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Art of Life

Best of           Best of Science
Biological active

Art of Life                  Glazorol
product In
  India A complete nutritional support for the organ

                   of vision i.e. the eyes. This complex helps in
                   the maintenance of the natural balance of
                   biological substances necessary for the organ
                   of vision.
                    This complex is highly effective for the

                   prophylaxis of primary and secondary
          弍舒亰亠 仗仂亟亰舒亞仂仍仂于从舒
                    Decelerate the process of ageing and

                   dooming of the cells of the organs of vision.

端Dystrophy of optic muscles.
端After surgery in the eyes, optic apparatus.

端Prophylaxis of primary and secondary retinopathy.

端Rehabilitation of vision.

端Defective nutrition of the optic muscles and retina.

Instructions for
     use :                          Glazorol

           Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily with or after
           meals * 1 month or as prescribed by the

           Contraindications : Individual intolerance of
           the components , not recommended for lactating
           mothers and during pregnancy. Recommended
           consultation of a physician before intake.
Art of Life             J OI NT FLEX :
 product In
A anti-inflammatory complex for the muscular-

skeletal system. Bioactive complex Joint flex
is meant for effective correction in regenerative
function of the muscular-skeletal system and
also for prophylaxis of various diseases related
to this system.

  Extra source of vitamin C ,
Chondroitinsulphate , Glucoseaminsulphate and
natural components of the cartilaginous
intercellular substances which give a nutritional
support for the proper functioning of the joints.

INDICATIONS :                 J OI NT FLEX

  Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system
of various etiologies: osteochondrosis of the
backbone , arthritis , arthroses , tendovaginitis ,
  Conditions after traumas.
  After surgery in any part of the musculoskeletal
  Increased physical load on the musculoskeletal
  Diseases of the blood vessels and connective
tissues and also in case of pathologies of the heart
  Defective nails, alopecia.
  Decreased elasticity and dryness of the skin.
Instructions           J OI NT FLEX
  for use

           Dosage: Adults are recommended
           to take 1 tablet thrice daily with or
           after meal or as directed by the

           Contraindications : Individual
           intolerance of the components .
           Recommended consultation of a
           physician before intake.
Art of Life                    NEUROS T ABI L
 product In
This is a phytocomposition which gives mild

sedative effect and at the same time has a
general effect on the whole body increasing the
stability against situations of stress. It also
regulates the functional conditions of the CNS,
normalizes the blood pressure and also has a
anticonvulsive effect.

  Vitamin C, Vitamin PP maintains the strength
and elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels.

  Glutamic acid regulates the process of
conduction of nerve impulses in the CNS

   Vitamin B complex increases the effectiveness
of the exchange of energy. Folic acid takes part in
the formation of the protein myelin which is
important for the conduction of the nerve

                           NEUROS T AB
  Neurosis of various etiologies.
  Hysteria, high level of stress.
  Depression syndromes
  Increased nervous and reflexive excitement.
  Hypertonic diseases.
  Premenstrual syndrome
  Menopausal disorders.

Instructions          NEUROS T ABI L
  for use

          Dosage: Adults are recommended
          to take 1 tablet thrice daily with or
          after meal or as directed by the

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.

Art of Life             PULMOCLI NZ
 product In
Phytocomplex for prophylaxis and

treatment of diseases of the
bronchopulmonary system.

  Pulmoclinz is a mixture of active
components of the herbal origin and
vitamins, effect of which are directed to
the treatment of various inflammatory
processes of the bronchopulmonary

   Family history of bronchopulmonary
   Chronic infections of the upper
 respiratory tract.
   Active and passive smoking.
   Acute and chronic diseases of the
 respiratory system.
   Bronchial asthma and various respiratory
   After surgery of the organs of the
 thoracic cavity.

Instructions                PULMOCLI NZ
  for use :

          Dosage: Adults are recommended to
          take 1 tablet twice daily with or after
          meal or as directed by the physician.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                    ES S ENT I AL OI L with
                                dihydroquercetin and selenium
    product In

         Indiaharmful effects of the
 Complex for prophylaxis of various diseases and
for protection of
surrounding environment.

 Components of ESSENTIAL OIL like omega -3
which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA):
    -decreases the level of cholesterol in the
    -Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
    -Acts as the building material of the effected
cell walls.
    -Relieves pain.
    -Treats chronic inflammations.

  Combination of PUFA and Vitamin E normalizes
the agglutination (clotting) of blood and also
normalizes the blood pressure , prevents the
formation of thrombi in the blood vessels.
INDICATIONS                    ES S ENT I AL OI L with
                           dihydroquercetin and selenium
  Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels.
  Ischemic disease of the heart.
  Diabetes mellitus.
  Chronic inflammations of various
  Skin defects, dryness of skin, psoriasis,
eczemas and hyperkeratosis.
  Harm caused by various forms of radiations
(radiological rays, long hours before
computer, harmful rays of the sun etc.),
professional diseases.
  Conditions after chemotherapy in case of
Instructions            ES S ENT I AL
  for use                OI L with
                      n and selenium
          Dosage: Adults are recommended to
          take 1 capsule twice daily with or
          after meal* 1 month or as directed
          by the physician.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                        T OXFiGHT ER LUX
  product In
 束Toxfighter lux損 is a multipurpose enterosorbent completely based
        India metabolism, to reduce the effects of allergens, to
 on herbal components which allow to neutralize the effects of toxins
 and bi-products of
 remove functional disorders of digestive system and also to minimize
 the level of cholesterol in blood, to reduce kidneys and liver load, to
 improve the process of metabolism.
To keepinfluence of dietary fibers of these ingredients the food
 Under the up the internal
environment ofstomach decelerates, a long-term digestion
 evacuation process in the body and
 process creates the feeling of satiety. Dietary fibers significantly
digestive movement ofin a along gastrointestinal tract, promote
 improve the system food good
conditionof cholesterol exchange products, and carry out the
 the removal it is necessary to
 prevention of atherosclerosis and obesity. Pectin possesses a styptic,
conduct periodical (1-2 times a
 ambient and protective effect on the mucous membrane. Vegetable
year) complex cleansing ofstimulate complete food
 extracts show anti-inflammatory, choleretic and spasmolytic effects.
 Such enzymes as papain and bromeline
organism. improve digestion. Lactobacteria maintain natural
 breakdown and
 microflora of the intestine against toxins excretion, stimulate the local
 immunity, and increase the resistance of the body to infections and
 unfavorable factors of the environment.
INDICATIONS                   T OXFiGHT ER LUX
 dysfunctions and infectious diseases of
gastrointestinal tract
 acute and chronic infections
infectious and non-infectious skin diseases
 allergic reactions
 intoxication as a result of food and alcohol
 medicinal intoxication after taking anabolic
 working in harmful conditions or ecologically
unfavorable environment
 preventive detoxification of the body twice a
year .
Instructions              T OXFiGHT ER LUX
  for use :

