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Suffixes and prefixes ? Groups of prefixes : 1)  Negative prefixes: un-   un fair,  un usual non -  non -conformist,  non -alcoholic,  non -aggression in-/il-/im-/ir-  in sane,  il legal,  ir relevant,  im polite. dis-   dis like (antipata, aversin),  dis loyal a(n)-   a moral
2) Prefixes of  degree or size : Mini-  mini skirt Super-  super man
3)Prefixes of attitude: co-  co operate/co-operate  co-pilot/copilot anti-  anti christ  anti-social/antisocial pro-  pro -communist counter-  counter act 4) Prefixes of time and order: a) pre-  pre -war, pre-marital b) re-  re build c) ex-  ex -husband d) post-  post war
5) Number prefixes a)  uni-, mono-   uni lateral,  mono theism b )  bi-  bi lingual c)  tri dent d)  multi-, poly-  multi national, multiracial,  poly syllabic, polygamy ?
? Suffixes . We can group suffixes by the class of word they form. Noun suffixes: a) Cer,-or  drive  driv er  sail  sail or b) Cing  feel  feel ing c)-hood  brother  brother hood d)- dom  king dom e) Cship  friend  friend ship f) Cism  ideal  ideal ism g)Cness  happy  happi ness h)- ation  organiz ation
i)- ment  amazement  arrange ment j)- al trial, refus al k) Can  assist ance l) City  sanity Verb suffixes a) Cize  popular ize b) Cify  simpl ify c) Cen  sadd en
Adjective suffixes a) -ful  care ful   shameful  peaceful b) Cish  redd ish c) Cic  scientif ic Adverb suffixes Cly  happi ly Cwards back wards Cwise  weatherwise
Diminutive suffixes a)  Cy  dadd y  b) Cling  duck ling

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  • 1. Suffixes and prefixes ? Groups of prefixes : 1) Negative prefixes: un- un fair, un usual non - non -conformist, non -alcoholic, non -aggression in-/il-/im-/ir- in sane, il legal, ir relevant, im polite. dis- dis like (antipata, aversin), dis loyal a(n)- a moral
  • 2. 2) Prefixes of degree or size : Mini- mini skirt Super- super man
  • 3. 3)Prefixes of attitude: co- co operate/co-operate co-pilot/copilot anti- anti christ anti-social/antisocial pro- pro -communist counter- counter act 4) Prefixes of time and order: a) pre- pre -war, pre-marital b) re- re build c) ex- ex -husband d) post- post war
  • 4. 5) Number prefixes a) uni-, mono- uni lateral, mono theism b ) bi- bi lingual c) tri dent d) multi-, poly- multi national, multiracial, poly syllabic, polygamy ?
  • 5. ? Suffixes . We can group suffixes by the class of word they form. Noun suffixes: a) Cer,-or drive driv er sail sail or b) Cing feel feel ing c)-hood brother brother hood d)- dom king dom e) Cship friend friend ship f) Cism ideal ideal ism g)Cness happy happi ness h)- ation organiz ation
  • 6. i)- ment amazement arrange ment j)- al trial, refus al k) Can assist ance l) City sanity Verb suffixes a) Cize popular ize b) Cify simpl ify c) Cen sadd en
  • 7. Adjective suffixes a) -ful care ful shameful peaceful b) Cish redd ish c) Cic scientif ic Adverb suffixes Cly happi ly Cwards back wards Cwise weatherwise
  • 8. Diminutive suffixes a) Cy dadd y b) Cling duck ling