2. Whats SUGCON?
Sitecore User Group Conference
Community Driven Conference
Insights and advice from some of the most
experienced, skillful Sitecore experts in the
4. Motivation
1. Learn and gain new skills
2. Stay up to date with latest innovative strategies
3. Connect with the community
4. Have fun... a lot of fun
8. Kam Figy - A futuristic look at how new modern API technology provided by
Sitecore can be used to create advanced user and developer experiences for
your customer and business apps.
9. Marketing Automation and
xConnect in action
Using Commerce 9, SXA, xConnect and IoT to
drive a Powerful Sitecoreland Experience
How BMW drive their Marketing Experience
with Xconnect and Marketing Automation
13. All the Sitecore 9 new stuff
Deep dive into SIF (Github : sifdemos by
Thomas Elbdom)
Sitecore installation Extension
Painless Deployment using Docker Swarm
Sitecore & Blockchain
Sitecore Forms
Practical JSS Guide
And more...
14. What about Commerce 9 ?
Plugins Sitecore Experience Commerce
Ask the expert (Round table)
Installation challenge
Product importing
Performance and optimization
18. Sitecore User Group Montreal
We are 153 Sitecorians
Next meetup : 12th june 2018
EXM and Forms with 3 MVPs Pete Narvana, Mike Reynolds and
Kamruz Jamman