          Dosage: 束Toxfighter lux損 is
          recommended as a dietary supplement,
          an additional source of dietary fibers,
          flavonoids and tanning agents. Adults
          should use 3 capsules 2-3 times a day
          with food.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                    Womens FORMULA
product formula損 is an ideally balanced complex
 束Womens In
 created subject to the needs of womens body. The
 complex normalizes the mineral balance and is
   recommended for prevention of diseases caused by the
   hormonal changes such as osteoporosis, breast tumour
   and genital organs diseases, elimination of pains
   connected with premenstrual syndrome, pre- and
   postmenopausal problems, support of tone of womens
   genital organs especially during menopausal period.
   The complex contains vegetable extracts, minerals,
   vitamins and amino acids providing maintenance of
   normal metabolic processes in the womens organism.
   Extracts of hops, alfalfa, damiana, Chinese angelica,
   ginseng possess specific substances, phytooestrogens,
   which maintain a natural hormonal balance, regulate
   menstrual cycle. Besides, due to their vasorelaxant
   action phytooestrogens are able to significantly mitigate
   pain, spasms and convulsions connected with
   premenstrual syndrome.
INDICATIONS               Womens FORMULA
端for improvement of womens sex
hormones synthesis
 maintenance of womens sex
hormones balance
 premenstrual syndrome
 menopausal period
 xerosis, hair and nails fragility
 prevention of womens genital
system inflammatory diseases

Instructions            Womens FORMULA
  for use :

          Dosage: Womens formula is
          recommended as an additional source of
          vitamins (, D, , 弌 and ) and mineral
          substances (zinc, iron, iodine,
          selenium). Adults should take 1 tablet 2
          times a day with food.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                       MENS FORMULA
product In
 束Mens formula損 is a bioactive complex for a timely solving

of mens health specific problems, i.e. prevention of prostate
structural and functional changes and sexual function
decrease, effective prophylaxis of stagnant phenomena in
urino-genital system.
The complex composition positively influences the synthesis
and the balance of mens sex hormones. Saw palmetto and
pygeum extracts are able to reduce prostate hyperplasia,
especially at the initial stages of diseases. Cucurbit seeds
increase dieresis, stimulate the chloride salts discharge,
positively affect the urino-genital system functioning. Parsley
has a diuretic effect. Zinc oxide provides an active support to
the mens organism being a source of microelements
necessary for the synthesis and maintenance of natural level
of mens sex hormones. The use of the 束Mens formula損
bioactive complex provides an active prophylaxis of mens
genital system disorders in any age and improves the general
efficiency of the mens organism.

 mens hormone level decrease
 prostatitis, urethritis
 prostate adenoma
 erectile dysfunction
 general efficiency and
immunity decrease

Instructions            MENS FORMULA
  for use :
          Dosage: Mens formula is
          recommended as an additional source of
          zinc, beta-sitosterol. Adults should take
          1 tablet 2 times a day with food.
          Consult the doctor before using.
          The use of 2 tablets (a recommended
          dosage) provides the supply of zinc 
          8,4mg  56% of daily maintenance.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                              HEPAR FORMULA
 product In
 束Hepar Formula損 is a complex of vegetative extracts and
phospholipids that supports the liver cells restorative process,
       India liver against unfavorable influence of the
accelerates the regeneration of liver tissue after inflammatory diseases
(hepatitis), protects
environment and when contacting harmful or toxic substances.

Active substances of saltwort and Saint-Mary-thistle extracts protect
and restore liver cells. The action of these extracts provides a healing
effect; the blood cholesterol level is reduced. Thistle and artichoke help
to prevent stagnant phenomena in the hepatobiliary system due to the
ability to activate bile synthesis and facilitate its outflow. Artichoke
agents help by nausea, the feeling of heaviness, meteorism and pains
caused by liver malfunctioning. Phospholipids that are so important for
the organism (choline, inositol and lecithin) strengthen liver cells
membranes, prevent their adipose infiltration and prevent cirrhosis
development. Methionine amino acid normalizes the choline metabolism
and strengthens the process of protein metabolism in an affected
organ, stimulating its rehabilitation. 6 vitamin controls the course of
all enzymatic reactions and improves energy metabolism.
The recognized ability of the 束Hepar Formula損 bioactive complex to
restore the disturbed structure elements as well as liver cells and

  toxic liver lesions (occupational,
 medicinal, alcoholic)
  fatty hepatosis
  acute and chronic inflammatory
 liver diseases, liver cirrhosis
  chronic gallbladder diseases,
 biliary dyskinesia
Instructions              HEPAR FORMULA
  for use :
          Dosage: Is recommended as a dietary
          supplement, an additional source of
          vitamin 6, flavolignans. improves liver
          and bile passages functioning as well as
          by acute and chronic inflammatory
          processes. The effectiveness is clinically
          Adults should take 1 tablet 3 times a
          day with food.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art Life                          GLUCOS I L
  product In
 束Glucosil損 bioactive complex provides an optimization of

        level in blood, improves the functions of pancreas and
digestive system in general, prevents the development of
atherosclerotic changes in vessels, improves microcirculation
processes, normalizes carbohydrate and lipometabolism.

