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Stylistics and Branches in Stylistics
 Stylistics is the branch of applied linguistics concerned
with the study of style in texts, especially, but not
exclusively , in literary works.
 Stylistics may attempt to establish principles capable
of explaining particular choices made by individuals
and social groups in their use of language.
 Stylistics looks at what is going on within th language.
Branches in Stylistics
Cognitive Stylistics
Corpus Stylistics
Critical Stylistics
Emotion : Stylistic approaches
Feminist Stylistics
Film Stylistics
Formalist Stylistics
 Functionalist Stylistics
 Historical Stylistics
 Multimodal Stylistics
 Pedagogical Stylistics
 Pragmatic Stylistics

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Stylistics and Branches in stylistics

  • 1. Stylistics and Branches in Stylistics
  • 2. Stylistics Stylistics is the branch of applied linguistics concerned with the study of style in texts, especially, but not exclusively , in literary works. Stylistics may attempt to establish principles capable of explaining particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language. Stylistics looks at what is going on within th language.
  • 3. Branches in Stylistics Cognitive Stylistics Corpus Stylistics Critical Stylistics Emotion : Stylistic approaches Feminist Stylistics Film Stylistics Formalist Stylistics
  • 4. Functionalist Stylistics Historical Stylistics Multimodal Stylistics Pedagogical Stylistics Pragmatic Stylistics