Little Lucky Wednesday was buried alive by her father in Cambodia shortly after birth because she was born with a cleft lip. She was discovered and rescued, and is now awaiting life-changing surgery by a team of volunteer surgeons from Operation Smile. The story of Lucky Wednesday highlights the stigma and hardship faced by children with cleft lips in developing countries. The volunteer surgical mission aims to provide free cleft lip and palate surgery to over 100 Cambodian children, as well as training local medical professionals.
EDUCATIONAL COCKTAIL. A blended learning course at the Autonomous University ...Alejandra Torres Landa
Presentation designed to show more detailed information about a Poster presented by the author at the 2014 ELI Annual Meeting. The poster presents a blended learning course for a design studio, at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes (Mexico), to highlight the importance of the relationships between the knowledge and experience of an expert, seen as the "first teacher"; the collaboration of students, pears that are considered the second teachers and the environment conceived by the educational infrastructure, which could be physical or virtual, calling it the third teacher (OWP/P Architects, et al, 2010). Therefore, blended learning is not only a mixture of learning environments, but its an Educational Cocktail (Serrato-Combe, 2008) where the third teacher should be a social catalyst.
As a result of Mr. Bogens financial acumen, South Nassaus Fitch bond rating was recently upgraded from BBB+ to A-. In addition, without investment income the operating profit for 2013 was approximately $5.7 million.
Manufacturing jobs provide opportunities for career growth and economic security. Hamilton Connection, a staffing firm, works to connect skilled workers with manufacturing jobs. They have a long history of serving clients and supporting employees. While manufacturing currently faces a shortage of qualified workers, firms are expanding training to help workers gain skills. Manufacturing careers allow workers to learn skills that can increase salaries over time and provide job stability.
Este documento describe las competencias y habilidades de un gestor de mercados. Estas incluyen dise単ar proyectos de investigaci坦n de mercado, planear actividades de mercadeo, analizar resultados financieros e implementar sistemas de informaci坦n de mercados. Tambi辿n se espera que adquieran habilidades en lenguas extranjeras. El programa de formaci坦n desarrolla estas habilidades a trav辿s del an叩lisis de proyectos, planes y datos financieros, as鱈 como el desarrollo de estrategias de precios. El enfoque del programa satisface
Medical Imaging at Parker Adventist Hospital provides a variety of imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and mammograms at three convenient locations. They are committed to obtaining high quality images to help doctors accurately diagnose patients and create treatment plans. The department has fellowship-trained radiologists available 24/7 and offers same day appointments when insurance approval is obtained. They aim to treat patients with compassionate care and have certified technologists and state-of-the-art technology.
South Nassau Communities Hospital Home Care has earned a spot in the top 25% of home health care providers in the United States for the ninth consecutive year based on quality measures. The program offers various home care services including skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and medical equipment. South Nassau Home Health Care is licensed, certified, and accredited to provide care to patients in their homes.
South Nassau Communities Hospital has been recognized for providing quality care to heart failure patients. The hospital received the Get With The GuidelinesHeart Failure Silver-Plus Quality Achievement Award from the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation for meeting specific measures related to heart failure treatment. These measures included evaluating patients, using appropriate medications, and providing education to reduce readmissions. South Nassau was also named to the Target: Heart Failure Honor Roll for efforts to improve medication adherence and provide follow-up care for heart failure patients.