Ginger, inula and artichoke roots, bilberry, raspberry and birch
leaves are able to reduce the blood sugar level by means of
influencing the metabolic process. Burdock extract in
combination with L-carnitine, chromium, manganese and group
B microelements activity adjust carbohydrate and
lipometabolism. Vitamins C, E, PP, quercetin and Ginkgo Biloba
extract fulfill vessels wall strengthening, improve
microcirculation, decrease blood viscosity. Sagebrush has an
antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity which is intensified
by enzymes (papain and bromeline). Antimicrobial and
immunomodulatory actions of garlic and St. John's wort provide
a 6/19/11
   prophylaxis of the immunodeficiency state. St. John's wort is
INDICATIONS                  GLUCOS I L
 prevention and correction of functional
 disorders caused by diabetes of both
types of different degrees of severity as
well as by glucose tolerance disorder
 optimization of carbohydrate and
 deterioration of pancreas functioning
and digestive system in general
 prevention of atherosclerotic changes
in vessels
 gastrointestinal tract chronic
noninfectious diseases
Instructions              GLUCOS I L
  for use :

          Dosage: Glucosil is recommended as a
          dietary supplement, an additional
          source of vitamins, mineral substances,
          flavonoids, tannins. Adults should take 1
          tablet 2 times a day with food. The
          period of use 1 months.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art Life               GReeN S T AR
 product In
For a Indiaformation of the organism proteins and
a full-fledged realization of biochemical reactions
lying in the basement of all vitally important
processes there is a need in a regular supply of a
certain amount of amino acids, vitamins and

束Green Star損 is a multi-purpose general health-
improving complex which provides support of the
organism functions by compensating and maintaining
the amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements
balance necessary to support a full-fledged activity
and organism resistibility to the influence of
unfavorable factors of the environment.
INDICATIONS                    GReeN S T AR
 any kind of organism intoxication
 infectious and parasitic diseases
 digestive apparatus diseases
 allergies, immunity system dysfunctions
 prevention and correction of disbacteriosis
 chronic noninfectious inflammatory diseases
 prevention and treatment of thyroid gland
diseases connected with a lack of iodine
 hypoxia prevention in the conditions of
highland, lower temperatures, hard physical
activity, extreme kinds of sports

Instructions             GReeN S T AR
  for use :

          Dosage: Green star is recommended
          as an additional source of vitamin E,

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.

Art of Life          DI S COVERY CHARM
 product In
束Discovery Charm損 complex is produced according
to a high-tech technology of matrix pill with the use
of the latest biopolymer substances. Each pill consists
of three types of granules with active substances
which release in a particular order. Thus, the pills of
the 束Discovery損 complexes represent a system with a
regulated rate and a prolonged character of active
substances emission.

 as a general health-improving agent for all
types of hypovitaminosis
 functional weakness of the immune system.
 undue fatigue, irritation.
 disorders of the nervous system, organs of
vision, stress situations
 at the recovery stages after illnesses and
surgical intervention
 for active prophylaxis of oncological diseases
 during the courses of chemo- and radiation

Instructions           DI S COVERY CHARM
  for use :

          Dosage: adults should take 2 tablets
          1 in the morning and 2 tablets 2 in
          the afternoon with food.
          The period of use is 1 month.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.

Art of Life                DI S COVERY FORCE

    product In
束Discovery Force損 complex is a multicomponent
system India the mens organism with basic
nutrients the deficit of which may lead to the
formation and development of various diseases. It
has a strong tonic effect, increases stress resistibility,
stimulates the regulation of mens sex hormones
油Discovery Force損 complex is produced according
to a high-tech technology of matrix pill with the use
of the latest biopolymer substances. Each pill consists
of three types of granules with active substances
which release in a particular order. Thus, the pills of
the 束Discovery損 complexes represent a system with a
regulated rate and a prolonged character of active
substances emission.
 as a general health-improving agent by all
types of hypovitaminosis
 the immune system functioning decrease
 at the recovery stages after illnesses and
surgical intervention
 by nervous system, organs of vision
diseases, stress situations
 by sports activities
 for active prevention of oncological
 during the courses of chemo- and radiation

Instructions            DI S COVERY FORCE
  for use :

          Dosage: adults should take 2 tablets
          1 in the morning and 2 tablets 2 in
          the afternoon with food.
          The period of use is 1 month.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.

Art of Life                   COMPLEX OF
  product In                    ENZYMES Plus
       India digestion and absorption processes as
The systematic approach to restoration of the
disturbed food
well as to rehabilitation of the organism after
inflammatory diseases of various etiology implies the
use of active enzymes.
Bioactive 束Complex of enzymes Plus損 is a
combination of active vegetative and animal enzymes
used to eliminate the inflammation, and that possess
an immunomodulating effect. 束Complex of enzymes
Plus損 has a favorable effect on digestion process
providing more complete food breakdown and uptake
as well as giving support to other functions fulfilled by
enzymes in the organism.
INDICATIONS                       COMPLEX OF
      :                          ENZYMES Plus

  different acute and chronic
 inflammatory processes
  rheumatic and autoimmune diseases
  digestion dysfunctions
  undue blood viscosity and liability to
 vessels diseases
  surgical interventions

Instructions                  COMPLEX OF
  for use :                  ENZYMES Plus
          Dosage: Adults should take 1 tablet 3
          times a day with food and large amount
          of water. The period of use is 1 month.
          Enzymes plus complex has a general
          health-improving action, it improves the
          functioning of gastrointestinal tract and
          digestive apparatus as well as by
          digestion dysfunctions and inflammatory

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a
          physician before intake.
Art of Life                 ART EMEZI N
   product In
Complex for protection of organism against
most kinds of helminths and
protozoaHelminthic invasions and infectious
diseases caused by protozoa are widely
spread. Invermination by helminths and
protozoa is accompanied by gastrointestinal
tract organs dysfunction, intoxication and
metabolic disorders development.
Complexes based on vegetative components
most effectively and safely compensate
harmful influence on the organism.

