The document discusses how well-designed convention districts that are walkable and integrate hotels, restaurants, attractions and the convention center improve the attendee experience. It provides examples of convention centers located in walkable urban areas like Denver, Palm Beach and Long Beach that allow attendees to conveniently access amenities without transportation. Planners note the cost savings from reduced shuttle buses and how walkable districts encourage attendees to explore the city in their free time. Cities are working to develop convention center neighborhoods into vibrant mixed-use districts to attract more events.
Strategy Guide: How Hotels Can Book More Meetings and Events in 2019Harsha MVThis document provides a strategy guide for hotels to book more meetings and events in 2019. It outlines three main strategies:
1) Sell the experience, not just the space, by offering unique locations on property, unconventional activities like VR, and partnering with local organizations to provide exclusive experiences.
2) Make communication seamless for planners by understanding different generational communication styles and allowing planners to choose their preferred channels of contact.
3) Understand and accommodate planner budgets by being transparent about pricing, offering flexible contract terms, and creative pricing models.
Cuento De La Madre Naturaleza WILLIAM YAJUREwilliam yajueEste cuento describe la armonía inicial entre la Madre Naturaleza y el mundo hasta que las empresas tecnológicas comenzaron a causar daño ambiental a través de la tala, contaminación y explotación de recursos. Esto llevó al calentamiento global, enfermedades, sequías e inundaciones. El empresario responsable finalmente se dio cuenta del daño causado y pidió perdón a Dios y a la Madre Naturaleza. Ambos le dieron otra oportunidad de restaurar el medio ambiente si prometía no dañar
Análisis de datos de NacimientosItzaInfanteAnálisis de datos de Nacimientos: Actividad escolar realizada en equipos. sobre las edades y fechas de nacimiento en los grupos A y B
133393696 futbol-formacionCelaya F.B., Racoons, Liceo Real Del SurEl documento presenta una metodología para el entrenamiento de fútbol base que incluye el diseño selectivo de objetivos y sus contenidos, el registro de volúmenes de entrenamiento de equipos juveniles, y el análisis de datos sobre minutos dedicados a diferentes objetivos como el fútbol, la técnica y la táctica.
Los gatosAna CarideLos gatos callejeros tienen una vida más corta de 4 años debido a que carecen de alimento, refugio y atención veterinaria. En contraste, los gatos domésticos viven hasta 15 años ya que reciben vacunas, comida regular, refugio y atención médica. Los gatos se comunican mediante ronroneos, maullidos, gruñidos y bufidos, y exhiben comportamientos instintivos como esconderse, limpiarse, dormir en alturas y cazar de forma sigilosa.
crematorium Escondidoescondidocremation“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” Gold Coast will ensure the funeral in the crematorium Escondido goes in a smooth way and help you bid a peaceful goodbye to the beloved one.
1.introd.boileauJosé MartínezEste documento resume las principales ideas de Platón y Aristóteles sobre la crítica literaria y la teoría cultural. Platón consideraba que la poesía carecía de seriedad y tenía un poder corruptor, por lo que expulsó a los poetas de su ciudad ideal. Introdujo los conceptos de inspiración poética y mímesis. Aristóteles definió la poesía como una manifestación artística autónoma que usa el lenguaje de manera peculiar. Consideró que la mímesis, o imitación de la realidad, era el origen del arte y
La celulahumbeto017El documento describe que las células son las unidades fundamentales de los seres vivos y que realizan todas las funciones básicas. Existen organismos unicelulares y pluricelulares, siendo los primeros aquellos formados por una sola célula como las amebas, y los segundos los compuestos por más de una célula, como los animales y plantas. La membrana celular envuelve y mantiene la integridad de la célula, estando compuesta por proteínas y lípidos.
Tema 3 contraste hipotesisA Javier SantanaEste documento introduce los conceptos de estimación puntual y contraste de hipótesis. Explica que un estimador es una función de los valores de la muestra que se usa para aproximar un parámetro poblacional. Luego describe los dos tipos de estimación - puntual y por intervalo - y los elementos clave de un contraste de hipótesis como la hipótesis nula, hipótesis alternativa, errores tipo I y II. Finalmente, presenta un ejemplo de cómo aplicar un contraste de hipótesis para evaluar si los datos de un estudio siguen una
resumen mapas mentalesvickyvalladares1El documento explica los mapas mentales, diagramas usados para representar ideas alrededor de una palabra clave. Describe que los mapas mentales usan palabras clave e imágenes y estimulan ambos hemisferios del cerebro, ayudando a asociar información de manera creativa. También proporciona ejemplos históricos de mapas mentales y sus beneficios para el aprendizaje y la retención a través de conexiones neuronales.
Profilaxis y Evaluación del paciente quirúrgicoMarco A. Cedano OrtizInformación básica respecto al manejo perioperatorio del paciente programado para cirugía, así como los estándares para el manejo y profilaxis del paciente quirúrugico.
ñvickyvalladares1El resumen compara dos artículos sobre el plagio académico y el ciber-plagio. Un artículo analiza estudios sobre el ciber-plagio y sus causas, como la dependencia de Internet y la falta de habilidades de investigación. El otro artículo propone nuevos enfoques educativos para prevenir el plagio académico facilitado por Internet. Ambos concluyen que se requiere mejor educación para terminar con el problema del plagio.
