This document discusses subliminal messages and their potential influence on behavior. It defines subliminal messages as signals designed to pass below the normal limits of perception. While an early experiment claimed subliminal messages increased popcorn and Coke sales, it was later found to be fraudulent. Some subsequent studies found subliminal messages like "Cola" and "Drink" influenced participants' drink choices. Environmental cues like smells, music and visuals may also subtly influence shopping behaviors without conscious awareness. However, the effectiveness of subliminal messages is dependent on individual vulnerabilities and the immediate context in which the messages are received.
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2. What Is Subliminal Massage?
A subliminal message is a signal or message designed to pass below (sub) the
normal limits of perception
The registration of sensory input without conscious awareness
Below the threshold of consciousness
Below the normal limits of human mind's perception
Conscious mind 10%
Subconscious mind 90%
5. Vicary Experiment
James Vicary claimed to have flashed the words eat popcorn and Drink Coca-
Cola on a movie screen for 1/200th of a second, every 5 seconds during the
movie Picnic
He claimed popcorn sales increased 58% and Coke sales increased 18%
Vicarys experiment was never successfully replicated
He later acknowledged the study was a fraud
The public felt threaten that companies can manipulate consumers like mindless
On public pressure the U.K., Australia and the National Association of
Broadcasting in America banned subliminal Advertisements
6. Can Subliminal advertisements influence our
Subliminal messages can redirect our decisions
Subliminal messages cant override our intentions
But under some circumstances they can override when these messages relate to
our immediate goals or natural tastes
7. Subliminal messages in US presidential Race
During the 2000 U.S. presidential race. Democrats
complained that this political ad subliminally flashed
the word "RATS" when disparaging nominee Al Gore's
Medicare plan. Republicans responded that this was
just the tail end of the word "BUREAUCRATS."
Flashed for 30miliseconds
8. Back Masking
Back masking is a recording technique in which a sound or message is recorded
backward onto a track that is meant to be played forward.
In 1980 religious groups in U.S feared that some rock bands are
Using back masking to convey satanic teachings
Parents unsuccessfully sued Osborne claiming his music contained
Black masked tracks
Self help Cassette tapes claimed to employ subliminal messages that increases
self confidence, but these claims were rejected by researchers
9. Computerized Attention Tests
RUN(Redboud University Nijmegen) Netherlands and University of Amsterdam
conducted this research in 2001
Throughout the test they flashed Cola and Drink
Participents who watched subliminal message were more
Likely to ask for a cola
10. Computerized Attention Tests
Researchers decided to test the theory that Coca Cola as a brand name may be
too deeply imprinted in most peoples memories for subliminal stimuli to have any
This study was conducted in 2006, volunteers were asked to perform
computerized attention test
Researchers flashed words Lipton Ice Tea for one group and made them
Thirsty by giving salt drops and other group was flashed with words
Non-sense syllables
Flashed for 23miliseconds
13. Subliminal messages could be used
successfully in limited
Individual's vulnerability to subliminal suggestions depends on
following variables;
Physical needs and habits
Condition in which message has been conveyed
14. Brainwashing in Supermarket
Subliminal messages hold sway over our behavior in the same way as these
environmental cues do.
The thirsty test subject is more receptive to a subliminal hint about a drink just as
the hungry shopper to overfill his/her cart at supermarkets.
Smells from caf辿 can make us feel hungry
A citrus scent can trigger thoughts about cleaning
Music can affect what we buy in a shop
15. Rob Hollands experiment (2005)
Team asked 56 students to list five activities they hoped to undertake during the
next few days
in a
in a
16. Rob Hollands experiment (2005)
Only 11%
36% wrote
that they
Students who
encountered the
citrus smell
Students who
worked in a scent
free room
Holland and his colleagues concluded that citrus scent had increased the cognitive accessibility of the
goal of cleaning.
17. How Music can alter our behavior?
This study was conducted by Taxes Technical University
During several weeks at wine store they played a variety of music, alternating
between classical and popular tunes
Music didnt increased the sales but profits
18. How spending habits of restaurant patrons
varies with musical cues
This study was conducted by University of Leicester in England
They spent three weeks varying the music from classical to pop to no music at all.
spent an
average of
Guests spent an
average of $45
NO Music
Guests spent
an average
of $39
19. Using Subliminal Advertisements
Subliminal advertisements could be used successfully in immediate, day to day
To have a genuine effect;
Subliminal slogans would have to be short
Delivered near to the time of purchase/Decision
Relate to a persons immediate intentions/Habits
Studies show that millisecond exposures to
the words angry or relax can have
definite, if short lived, effects on a persons
heart rate and blood pressure