INDICATIONS                    ART EMEZI N
  prevention and treatment of helminthic
 invasions (enterobiasis, ascariasis)
  prevention and treatment of protozoal
 infections (lambliosis)
  digestive organs and liver dysfunction

  undue intestinal aerogenesis
  toxic liver lesions
  appetite reduction of various etiology

Instructions               ART EMEZI N
  for use :
          Dosage: Adults should take 2 tablets 3
          times a day with food. The period of use is
          10 days. Consult the doctor before using.
          Anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic and
          antiparasitic effect of the vegetable
          complex Artemizin is the basis for
          effective prevention of parasitic and
          helminthic invasions, it may also be used
          in a complex therapy of ascariasis,
          enterobiasis, and lambliosis.

          Contraindications : Individual
          intolerance of the components .
          Recommended consultation of a physician
6/19/11   before intake.
Healthy food

Art of Life                 KI S S EL WI LD BERRY
                                   WI T H BERRI ES

 Natural product for daily
maintenance of strength and health.
A rich complex of vitamins and
minerals. It is recommended as
dietary and prophylactic product in
case of vitamins, iron and iodine

 It can be taken by any age groups,
children (recommended from 3
years) , pregnant ladies, lactating
mothers and in case of rehabilitation
after diseases and surgeries.
CONTENTS :                      KI S S EL WI LD BERRY
                                   WI T H BERRI ES

-   Icing sugar,
-   amylum ,
-   berry juice,
-   berries of bilberry,
-   cow berry ,
-   raspberry,
-   multi vitamin complex,
-   Lemon acid,
-   food flavor Wild berry,
-   Vitamin C,
-   sweetener sucrose,
-   ferric sulphate,
-   potassium iodate .
                      WI T H BERRI ES

             15 g of granules (3
             teaspoons).dissolve in one
             glass of hot water (96-98
             degrees). Taste intensity
             and density .

Art of Life                  FORT I FI ED S WEET S KARKADE
                                       CHERRY T AS T E

Low calorie sweets Karkade
ideally supplement the ration of
people, who live a healthy lifestyle
and control their body weight. The
well balanced combination of
Karkade and minerals has a
profitable influence on the
carbohydrate-lipid exchange ,
stimulate the immunity activity
and prevent vascular and heart
diseases. It is recommended for
dietary and diabetic nutrition.
Do not contain sugar.
Art of Life   PHYTOGELS

Art of Life              S ORBI OGEL

Quick complex       organism

Sorbiogel is intended for quick
connecting, neutralization and
removal from the organism of
toxins of any origin.

INDICATIONS                     S ORBI OGEL

   food poisonings
    alcoholic and drug
    enteric infections
    viral and allergists
    pancreatic diabetes
    residence in ecologically
 adverse regions
    hazardous employment
Art of Life              GAS T RI GEL
Improvement of
functional condition of
digestive tract

Gastrigel is intended for
quick improvement of the
condition of digestive
processes in the conditions
of chronic diseases of
gastrointestinal tract
  dysfunctions of
 digestive apparatus
   acute diseases of
 gastrointestinal tract
   exacerbations of
 chronic diseases of
 gastrointestinal tract
   dysfunctions of liver
 and gall-bladder
Art of Life                  CARDI OGEL
Complex support of heart
and vessels
Cardiogel is intended for
quick and active support of
heart and vessels
performance. In the
complex Cardiogel
ingredients activate
metabolic processes in the
cardiac muscle, which
improves its work, and
normalize myocardium
blood supply.

 Pathologies of
cardiovascular system
  essential hypertension

Art of Life                     S EDAGEL

Improvement of the
processes of falling asleep
and quality of sleep

The effect of Sedagel complex
consists of quick normalization
of functions of the central
nervous system and recovery
of sleep due to mild sedative
INDICATIONS                   S EDAGEL

   sleep disorders
   Increased nervous
    cardiovascular neuroses
    climacteric disorders
    essential hypertension

Art of Life                  UROGEL

Urogel is intended for
quick aid to urinary system
in case of disorder of its

INDICATIONS                         UROGEL
  dysfunctions of urinary system
  complementary therapy of
chronic pyelonephritis in
exacerbation stage
  essential hypertension,
pulmonary, cardiac insufficiency
  edemas of different etiology
  complex therapy and
prevention of exacerbations and
relapses of chronic infections of
urinary system
端 therapy with antibiotics, nitro

furans, sulfanilamides
Art Life                   J OiNT GEL

Complex support of
locomotors system

Jointgel allows to quickly
restore nutritional support
of the basic joint tissues 
cartilaginous, bone surface
lining, and the dense
connective, forming

INDICATIONS                  J OiNT GEL

  disorders of functions
 of locomotive system of
 different etiology
   conditions after
   increased physical load
 on the locomotive

