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Succession Planning Traditions From Titus 1
1. Succession Planning Traditions 1
Succession Planning Traditions from Titus 1-2:8
Melody Jill Avery Cazort
Regent University
2. Succession Planning Traditions 2
Succession Planning Traditions from Titus 1-2:8
This article explores the ideology of leadership succession and development from the
biblical book of Titus (New King James Version), as Paul instructs Titus concerning Cretes
future church leaders and sets a model for twenty-first century succession management. Verses
from first half of Titus teach how leader succession should progress, as it was for the Early
Church. As Paul did, succession and its planning is a process that involves preparation, vision,
protection, and involvement of all levels of management from the top-down. The scriptures
involve diverse people of different ages and genders, how they play a part in the network of
succession, and could even play an unforeseen leadership part, if necessary.
Some contemporary scholars debate whether Paul wrote the letter to Titus or if this book
could be pieces of Pauls writings that were pieced together later (Faber, 2005). However,
Radmacher, Allen, and House (1997) claimed that Paul is most likely the author. Pauls
intentions in his letter were to help Titus organize Cretan churches and provide guidelines for
leader successors. These succession leaders would include pastors, elders, bishops, and various
other believers as well. Therefore, the leadership was less of a closed relationship, but more of an
open system with many different people participating in some way.
Paul initiated the book of Titus with an overall theme of good works (Radmacher,
Allen, and House, 1997, p. 2065). The repetition of this term eight times in Titus stresses Gods
priorities for these leaders in establishing the churches and leading them. Corresponding to this
theme is documentation about the work as well as the practices of an elder. As the biblical books
of Timothy and Peter portray, eldership is great work which is wanted, worthwhile, and
honorable (Roberts and Olbricht, 1974, p. 54). Jesus has a reward plan for the elders who serve
3. Succession Planning Traditions 3
steadfast and true. Thus, elder leadership is ethical work, whether viewed from the first century
writers or the audience readers of Titus in the present day.
Faber (2005) also explained that a thesis of Pauls salutation to Titus is to promote
familiarity with truth and godliness. A theme created later in the letter to Titus shows that this
godliness is decent and right because it means that conduct, deeds, and actions derive from ones
theological confidence. In other words, an individuals beliefs and values are the source of their
actions. Ones behavior is a consequence of what they have learned from others, such as their
doctrine. Therefore, the teachings are fundamental and crucial.
In Titus 1-2:8 (NKJV), Paul prepares Titus as his future successor, planning for after
Pauls departure. Paul teaches Titus how to develop church leaders for towns on the island of
Crete. Titus additionally forecasts for immediate leader succession for himself too, as he cannot
attend all of Cretes churches. Titus intends for these elders to lead their individual churches in
Crete. Titus also addresses those who could serve as leaders unexpectedly such as older men and
even those who may eventually promote into leadership later, the young men. Finally, Titus
portrayed his personal example as a faithful servant for the diverse Christians to model in their
leadership. The leadership placements, qualifications, and planning create a solid foundation for
the early Cretan church organization. As readers of Titus today, modern succession planners can
also use the applications from Titus for their organizations in the present day. As the next section
presents these scriptures in detail, many ancient ways are reusable and applicable with people of
the twenty-first century.
4. Succession Planning Traditions 4
The Ideological Synopsis of Titus 1-2:8
Titus 1:1-4 The Greeting and Background
In this section, Paul first identifies his status, office, and the intended recipient of this
letter, Titus (Biblegateway.com, 2009). Previously, Paul had entered Crete, an island in the
Mediterranean located south of the Aegean Sea, as a prisoner. Pauls initial writing of Titus is
compact; he quickly sets the tone and introduces the main theme of the letter. Referring to
himself as a servant of God signifies Paul's selection for this service, as Christ had sent delegated
authority to Paul. Pauls purpose in this writing is to assign the task of completing and
organizing the unfinished establishment, suggesting a church, to Titus.
Therefore, it seems that Paul is serious and concerned about Titus and the leaders left on
the island to lead Christianity. It appears that a great deal of responsibility and the Christian
religion will be greatly dependent on these leaders so Paul gets down to his business quickly.
The future of Christianity in this location literally lies in these Christians hands. What these
leaders do and how they act determines if Christianity grows or diminishes. Next, the hierarchy
demonstrates how the church establishment must organize its people in order to grow.
The bible portrays the churches hierarchy of power, starting with God and Jesus at the
very top, a superiority level. Paul is on the next authoritative level with Titus below him. The
elders, as the next section introduces, lie on the next rank as leaders of the Crete church followed
by the elder women and the young men.
