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Theme: Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy 
This is one of 11 lists of themed resources originally created as a result of recommendations by participants at a series of eight HEA workshops held around England in spring/summer 2012. In this sense, they form a record of the views of the particular contributors, and are not intended to be exhaustive, or exclusive. 
Lists are in alphabetical order, and enough information is included in the referencing to allow resources to be located readily. If the individual resources are to be used (in course documentation, academic work, etc.), you may need to adapt this to fit your own institutional requirements. 
Updated 19 September 2014 
Council for Subject Associations (website) www.subjectassociation.org.uk. Primary Subjects downloads can be found at http://www.subjectassociation.org.uk/index.php?page=165 
DfE (archive) The National Strategies. Available at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110809091832/http:/www.teachingandlearningresources.org.uk. 
DfE (2012) The school curriculum. Available at http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/. 
GTCE/TLRP/ESRC/Andrew Pollard (2010) Professionalism and pedagogy: A contemporary opportunity. Available at http://www.tlrp.org/pub/documents/TLRPGTCEProf&Pedagogy.pdf. 
TDA (2007) Developing trainees subject knowledge for teaching: A way of looking at subject knowledge for teaching. Available at http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/9688/. 
The National Curriculum Expert Subject group has listed links for delivery of the National Curriculum in England from September 2014. Available at http://www.expertsubjectgroups.co.uk/materials.html 
Early Years 
DfE (2012) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/standard/AllPublications/Page1/DFE- 00023-2012.
Ofsted (2011) The impact of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/impact-of-early-years-foundation-stage 
DfES (2003) Excellence and Enjoyment: A Strategy for Primary Schools. Available at 
Fiona Hogg Education Services (2009) Information sheets summarising some of the booklets of Pedagogy & Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools. Available at http://www.fionahogg.com/info.htm. 
Geographical Association (GA) (no date) Curriculum making. Available at www.geography.org.uk/cpdevents/curriculummaking. 
Ofsted (2011) Geography  Learning to make a world of difference. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/geography-learning-make-world-of-difference. 
Primary English 
Rose, J. (2006) Independent review of the teaching of reading. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/0201-2006PDF-EN- 01.pdf. 
Primary/Secondary English 
ITE English 
Ofsted (2011) Excellence in English. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/excellence-english. 
Ofsted (2012) Moving English forward. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/moving-english-forward. 
Ofsted (2011) History for all. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/history- for-all 
The Historical Association (2009) How children learn in history , HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary_resource_2095_140.html 
The Historical Association (2009) Working with models of progression in history learning, HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary_resource_2118_140.html 
The Historical Association (2010) Progression in historical learning, HA. 
Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/primary_resource_1412_141.html 
The Historical Association (2011) Progression and coherence in history, HA. 
Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/resource_4105.html 
Primary Mathematics 
Ofsted (2011) Good practice in primary mathematics. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/good-practice-primary-mathematics-evidence- 20-successful-schools 
Sir Peter Willams (2008) The Independent Review of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools and Early Years Settings. DCSF. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/Williams%20Mathematics.pdf. 
Primary/Secondary Mathematics 
Ofsted (2012) Mathematics: made to measure. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/mathematics-made-measure. 
Secondary Mathematics 
Boaler, J. (2002) Experiencing School Mathematics. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002 (revised edition). 
Bowland Charitable Trust (2008) Bowland Mathematics. Available at http://www.bowlandmaths.org.uk. 
French, D. (2005) Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge. Available at 
General Teaching Council for England (2005,) Research for Teachers - Secondary School mathematics, GTCE. Available at http://www.tla.ac.uk/site/SiteAssets/RfT2/06RE026%20Secondary%20school%20mathematics.pdf. 
Lynn Groove High School (no date) Functional mathematics. Available at www.functionalmathematics.co.uk. 
Modern Languages: 
AQA Teacher Resource Bank GCSE French Scheme of Work 
Deane, M., Planning MFL learning, in Aspects of teaching secondary modern foreign languages, Swarbrick, A. (Ed.) (2002), London: Routledge/Falmer 
Primary Science 
Allen, M. (2010) Misconceptions in Primary Science. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 
Goldsworthy, A. and Feasey, R. (1997) Making sense of Primary Science Investigations. Hatfield: Association for Science Education. 
Peacock, G., Sharp, J., Johnsey, R. and Wright, D. (2009) Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding. Exeter: Learning Matters. 
SCICentre (no date) Developing Primary Teachers' Science Knowledge. Available at http://www.le.ac.uk/education/centres/sci/selfstudy/selfstudy.html. 
Sharp, J. and Byrne, J. (2007) Primary Science Audit and Test. Assessing Your Knowledge and Understanding. (3rd edn.) Exeter: Learning Matters. 
Primary/Secondary Science 
General Teaching Council for England (2011) Research for Teachers  Students' views about science theory and practice, GTCE. Available at 
http://www.tla.ac.uk/site/SiteAssets/RfT1/06RE055%20Students%27%20views%20about%20science%20theory%20and%20practice.pdf (This paper provides a useful summary of the work of Rosalind Driver on how children's ideas about science influence their learning). 
General Teaching Council for England (2011) Research for Teachers  Effective classroom talk in science, GTCE. Available at
Ofsted (2011) Successful Science. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/successful-science. 
QCA (2004) Religious education: The non-statutory national framework. Available at: http://www.mmiweb.org.uk/publications/re/NSNF.pdf.

