Exploring Statistical Language Models for Recommender Systems [RecSys '15 DS ...Daniel Valcarce
ºÝºÝߣs of the presentation given at the Doctoral Symposium of ACM RecSys 2015. The paper is entitled:
Daniel Valcarce: Exploring Statistical Language Models for Recommender Systems. RecSys 2015: 375-378
Este documento define y compara Open Source y Close Source. Open Source se refiere a software con código abierto que puede ser modificado y redistribuido libremente bajo ciertas licencias. Close Source es software propietario donde el código es privado. El documento analiza las ventajas e inconvenientes de ambos y proporciona ejemplos como Libre Office, VLC y Mozilla Thunderbird para Open Source, y Safari, Windows y Sibelius para Close Source.
This document discusses different views related to support and customer service. It mentions manager view, SSAM view, and a CAD conclusion without providing any other context or details about these views.
Urbanisation is occurring in LEDCs for several reasons. Shanty towns located on the outskirts of cities have poor living conditions and lack basic infrastructure and services. Common problems experienced by residents include lack of clean water and sanitation, unsafe and overcrowded housing, unemployment and poverty. Efforts to improve conditions in shanty towns could prioritize providing access to clean water, healthcare, education, and jobs to raise living standards.
NOW Corporation is an information technology and digital media services firm established in 2006 that is listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange. It provides broadband internet, VPN, website development, app development, cloud services, and IT staffing solutions. It has subsidiaries such as i-Resource Consulting that provides IT professionals and NowPlanet.TV, a digital media brand. NOW partners with IBM to provide social collaboration software and is a licensed value-added service provider in the Philippines.
This document summarizes a research paper on Personalized Query Classification (PQC). PQC aims to classify web queries into categories according to individual users' perspectives, rather than just the content of the query, by incorporating users' preferences learned from their clickthrough logs. It proposes using a collaborative ranking model to address data sparsity issues, and combining long-term preferences learned from past user behavior with short-term preferences within a search session. The method is evaluated on a commercial search log and shown to significantly improve query classification accuracy over non-personalized approaches. Future work could focus on dynamically modeling how users' interests change over time.
This document discusses the importance of an integrated approach between marketing and supply chain operations for efficient e-commerce fulfillment. It notes that without integration, organizations can struggle to fulfill orders efficiently, leading to delayed shipments, increased costs, and poor customer experiences. The document defines demand and supply integration as tying together marketing initiatives with supply chain management to make informed decisions. It provides examples of how lack of integration can result in unnecessary costs and issues. It also discusses challenges of omnichannel fulfillment and key metrics for measuring fulfillment effectiveness. The importance of an integrated IT system to provide visibility across functions is also covered.
This document provides information about security champions and their role in an application security (AppSec) team. It explains that security champions are developers who help bridge the gap between security and development teams by focusing on application security activities like threat modeling, code reviews, and security testing. They spend 20% of their time on these security responsibilities. The benefits of being a security champion include career advancement opportunities through learning more about application security. Security champions receive training and support from a central AppSec team. They also participate in weekly meetings and hackathons to improve security skills and find issues in applications.
Involving Content & Involving Apps: Die unterschätzten TabsAllFacebook.de
Von Thorsten Habermann und Christian Clawien auf der AllFacebook Marketing Conference München 2013.
Dass Involving Posts das Wichtigste im Facebook Marketing sind, weiß jeder. Was macht aber macht man auf den Tabs?
Seit der Timeline-Umstellung haben Tabs eine andere Bedeutung. Weniger Tabs sind auf einen Blick sichtbar als zuvor. Nachdem der Traffic auf Tabs gesunken ist, steigt er nun wieder.
Doch wie nutzen Marken Tabs eigentlich? Heben sie das Potenzial? Sind sie involvierend? Mobile-fähig? Wir zeigen, was ein Tab heute leisten kann. Wie besonders gute, aber auch besonders schlechte Tabs aussehen.
Am Beispiel von O2 zeigen wir eine Lösung, mit der der Traffic auf Tabs gesteigert wurde.
Details zur Konferenz:
Zu den Speakern:
Thorsten Habermann (Senior Brand Manager & Program Manager Social Media / Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG)
Thorsten Habermann, Jahrgang 1977, ist Senior Brand Manager und Program Manager Social Media bei Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG. Zu Agenturzeiten erklärte er durch eine Messeshow auf der CeBIT Home 1998 den Besuchern, dass man beim Telefonieren jetzt auch laufen kann. Und heute, knapp 15 Jahre später, erklären ihm die Kunden über Social Media, wie das Business laufen soll.
