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8/31/16, 11:13 AMSTYLE GURU BIO: Kelsey Knepler | CollegeFashionista
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14 1 0
Kelsey Knepler
Kelsey Knepler
Aug. 31, 2016
It is particularly dif鍖cult to say goodbye to this summer after interning in New York City. I fell head over heels in
love with the city these past few months. I loved getting to eat amazing brunches, shop at countless breathtaking
clothing stores and attend CollegeFashionista events with my RAD Style Gurus. As much as I will miss the rush of
the city, I am looking forward to getting back on campus just in time to spot the trends for my favorite season
fall. The whole season is full of such warmth; I absolutely love sweaters, leggings and all things cozy!
As I enter my senior year, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. My style has evolved rapidly over these
past few semesters. Especially after my experience interning in NYC, I have been inspired to begin adding more
sophisticated and neutral pieces to my wardrobe. Black, dusty pink and taupe have become some of my favorite
colors. I have realized when you build your wardrobe around neutrals, you can 鍖nd a lot more possibilities for
out鍖ts through easily being able to mix and match.
But, of course, I still like to have fun with my clothes. This bold and colorful romper is one of my favorite pieces in
my wardrobe. Well, its technically a skirt in the front and shorts in the back. I am in love with surprising details
like this. To 鍖nish off the look, I wanted to keep accessories simple to keep the focus on the funky geometric print
of the dress. I topped the look off with my favorite Rebecca Minkoff mini M.A.C. cross-body bag and a pair of nude
pointed 鍖ats.
Style Guru
8/31/16, 11:13 AMSTYLE GURU BIO: Kelsey Knepler | CollegeFashionista
Page 2 of 2http://www.collegefashionista.com/style-guru-bio-kelsey-knepler-4/
All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted,
cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by CollegeFashionista, LLC
I hope you all are as excited about fall as I am. Heres to a RAD semester, and Ill see you on campus!
Style On速
Kelsey Knepler
81 0 0
Half-Bun in the Sun
Aug. 03, 2016

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STYLE GURU BIO 4: Kelsey Knepler | CollegeFashionista

  • 1. 8/31/16, 11:13 AMSTYLE GURU BIO: Kelsey Knepler | CollegeFashionista Page 1 of 2http://www.collegefashionista.com/style-guru-bio-kelsey-knepler-4/ 14 1 0 @KELSEYKNEPLER Kelsey Knepler 1 RAD SHARE CHIC | CROSS-BODY BAG | DRESSY | FLATS | ROMPER STYLE GURU BIO Kelsey Knepler Aug. 31, 2016 Edit It is particularly dif鍖cult to say goodbye to this summer after interning in New York City. I fell head over heels in love with the city these past few months. I loved getting to eat amazing brunches, shop at countless breathtaking clothing stores and attend CollegeFashionista events with my RAD Style Gurus. As much as I will miss the rush of the city, I am looking forward to getting back on campus just in time to spot the trends for my favorite season fall. The whole season is full of such warmth; I absolutely love sweaters, leggings and all things cozy! As I enter my senior year, I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. My style has evolved rapidly over these past few semesters. Especially after my experience interning in NYC, I have been inspired to begin adding more sophisticated and neutral pieces to my wardrobe. Black, dusty pink and taupe have become some of my favorite colors. I have realized when you build your wardrobe around neutrals, you can 鍖nd a lot more possibilities for out鍖ts through easily being able to mix and match. But, of course, I still like to have fun with my clothes. This bold and colorful romper is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. Well, its technically a skirt in the front and shorts in the back. I am in love with surprising details like this. To 鍖nish off the look, I wanted to keep accessories simple to keep the focus on the funky geometric print of the dress. I topped the look off with my favorite Rebecca Minkoff mini M.A.C. cross-body bag and a pair of nude pointed 鍖ats. Style Guru SHARETHIS 2 4 COLUMNS TRENDING #STYLEGURULOVE CAREERS THE GUYS BE SOCIALSEARCH MY FEED TYPE OR SELECT SCHOOL
  • 2. 8/31/16, 11:13 AMSTYLE GURU BIO: Kelsey Knepler | CollegeFashionista Page 2 of 2http://www.collegefashionista.com/style-guru-bio-kelsey-knepler-4/ ABOUT US | PRESS | CONTACT | ADVERTISING 息 2016 COLLEGEFASHIONISTA TM, LLC. | TERMS & CONDITIONS | PRIVACY POLICY All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except as expressly permitted in writing by CollegeFashionista, LLC FROM KELSEY I hope you all are as excited about fall as I am. Heres to a RAD semester, and Ill see you on campus! Style On速 , Kelsey Knepler 81 0 0 Half-Bun in the Sun Aug. 03, 2016 READ MORE