Titus 1:4-16 Elder Requirements and Warnings
These scriptures from Titus (NKJV) list requirements for elders and bishops to serve the
churches. As the list introduces the task necessities, the insubordinate Cretans sharply contrast
the high qualities of the elders. Faber (2005) explained the Cretans are opponents to Titus and
5. Succession Planning Traditions 5
that eligibility for eldership is evidenced by knowledge of the truth, while ineligibility is
manifested by improper behavior (p. 143). The extreme concern for teaching in Titus is not only
to adhere to the truth but also a warning to block deceitful instruction that could spoil the
Christian religion. Hence, if a small bad seedling was allowed to live, the potential for its growth
would be like weeds taking over a healthy garden of Christianity that would otherwise have
To understand the concept of elder as the early first century people did, elders exercised
power in tribes then and were influential in the local community, in the same way that parents
practice authority in a family (Mappes, 1997). Elder leadership linked with the early social
system and based upon tribes and patriarchal ways. Thus, society highly valued this power and
honored the elders as leaders. However, elders had to be accountable for their actions with this
honor, as the next paragraph explains.
As the author, Paul used a literary device in verse 5 as he assigned the responsibility of
appointing elders to Titus (Buttrick, Bowie, Scherer, Know, Terrien, & Harmon, Gealy, &
Noyes, Eds., 1955). The churches were unorganized and ill prepared to resist a severe defect.
Crete had a serious flaw; nonconformist teachers distressed entire families, as verse 11
explained. Titus assignment was to repair this defect by setting up the elders in a church in
every town. Paul tells Titus to fill the wants and place order in the churches needs. Just as Paul
appointed Titus, Titus was supposed to appoint elders. In the interim, Paul warns Titus to censure
falsehood and harshly refuse liars. It seems that this reproach was likely to nip any false doctrine
in the bud, to be sure that it did not have a root to grow and overcome the Christian faith.
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Titus 2:1-8 Qualities: Goals for the Church Association
High qualities and positive characteristics were required to serve as an elder. Their
behavior had to include love, patience, and reverence, as well as behaving sensibly and steadfast
with practices of sound faith. The same positive conduct applied to the older women as they
taught and led their own families, and were supposed to lead and serve as examples for the
younger women. These basic responsibilities of successors and others could become applicable
someday as they could become successors. If dire needs arose, they were qualified.
These verses additionally mirror the successful leadership model practiced in founding
churches in Thessalonica. The Thessalonian books tell how their churches were mostly Gentile
but these people had transformed from idolatry to serve the living God (Buttrick, et al. 1955).
After leaving Philippi, Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy founded the church in Thessalonica. They
spent time there building a reputation of good qualities and characteristics such as work ethic, to
develop mutual affection and loyalty with the Thessalonians. This demonstrates a strategy that
Paul practiced in going into different areas and setting up in central places. His policy was to
establish himself in leading sites of a region, working out from those points, and evangelizing
with the use of his helpers in surrounding areas.
This succession model of setting up and stationing leaders to succeed after Pauls
departure was workable. The church institution was possible with leaders who had earned a good
reputation, were trustworthy, and followed Pauls instruction. Similar to todays organizations,
the church institution had opposition and strong competition, which could harm it. Pauls
concern about this showed through in his writings. Buttrick, et al. (1955) explained that Pauls
worry for the succeeding elders and their characteristics demonstrated. Christianity fought for its
7. Succession Planning Traditions 7
survival over Gnostic heresy and had to prove its power in order to present men and women of
better quality than other beliefs.
Ignoring these competitors of other belief systems was dangerous in the era of Titus
(Buttrick, et al., 1955). Competitors had the ability to hinder many centuries of work for the
Christian churches, which would result in millions never hearing Gods Word. If this Early
Church failed to meet these challenges, it would surely be set behind other religions.
Much of this is still true today. The Christian church opposes some strong, persuasive
competition (Buttrick, et al., 1955). Communism, materialism, cults, and many other beliefs
compete and challenge for humanitys allegiance. Christian churches must think, serve others,
and evangelize over the competition. The only way to do this is to have helpers who love more
than rival religious adherents do. Thus, the leaders outstanding Christian qualities are essential
and vital for Christianitys survival. Here is the need again for elders with high standards.
Verse 5 specifically adds Christianity practices to the womens duties, requesting to
avoid discrediting Gods word in the home (Buttrick, et al. 1955). Buttrick said Christian
womens actions were significant as society noticed. To upset the order of the family would be
to precipitate social revolution and bring ruin on the church. (p. 535). Roberts and Olbricht
(1974) also present women in a higher status than elder. Referring to I Timothy 5:14, women are
masters of their home and an authoritarian. Alternatively, elder is a word concerning submitting,
with eldership acting within reason and deference to the church, which in turn accepts the elders
appointment (Roberts & Olbricht, 1974). Instead of the elder acting as an authoritarian figure
over a congregation, the church approves of the elder.
