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PREPARATION PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION Notified about selection Contacted and visited Phil Gray at Weetangara PS (a trial school) Lead teachers selected cLc coordinator selected Cyber Safety Officers identified  Reviewing the Student Welfare/Anti-Bullying policy to ensure cyber safety is included
THE JOURNEY BEGINS. Phil Stubbs whole day professional development Two Lead teachers from Weetangara PS came across for an afternoon session Phil Stubbs at Fraser PS working with teachers and classes Development of our  Acceptable Use of ICT  policy A class set of guidelines were developed by the students to ensure ownership and understanding of how to use the cLc appropriately within their classroom environment
PARENT/CARER INVOLVEMENT Newsletter item informing parents/carers about the cLc An information letter about the cLc and an  Acceptable Use of ICT  form (to be signed by students and parents/carers) was sent home with each student in a class with a lead teacher. As other classes were ready to use the cLc the notes were sent out to those students  A Parent/Carer Information Night was held for our school community Parents/carers have received a note with their childs username and password
CHANGE CULTURE ICT is a focus at Fraser MyClasses   used across school (class/unit pages) Fraser PS has a culture of positive uptake of new initiatives Fraser PS has a computer lab with 25 new computers and banks of computers in every classroom Through the BER every classroom has IWB Laptops/Notebooks will be purchased in the future Specialist ICT lessons for students in Year 3-6
ACTIONS THAT HAVE SUPPORTED IMPLEMENTATION Principal involvement from the beginning  Valuing the implementation on all levels Supporting teachers with human resources where possible Selecting the right Lead Teachers Selecting Teachers from across the school Celebrating the successes of all teachers/students - big or small Providing an Information Night for parents/carers Establishing clear guidelines about the appropriate use of the cLc Sharing information about how using the cLc is improving student outcomes
THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.. Lead teachers have provided cLc information at team meetings and individual mentoring for teachers Lead teachers have shared successes and difficulties with each other We have met as a team to discuss how we can continue to move forward Learnology have continued to provide PD at Fraser, recently they up skilled 4 teachers and their classes  After one term we have 12 of our 19 classes now using the cLc and more coming on board as we speak We have Phil Stubbs returning to Fraser on Thursday

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  • 2. PREPARATION PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION Notified about selection Contacted and visited Phil Gray at Weetangara PS (a trial school) Lead teachers selected cLc coordinator selected Cyber Safety Officers identified Reviewing the Student Welfare/Anti-Bullying policy to ensure cyber safety is included
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  • 4. PARENT/CARER INVOLVEMENT Newsletter item informing parents/carers about the cLc An information letter about the cLc and an Acceptable Use of ICT form (to be signed by students and parents/carers) was sent home with each student in a class with a lead teacher. As other classes were ready to use the cLc the notes were sent out to those students A Parent/Carer Information Night was held for our school community Parents/carers have received a note with their childs username and password
  • 5. CHANGE CULTURE ICT is a focus at Fraser MyClasses used across school (class/unit pages) Fraser PS has a culture of positive uptake of new initiatives Fraser PS has a computer lab with 25 new computers and banks of computers in every classroom Through the BER every classroom has IWB Laptops/Notebooks will be purchased in the future Specialist ICT lessons for students in Year 3-6
  • 6. ACTIONS THAT HAVE SUPPORTED IMPLEMENTATION Principal involvement from the beginning Valuing the implementation on all levels Supporting teachers with human resources where possible Selecting the right Lead Teachers Selecting Teachers from across the school Celebrating the successes of all teachers/students - big or small Providing an Information Night for parents/carers Establishing clear guidelines about the appropriate use of the cLc Sharing information about how using the cLc is improving student outcomes
  • 7. THE JOURNEY CONTINUES.. Lead teachers have provided cLc information at team meetings and individual mentoring for teachers Lead teachers have shared successes and difficulties with each other We have met as a team to discuss how we can continue to move forward Learnology have continued to provide PD at Fraser, recently they up skilled 4 teachers and their classes After one term we have 12 of our 19 classes now using the cLc and more coming on board as we speak We have Phil Stubbs returning to Fraser on Thursday