This document provides instructions for students to create an exhibit for a museum about history. Students will research a topic that interests them, develop two guiding questions, research from multiple sources, and create an exhibit to demonstrate their understanding. They will be assessed based on a self-reflection, a teacher and student created checklist, and teacher comments evaluating their exhibit, reflection, and how well they met the checklist criteria.
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Summative: Where We Are in Place and Time
1. Where We Are In Place and Time
Name: ___________________ Parent Signature: _________________
People and places have histories that can be uncovered
and interpreted through a variety of sources.
Perspective: What are the points of view?
Reflection: How do we know?
We’ve been inquiring into how we can learn about history.
Some of the learning experiences in which we’ve been
involved include:
• A visit to the Hong Kong Cemetery
• A visit to the Hong Kong Museum of History
• Reading and writing historical fiction
• Interpreting artifacts
• Exploring and reflecting upon what can be used to inform us about history (i.e. documents,
diaries, newspaper articles, clothing, art, music, photographs, etc.)
Welcome to the CDNIS Museum of The Past. This Museum is world renowned for exhibiting
informative displays drawn from a variety of sources, and showing their creators’ interpretation of
historical events. As an experienced historian, you have been asked to contribute an exhibit to the
• Conduct some basic research on historical topics that interest you. Record your sources and
begin to ask questions that can help you deepen your understandings of these topics
• Decide on one topic
• Construct two guiding questions that will drive your research. These questions should be open-
ended and allow for a variety of responses that can be proven through your evidence
• Use a variety of sources in your research and record these sources in your research organizer
• Create an informative and engaging exhibit to demonstrate your understandings of your guiding
• Write guiding questions that are open-ended and can be answered in a variety of ways
• Submit a completed research organizer
• Submit a bibliography of the sources you used
• Create an informative exhibit that engages your audience and demonstrates your understandings
of your selected topic
• Use the assessment checklist as a guide to success
• Self-reflection: You will write a thorough
reflection about how you progressed
through this task (constructing guiding
questions, researching, finding sources,
creating an exhibit). In this reflection you
will demonstrate your understanding of the
central idea and our two concepts,
reflection and perspective.
• Checklist: The class will construct its own
success criteria and this will form the
checklist that will determine the success of
your final task. Both you and your teacher
will complete the checklist.
• Teacher Comments: Your teacher will
write a comment based on the success of
your exhibit, your self-reflection and the
checklist criteria.