This style sheet recommends using black, white and grey colors to create a calmer page that is easier to read, using oval shapes with curves instead of sharp edges to feel more welcoming, and selecting the Baskerville Semi-Bold font to make the content seem professional and reliable while also considering less formal fonts or Andale Mono to reflect an unconventional indie music magazine.
2. Black, White and Grey.
Simple colours to create
a calmer page, making it
easier to read.
Ovals: curves instead of
sharp edges: feels more
SONIC: Baskerville SemiBold: This font looks
fairly formal, making the content seem professional
and reliable.
SONIC: Less formal, creating a more relaxed
tone to the content.
SONIC:Andale Mono:
A slightly unorthodox
style, could reflect
the unconventional
indie music the
magazine features.