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Sujoy KR
Greenage ,Juniper A102,
Hosur Road. Bommanhalli
Mobile N: +919886773349
Career Summary
- Technical Project Manager with a comprehensive knowledge of technology and 9 plus years of
cross-industry experience in Virtualization domain.
- Professionally Certified Technocrat in evaluating existing enterprise IT infrastructures, planning &
implementing effective systems. Supporting infrastructures in place & driving optimized information
flow to accomplish Business objectives.
- Experience in implementing full life cycle of infrastructure development process with proper
documentation, especially in Virtualization technologies.
- Rich exposure in Business and Technical Analysis, Architecture Design
- Creating prototypes, testing of design attributes and coordinating with other team members in
accomplishing overall objectives.
Technical Skill Set:
- Well versed with strong working knowledge on VMware, Windows, Citrix Xenapp 6.0,6.5 ,7.6 and
HyperV, Oracle VM.
- OS: ESXi,4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5 Windows 2003, 2008, 2012,
- Site Recovery Manager (SRM),VCOPS and Vrealize
- Hardware: IBM Pureflex, Blade Servers, Cisco UCS, Rack servers
- Storage: IBM ,EMC Storage
- Networks: Cisco layer 2 and layer3 knowledge.
Personality Traits
- Very good analytical abilities
- Ability to drive an independent project from architecture to stand point
- Drive the team to its maximum efficiency to meet business objectives
- Ability to handle pressure in work environment and still motivate the team
- Excellent people management and communication skills
- Excellent convincing capabilities and handle customer escalations.
Feb-2011 to Till Current Network Solutions an IBM company as Project Manager Virtualization
Oct 2006 to Jan 2011 JP Morgan Chase as Server Specialist
Dec 2005 to Oct 2006 Microland Assistant Engineer
 VMware 3.5, 4.0, 5.1
 Citrix Xenapp ,Xen Desktop and Xen Server from Citrix
 SRM(Site recovery Manger
 Cloud SoftLayer
 Cisco UCS
 Oracle VM
Post Graduation Degree : MCA (Master of Computer Applications)
University : Bharathiar University,
 Installing, configuring, Managing ESX 3.5, 4, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1. .
 Configuring and Managing ESX Networking.
 Configuring and Managing ESX Storage SAN and NAS.
 Deploying / Managing / Provisioning Virtual Machines
 Managing user access to the VMware Infrastructure
 Planning & Implementation of Patch Deployment on ESX Hosts.
 Managing High Availability of the VMs and data protection using Virtual Center Server
like HA & DRS.
 Vmotion and Storage motion.
 Creation of resource pools and configuring Limits and Reservations.
 Vmware operations Manager and VRealize
 Managing and Troubleshooting VC applications.
 Site Recovery Manager
 Server Hardening.
 VR( Vsphere Replication)
 Managing and Maintaining multiple Farms, Zones, Worker group, and Servers
 Managing License Server, Web Interface Server
 Configuring Policies and troubleshooting Policy related issues.
 Configuring Load Management and assigning Load Evaluators to Servers and
 Citrix Netscaler
 Installing and configuring Managing Windows 2000/2003/2008, 2008R2 and Windows
2012 Server.
 Implementing and Administrating Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/2008/2008R2.
 Remote Administration.
 Updating & Installing Patches
 Planning and Implementing changes
 Knowledge on Active Directory.
 TSM for Virtual Environments
Oracle VM
Installing and Managing of Oracle VM server
Professional Experience:
Technical Manager Projects-Virtualization
Key Responsibilities
 Managing 1000+ ESX servers, Hyper v servers, and 5 Citrix Farms for
 Validate and approve changes.
 Provide Technical leadership, Technical sessions to all Members.
 Mentoring team
 Conduct Weekly meetings with the team on concerns, issues and
 Validation of Shift Handovers daily to ensure smooth work flow.
 Approve and Assist RCA for Sev1 incidents.
 Managing Shift roasters.
 Handle Client escalation calls.