5 sifat orang yang berimanLEMBAGA PENJAMIN MUTU PENDIDIKANDokumen tersebut menjelaskan lima sifat orang beriman menurut ayat Al-Anfal ayat 2 dan 3, yaitu memiliki rasa takut kepada Allah, bertambahnya iman saat mendengar Al-Quran, hanya bertawakal kepada Allah, mendirikan shalat dengan sempurna, dan senang berinfak.
Evaluación de UD de balomanoTeacher StormListas de control para evaluar situaciones de aprendizaje referente al balonmano. Se encuentran dos instrumentos distintos de evaluación.
The Predicted Heat Strain Mobile Phone AppThe Windsdor Consulting Group, Inc.The University of Queensland project to develop a mobile phone application based on ISO 7933 Predicted Heat Strain is complete.
Rational heat stress indices have been shown to provide a more accurate assessment of heat stress scenarios than many of the simpler and more commonly used empirical indices such as Effective Temperature (ET) and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). A key advantage is that the rational indices also provide an avenue for the health professional to assess potential heat strain using additional parameters as well as evaluate potential controls. Despite this they have not been as readily accepted and utilised. One of the barriers has been their complexity and the numerous calculations associated with their use, requiring access to a computer.
In order to address this issue, a project has been undertaken at The University of Queensland to develop and evaluate a mobile phone application based on the ISO standard 7933 Predicted Heat Strain. This freely available application allows investigators to input a number of parameters associated with the environment, task and individual to evaluate the work scenario’s potential risks and controls without requiring access to a computer. Based on the input data, the app uses a number of algorithms to produce predicted core body temperature and water loss graphs and reports. It is envisaged that the app will become a useful tool for the practicing occupational health and safety professional in the investigation and control of heat stress in the field. Once only accessible to academics or with the purchase of expensive equipment, this free app will take heat stress assessment for the health & safety professional to another level.
PATIAG ANGELA_CVAngela PatiagThis document is a resume for Angela V. Patiag that provides her personal and educational background. It details that she received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from De La Salle University from 2013 to 2016 where she was on the Deans' List multiple terms. It also outlines her work experience as an intern at the Office of Legal Counsel at DLSU from June to September 2016. Furthermore, it lists her involvement in various organizations and events at DLSU related to philosophy.
Los siete saberes necesarios para la educaciòn del futurocarolina arenasEl documento resume los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro según Edgar Morin: 1) una educación que cure la ceguera del conocimiento, 2) un conocimiento pertinente, 3) enseñar la condición humana, 4) enseñar la identidad terrenal, 5) enfrentar las incertidumbres, 6) enseñar la comprensión, y 7) enseñar la ética del género humano. Morin argumenta que estos saberes son necesarios para responder a los retos de una sociedad postmoderna y fomentar un
ARQUITECTURA DE COMPUTADORASklaocvdsEl documento compara y resume las arquitecturas Harvard y von Neumann. La arquitectura Harvard tiene buses separados para datos e instrucciones, lo que permite acceder a memoria de forma concurrente pero con desventajas como requerir instrucciones especiales para acceder a tablas constantes. La arquitectura von Neumann usa un solo bus, lo que simplifica el diseño pero puede causar cuellos de botella.
TutorialAlejandra LopezEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo usar las aulas virtuales y el correo estudiantil, incluyendo cómo actualizar datos personales, participar en foros institucionales, enviar archivos adjuntos, enviar mensajes al profesor, modificar la firma de correo, unirse a grupos de interés, y compartir documentos en Google Docs.
La solitaria muchacha de las colinas david auris v. (analisis literario)kristel munaycoEl poema describe la vida de una joven solitaria que vivía en las colinas. Aunque disfrutaba de la naturaleza y ayudaba a los animales, también experimentaba soledad. Ella encontró consuelo en su fe religiosa, enamorándose de un hombre que "nunca existió", posiblemente una representación de Dios o un santo. Pasó su vida sola dedicada a la religión, hasta que murió en la vejez bajo la lluvia. El poema muestra la inocencia y devoción de la joven, así como el contraste con
Colorado introJames SkinnerDestination Colorado is a nonprofit organization established in 1990 to promote Colorado as a destination for meetings and events. It works closely with the Colorado Tourism Office and has over 120 member organizations including destination marketing groups, hotels, resorts, and event companies. Destination Colorado's website provides a one-stop shop for planners to explore Colorado's regions and venues, submit RFPs, and access other resources. The organization attends national trade shows and hosts regional events to educate planners on Colorado's meeting opportunities in both urban and outdoor settings.
Skinner sample advertorialJames SkinnerDestination Colorado is a nonprofit organization established in 1990 to promote Colorado as a destination for meetings and events. It has over 120 member organizations including convention bureaus, hotels, resorts, and event companies. Destination Colorado works to simplify the planning process for meeting professionals by providing a website that allows them to explore Colorado's different regions and directly contact suppliers. It also attends major industry trade shows and roadshows each year to educate planners on Colorado's meeting venues and experiences. The organization has grown significantly over the years and now hosts an annual December event for members and planners that draws over 70 exhibitors and 250 attendees.