Art of Life   束T oget her t owar ds
               healt hy f ut ur e損

     FO R YO UR

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Subham best product

  • 1. Health with 束Together towards healthy future損 Art of Life Best of Best of Science Nature. 6/19/11
  • 2. Biological active supplements 6/19/11
  • 3. Art of Life Glazorol product In India A complete nutritional support for the organ of vision i.e. the eyes. This complex helps in the maintenance of the natural balance of biological substances necessary for the organ of vision. This complex is highly effective for the prophylaxis of primary and secondary 弍舒亰亠 仗仂亟亰舒亞仂仍仂于从舒 retinopathy. Decelerate the process of ageing and dooming of the cells of the organs of vision. 6/19/11
  • 4. INDICATIONS : Glazorol 端Dystrophy of optic muscles. 端After surgery in the eyes, optic apparatus. 端Prophylaxis of primary and secondary retinopathy. 端Rehabilitation of vision. 端Defective nutrition of the optic muscles and retina. 6/19/11
  • 5. Instructions for use : Glazorol Dosage : 1 capsule twice daily with or after meals * 1 month or as prescribed by the physician. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components , not recommended for lactating mothers and during pregnancy. Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 6. Art of Life J OI NT FLEX : product In India A anti-inflammatory complex for the muscular- skeletal system. Bioactive complex Joint flex is meant for effective correction in regenerative function of the muscular-skeletal system and also for prophylaxis of various diseases related to this system. Extra source of vitamin C , Chondroitinsulphate , Glucoseaminsulphate and natural components of the cartilaginous intercellular substances which give a nutritional support for the proper functioning of the joints. 6/19/11
  • 7. INDICATIONS : J OI NT FLEX 端 Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system of various etiologies: osteochondrosis of the backbone , arthritis , arthroses , tendovaginitis , myositis. 端 Conditions after traumas. 端 After surgery in any part of the musculoskeletal system. 端 Increased physical load on the musculoskeletal system. 端 Diseases of the blood vessels and connective tissues and also in case of pathologies of the heart valves. 端 Defective nails, alopecia. 端 Decreased elasticity and dryness of the skin. 6/19/11
  • 8. Instructions J OI NT FLEX for use Dosage: Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet thrice daily with or after meal or as directed by the physician. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 9. Art of Life NEUROS T ABI L product In India This is a phytocomposition which gives mild sedative effect and at the same time has a general effect on the whole body increasing the stability against situations of stress. It also regulates the functional conditions of the CNS, normalizes the blood pressure and also has a anticonvulsive effect. Vitamin C, Vitamin PP maintains the strength and elasticity of the walls of the blood vessels. Glutamic acid regulates the process of conduction of nerve impulses in the CNS Vitamin B complex increases the effectiveness of the exchange of energy. Folic acid takes part in the formation of the protein myelin which is important for the conduction of the nerve impulses. 6/19/11
  • 10. INDICATIONS : NEUROS T AB IL 端 Neurosis of various etiologies. 端 Hysteria, high level of stress. 端 Depression syndromes 端 Increased nervous and reflexive excitement. 端 Hypertonic diseases. 端 Migraine 端 Thyrotoxicosis. 端 Premenstrual syndrome 端 Menopausal disorders. 6/19/11
  • 11. Instructions NEUROS T ABI L for use Dosage: Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet thrice daily with or after meal or as directed by the physician. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 12. Art of Life PULMOCLI NZ product In India Phytocomplex for prophylaxis and treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. Pulmoclinz is a mixture of active components of the herbal origin and vitamins, effect of which are directed to the treatment of various inflammatory processes of the bronchopulmonary system. 6/19/11
  • 13. INDICATIONS PULMOCLI NZ : 端 Family history of bronchopulmonary diseases. 端 Chronic infections of the upper respiratory tract. 端 Active and passive smoking. 端 Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system. 端 Bronchial asthma and various respiratory allergies. 端 After surgery of the organs of the thoracic cavity. 6/19/11
  • 14. Instructions PULMOCLI NZ for use : Dosage: Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet twice daily with or after meal or as directed by the physician. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 15. Art of Life ES S ENT I AL OI L with dihydroquercetin and selenium product In Indiaharmful effects of the Complex for prophylaxis of various diseases and for protection of surrounding environment. Components of ESSENTIAL OIL like omega -3 which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFA): -decreases the level of cholesterol in the blood. -Prevents the development of atherosclerosis. -Acts as the building material of the effected cell walls. -Relieves pain. -Treats chronic inflammations. Combination of PUFA and Vitamin E normalizes the agglutination (clotting) of blood and also normalizes the blood pressure , prevents the 6/19/11 formation of thrombi in the blood vessels.
  • 16. INDICATIONS ES S ENT I AL OI L with dihydroquercetin and selenium : 端 Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. 端 Hypertension. 端 Ischemic disease of the heart. 端 Diabetes mellitus. 端 Chronic inflammations of various etiologies. 端 Skin defects, dryness of skin, psoriasis, eczemas and hyperkeratosis. 端 Harm caused by various forms of radiations (radiological rays, long hours before computer, harmful rays of the sun etc.), professional diseases. 端 Conditions after chemotherapy in case of 6/19/11 oncology.