8. Succession Planning Traditions 8
Thus, study about women in the church presents the possibility of a new underlying
leader, the women of their home and family orderliness. Paul could have been showing this as
the root, the source, of positive leadership for the church and from where it derives. After all,
where did the elders start learning and observing Christian characteristics to meet their elder
requirements? This also parallels and supports Pauls earlier order to rebuke false teachers
sharply, thus not allowing that negativity into the familys home. Wrong doctrine could take root
and eventually poison the family, the home, and eventually the church organization.
As in the first century, paganism and bad instructions surround contemporary Christian
homes. The counsel in these verses from Titus is applicable to the family unit; creating a family
tradition of how these diverse members of a family circle should behave can only help support
the family (Buttrick, et al. 1955). From the qualities of the groups of people who make up the
family, principles emerge that were critical in Titus day are just as significant in every age of
man. Thus, roots of Christian leadership could be the home and family, because the home is
where children first learn and see examples of how a leader operates. Therefore, in their own
way, women serve right there in their home as the first leaders. This leadership is timeless.
Factors to Understand the Titus Scriptures Better
Ideological studies of the bible concern people, their relationships, culture, society, and
bias, opinions, and preferences (Robbins, 1996). The authors intentions of the books of the
bible, how the people of that time lived, and the reader audience helps in understanding this
ideology and thus, the true meaning of bible text. The next section aids in these perceptions,
looking at others points of view, the groups that they had, and their individual beliefs.
9. Succession Planning Traditions 9
Cultural and Social Setting
Leaders were essential for the early church on Crete, a Greek island (Radmacher, Allen,
& House, 1997). Mediterranean people recognized Cretan societies for their wickedness,
laziness, lying, or otherwise sinful ways. The Cretan lifestyle enjoyed surpluses and had plenty
from thriving agricultural trade. This excess contributed to the Cretan indulgence and they
earned a reputation of being lazy. As a result, they brought about grief from their sinful ways.
Because of these facts, the Cretan culture lacked ethics and morality. False teachers contributed
to these surroundings. Thus, these churches desperately needed leadership that directed opposite
from these evil ways. The next paragraph looks at the people of that time and place, using more
ideology to understand the situations better.
Therefore, groups with different beliefs emerged from Titus. The Christians, who are
entering Crete and trying to win over people and the people who are in opposition. As a people,
the Christians had to unite, as diverse as the genders and ages were, to convince other
communities to become Christian. These Christians had to be unique from other religions and
practice what they preached as a group, showing their values in their lives, in order to convince
the Cretan society that Christianity was not merely good words but a practice of good works.
Modern leader succession planning guidance derived from Titus. We should ask
ourselves how we could apply these applications for today. In deep consideration of this
scripture from Titus, I see many things we can learn and apply now. The leader succession from
Paul to Titus provided:
A good example of how the process should be.
10. Succession Planning Traditions 10
The church with higher principles very diverse from those who are not Christian, a
separate people practicing and living according to their doctrine.
Leadership requirements including ethics, values, and high quality in their lives.
Requirements that demonstrate the pretense of these principles; they are the root or
source of a leaders behavior and actions. Standards are as a good predictor of how a
leader will likely conduct himself and react in future situations.
A framework and network of love, responsibility, and trust among everyone.
A foundation that is often overlooked but still timeless, leaders of the home that set the
solid foundation of sound doctrine and protect it, rebuking those who would allow
untruth to tarnish it.
A hierarchy of leadership, as in the churches hierarchy of power. The succession levels
show the next leader in line for emergency situations. For example, if some men had to
leave for war, the older women or young men would bear the main responsibilities for the
rest of the people. If necessary, these diverse groups could unexpectedly play a leadership
Consistent training and preparation for the next generation and their future. As the church
men taught and modeled for the young men, so did the older women set examples for the
younger women.
Successor leadership can be a defining moment for an organization, replacing the old
with the new. An organization may be at a crossroads and the new leadership may be an
influential part for transformation, as it was for Crete with the Early Church.
In conclusion, as ideology is about people and relationships among them, these verses
from Titus concern connections from leader to leader. These scriptures provide a prime model of
11. Succession Planning Traditions 11
leadership succession, demonstrating how leaders are successors from one generation to another.
Leaders pass on the guidelines and qualifications that channel an individual through succession
as a good leader, qualifying the next prospective group of leaders and preparing them to lead
more followers. It is an example of how humankind, in leadership, can teach one another how to
fish for Christian growth and leaders for a lifetime. Leaders should use this same model today for
successful leadership succession.
12. Succession Planning Traditions 12
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