 Attend Bridge calls for Sev1 incidents.
 Ensure Response time and Resolution time for meeting SLA.
 Approving SOP for operations and known issues which was resolved in
the environment
 Hardening of OS for Contracted Clients.
 Manage a Team of 12 members.
 Handle delivery across 50+ Clients .
 Deliverables for attaining CSAT .
 Server OS hardening for customers.
JP Morgan
India Pvt
Managing 4500 Windows and 1200 ESX VSI servers.
Technical Involvements in ESX Environment
 Server Upgrades from ESX 3.5 U1 to U3 and U4 .
 ILO, BIOS and OA firmware Upgrades.
 Sound Knowledge on Blade servers OA interface.
 Configuring OA and Managing OA.
 Providing Break fix L3 support for ESX servers through tickets and Change.
 Approving Change Records.
 Production readiness checks before server coming into production .
 Planning and Implementing of Power down and Power up events in various
 Mounting and Unmounting volumes on SAN and NFS storage, Storage
 Managing and Troubleshooting HBA.
 Creation of switches, Port Groups, VLANS, Security policies,
 Using P2V tool for Disk expansion for the virtual servers.
 Adding Hard disk, CPU, Memory for the OS slices.
 Managing the ESX servers by VIC and using CLI
 Assisting the team and providing technical expertise in case of emergencies.
 Handling bridges during OnCall support for all p1sx issues.
 Design and Implementation as per customers demand on frequent basis..
 Perform RAID recoveries during disk failures on HP, DELL platforms.
 Collecting logs from OA, Emulex, EMC grab vm-support for in-depth vmware
tech analysis.
 Invoking DR for VC and DB if required in case of emergencies involving
network, and DBA team
 Trouble shooting endpoints from Tivoli and HpSim on ESX servers for
 Expertise in raising Retro, Normal, Expedite and Emergency change records as
per requirement.
Technical Involvements in Windows Environment
 .Analysis and Trouble Shooting of Windows servers 2000 and 2003 .
 Addition on SAN disk to servers through disk management or Veritas
 Enterprise Administrator in Standalone and MS Clustered severs.
 Patching of 4000 servers through customized DVMT tool , Depending on the
criticality of patches approved by ITRM
 App Owner for 2 Tideway slave server, which scans the servers for
Hardware ,OS, Patches ,Serial numbers ,Network Configurations and SAN
Configurations which will be updated in CMDB
 Hardware Monitoring of servers through HPSIM. The hardware will be
diagnosed for problems and if persists will be send to vendor queue for
 Performance Capacity Management analysis is done through Infovista tool
which works on Net-Snmp.
 Worked on Power path for multi pathing to provide redundancy to SAN,
Knowledge on HBA Anywhere and inq
 Upgrade of Net Backup client, Antivirus software, SNMP upgrade, patch
installation, to maintain and prevent vulnerability and maintaining Bank
JP Morgan
India Pvt
 Worked on Securing and Hardening to prevent server from vulnerability
through ESM Tool.
 Knowledge on Solaris Administration provided by the company to troubleshoot
the level 1 problem.
 Knowledge on Active Directory basic and intermediate skills.
 Worked on WinDbg to analyze and fix windows unexpected reboots.
 Worked and have knowledge on backup related issues on Net backup from
 Worked on Dell Perc 5i controller and HP array controller for RAID
Configuration. RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5.
 Worked and knowledge on ILO, RIB and DARC
Technical Involvements
 Tools managed and monitored for managing system services - Site
Scope, Whatsupgold, HpInsightManager, Nagios, Big brother
 Tools monitored for managing Network devices - Solarwinds.net.
 Taking NT Backups for fileserver, Exchange Server, Intranet Server,
Corporate office Servers, Webserver.
 Maintaining and Troubleshooting Server Related problems on Tickets.
 Preparing daily and weekly reports for clients.
 Backups and Restoration.