Benchmarking Competitive Identity and Building Your Community's BrandChris FairPlace branding is about creating a compelling case for why your location matters, and the secret to place branding lies in highlighting a city’s unique competitive identity. In this presentation given at the International Economic Development Council's fall conference in Atlanta, Resonance Consultancy President Chris Fair and New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate Professor and Urban Lab Director Steven Pedigo share their latest research on the factors that shape a city’s competitive identity as a place to do business, live, and visit. They also share examples of how economic development organizations can use this information to create authentic, data-driven positioning and marketing strategies to engage the audiences they are seeking to attract.
What you will learn:
• An understanding of why a competitive identity is critically important for attracting investment
• A framework for uncovering factors that help shape a community’s identity
• Best practices and case studies from communities that have effectively built city brands
Where You Meet MattersSocial TablesThe document discusses how choosing the right meeting destination is important for creating purposeful meetings and memorable experiences. It outlines factors to consider when selecting a destination and venue, such as local culture, amenities, and how the location can support the meeting objectives. The document also explores trends like the rise of mid-size cities and non-traditional meeting spaces. In the future, algorithms and attendee preferences may play a bigger role in determining the best destination for a particular meeting.
LEVERAGING LOCAL INNOVATION IN THE LAS VEGAS MEETINGS INDUSTRYPeerasak C.The growth of advanced industries in Southern Nevada provides an opportunity for Las Vegas to elevate its value proposition for hosting meetings and conventions in those industries. The increasing volume of innovative companies based in the region — especially in technology and healthcare — represents significant, yet underutilized, assets that meeting planners and decision-makers can integrate into their programming.
Today, destinations worldwide are leveraging their local knowledge capital and innovation economy more intentionally to differentiate themselves. In Las Vegas, hospitality and tourism leaders have a legitimate advantage to position the city as a global incubator of innovation in everything from brain science to artificial intelligence, among many other advanced industry segments.
Doing so benefits the local meetings and events industry in two important ways.
Visit TRI-CITIES Meeting Planners GuideChelsea ArmstrongThis document is a meeting planner's guide for the Tri-Cities area of Washington state, which includes the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland. It provides information on convention centers, hotels, attractions and activities in the area to help meeting planners choose a location. The guide includes details on multiple convention centers and over 30 hotel properties in the region totaling over 3,800 guest rooms. It also summarizes outdoor activities, local attractions, dining, and the area's wine country to encourage attendees to explore the region.
I Keep It Classic sponsorship package for A3C Main StageI Keep It Classic, LLCThis document provides an overview of the A3C Festival and I Keep It Classic sponsorship opportunities. The A3C Festival is a 3-day hip hop festival in Atlanta, GA that draws over 15,000 people. In 2012, it will expand to two locations and increase programming. I Keep It Classic is powering the A3C Festival Main Stage event featuring artists like Yelawolf and Tech N9ne. Sponsoring this event provides exposure to key music industry leaders and fans. I Keep It Classic offers sponsorship packages that include various marketing and promotional benefits.
The Future of Meetings in HospitalityGreg OatesThe hotel meetings and events industry is going through a radical evolution due to new communication technologies, Millennial psychographics, and a rethinking of the overall purpose and value of meetings. Pop culture phenomenons like TED and SXSW are also changing the perspective of what’s possible at conferences. But are meeting planners and hospitality executives jumping on these trends fast enough?
December 2014 mom presentationAtlantacvbThis document provides an overview and agenda for an Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau member orientation event. It introduces the ACVB staff and outlines upcoming member events for 2015, including Connect networking events, industry briefings, and the annual meeting. It also summarizes Atlanta's tourism industry statistics, convention sales and services activities, marketing and public relations efforts, and resources available to members through the ACVB website.
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Tema 3 contraste hipotesisA Javier SantanaEste documento introduce los conceptos de estimación puntual y contraste de hipótesis. Explica que un estimador es una función de los valores de la muestra que se usa para aproximar un parámetro poblacional. Luego describe los dos tipos de estimación - puntual y por intervalo - y los elementos clave de un contraste de hipótesis como la hipótesis nula, hipótesis alternativa, errores tipo I y II. Finalmente, presenta un ejemplo de cómo aplicar un contraste de hipótesis para evaluar si los datos de un estudio siguen una
resumen mapas mentalesvickyvalladares1El documento explica los mapas mentales, diagramas usados para representar ideas alrededor de una palabra clave. Describe que los mapas mentales usan palabras clave e imágenes y estimulan ambos hemisferios del cerebro, ayudando a asociar información de manera creativa. También proporciona ejemplos históricos de mapas mentales y sus beneficios para el aprendizaje y la retención a través de conexiones neuronales.
Profilaxis y Evaluación del paciente quirúrgicoMarco A. Cedano OrtizInformación básica respecto al manejo perioperatorio del paciente programado para cirugía, así como los estándares para el manejo y profilaxis del paciente quirúrugico.
ñvickyvalladares1El resumen compara dos artículos sobre el plagio académico y el ciber-plagio. Un artículo analiza estudios sobre el ciber-plagio y sus causas, como la dependencia de Internet y la falta de habilidades de investigación. El otro artículo propone nuevos enfoques educativos para prevenir el plagio académico facilitado por Internet. Ambos concluyen que se requiere mejor educación para terminar con el problema del plagio.
