This document discusses the formation and management of subgroups within the Middle East Strategy Working Group (MEAC-SWG). It outlines that subgroups may be formed as needed to work on specific tasks related to developing and implementing the group's strategy. Subgroups are open to any SWG member and can be led by a member. They determine their own work plans and report back to the full group. The document provides examples of proposed subgroups and describes the process for subgroup formation, leadership selection, developing work methods, sharing outputs for comment, and closing activities once tasks are complete. It notes subgroups aim to support members' participation, acquire experience in issues, and support ICANN staff during the remaining strategy implementation period.
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Subgroups within ICANN Middle East and Adjoining Country Strategy Working Group
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Middle East Strategy WG
Michael Oghia Chokri Ben Romdhane Zakir Sayed | ICANN60 | November 2017
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What is their mission?
4. Working methods
Subgroup formation:
As deemed necessary and as the need arises during the strategy
development and/or implementation, subgroups may be formed among the
MEAC-SWG membership with predefined objective. Subgroups are open to
anyone from the SWG to join, both members and observers may follow and
participate in any of the subgroups discussions. Only a member can lead the
subgroup and recommended to only lead one. Each subgroup will, via
internal consensus, determine, the work plan, work method, and agrees on
its leader. Subgroups will exist and operate until its goal(s) are achieved.
Ultimately, tasks achieved will feed into the overall work of the SWG through
the reporting of the subgroup leader.SWG Charter- Update June 2017
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How to manage subgroups?
Issue Identification
Identify Issue(s) , Need(s),
SWG Comments
Subgroups Membership
Subgroup list Update
Update the list of subgroup by
adding new subgroups and close
those whose activities was
The Chair declare the Adoption
or rejection of the subgroup(s)
Chair open a call tor
The Chair submit subgroup(s)
proposal(s) , based on the
Identified Issue(s), to the SWG
members for a comments
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How are subgroup functioning?
1- Subgroup formation
by a call for volunteers
among SWG
2- Choose a subgroup
3- Determine Work
4-Share draft(s)
and/or output (s)with
SWG members for
5- Submit the final
report to the chair
6- Close Subgroups
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Focus on a specific policy or/and technical tasks related to the
Strategy Focus Area ,
Stimulate the members participation and activities within
SWG by given them the opportunity :
to join and lead a subgroup and make his/her voice heard,
to acquire qualifications experience in several issues .
Support ICANN staff during the remained two years of the
strategy Implementation.
How are they addressing strategy