The recipients, Jonathan Kwan, Franklin Square; Allison Riordan, Oceanside; Jessica Massiah, Valley Stream; Dana Crowe, Uniondale; Brandon Jacquet and Stefan Louis, both of Baldwin combined to provide 971 hours of volunteer service
BEHIND THE FORMALDEHYDE CURTAINByJessica MitfordThe dra.docxjasoninnes20
Jessica Mitford
The drama begins to unfold with the arrival of the corpse at the mortuary. Alas, poor Yorick! How surprised he would be to see how his counterpart of today is whisked off to a funeral parlor and is in short order sprayed, sliced, pierced, pickled, trussed, trimmed, creamed, waxed, painted, rouged and neatly dressedtransformed from a common corpse into a Beautiful Memory Picture. This process is known in the trade as embalming and restorative art, and is so universally employed in the United States and Canada that the funeral director does it routinely, without consulting corpse or kin. He regards as eccentric those few who are hardy enough to suggest that it might be dispensed with. Yet no law requires embalming, no religious doctrine commends it, nor is it dictated by considerations of health, sanita- tion, or even of personal daintiness. In no part of the world but in Northern America is it widely used. The purpose of embalming is to make the corpse presentable for viewing in a suitably costly container; and here too the funeral director routinely, without first consulting the family, prepares the body for public display. Is all this legal? The processes to which a dead body may be subjected are after all to some extent circumscribed by law. In most states, for instance, the signature of next of kin must be obtained before an autopsy may be performed, before the deceased may be cremated, before the body may be turned over to a medical school for research purposes; or such provision must be made in the decedents will. In the case of embalming, no such permission is required nor is it ever sought. A textbook, The Principles and Practices of Embalming, com- ments on this: There is some question regarding the legality of much that is done within the preparation room. The author points out that it would be most unusual for a responsible member of a bereaved family to instruct the morti- cian, in so many words, to embalm the body of a deceased relative. The very term embalming is so seldom used that the mortician must rely upon custom in the matter. The author concludes that unless the family specifies otherwise, the act of entrusting the body to the care of a funeral establishment carries with it an implied permission to go ahead and embalm.
Embalming is indeed a most extraordinary procedure, and one must won- der at the docility of Americans who each year pay hundreds of millions of dol- lars for its perpetuation, blissfully ignorant of what it is all about, what is done, how it is done. Not one in ten thousand has any idea of what actually takes place. Books on the subject are extremely hard to come by. They are not to be found in most libraries or bookshops.
In an era when huge television audiences watch surgical operations in 5 the comfort of their living rooms, when, thanks to the animated cartoon, the geography of the digestive system has become familiar territory even to the n ...
This document provides an introduction to the book "Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas" edited by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano. It discusses how feminicide, or the murder of women, has become a widespread issue across Latin America. The introduction notes how the international community has been slow to recognize gender-based violence as a tool of war and conflict. It aims to have a transdisciplinary dialogue on feminicide as elaborated by feminist researchers and advocates working in Latin America to better understand and frame this phenomenon.
The President's Lecture Series (PLS) is one of the hall mark training of Barley Secondary School Student Leadership Development. Distinguished student leaders who have graduated are invited to share their journey, experiences and reflections on leadership.
The document discusses the issue of trash pollution in oceans and beaches. It describes how trash from beaches blows into the ocean and gets carried by currents, eventually collecting in large areas of concentrated debris called trash vortices or garbage patches. The largest of these is in the North Pacific Ocean, covering an area estimated to be the size of Texas, where garbage from human life accumulates in a spinning current. The document expresses concern that beaches and oceans, which are essential to life, are being contaminated by waste instead of being properly cared for.
Fidel Castro writes a letter to Nikita Khrushchev on October 28, 1962 regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro expresses gratitude to Khrushchev for defending Cuba from invasion and preventing nuclear war. However, Castro argues that they should take advantage of the current situation to further strengthen Cuba's independence and sovereignty. Castro believes they have accomplished preventing invasion and aggression, and should continue efforts to build a socialist society in Cuba.
Art Blog Thesis Review - Need Help Writing An Essay LapLori Mathers
The document discusses gender bias faced by women in sports media. It notes that until 1978, female reporters were banned from interviewing players in locker rooms. This changed when a reporter sued and a judge ruled the ban violated the Equal Protection Clause. The document argues that gender bias remains an issue, and fines or suspensions should be imposed on those who make sexist remarks toward women in sports media. Addressing unfair treatment of women is important for the sports business and management.