5 sifat orang yang berimanLEMBAGA PENJAMIN MUTU PENDIDIKANDokumen tersebut menjelaskan lima sifat orang beriman menurut ayat Al-Anfal ayat 2 dan 3, yaitu memiliki rasa takut kepada Allah, bertambahnya iman saat mendengar Al-Quran, hanya bertawakal kepada Allah, mendirikan shalat dengan sempurna, dan senang berinfak.
Evaluación de UD de balomanoTeacher StormListas de control para evaluar situaciones de aprendizaje referente al balonmano. Se encuentran dos instrumentos distintos de evaluación.
The Predicted Heat Strain Mobile Phone AppThe Windsdor Consulting Group, Inc.The University of Queensland project to develop a mobile phone application based on ISO 7933 Predicted Heat Strain is complete.
Rational heat stress indices have been shown to provide a more accurate assessment of heat stress scenarios than many of the simpler and more commonly used empirical indices such as Effective Temperature (ET) and Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). A key advantage is that the rational indices also provide an avenue for the health professional to assess potential heat strain using additional parameters as well as evaluate potential controls. Despite this they have not been as readily accepted and utilised. One of the barriers has been their complexity and the numerous calculations associated with their use, requiring access to a computer.
In order to address this issue, a project has been undertaken at The University of Queensland to develop and evaluate a mobile phone application based on the ISO standard 7933 Predicted Heat Strain. This freely available application allows investigators to input a number of parameters associated with the environment, task and individual to evaluate the work scenario’s potential risks and controls without requiring access to a computer. Based on the input data, the app uses a number of algorithms to produce predicted core body temperature and water loss graphs and reports. It is envisaged that the app will become a useful tool for the practicing occupational health and safety professional in the investigation and control of heat stress in the field. Once only accessible to academics or with the purchase of expensive equipment, this free app will take heat stress assessment for the health & safety professional to another level.
PATIAG ANGELA_CVAngela PatiagThis document is a resume for Angela V. Patiag that provides her personal and educational background. It details that she received a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from De La Salle University from 2013 to 2016 where she was on the Deans' List multiple terms. It also outlines her work experience as an intern at the Office of Legal Counsel at DLSU from June to September 2016. Furthermore, it lists her involvement in various organizations and events at DLSU related to philosophy.
Los siete saberes necesarios para la educaciòn del futurocarolina arenasEl documento resume los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro según Edgar Morin: 1) una educación que cure la ceguera del conocimiento, 2) un conocimiento pertinente, 3) enseñar la condición humana, 4) enseñar la identidad terrenal, 5) enfrentar las incertidumbres, 6) enseñar la comprensión, y 7) enseñar la ética del género humano. Morin argumenta que estos saberes son necesarios para responder a los retos de una sociedad postmoderna y fomentar un
ARQUITECTURA DE COMPUTADORASklaocvdsEl documento compara y resume las arquitecturas Harvard y von Neumann. La arquitectura Harvard tiene buses separados para datos e instrucciones, lo que permite acceder a memoria de forma concurrente pero con desventajas como requerir instrucciones especiales para acceder a tablas constantes. La arquitectura von Neumann usa un solo bus, lo que simplifica el diseño pero puede causar cuellos de botella.
TutorialAlejandra LopezEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo usar las aulas virtuales y el correo estudiantil, incluyendo cómo actualizar datos personales, participar en foros institucionales, enviar archivos adjuntos, enviar mensajes al profesor, modificar la firma de correo, unirse a grupos de interés, y compartir documentos en Google Docs.
La solitaria muchacha de las colinas david auris v. (analisis literario)kristel munaycoEl poema describe la vida de una joven solitaria que vivía en las colinas. Aunque disfrutaba de la naturaleza y ayudaba a los animales, también experimentaba soledad. Ella encontró consuelo en su fe religiosa, enamorándose de un hombre que "nunca existió", posiblemente una representación de Dios o un santo. Pasó su vida sola dedicada a la religión, hasta que murió en la vejez bajo la lluvia. El poema muestra la inocencia y devoción de la joven, así como el contraste con
Colorado introJames SkinnerDestination Colorado is a nonprofit organization established in 1990 to promote Colorado as a destination for meetings and events. It works closely with the Colorado Tourism Office and has over 120 member organizations including destination marketing groups, hotels, resorts, and event companies. Destination Colorado's website provides a one-stop shop for planners to explore Colorado's regions and venues, submit RFPs, and access other resources. The organization attends national trade shows and hosts regional events to educate planners on Colorado's meeting opportunities in both urban and outdoor settings.
Skinner sample advertorialJames SkinnerDestination Colorado is a nonprofit organization established in 1990 to promote Colorado as a destination for meetings and events. It has over 120 member organizations including convention bureaus, hotels, resorts, and event companies. Destination Colorado works to simplify the planning process for meeting professionals by providing a website that allows them to explore Colorado's different regions and directly contact suppliers. It also attends major industry trade shows and roadshows each year to educate planners on Colorado's meeting venues and experiences. The organization has grown significantly over the years and now hosts an annual December event for members and planners that draws over 70 exhibitors and 250 attendees.