Christian Clawien (Director Social & Emerging Media / Interone GmbH)
Christian Clawien (34) ist Director Social & Emerging Media bei der Agentur Interone. Kunden sind unter anderem o2, BMW oder Deutsche Post DHL. Im Bereich der strategischen Planung ist er für die Strategie und Begleitung der Umsetzung von Social Media Aktivitäten verantwortlich. Zuvor war Clawien Teamleiter Social Media & PR bei der Agentur construktiv und baute dort Social Media als neuen Geschäftsbereich auf. In dieser Zeit arbeitete er drei Jahre als Pressesprecher des Web 2.0-Portals Mister Wong. Clawien ist Veranstaltungskaufmann und verfügt über einen Abschluss in Wirtschaftskommunikation.
NOW Corporation is an information technology and digital media services firm established in 2006 that is listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange. It provides broadband internet, VPN, website development, app development, cloud services, and IT staffing solutions. It has subsidiaries such as i-Resource Consulting that provides IT professionals and NowPlanet.TV, a digital media brand. NOW partners with IBM to provide social collaboration software and is a licensed value-added service provider in the Philippines.
This document summarizes a research paper on Personalized Query Classification (PQC). PQC aims to classify web queries into categories according to individual users' perspectives, rather than just the content of the query, by incorporating users' preferences learned from their clickthrough logs. It proposes using a collaborative ranking model to address data sparsity issues, and combining long-term preferences learned from past user behavior with short-term preferences within a search session. The method is evaluated on a commercial search log and shown to significantly improve query classification accuracy over non-personalized approaches. Future work could focus on dynamically modeling how users' interests change over time.
This document discusses the importance of an integrated approach between marketing and supply chain operations for efficient e-commerce fulfillment. It notes that without integration, organizations can struggle to fulfill orders efficiently, leading to delayed shipments, increased costs, and poor customer experiences. The document defines demand and supply integration as tying together marketing initiatives with supply chain management to make informed decisions. It provides examples of how lack of integration can result in unnecessary costs and issues. It also discusses challenges of omnichannel fulfillment and key metrics for measuring fulfillment effectiveness. The importance of an integrated IT system to provide visibility across functions is also covered.
This document provides information about security champions and their role in an application security (AppSec) team. It explains that security champions are developers who help bridge the gap between security and development teams by focusing on application security activities like threat modeling, code reviews, and security testing. They spend 20% of their time on these security responsibilities. The benefits of being a security champion include career advancement opportunities through learning more about application security. Security champions receive training and support from a central AppSec team. They also participate in weekly meetings and hackathons to improve security skills and find issues in applications.
Involving Content & Involving Apps: Die unterschätzten TabsAllFacebook.de
Von Thorsten Habermann und Christian Clawien auf der AllFacebook Marketing Conference München 2013.
Dass Involving Posts das Wichtigste im Facebook Marketing sind, weiß jeder. Was macht aber macht man auf den Tabs?
Seit der Timeline-Umstellung haben Tabs eine andere Bedeutung. Weniger Tabs sind auf einen Blick sichtbar als zuvor. Nachdem der Traffic auf Tabs gesunken ist, steigt er nun wieder.
Doch wie nutzen Marken Tabs eigentlich? Heben sie das Potenzial? Sind sie involvierend? Mobile-fähig? Wir zeigen, was ein Tab heute leisten kann. Wie besonders gute, aber auch besonders schlechte Tabs aussehen.
Am Beispiel von O2 zeigen wir eine Lösung, mit der der Traffic auf Tabs gesteigert wurde.
Details zur Konferenz:
Zu den Speakern:
Thorsten Habermann (Senior Brand Manager & Program Manager Social Media / Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG)
Thorsten Habermann, Jahrgang 1977, ist Senior Brand Manager und Program Manager Social Media bei Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG. Zu Agenturzeiten erklärte er durch eine Messeshow auf der CeBIT Home 1998 den Besuchern, dass man beim Telefonieren jetzt auch laufen kann. Und heute, knapp 15 Jahre später, erklären ihm die Kunden über Social Media, wie das Business laufen soll.
Christian Clawien (Director Social & Emerging Media / Interone GmbH)
Christian Clawien (34) ist Director Social & Emerging Media bei der Agentur Interone. Kunden sind unter anderem o2, BMW oder Deutsche Post DHL. Im Bereich der strategischen Planung ist er für die Strategie und Begleitung der Umsetzung von Social Media Aktivitäten verantwortlich. Zuvor war Clawien Teamleiter Social Media & PR bei der Agentur construktiv und baute dort Social Media als neuen Geschäftsbereich auf. In dieser Zeit arbeitete er drei Jahre als Pressesprecher des Web 2.0-Portals Mister Wong. Clawien ist Veranstaltungskaufmann und verfügt über einen Abschluss in Wirtschaftskommunikation.