Here Tamil Thoughts speaks about Successful people Stories, which is a Motivational Speech in Tamil. Tamil Thoughts also gives the quote of successful people, habits of successful people in India, and how successful people think and grow and lead in this world.
14. 牀朽牀園牀園逗牀鉦橿萎鉦 牀牆牀む園牀牆 牀牆牀牀園牀牀逗牆牆牀朽 牀朽逗
牆牀牆牀牆牀朽牀牆牀萎牀牀橿鉦 牀牆牀牀園牀牀逗牆牀牆牀牀橿 (Try not
to become a man of success, but rather try
to become a man of value) 牀牀迦牀朽牀鉦牆牀牆
牀牀牀逗む牀逗牆 牀牆牀牆 牀牀朽む朽牀迦牀迦鉦牆 牀牀逗牆牀む逗む牀む
牀朽逗萎牀牆牀牆牀牀逗園牀む, 牀牀朽む朽牀迦牀迦鉦牆
牀牀牆牀朽牀牀逗牀迦牀 牀鉦む逗む牀む 牀朽逗牆牀牆
牀朽牀牆牀牆牀鉦迦逗牀牆 牀項逗迦
牀牀迦牀牀迦鉦萎牀牀 牀牀萎 牆牀朽牀牀逗迦 牀朽牀園牀園逗牀鉦橿萎牀牀橿牀む鉦牆!
Everyone is a winner!
牀牀迦牀牀迦鉦萎牀牀 牀牀逗園牆牀牀逗牆 牀牆牀鉦む 牆牀迦牀迦牀萎牀牀橿鉦牀む牀む鉦牆
牀牀逗園牆牀牀逗園鉦萎牀牀橿! Everybody is born to be good at birth!
牀牆牀萎牀牀橿 牆牀橿萎牆牀牆牀牀逗 牀牆牀巌牀牀逗朽 牀牀園牀園牀牆 牀牆牀萎牀牀橿牀牆牀牆牀橿
牀牀萎牀牆牀牀逗牆牀 牀朽牀鉦牆牀む橿逗牆牀牀逗牆牀 牀牀萎牆牀牆 牀牀園牀園牀牆
(Recognisation) 牀牀牆牀園 牀 牀鉦迦牀迦牆牀牆牀牀逗 牀牀逗園 牀牀牆牀牀逗牀鉦萎牆
牀む鉦牆 牀朽牀牆牀 牀牀逗園 牀む牀牀迦牀逗牆 牀牆牀む. 牀牀朽 牀牀迦牀迦鉦牆 牀む鉦牆
牀牀萎 牀鉦む鉦萎 牀牀牀逗む朽 牀朽牀園牀園逗牀鉦橿牀鉦 牀牀鉦園牀園牀牀逗園む.