Benchmarking Competitive Identity and Building Your Community's BrandChris FairPlace branding is about creating a compelling case for why your location matters, and the secret to place branding lies in highlighting a city’s unique competitive identity. In this presentation given at the International Economic Development Council's fall conference in Atlanta, Resonance Consultancy President Chris Fair and New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate Professor and Urban Lab Director Steven Pedigo share their latest research on the factors that shape a city’s competitive identity as a place to do business, live, and visit. They also share examples of how economic development organizations can use this information to create authentic, data-driven positioning and marketing strategies to engage the audiences they are seeking to attract.
What you will learn:
• An understanding of why a competitive identity is critically important for attracting investment
• A framework for uncovering factors that help shape a community’s identity
• Best practices and case studies from communities that have effectively built city brands
Where You Meet MattersSocial TablesThe document discusses how choosing the right meeting destination is important for creating purposeful meetings and memorable experiences. It outlines factors to consider when selecting a destination and venue, such as local culture, amenities, and how the location can support the meeting objectives. The document also explores trends like the rise of mid-size cities and non-traditional meeting spaces. In the future, algorithms and attendee preferences may play a bigger role in determining the best destination for a particular meeting.
LEVERAGING LOCAL INNOVATION IN THE LAS VEGAS MEETINGS INDUSTRYPeerasak C.The growth of advanced industries in Southern Nevada provides an opportunity for Las Vegas to elevate its value proposition for hosting meetings and conventions in those industries. The increasing volume of innovative companies based in the region — especially in technology and healthcare — represents significant, yet underutilized, assets that meeting planners and decision-makers can integrate into their programming.
Today, destinations worldwide are leveraging their local knowledge capital and innovation economy more intentionally to differentiate themselves. In Las Vegas, hospitality and tourism leaders have a legitimate advantage to position the city as a global incubator of innovation in everything from brain science to artificial intelligence, among many other advanced industry segments.
Doing so benefits the local meetings and events industry in two important ways.
Visit TRI-CITIES Meeting Planners GuideChelsea ArmstrongThis document is a meeting planner's guide for the Tri-Cities area of Washington state, which includes the cities of Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and West Richland. It provides information on convention centers, hotels, attractions and activities in the area to help meeting planners choose a location. The guide includes details on multiple convention centers and over 30 hotel properties in the region totaling over 3,800 guest rooms. It also summarizes outdoor activities, local attractions, dining, and the area's wine country to encourage attendees to explore the region.
I Keep It Classic sponsorship package for A3C Main StageI Keep It Classic, LLCThis document provides an overview of the A3C Festival and I Keep It Classic sponsorship opportunities. The A3C Festival is a 3-day hip hop festival in Atlanta, GA that draws over 15,000 people. In 2012, it will expand to two locations and increase programming. I Keep It Classic is powering the A3C Festival Main Stage event featuring artists like Yelawolf and Tech N9ne. Sponsoring this event provides exposure to key music industry leaders and fans. I Keep It Classic offers sponsorship packages that include various marketing and promotional benefits.
The Future of Meetings in HospitalityGreg OatesThe hotel meetings and events industry is going through a radical evolution due to new communication technologies, Millennial psychographics, and a rethinking of the overall purpose and value of meetings. Pop culture phenomenons like TED and SXSW are also changing the perspective of what’s possible at conferences. But are meeting planners and hospitality executives jumping on these trends fast enough?
December 2014 mom presentationAtlantacvbThis document provides an overview and agenda for an Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau member orientation event. It introduces the ACVB staff and outlines upcoming member events for 2015, including Connect networking events, industry briefings, and the annual meeting. It also summarizes Atlanta's tourism industry statistics, convention sales and services activities, marketing and public relations efforts, and resources available to members through the ACVB website.
Savoy advertorial 5page_layout_faLaurel DavisThe document discusses Los Angeles' efforts to enhance its tourism infrastructure and attract 50 million visitors by 2020. It features interviews with key figures in Los Angeles tourism who discuss projects and initiatives to improve accessibility, expand public transportation options, modernize LAX airport, and enhance iconic attractions like Universal Studios Hollywood to provide visitors with world-class experiences.
SavoyAdvertorial_5page_layout_FALaurel DavisThe document discusses Los Angeles' efforts to enhance its tourism infrastructure and attract 50 million visitors by 2020. It features interviews with key figures in Los Angeles tourism who discuss projects and initiatives to improve accessibility, expand public transportation options, modernize LAX airport, and enhance iconic attractions like Universal Studios Hollywood to provide visitors with world-class experiences.
Presentation Convention CenterEVENTionsEventions is an event design and management firm that has been in business for 11 years. They specialize in planning and producing major conferences, trade shows, and corporate events. They offer full event production services including event marketing strategies, on-site management, graphics, and support services. Eventions has experience producing large events for many major companies and associations.
SXSW Guide 2015 by PSFK + MDCPSFKAn on-the-ground guide to SXSW 2015 by PSFK and MDC Partners
PSFK Labs has defined the six most important emerging topics and trends at SXSW Interactive, handpicked the must-not-miss events for you to access here, and created a step-by-step schedule, complete with daytime and nighttime social events, lunch outings and gallery suggestions.