  • 17. Instructions ES S ENT I AL for use OI L with dihydroquerceti n and selenium Dosage: Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule twice daily with or after meal* 1 month or as directed by the physician. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 18. Art of Life T OXFiGHT ER LUX product In 束Toxfighter lux損 is a multipurpose enterosorbent completely based India metabolism, to reduce the effects of allergens, to on herbal components which allow to neutralize the effects of toxins and bi-products of remove functional disorders of digestive system and also to minimize the level of cholesterol in blood, to reduce kidneys and liver load, to improve the process of metabolism. To keepinfluence of dietary fibers of these ingredients the food Under the up the internal environment ofstomach decelerates, a long-term digestion evacuation process in the body and process creates the feeling of satiety. Dietary fibers significantly digestive movement ofin a along gastrointestinal tract, promote improve the system food good conditionof cholesterol exchange products, and carry out the the removal it is necessary to prevention of atherosclerosis and obesity. Pectin possesses a styptic, conduct periodical (1-2 times a ambient and protective effect on the mucous membrane. Vegetable year) complex cleansing ofstimulate complete food the extracts show anti-inflammatory, choleretic and spasmolytic effects. Such enzymes as papain and bromeline organism. improve digestion. Lactobacteria maintain natural breakdown and microflora of the intestine against toxins excretion, stimulate the local immunity, and increase the resistance of the body to infections and 6/19/11 unfavorable factors of the environment.
  • 19. INDICATIONS T OXFiGHT ER LUX : 則 dysfunctions and infectious diseases of gastrointestinal tract acute and chronic infections infectious and non-infectious skin diseases allergic reactions intoxication as a result of food and alcohol poisoning medicinal intoxication after taking anabolic drugs working in harmful conditions or ecologically unfavorable environment preventive detoxification of the body twice a year . 6/19/11
  • 20. Instructions T OXFiGHT ER LUX for use : Dosage: 束Toxfighter lux損 is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of dietary fibers, flavonoids and tanning agents. Adults should use 3 capsules 2-3 times a day with food. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 21. Art of Life Womens FORMULA product formula損 is an ideally balanced complex 束Womens In created subject to the needs of womens body. The India complex normalizes the mineral balance and is recommended for prevention of diseases caused by the hormonal changes such as osteoporosis, breast tumour and genital organs diseases, elimination of pains connected with premenstrual syndrome, pre- and postmenopausal problems, support of tone of womens genital organs especially during menopausal period. The complex contains vegetable extracts, minerals, vitamins and amino acids providing maintenance of normal metabolic processes in the womens organism. Extracts of hops, alfalfa, damiana, Chinese angelica, ginseng possess specific substances, phytooestrogens, which maintain a natural hormonal balance, regulate menstrual cycle. Besides, due to their vasorelaxant action phytooestrogens are able to significantly mitigate pain, spasms and convulsions connected with 6/19/11 premenstrual syndrome.
  • 22. INDICATIONS Womens FORMULA : 端for improvement of womens sex hormones synthesis maintenance of womens sex hormones balance premenstrual syndrome menopausal period xerosis, hair and nails fragility prevention of womens genital system inflammatory diseases 6/19/11
  • 23. Instructions Womens FORMULA for use : Dosage: Womens formula is recommended as an additional source of vitamins (, D, , 弌 and ) and mineral substances (zinc, iron, iodine, selenium). Adults should take 1 tablet 2 times a day with food. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 24. Art of Life MENS FORMULA product In 束Mens formula損 is a bioactive complex for a timely solving India of mens health specific problems, i.e. prevention of prostate structural and functional changes and sexual function decrease, effective prophylaxis of stagnant phenomena in urino-genital system. The complex composition positively influences the synthesis and the balance of mens sex hormones. Saw palmetto and pygeum extracts are able to reduce prostate hyperplasia, especially at the initial stages of diseases. Cucurbit seeds increase dieresis, stimulate the chloride salts discharge, positively affect the urino-genital system functioning. Parsley has a diuretic effect. Zinc oxide provides an active support to the mens organism being a source of microelements necessary for the synthesis and maintenance of natural level of mens sex hormones. The use of the 束Mens formula損 bioactive complex provides an active prophylaxis of mens genital system disorders in any age and improves the general 6/19/11 efficiency of the mens organism.
  • 25. INDICATIONS MENS FORMULA : 端 mens hormone level decrease prostatitis, urethritis prostate adenoma erectile dysfunction general efficiency and immunity decrease 6/19/11
  • 26. Instructions MENS FORMULA for use : Dosage: Mens formula is recommended as an additional source of zinc, beta-sitosterol. Adults should take 1 tablet 2 times a day with food. Consult the doctor before using. The use of 2 tablets (a recommended dosage) provides the supply of zinc 8,4mg 56% of daily maintenance. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 27. Art of Life HEPAR FORMULA product In 束Hepar Formula損 is a complex of vegetative extracts and phospholipids that supports the liver cells restorative process, India liver against unfavorable influence of the accelerates the regeneration of liver tissue after inflammatory diseases (hepatitis), protects environment and when contacting harmful or toxic substances. Active substances of saltwort and Saint-Mary-thistle extracts protect and restore liver cells. The action of these extracts provides a healing effect; the blood cholesterol level is reduced. Thistle and artichoke help to prevent stagnant phenomena in the hepatobiliary system due to the ability to activate bile synthesis and facilitate its outflow. Artichoke agents help by nausea, the feeling of heaviness, meteorism and pains caused by liver malfunctioning. Phospholipids that are so important for the organism (choline, inositol and lecithin) strengthen liver cells membranes, prevent their adipose infiltration and prevent cirrhosis development. Methionine amino acid normalizes the choline metabolism and strengthens the process of protein metabolism in an affected organ, stimulating its rehabilitation. 6 vitamin controls the course of all enzymatic reactions and improves energy metabolism. The recognized ability of the 束Hepar Formula損 bioactive complex to 6/19/11 restore the disturbed structure elements as well as liver cells and
  • 28. INDICATIONS HEPAR FORMULA : toxic liver lesions (occupational, medicinal, alcoholic) fatty hepatosis acute and chronic inflammatory liver diseases, liver cirrhosis chronic gallbladder diseases, biliary dyskinesia opisthorchosis pancreatitis 6/19/11
