
know where to go: noise, hours, printing,
& dont ever leave your laptop alone
share and backup: Dropbox, Google Drive
( what would you do if your laptop dies? )
15. study group 2.0 challenge
put all the pieces of knowledge together
( integrative thinking )
share your experiences of similar situations
( what worked / what didnt?)
reflect on the consequence of your decisions
( accountability )