In preparation for South by Southwest Interactive, PSFK and MDC Partners have collaborated to offer you a day-by-day agenda of the best-in-class speakers, events, panels and parties in order for you to make the most out of your SXSW Interactive experience.
Access the mobile platform at
Bridging the Great Divide: Research, Marketing & Selling in the Meetings MarketVictoria IsleyThis document summarizes the strategies and results of destination marketing organizations (DMOs) in Atlanta and Tampa Bay. It discusses how the Atlanta CVB addressed negative perceptions of the city's appeal through research, branding, and their "I AM ATL" marketing campaign. This campaign improved aided awareness and increased likelihood of planners selecting Atlanta. It also outlines Tampa Bay's targeted incentives and one-to-one marketing to generate new bookings, events, and economic impact. Both DMOs utilized data-driven strategies to strengthen their brands and crack into the meetings market.
Top Trends Driving Event Marketers in 2015Opus AgencyHere's whats coming in 2015...
The new year embodies a sense of optimism and energy. It’s
the time to start fresh, move fast, and make no small plans. In
that spirit, we wanted to know what’s on the minds of some
of the most influential players in event marketing.
We asked them to discuss the trends, large and small, that
are driving their decision-making for 2015.
Top Trends Driving Event Marketers in 2015Pat McClellanTop Event Marketers discuss the trends that are driving their decision-making for 2015, and their answers are thought provoking. Big Data, personalization, event ROI, authenticity and more.
Money Talks: Smart Branded Engagements in Today’s Entertainment Eventstechsytalktechsytalk LIVE session.
Money Talks: Smart Branded Engagements in Today’s Entertainment Events.
Scott McNearney (SXSW)
Sponsors are the lifeblood of a great event. They can provide financial support, but they offer a ton of value for your attendees as well. However, finding (and then keeping) great sponsors can be very challenging. How do you provide a good return for your sponsors and unparalleled value for your attendees in a way that is win/win for all? In this session, Scott will share the best practices he’s learned along the way as the main sponsor whisperer for the coveted SXSW Festival.
Where You Meet Matters - How to Choose a Purposeful Meeting DestinationSocial Tables1. The document discusses how choosing the right meeting destination and venue is important for creating purposeful and memorable events. It emphasizes that the destination sets the stage and impacts intangible factors like attendee moods and interactions.
2. Several key factors are highlighted for choosing a destination, including how the city can reinforce the meeting's message and drive attendance. Mid-size cities are presented as offering appealing local experiences and world-class facilities at a lower cost.
3. When choosing a venue, the focus is shifting from amenities like WiFi to diversifying space designs to promote engagement. Non-traditional venue options are increasing as technology makes them more accessible.
The Ultimate List of 2024’s Top 23 MSP and MSSP Events.pptxCompanySeceonMSP and MSSP community is very active locally and nationally at events in this great community. From peer group events to industry-wide events to vendor-led events, the larger calendar features over 100 yearly virtual and in-person events. Call us at +1 (978)-923-0040
AscendHandout_PCMA2017_FINALEric JacobsonAscend Media is a publisher and producer of print and digital media for association and corporate meetings. They provide a range of services including directories, exhibit guides, sponsorships, product theaters, and registration marketing. Ascend Media has worked with over 41 partner clients for many years, with 50% being partners for over 10 years and 26% for over 20 years. They generate over $4 million in royalty payments annually for their clients.
1. 6/3/2016 1/7
Sam Bhandarkar (pictured), event
placement director for Palm Beach
Gardens, FL–based LRP Publications, was
surprised to 꺇멍nd a walkable convention
district in his own backyard
Cities With Great
Convention DistrictsWell-designed convention districts improve the attendee experience and cut costs on transportation and logistics
by Leo Jakobson | June 02, 2016
You can nail the speakers, the education sessions, the exhibitors, the
networking receptions, and the show marketing, but if the city that's
hosting your convention or meeting doesn't excite people, it's going to
hit you in the attendance numbers. That's why Las Vegas o ten attracts
a bumper crowd.
Another way to coax potential attendees o f the fence is by choosing a
city in which the convention center is in the heart of the dining,
nightlife, shopping, and cultural experiences available -- where
excitement is just a few steps away from your venue. That's why a
small but growing number of forward-thinking cities are reinventing
their convention center districts in the hope that more groups will
make the journey.
Walkability Is a Winner
"If I'm attending a convention, I want convenience," says Gary
Schirmacher, CMP, senior vice president of industry presence and
strategic development at Experient, a global meeting planning and event management rm that is part of Maritz Global Events. "I want to stay at a
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hotel that's across the street or very close to the convention center -- in a walkable district if possible. I want to be able to go to Starbucks and nd
restaurants that aren't a 15-minute cab ride away. I want to have everything nearby."
Being in an interesting, easy-to-navigate urban environment is also important to the Rockville, MD-based American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association. Indeed, when the organization sends out requests for proposal for its annual ASHA Convention -- a gathering that attracts 12,000 to
14,000 members -- there is always a question about the neighborhood surrounding the convention center.
"We ask destination marketing organizations to tell us about the walkability of their cities," says Ellen Shorthill, director of conventions and meetings
for ASHA, which has 186,000 members and a liates. "It matters dramatically to our attendees. It's not make-or-break, but is a heavy in luencer."