  • 29. Instructions HEPAR FORMULA for use : Dosage: Is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of vitamin 6, flavolignans. improves liver and bile passages functioning as well as by acute and chronic inflammatory processes. The effectiveness is clinically proved. Adults should take 1 tablet 3 times a day with food. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a 6/19/11 physician before intake.
  • 30. Art Life GLUCOS I L product In 束Glucosil損 bioactive complex provides an optimization of glucoseIndia level in blood, improves the functions of pancreas and digestive system in general, prevents the development of atherosclerotic changes in vessels, improves microcirculation processes, normalizes carbohydrate and lipometabolism. Ginger, inula and artichoke roots, bilberry, raspberry and birch leaves are able to reduce the blood sugar level by means of influencing the metabolic process. Burdock extract in combination with L-carnitine, chromium, manganese and group B microelements activity adjust carbohydrate and lipometabolism. Vitamins C, E, PP, quercetin and Ginkgo Biloba extract fulfill vessels wall strengthening, improve microcirculation, decrease blood viscosity. Sagebrush has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity which is intensified by enzymes (papain and bromeline). Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory actions of garlic and St. John's wort provide a 6/19/11 prophylaxis of the immunodeficiency state. St. John's wort is
  • 31. INDICATIONS GLUCOS I L : prevention and correction of functional disorders caused by diabetes of both types of different degrees of severity as well as by glucose tolerance disorder optimization of carbohydrate and lipometabolism deterioration of pancreas functioning and digestive system in general prevention of atherosclerotic changes in vessels gastrointestinal tract chronic noninfectious diseases 6/19/11
  • 32. Instructions GLUCOS I L for use : Dosage: Glucosil is recommended as a dietary supplement, an additional source of vitamins, mineral substances, flavonoids, tannins. Adults should take 1 tablet 2 times a day with food. The period of use 1 months. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 33. Art Life GReeN S T AR product In For a Indiaformation of the organism proteins and correct a full-fledged realization of biochemical reactions lying in the basement of all vitally important processes there is a need in a regular supply of a certain amount of amino acids, vitamins and microelements. 束Green Star損 is a multi-purpose general health- improving complex which provides support of the organism functions by compensating and maintaining the amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements balance necessary to support a full-fledged activity and organism resistibility to the influence of 6/19/11 unfavorable factors of the environment.
  • 34. INDICATIONS GReeN S T AR : 端 any kind of organism intoxication infectious and parasitic diseases digestive apparatus diseases allergies, immunity system dysfunctions prevention and correction of disbacteriosis chronic noninfectious inflammatory diseases prevention and treatment of thyroid gland diseases connected with a lack of iodine hypoxia prevention in the conditions of highland, lower temperatures, hard physical activity, extreme kinds of sports 6/19/11
  • 35. Instructions GReeN S T AR for use : Dosage: Green star is recommended as an additional source of vitamin E, iodine. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 36. Art of Life DI S COVERY CHARM product In India 束Discovery Charm損 complex is produced according to a high-tech technology of matrix pill with the use of the latest biopolymer substances. Each pill consists of three types of granules with active substances which release in a particular order. Thus, the pills of the 束Discovery損 complexes represent a system with a regulated rate and a prolonged character of active substances emission. 6/19/11
  • 37. INDICATIONS DI S COVERY CHARM : 端 as a general health-improving agent for all types of hypovitaminosis functional weakness of the immune system. undue fatigue, irritation. disorders of the nervous system, organs of vision, stress situations at the recovery stages after illnesses and surgical intervention for active prophylaxis of oncological diseases during the courses of chemo- and radiation therapy 6/19/11
  • 38. Instructions DI S COVERY CHARM for use : Dosage: adults should take 2 tablets 1 in the morning and 2 tablets 2 in the afternoon with food. The period of use is 1 month. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 39. Art of Life DI S COVERY FORCE product In 束Discovery Force損 complex is a multicomponent system India the mens organism with basic providing nutrients the deficit of which may lead to the formation and development of various diseases. It has a strong tonic effect, increases stress resistibility, stimulates the regulation of mens sex hormones balance. 油Discovery Force損 complex is produced according to a high-tech technology of matrix pill with the use of the latest biopolymer substances. Each pill consists of three types of granules with active substances which release in a particular order. Thus, the pills of the 束Discovery損 complexes represent a system with a regulated rate and a prolonged character of active 6/19/11 substances emission.
  • 40. INDICATIONS DI S COVERY FORCE : 端 as a general health-improving agent by all types of hypovitaminosis the immune system functioning decrease at the recovery stages after illnesses and surgical intervention by nervous system, organs of vision diseases, stress situations by sports activities for active prevention of oncological diseases during the courses of chemo- and radiation therapy 6/19/11
  • 41. Instructions DI S COVERY FORCE for use : Dosage: adults should take 2 tablets 1 in the morning and 2 tablets 2 in the afternoon with food. The period of use is 1 month. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician before intake. 6/19/11
  • 42. Art of Life COMPLEX OF product In ENZYMES Plus India digestion and absorption processes as The systematic approach to restoration of the disturbed food well as to rehabilitation of the organism after inflammatory diseases of various etiology implies the use of active enzymes. Bioactive 束Complex of enzymes Plus損 is a combination of active vegetative and animal enzymes used to eliminate the inflammation, and that possess an immunomodulating effect. 束Complex of enzymes Plus損 has a favorable effect on digestion process providing more complete food breakdown and uptake as well as giving support to other functions fulfilled by enzymes in the organism. 6/19/11
