The candidate received a total of 60 lakhs (Rs. 6 million) in scholarships from US top 30 business schools, including Rs. 30 lakhs from Emory Goizueta. They accepted the offer from Emory, which provided Rs. 12k per semester in scholarships and a no-co-signer loan at 6% interest for international students. Emory also asked admitted students to consent to a background check by a third party to verify documents like letters of recommendation, resume, work experience, and education records. The candidate was unsure about documentation needed for the visa interview and planned to consult a visa expert.
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Success Story - 30 Lakhs of Scholarships from Emory
1. Success Story
PythaGURUS MBA Admissions
EMORY GOIZUETA (30 Lakhs of Scholarships)
30 Schools
In the short term, he now plans to work with a company in a
B2B marketing role where he would take-up the responsibility
for creating business plans for the product for a specific region
and developing marketing plans to achieve the target.
With an engineering background and a business exposure
through the marketing role, he could clearly envision a long-
term goal which requires a holistic understanding of multiple
business functions.
Directly From the Applicant:
Hi Jatin,
The scholarship from Emory is USD 12k/semester. I mistook this
for 12k/year.
So the amount is the same as what Notre dame has also offered.
They also have a no-co-signer loan at 6% interest for
international students. Hence I have decided to take up Emory.
Emory has asked all admitted students to sign a consent letter
asking our permission for a third party back ground check. The
name of the third party is Kroll and they are going to verify the
authenticity of LORs, resume, work experience and education.
Let me know any specific precautionary measures that i need to
take for this. I am attaching the letter from Emory herewith.
I went through US embassy website for student visas. They don’t
ask you to bring Income Tax return copies. But is it required
during visa interview as a proof of your work experience? Is
there any good visa consultant that you know. I think I will take
someone's help to be clear with the process and to be prepared
for all sort of questions.
Let me know of your plans for the second meeting with Santosh.
He should be interested as I have 4 admits :) | 9650011233 | 0124 – 4385306 |