Part of this is practical. Like Schirmacher, Shorthill notes that having the hotel block within walking distance of the convention center and the venues
used for o f-site events means a six- gure savings in the cost of coaches to shuttle attendees around. But there's more to it than just savings.
"For an attendee, the primary purpose of going to a conference is to learn," says Kelley Whetsell, president of Meeting Demands, a planning rm that
helps the Content Marketing Institute bring 3,500 to 4,000 people from 55 countries to the Cleveland Convention Center every September for Content
Marketing World. "But holding it in a walkable destination makes it much more attractive."
"Having a walkable downtown near the convention center is immensely important to planners," says John Bettag, vice president of sales for Explore St.
Louis, the city's DMO. "Aside from the right convention center and hotel package, they o ten look at what the destination has to o fer when attendees
are not in meetings. I don't know where it falls in the top 10 list, but it has been important for a long time. It's a big part of what St. Louis brings to the
The America's Center Convention Complex -- which includes the 1,400-seat Ferrara Theater and the stadium of the NFL's St. Louis Rams -- is just a few
blocks from famed Gateway Arch Park, which is currently undergoing a $380 million renovation and expansion. There are also some 7,000 hotel rooms
in close proximity, many of them new or newly renovated, and a number of the restaurants and live-music venues the city is known for.
Well to the south, Sam Bhandarkar, CMP, CASE, event placement director for Palm Beach Gardens, FL-based LRP Publications, was looking for a venue
for the second year of a conference focused on technology for human resources professionals. "For us, one of the keys to the success of this program is a
destination that o fers opportunities for attendees and exhibitors to get together in close proximity to the convention center and where they are
staying," says Bhandarkar, whose company is a human-resources publishing and conference rm. "We wind down the day by 5 p.m., so attendees have
time to go out and enjoy the destination, as well as continue talking about business, entertain, or just get out and reconnect with colleagues and
The Palm Beach County Convention Center, just a half-hour from LRP, wasn't a destination Bhandarkar considered, until Discover The Palm Beaches
invited him along with a group of planners to see its long-awaited new convention center hotel -- the 400-room Hilton West Palm Beach, which opened
in January. He not only found a beautiful hotel with a comfortable resort feel just one swimming pool away from the convention center, but also
CityPlace, a 72-acre outdoor dining, retail, entertainment, and residential development directly across the street, as well as the adjacent Kravis Center
for the Performing Arts.
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"CityPlace has a wide variety of dining options as well as movies and live music, and just north of that is Clematis Street, which has many local dining
and entertainment options," Bhandarkar says. "Having a walkable destination blocks from the convention center and hotel was a key selling point." He
found another walkable venue for the inaugural Human Resource Executive Talent Acquisition Tech Conference, to be held in November at the Austin
Convention Center, in Texas, which is right in the heart of that city's lively downtown area, surrounded by live music, dining, and shopping, as well as the
Colorado River waterfront.
"It is important for planners to look past rates, dates, and space," says Kelly Cavers, senior vice president of group sales for Discover The Palm Beaches.
"The area around the Palm Beach County Convention Center is busy almost 24/7. You don't have to turn a ballroom space into something special at
night because it is all right here -- the Kravitz Center, CityPlace, the Improv Palm Beach. And they'll all work with planners to brand open areas."
The Bottom Line
The walkable neighborhood around the Colorado Convention Center was a key factor in ASHA's decision to host its 2015 Annual Conference in Denver
last November, says Shorthill. "It was our rst time in Denver since 1968, and we had 14,054 attendees and exhibitors, our second-highest attendance
ever. We sold out our room block and had to add to it. We ended up using 23 hotels, with 4,800 rooms on the peak night."
A noteworthy bene t, adds Shorthill, is that unlike non-walkable destinations, where there's a rush to book hotels nearest to the meeting site, "In
Denver it was more diverse. People were able to choose to stay in brands they like because everything was so close."
Then there were incidentals like the money Shorthill didn't have to spend on subsidized box lunches at the convention center, because the proximity of
so many stores and restaurants meant a lot of attendees ran out for lunch. In addition, "We saved a dramatic amount of money on shuttles -- between
$75,000 and $100,000, plus another $10,000 on sta f expenses," she notes. "We did not run shuttles for hotels within three to four blocks of the
convention center, and used smaller shuttles for the hotels that were further out. And we had fewer shuttles in the morning because so many people
walked. We saw considerably less ridership than we have in other destinations, although it helped that the weather was good."
Shorthill is not alone in this. Tom Pellet, director of meetings and conventions for the American Academy of Family Physicians, says he saved $100,000
by not having to shuttle his 10,000 attendees to hotels and event venues when the annual Family Medicine Experience show was held in Denver last
fall. Experient's Schirmacher notes that shuttling convention groups around "can be one of the most expensive parts of a show. It easily runs to six
Of course, the ROI of an association show goes beyond dollars and cents. There's also how much attendees liked the show, which impacts everything
from their willingness to come again next year to their desire to remain an active member of the group.
In Shorthill's post-event surveys, she found that 82 percent of attendees gave the Denver conference a "highly positive" rating, and that many attendee
comments focused on how much they loved the city and the neighborhood around the convention center. "There is also a perception that our level of
organization is higher in walkable cities," she says.