Personal Information:
Date of Birth : 19/03/1979
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Languages Known : English, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam
II hereby declare that the above-furnished particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and

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Sujoy KR Resume -1

  • 1. Sujoy KR Greenage ,Juniper A102, Hosur Road. Bommanhalli Bangalore-560068 Mobile N: +919886773349 E-Mail:sujoy1979@gmail.com buzzsujoy@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL SYNOPSIS Career Summary - Technical Project Manager with a comprehensive knowledge of technology and 9 plus years of cross-industry experience in Virtualization domain. - Professionally Certified Technocrat in evaluating existing enterprise IT infrastructures, planning & implementing effective systems. Supporting infrastructures in place & driving optimized information flow to accomplish Business objectives. - Experience in implementing full life cycle of infrastructure development process with proper documentation, especially in Virtualization technologies. - Rich exposure in Business and Technical Analysis, Architecture Design - Creating prototypes, testing of design attributes and coordinating with other team members in accomplishing overall objectives. Technical Skill Set: - Well versed with strong working knowledge on VMware, Windows, Citrix Xenapp 6.0,6.5 ,7.6 and HyperV, Oracle VM. - OS: ESXi,4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5 Windows 2003, 2008, 2012, - Site Recovery Manager (SRM),VCOPS and Vrealize - Hardware: IBM Pureflex, Blade Servers, Cisco UCS, Rack servers - Storage: IBM ,EMC Storage - Networks: Cisco layer 2 and layer3 knowledge. Personality Traits - Very good analytical abilities - Ability to drive an independent project from architecture to stand point - Drive the team to its maximum efficiency to meet business objectives - Ability to handle pressure in work environment and still motivate the team - Excellent people management and communication skills - Excellent convincing capabilities and handle customer escalations. EMPLOYMENT TIMELINE Feb-2011 to Till Current Network Solutions an IBM company as Project Manager Virtualization Oct 2006 to Jan 2011 JP Morgan Chase as Server Specialist Dec 2005 to Oct 2006 Microland Assistant Engineer
  • 2. TRAININGS ATTENDED VMware 3.5, 4.0, 5.1 Citrix Xenapp ,Xen Desktop and Xen Server from Citrix SRM(Site recovery Manger Cloud SoftLayer Cisco UCS Oracle VM EDUCATION DETAILS Post Graduation Degree : MCA (Master of Computer Applications) University : Bharathiar University, SKILLS PROFICIENCY Vmware Installing, configuring, Managing ESX 3.5, 4, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1. . Configuring and Managing ESX Networking. Configuring and Managing ESX Storage SAN and NAS. Deploying / Managing / Provisioning Virtual Machines Managing user access to the VMware Infrastructure Planning & Implementation of Patch Deployment on ESX Hosts. Managing High Availability of the VMs and data protection using Virtual Center Server like HA & DRS. Vmotion and Storage motion. Creation of resource pools and configuring Limits and Reservations. Vmware operations Manager and VRealize Managing and Troubleshooting VC applications. Site Recovery Manager Server Hardening. VR( Vsphere Replication) SRM Citrix Managing and Maintaining multiple Farms, Zones, Worker group, and Servers Managing License Server, Web Interface Server Configuring Policies and troubleshooting Policy related issues. Configuring Load Management and assigning Load Evaluators to Servers and Applications Citrix Netscaler Windows Installing and configuring Managing Windows 2000/2003/2008, 2008R2 and Windows 2012 Server. Implementing and Administrating Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/2008/2008R2. Remote Administration. Updating & Installing Patches Planning and Implementing changes Knowledge on Active Directory.
  • 3. Backups VRanger TSM for Virtual Environments Oracle VM Installing and Managing of Oracle VM server Network Solutions (An IBM Company) Professional Experience: Technical Manager Projects-Virtualization Key Responsibilities Managing 1000+ ESX servers, Hyper v servers, and 5 Citrix Farms for Clients. Validate and approve changes. Provide Technical leadership, Technical sessions to all Members. Mentoring team Conduct Weekly meetings with the team on concerns, issues and Escalations. Validation of Shift Handovers daily to ensure smooth work flow. Approve and Assist RCA for Sev1 incidents. Managing Shift roasters. Handle Client escalation calls. Attend Bridge calls for Sev1 incidents. Ensure Response time and Resolution time for meeting SLA. Approving SOP for operations and known issues which was resolved in the environment Hardening of OS for Contracted Clients. Manage a Team of 12 members. Handle delivery across 50+ Clients . Deliverables for attaining CSAT . Server OS hardening for customers.