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Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy Initial Teacher Education Resource List

  • 1. Theme: Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy This is one of 11 lists of themed resources originally created as a result of recommendations by participants at a series of eight HEA workshops held around England in spring/summer 2012. In this sense, they form a record of the views of the particular contributors, and are not intended to be exhaustive, or exclusive. Lists are in alphabetical order, and enough information is included in the referencing to allow resources to be located readily. If the individual resources are to be used (in course documentation, academic work, etc.), you may need to adapt this to fit your own institutional requirements. Updated 19 September 2014 Council for Subject Associations (website) www.subjectassociation.org.uk. Primary Subjects downloads can be found at http://www.subjectassociation.org.uk/index.php?page=165 DfE (archive) The National Strategies. Available at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110809091832/http:/www.teachingandlearningresources.org.uk. DfE (2012) The school curriculum. Available at http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/teachingandlearning/curriculum/. GTCE/TLRP/ESRC/Andrew Pollard (2010) Professionalism and pedagogy: A contemporary opportunity. Available at http://www.tlrp.org/pub/documents/TLRPGTCEProf&Pedagogy.pdf. TDA (2007) Developing trainees subject knowledge for teaching: A way of looking at subject knowledge for teaching. Available at http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/9688/. The National Curriculum Expert Subject group has listed links for delivery of the National Curriculum in England from September 2014. Available at http://www.expertsubjectgroups.co.uk/materials.html Early Years DfE (2012) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/standard/AllPublications/Page1/DFE- 00023-2012.
  • 2. Ofsted (2011) The impact of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/impact-of-early-years-foundation-stage Primary DfES (2003) Excellence and Enjoyment: A Strategy for Primary Schools. Available at http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20040722013944/dfes.gov.uk/primarydocument/. Secondary Fiona Hogg Education Services (2009) Information sheets summarising some of the booklets of Pedagogy & Practice: Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools. Available at http://www.fionahogg.com/info.htm. Geography Geographical Association (GA) (no date) Curriculum making. Available at www.geography.org.uk/cpdevents/curriculummaking. Ofsted (2011) Geography Learning to make a world of difference. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/geography-learning-make-world-of-difference. Primary English Rose, J. (2006) Independent review of the teaching of reading. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/0201-2006PDF-EN- 01.pdf. Primary/Secondary English ITE English http://www.ite.org.uk/ Ofsted (2011) Excellence in English. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/excellence-english. Ofsted (2012) Moving English forward. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/moving-english-forward. History
  • 3. Ofsted (2011) History for all. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/history- for-all The Historical Association (2009) How children learn in history , HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary_resource_2095_140.html The Historical Association (2009) Working with models of progression in history learning, HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/secondary_resource_2118_140.html The Historical Association (2010) Progression in historical learning, HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/primary_resource_1412_141.html The Historical Association (2011) Progression and coherence in history, HA. Available at http://www.history.org.uk/resources/resource_4105.html Primary Mathematics Ofsted (2011) Good practice in primary mathematics. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/good-practice-primary-mathematics-evidence- 20-successful-schools Sir Peter Willams (2008) The Independent Review of Mathematics Teaching in Primary Schools and Early Years Settings. DCSF. Available at https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/Williams%20Mathematics.pdf. Primary/Secondary Mathematics Ofsted (2012) Mathematics: made to measure. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/mathematics-made-measure. Secondary Mathematics Boaler, J. (2002) Experiencing School Mathematics. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002 (revised edition). Bowland Charitable Trust (2008) Bowland Mathematics. Available at http://www.bowlandmaths.org.uk. French, D. (2005) Subject Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge. Available at http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/~avb/pdf/DougFrenchSubjectKnowledge.pdf.
  • 4. General Teaching Council for England (2005,) Research for Teachers - Secondary School mathematics, GTCE. Available at http://www.tla.ac.uk/site/SiteAssets/RfT2/06RE026%20Secondary%20school%20mathematics.pdf. Lynn Groove High School (no date) Functional mathematics. Available at www.functionalmathematics.co.uk. Modern Languages: AQA Teacher Resource Bank GCSE French Scheme of Work http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/newgcse/pdf/AQA-4655-W-TRB-SW.PDF Deane, M., Planning MFL learning, in Aspects of teaching secondary modern foreign languages, Swarbrick, A. (Ed.) (2002), London: Routledge/Falmer Primary Science Allen, M. (2010) Misconceptions in Primary Science. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Goldsworthy, A. and Feasey, R. (1997) Making sense of Primary Science Investigations. Hatfield: Association for Science Education. Peacock, G., Sharp, J., Johnsey, R. and Wright, D. (2009) Primary Science Knowledge and Understanding. Exeter: Learning Matters. SCICentre (no date) Developing Primary Teachers' Science Knowledge. Available at http://www.le.ac.uk/education/centres/sci/selfstudy/selfstudy.html. Sharp, J. and Byrne, J. (2007) Primary Science Audit and Test. Assessing Your Knowledge and Understanding. (3rd edn.) Exeter: Learning Matters. Primary/Secondary Science General Teaching Council for England (2011) Research for Teachers Students' views about science theory and practice, GTCE. Available at http://www.tla.ac.uk/site/SiteAssets/RfT1/06RE055%20Students%27%20views%20about%20science%20theory%20and%20practice.pdf (This paper provides a useful summary of the work of Rosalind Driver on how children's ideas about science influence their learning). General Teaching Council for England (2011) Research for Teachers Effective classroom talk in science, GTCE. Available at
  • 5. http://www.tla.ac.uk/site/SiteAssets/RfT2/06RE062%20Effective%20classroom%20talk%20in%20science.pdf. Ofsted (2011) Successful Science. Available at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/successful-science. RE QCA (2004) Religious education: The non-statutory national framework. Available at: http://www.mmiweb.org.uk/publications/re/NSNF.pdf.