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"If you build it, they will come" is rarely a
good business plan, but two major
American convention cities are focusing on
reimagining the currently nonexistent
neighborhoods around their convention
centers as new, walkable districts.
Washington, D.C.
When the Walter E. Washington Convention
Center opened in 2003, it was part of a city-
led e仺Ƥort to revitalize the Shaw
neighborhood, says Greg O'Dell, president
and CEO of Events DC, the oﺆ၍cial
convention and sports authority for the
"It's all about the experience," says O'Dell.
"Meeting attendees today want to have
memorable experiences, and we've spent a
lot of time focused on trying to create those
Unfortunately, the e仺Ƥort began with a
crawl instead of a sprint, he acknowledges.
The 11 retail spaces along the convention
center's perimeter were intended to
"activate" the local community by
attracting local residents.
That's changing, so the authority has
launched an aggressive plan to lease the
spaces to local chefs and other businesses,
"to create a sense of place around the
building," O'Dell says. "But the
neighborhood around us had not matured
Creating an Experience
There is a lot more to a desirable convention
district than hotels and restaurants.
Schirmacher quotes architect Todd Voth, a
founder and senior principal at Kansas City,
MO-based design rm Populous, and leader of
its convention center practice: "The critical
aspects are beauty, functional e ciency, urban
integration, and a spirit of place and
sustainability." It helps a lot if the
neighborhood is part residential, Schirmacher
adds. "When you have people living and
working in a convention center district, it never
shuts down. Your restaurants, shops, and
attractions are especially vibrant."
The point, Pellet says, is to "create an
experience for the attendees." In a tightly
compact district like Denver's, with arts,
entertainment options, restaurants, and hotels
in immediate proximity, "people get the lavor
of the city."
Safety is another key, says Shorthill, who notes
that her attendees are 92 percent women. "The
area was perceived as safe, so we saw a lot of
people out walking." She notes that many
attendees arranged morning walking groups
with friends on their own, getting up at 6 a.m.
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New York City
In the Big Apple, the Jacob K. Javits
Convention Center was long the antithesis
of walkable, sitting on the Far West Side of
Manhattan and several long and deserted
(especially at night) blocks from anything of
That's all in the process of changing. The
hugely popular High Line Park, a walkable
green space on a long-abandoned elevated
train line, connects the Javits Center to the
new Whitney Museum of American Art as it
winds through the trendy Chelsea and
Meatpacking neighborhoods, packed with
some of the city's best dining, shopping,
nightlife, and arts venues.
But more important to the future is the
Hudson Yards project, a 17-million-square-
foot development under construction on a
vast platform built over the rail yards that
will bring some 125,000 workers, 4,000
residences, more than 100 shops and
restaurants, 14 acres of public open space,
and a 200-room Equinox-branded hotel,
transforming one of the last unused areas
of central Manhattan.
The Javits Center itself plans to embark on
a $1 billion redevelopment later this year,
adding 1.2 million square feet of meeting
space, including a 500,000-square-foot,
single-level space; a 58,000-square-foot
high-tech ballroom; and a rooftop terrace.
to see the city and get some exercise before the
8 a.m. start.
The area around the Colorado Convention
Center is full of restaurants that are not chains
but eateries from local chefs. "Coors Field
ballpark, the art museum, the symphony are
all right there," Pellet notes. One night he
rented out two venues for attendees to choose
from: a symphony at the Denver Performing
Arts Complex across from the convention
center, and the Denver Arts Museum about ve
blocks away, next to Civic Center Park.
Whetsell says the same about Cleveland's
convention center district. "There is good
energy, people feel nice and secure," she says.
"Walking around is big for attendees. As an
attendee, when I'm in a walkable city, I am
more likely to go out and experience it, to get
re-energized. It is also easier to network, to
share ideas while breaking bread."
Then there's the Miami Beach Convention
Center, which sits three short blocks from
South Beach and two from the trendy hotels
like the Delano South Beach, The Ritz-Carlton
South Beach, and W South Beach that line
Collins Avenue, at the core of one of the hottest
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-- Matt Alderton
The promenade alongside the Long Beach
Convention & Entertainment Center is
a lively spot, and illuminated by colored
lighting at nights
and trendiest neighborhoods in the world. It is
surrounded by fabulous nightlife, restaurants,
and shopping, to say nothing of institutions
like the Bass Museum of Art and the Miami
Beach Botanical Gardens.
O f on the West Coast, the city of Long Beach made a deliberate
decision to create a highly walkable downtown convention district
in the mid-1990s to help spur the port city's economy. "The city
and private partnership spent more than $1.5 billion developing
the downtown, and that included a lot of development of the
Rainbow Harbor area [next to the Long Beach Convention &
Entertainment Center]," says Bob Maguglin, director of public relations for the Long Beach CVB.
"Now we have one of the most walkable downtowns in all of America. Within an eight-block area
around our convention center, you can easily walk to your downtown hotel, you can walk to over 120
quality restaurants. You will nd comedy clubs, nightlife, and music venues of all types. You will nd
walking paths lit with colorful neon lightshows at night."
In fact, Long Beach has been rated the 10th most walkable city in America by Walk Score, a company
that rates and promotes walkable neighborhoods. And the beach is just a 10-minute walk from the
convention center doors.