Shear-wave Elastography Improves the Specificity of Breast US: The BE1 Multinational Study of 939 Masses, ̄ published in Radiology 2012
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Summary of Dr. Berg Radiology 2012
1. ShearWave? elastography
improves the specificity of
breast ultrasound
Summary of the article ^Shear-wave Elastography Improves the
Specificity of Breast US: The BE1 Multinational Study of 939 Masses, ̄
published in Radiology 2012; 262:435-449
by Berg WA, Cosgrove DO, Dor└ CJ, Skyba DM, Henry JP, Gay J,
Cohen-Bacrie C; the BE1 Study Group.
1 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
2. Purpose of the study
? To determine if and which SWE? parameters added to conventional BI-RADS?
criteria improve the characterization of breast masses
? Strong focus on the reclassification of the masses within categories 3 and 4a
? among BI-RADS? 3: better characterization of the 2% malignant masses in order to
avoid delays for treatment
? among BI-RADS? 4a: better characterization of the benign lesions in order in order
to replace biopsy by follow-up
2 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
3. Take home messages (1/2)
1. Any of the SWE? features increases the AUC* of BI-RADS? assessment alone
2. Emax is the best SWE parameter to add to conventional
BI-RADS? criteria to improve characterization of breast
3. BI-RADS? 2, supposedly benign masses: remain BI-RADS 2 regardless of SWE
4. BI-RADS? 5, 4c, 4b, moderate-to-highly suspicious masses: remain BI-RADS 5,
4c, 4b regardless of SWE
*AUC: Area Under the ROC Curve. Indicative for both sensitivity and specificity.
Values:1 perfect test; 0.5 useless test.
3 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
4. Take home messages (2/2)
5. BI-RADS? 3 and 4a
Reclassification rules with Emax added to conventional BI-RADS? criteria
? BI-RADS 3 + Emax− 160 kPa : upgrade the lesion to 4
Biopsy recommended
Delay avoided in the early management of malignant masses
? BI-RADS 4a + Emax+ 80 kPa : downgrade the lesion to 3
Follow-up recommended
Biopsy of benign masses avoided
? BI-RADS 3 and 4a, subset of oval and circumscribed masses:
Reclassification of low risk lesions with Ecol:
Sensitivity increases from 0% to 100% (p= 0.046) Specificity increases from 79.1% to
90.4% (p<0.001)
This excellent sensitivity allows to better identify the few malignant masses and
to adapt the management without delay
4 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
5. Materials and methods (1/2)
? Participants, investigators and reviewer
These points are detailed in the document ^Shear wave elastography is highly
reproducible^ SSID02658-01
? Statistics
C.J.Dor└, BSC, independent statistical expert from Medical Research Council of the
United Kingdom
Validation of the results with different statistical tools:
Fisher exact test, weighted k values, McNemar test, Mann-Whitney U test,
Spearman rank correlation
5 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
6. Materials and methods (2/2)
For each participant
? Imaging, information collected by the investigator and information collected
during the blind review: see the document SSID02658-01
? The most relevant SWE? features studied
? Qualitative SWE? features of the lesion and the surrounding parenchyma
Esha: lesion shape Ehomo: homogeneity of the elasticity (or stiffness)
Ecol: maximum elasticity on a six-point color scale
? Quantitative SWE? features of the lesion and surrounding parenchyma
Emax: maximum value of elasticity
6 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
7. Results (1/4)
Global performances improved
BI-RADS? category 3 C 5
Addition of SWE? features to conventional BI-RADS? assessments
? Any of the SWE features increases the AUC of BI-RADS assessment alone
? Ecol: the best performing qualitative feature, AUC increased from 0.940 to 0.971
? Emax the best performing quantitative feature, AUC increased from 0.940 to 0.962
? Excellent correlation between qualitative Ecol and quantitative Emax
? No improvement by adding more than one SWE feature
7 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
8. Results (2/4)
Improved specificity, constant sensitivity
Reclassification of BI-RADS? 3 C 4a:
Addition of Ecol to BI-RADS assessments alone
135 black or blue
not suspicious
132 benign, 3 malignant Using B Mode Using B Mode criteria
criteria + E color
of which 18 cancers of which 18 cancers
193 78
20 red
303 418
of which 8 cancers of which 8 cancers
17 benign, 3 malignant
? Specificity increases from 61.1% to 78.5% (397/650 to 512/650) p<0.0001. i.e. + 17%
? PPV of biopsy for BI-RADS 4a: from 9.3% to 23% (18/193 to 18/78) i.e. + 14%
? Rate of malignancy for BI-RADS 3: never worse than the 2.6% initially observed
Ehom: same improvement in specificity with an insignificant decrease of sensitivity from 97.2% to 96.2%
Esha: significant improvement in specificity with an insignificant increase in sensitivity to 97.9%
8 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
9. Results (3/4)
Improved specificity, constant sensitivity
Reclassification of BI-RADS? 3 C 4a:
Addition of Emax to BI-RADS assessments alone
139 + 80 kPa
not suspicious
134 benign, 5 malignant Using B Mode Using B Mode criteria
criteria + E color
of which 18 cancers of which 18 cancers
193 87
33 − 160 kPa
303 409
of which 8 cancers of which 8 cancers
28 benign, 5 malignant
? Specificity increases from 61.1% to 77.4% (397/650 to 503/650) p<0.001. i.e. + 16%
? PPV of biopsy for BI-RADS 4a: from 9.3% to 20.7% (18/193 to 18/87) i.e. + 11%
? Rate of malignancy for BI-RADS 3: 1.9%, better than the 2.6% initially observed
9 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01
10. Results (4/4)
Special benefits for low risk masses
Reclassification of BI-RADS? 3 C 4a:
Addition of Ecol to BI-RADS assessments alone
for oval and circumscribed masses
Using B Mode Using B Mode criteria
criteria + E color
28 black or blue
not suspicious of which 0 cancer of which 4 cancers
downgraded BIRADS 4a
all benign 37 17
8 red
144 164
of which 4 cancers of which 0 cancer
4benign, 4 malignant
? Sensitivity increases from 0% to 100% (0/4 to 4/4) (p= 0.046)
? Specificity increases from 79.1% to 90.4% (140/177 to 160 /177) (p<0.001) ) i.e. + 21%
? Accuracy increases from 77.3% to 90.6% (140/181 to 164/181) (p<0.001) i.e. + 23%
The end
10 Summary of Berg et al. Radiology 2012; 262:435-449 SSID02661-01