  • 43. INDICATIONS COMPLEX OF : ENZYMES Plus 端 different acute and chronic inflammatory processes rheumatic and autoimmune diseases digestion dysfunctions undue blood viscosity and liability to vessels diseases surgical interventions 6/19/11
  • 44. Instructions COMPLEX OF for use : ENZYMES Plus Dosage: Adults should take 1 tablet 3 times a day with food and large amount of water. The period of use is 1 month. Enzymes plus complex has a general health-improving action, it improves the functioning of gastrointestinal tract and digestive apparatus as well as by digestion dysfunctions and inflammatory diseases. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a 6/19/11 physician before intake.
  • 45. Art of Life ART EMEZI N product In India Complex for protection of organism against most kinds of helminths and protozoaHelminthic invasions and infectious diseases caused by protozoa are widely spread. Invermination by helminths and protozoa is accompanied by gastrointestinal tract organs dysfunction, intoxication and metabolic disorders development. Complexes based on vegetative components most effectively and safely compensate harmful influence on the organism. 6/19/11
  • 46. INDICATIONS ART EMEZI N : 端 prevention and treatment of helminthic invasions (enterobiasis, ascariasis) prevention and treatment of protozoal infections (lambliosis) digestive organs and liver dysfunction undue intestinal aerogenesis toxic liver lesions appetite reduction of various etiology 6/19/11
  • 47. Instructions ART EMEZI N for use : Dosage: Adults should take 2 tablets 3 times a day with food. The period of use is 10 days. Consult the doctor before using. Anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic and antiparasitic effect of the vegetable complex Artemizin is the basis for effective prevention of parasitic and helminthic invasions, it may also be used in a complex therapy of ascariasis, enterobiasis, and lambliosis. Contraindications : Individual intolerance of the components . Recommended consultation of a physician 6/19/11 before intake.
  • 49. Art of Life KI S S EL WI LD BERRY WI T H BERRI ES products Natural product for daily maintenance of strength and health. A rich complex of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended as dietary and prophylactic product in case of vitamins, iron and iodine deficiency. It can be taken by any age groups, children (recommended from 3 years) , pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and in case of rehabilitation after diseases and surgeries. 6/19/11
  • 50. CONTENTS : KI S S EL WI LD BERRY WI T H BERRI ES - Icing sugar, - amylum , - berry juice, - berries of bilberry, - cow berry , - raspberry, - multi vitamin complex, - Lemon acid, - food flavor Wild berry, - Vitamin C, - sweetener sucrose, - ferric sulphate, - potassium iodate . 6/19/11
  • 51. METHOD OF KI S S EL WI LD BERRY WI T H BERRI ES PREPARATIO N 15 g of granules (3 teaspoons).dissolve in one glass of hot water (96-98 degrees). Taste intensity and density . 6/19/11
  • 52. Art of Life FORT I FI ED S WEET S KARKADE CHERRY T AS T E products Low calorie sweets Karkade ideally supplement the ration of people, who live a healthy lifestyle and control their body weight. The well balanced combination of Karkade and minerals has a profitable influence on the carbohydrate-lipid exchange , stimulate the immunity activity and prevent vascular and heart diseases. It is recommended for dietary and diabetic nutrition. Do not contain sugar. 6/19/11
  • 53. Art of Life PHYTOGELS products 6/19/11
  • 54. Art of Life S ORBI OGEL products Quick complex organism cleansing Sorbiogel is intended for quick connecting, neutralization and removal from the organism of toxins of any origin. 6/19/11
  • 55. INDICATIONS S ORBI OGEL : 端 food poisonings 端 alcoholic and drug intoxication 端 enteric infections 端 viral and allergists 端 atherosclerosis 端 pancreatic diabetes 端 obesity 端 residence in ecologically adverse regions 端 hazardous employment 6/19/11
  • 56. Art of Life GAS T RI GEL products Improvement of functional condition of digestive tract Gastrigel is intended for quick improvement of the condition of digestive processes in the conditions of chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract organs. 6/19/11
  • 57. INDICATIONS GAS T RI GEL : 端 dysfunctions of digestive apparatus 端 acute diseases of gastrointestinal tract organs 端 exacerbations of chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract organs 端 dysfunctions of liver and gall-bladder 6/19/11
  • 58. Art of Life CARDI OGEL products Complex support of heart and vessels Cardiogel is intended for quick and active support of heart and vessels performance. In the complex Cardiogel ingredients activate metabolic processes in the cardiac muscle, which improves its work, and normalize myocardium blood supply. 6/19/11
  • 59. INDICATIONS CARDI OGEL : 端 Pathologies of cardiovascular system 端 atherosclerosis 端 arrhythmias 端 essential hypertension 6/19/11
  • 60. Art of Life S EDAGEL products Improvement of the processes of falling asleep and quality of sleep The effect of Sedagel complex consists of quick normalization of functions of the central nervous system and recovery of sleep due to mild sedative effect. 6/19/11
  • 61. INDICATIONS S EDAGEL : 端 sleep disorders 端 Increased nervous irritability 端 neurasthenia 端 irritability 端 cardiovascular neuroses 端 migraine 端 climacteric disorders 端 essential hypertension 6/19/11
  • 62. Art of Life UROGEL products Urogel is intended for quick aid to urinary system in case of disorder of its performance. 6/19/11
  • 63. INDICATIONS UROGEL : 端 dysfunctions of urinary system 端 complementary therapy of chronic pyelonephritis in exacerbation stage 端 essential hypertension, pulmonary, cardiac insufficiency 端 edemas of different etiology 端 complex therapy and prevention of exacerbations and relapses of chronic infections of urinary system 端 therapy with antibiotics, nitro furans, sulfanilamides 6/19/11
  • 64. Art Life J OiNT GEL products Complex support of locomotors system Jointgel allows to quickly restore nutritional support of the basic joint tissues cartilaginous, bone surface lining, and the dense connective, forming ligament. 6/19/11
  • 65. INDICATIONS J OiNT GEL : 端 disorders of functions of locomotive system of different etiology 端 conditions after traumas 端 increased physical load on the locomotive system 6/19/11
  • 66. Art of Life 束T oget her t owar ds healt hy f ut ur e損 THANKS FO R YO UR KIND ATTE NTIO N 6/19/11