  • 4. JP Morgan Services India Pvt Ltd Managing 4500 Windows and 1200 ESX VSI servers. Technical Involvements in ESX Environment Server Upgrades from ESX 3.5 U1 to U3 and U4 . ILO, BIOS and OA firmware Upgrades. Sound Knowledge on Blade servers OA interface. Configuring OA and Managing OA. Providing Break fix L3 support for ESX servers through tickets and Change. Approving Change Records. Production readiness checks before server coming into production . Planning and Implementing of Power down and Power up events in various Datacenters. Mounting and Unmounting volumes on SAN and NFS storage, Storage additions Managing and Troubleshooting HBA. Creation of switches, Port Groups, VLANS, Security policies, Using P2V tool for Disk expansion for the virtual servers. Adding Hard disk, CPU, Memory for the OS slices. Managing the ESX servers by VIC and using CLI Assisting the team and providing technical expertise in case of emergencies. Handling bridges during OnCall support for all p1sx issues. Design and Implementation as per customers demand on frequent basis.. Perform RAID recoveries during disk failures on HP, DELL platforms. Collecting logs from OA, Emulex, EMC grab vm-support for in-depth vmware tech analysis. Invoking DR for VC and DB if required in case of emergencies involving network, and DBA team Trouble shooting endpoints from Tivoli and HpSim on ESX servers for Monitoring. Expertise in raising Retro, Normal, Expedite and Emergency change records as per requirement. Technical Involvements in Windows Environment .Analysis and Trouble Shooting of Windows servers 2000 and 2003 . Addition on SAN disk to servers through disk management or Veritas Enterprise Administrator in Standalone and MS Clustered severs. Patching of 4000 servers through customized DVMT tool , Depending on the criticality of patches approved by ITRM App Owner for 2 Tideway slave server, which scans the servers for Hardware ,OS, Patches ,Serial numbers ,Network Configurations and SAN Configurations which will be updated in CMDB Hardware Monitoring of servers through HPSIM. The hardware will be diagnosed for problems and if persists will be send to vendor queue for replacement. Performance Capacity Management analysis is done through Infovista tool which works on Net-Snmp. Worked on Power path for multi pathing to provide redundancy to SAN, Knowledge on HBA Anywhere and inq Upgrade of Net Backup client, Antivirus software, SNMP upgrade, patch installation, to maintain and prevent vulnerability and maintaining Bank standard.
  • 5. JP Morgan Services India Pvt Ltd Worked on Securing and Hardening to prevent server from vulnerability through ESM Tool. Knowledge on Solaris Administration provided by the company to troubleshoot the level 1 problem. Knowledge on Active Directory basic and intermediate skills. Worked on WinDbg to analyze and fix windows unexpected reboots. Worked and have knowledge on backup related issues on Net backup from Veritas Worked on Dell Perc 5i controller and HP array controller for RAID Configuration. RAID 0, RAID 1 and RAID 5. Worked and knowledge on ILO, RIB and DARC Microland Technical Involvements Tools managed and monitored for managing system services - Site Scope, Whatsupgold, HpInsightManager, Nagios, Big brother Tools monitored for managing Network devices - Solarwinds.net. Taking NT Backups for fileserver, Exchange Server, Intranet Server, Corporate office Servers, Webserver. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Server Related problems on Tickets. Preparing daily and weekly reports for clients. Backups and Restoration. Personal Information: Date of Birth : 19/03/1979 Sex : Male Nationality : Indian Languages Known : English, Hindi, Tamil, and Malayalam Declaration II hereby declare that the above-furnished particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.