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Pronouns - subject and object English lesson
What will I learn from the lesson Subject and object pronouns?
During this English lesson you will start what subject and object pronouns are and learn the
differences between them. The last part to the lesson is a short exercise to practise using the correct
pronoun in the sentences.

A pronoun has the same meaning as a noun.
I like John. I know him well (Him has the same meaning as John, it refers to John)

I know John. He is a friendly person. (The pronoun herefer to the noun John.)

In grammar, the pronoun refers to a noun.

What are subject pronouns?
Subject pronouns are the subject were the person or thing is doing the action.

I speak English.

You are learning English.

She speaks English.

He speaks English.

I went home yesterday due to being tired.

We said goodbye to Sarah.

Some common subject pronouns
I        you        he       she                    it            we             you        they

Some common object pronouns
me       you        him                her          it            us             you        them

What are object pronouns?
Object pronouns are for the person or thing receiving the action:

Mr Bean knows me

Mr Bean knows you

Mr Bean knows her

Mr Bean knows him

Sarah telephoned me to ask me for advice.
I hit himas hard as I could.

We saw her about one hour ago.

Fill in correct pronouns for the sentences
This exercise you will practice using object and subject pronouns,by writing the correct pronoun
where the blank spaces are.

Copy and write the list on a piece of paper and fill in the missing blanks.

**Hint**the words that are in the brackets (they) are not always the answer they are only to give
you a clue to what the answer might be.

Nobody told ___us__ that John was late picking us up, (they)

Pronouns exercise
1 She... telephoned her mum this morning, (she)

2 The police watched .him... for hours, (he)

3 Hasn't ______ arrived yet? (she)

4 _________don't understand. (I)

5 Am sorry are you talking to _______? (I)

6 Don't ask ________ wont know anything, (she/she)

7 This is Sarah: ______have known ________ for over ten years, (we/she)

8 Nobody told _______ the taxi was waiting outside the house, (they)

9 Why didn't ______ ask _______ to come? (She/they)

10 Don't ask ______Ask_______(I/he)

11 ________ think ________ doesn't like ________ (T/hc/I)

12 _________ asked _______ to invite _________ (they/he/we)

Easy Pace Forum
If you are struggling with the exercises post a question we will try and help you or post your answers
and let others compare with what you have.

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Subject and object pronouns english lesson

  • 1. Pronouns - subject and object English lesson What will I learn from the lesson Subject and object pronouns? During this English lesson you will start what subject and object pronouns are and learn the differences between them. The last part to the lesson is a short exercise to practise using the correct pronoun in the sentences. A pronoun has the same meaning as a noun. I like John. I know him well (Him has the same meaning as John, it refers to John) I know John. He is a friendly person. (The pronoun herefer to the noun John.) In grammar, the pronoun refers to a noun. What are subject pronouns? Subject pronouns are the subject were the person or thing is doing the action. I speak English. You are learning English. She speaks English. He speaks English. I went home yesterday due to being tired. We said goodbye to Sarah. Some common subject pronouns I you he she it we you they Some common object pronouns me you him her it us you them What are object pronouns? Object pronouns are for the person or thing receiving the action: Mr Bean knows me Mr Bean knows you Mr Bean knows her Mr Bean knows him Sarah telephoned me to ask me for advice.
  • 2. I hit himas hard as I could. We saw her about one hour ago. Fill in correct pronouns for the sentences This exercise you will practice using object and subject pronouns,by writing the correct pronoun where the blank spaces are. Copy and write the list on a piece of paper and fill in the missing blanks. **Hint**the words that are in the brackets (they) are not always the answer they are only to give you a clue to what the answer might be. Nobody told ___us__ that John was late picking us up, (they) Pronouns exercise 1 She... telephoned her mum this morning, (she) 2 The police watched .him... for hours, (he) 3 Hasn't ______ arrived yet? (she) 4 _________don't understand. (I) 5 Am sorry are you talking to _______? (I) 6 Don't ask ________ wont know anything, (she/she) 7 This is Sarah: ______have known ________ for over ten years, (we/she) 8 Nobody told _______ the taxi was waiting outside the house, (they) 9 Why didn't ______ ask _______ to come? (She/they) 10 Don't ask ______Ask_______(I/he) 11 ________ think ________ doesn't like ________ (T/hc/I) 12 _________ asked _______ to invite _________ (they/he/we) Easy Pace Forum If you are struggling with the exercises post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare with what you have.