Dr. Rakesh Kumar examined a patient's cranial nerves and found CN I-II, V, and VII were normal bilaterally. Examination of CN III, IV, and VI showed normal extraocular movements without nystagmus or ptosis. Pupils were equal and reactive. CN VIII showed normal hearing bilaterally. Palate and gag reflex were normal with no asymmetry. Shoulder shrug was normal for CN XI. Tongue was without fasciculations or deviation. Sensory and motor exams were normal as were the patient's gait, tone, bulk, strength, and reflexes.
CN 1: B/L sense of smell normal
CN2: VA right –6/6 and left – 6/6,bilateral papilledema present
CN 3,4,6-
• EOM normal
• No nystagmus
• No ptosis
• Pupils- B/L 2.5mm equal and reactive.
5. CN 5- normal
CN 7- normal
CN 8
• B/L AC>BC Weber's not lateralised
CN 9, 10
• Uvula midline
• Palatal movements normal ,no asymmetry
• Gag reflex intact
6. CN 11
• Shoulder shrugging – Normal on both sides
CN 12
• No fasciculations of tongue
• no Tongue deviation