David Burcham, the new dean of Loyola Law School, has a long history in education. As a young activities director, he successfully challenged layoffs by the Long Beach school district. This fueled his interest in impacting education policy through the legal system. After clerking for the Supreme Court, he returned to teach at Loyola Law School. When the previous dean stepped down, Burcham's colleagues and experience made him the ideal candidate. As dean, he aims to increase the endowment, continue an emphasis on ethics, and raise the bar passage rate through improved instruction.
The document provides instructions for a 5-part assignment on preparing to teach in lifelong learning. It includes the dates the course will take place, as well as details for Assignment 1 which involves creating a poster summarizing the teacher's roles, responsibilities, and relationships within their subject area and context, with consideration of relevant legislation and codes of practice. The word count is 1200 words.
Amazing College Essay - The Oscillation BandLiz Harris
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.
Fitzgerald was special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in 1953. He was commissioned by Congressman Charles Tobey of Massachusetts to investigate the obstruction of natural cancer treatments by the American Medical Association.
His report to the committee is known as The Fitzgerald Report of 1953.
Alone, this information is a bombshell. But, to my knowledge the information you are about to read hasnt been put into the same or connect-the-dots context before.
How To Write A Descriptive Essay About Art - AdermaSerena Brown
Henry Fleming matures from a glory-seeking boy into a patriotic soldier over the course of three battles. His initial desire for glory leads him to flee from his first battle out of fear. However, in the second battle he realizes the true horrors of war but stands his ground and fights bravely. By the third battle, Henry has fully accepted his role as a soldier and no longer cares about glory, focusing only on surviving and protecting his fellow soldiers.
100Th Day Of School Writing Prompts And Journal In 20Aaron Anyaakuu
This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from in 5 steps:
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and sample work.
3. Choose a writer based on their bid, qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start work.
4. Review the paper and authorize full payment if pleased, or request revisions using included revisions.
5. Choose confidently knowing needs will be fully met, or receive a full refund for plagiarized work.
12The Rigors ofKidney DialYsisfor Robert BanesLaurie K.docxmoggdede
The Rigors of
Kidney DialYsis
for Robert Banes
Laurie Kaye Abraham
Robert Banes' sloty reveals the daily rou,tine o'f'
a patient vtho ntust luve dialysis or di.e.
R<tbert's story tells ntore, however, thctn a saga
ol'sickne-ss. Tltis chapter links the personal ex-
perience of illness to Larger trends in incidence
ol disease and diflbrerttials by race and class in
receiving care. Like anyone else with a chronic
tlhrcss, Rr,tbert experiences the vicissitudes of
kidney dialysis within tlrc parcLntelers of a lilb.
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) yvith sub-
seqLtenl dia\,5i5 is iiot the crisis in Robert's life.
Rather, it is one nrore crisis in a life riddenwith
crises born out of poverty, lhnited education,
and lacl< ofopportunity. For people like Robert
and his wife, Jackie, disability and death are
routine events. Pooled resources and shared
housing ruith relatives help some but poverty
and ill health prove to be relentless.
As yott read this selection, look for places
wlrcre both Robert and Tbmmy could have
1 lbeett ltel1ted, wlrcre a further slide downhill
could have been prevented. Note the contrast
tn econorttic circutnstances between Robert
and D r. lning. Assess the structure and quality
ol treatment available to Robert.
r\ober-t ivas thinking about frying some ba-
con for breakfast when the driver who takes
him to the kidney dialysis center sounded his
horn foom the street. This was unusual be-
cause it was iust a little after 5:30 A.M., and
Robert is scheduled for a six o'clock pickup,
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Robert
has knor,r,n drivers to be late, sometimes by
The Rigors of Kidney Dialysis for Robert Banes l13
hours; he has known drivers not to show.
They are rarely early.
Still sleepy, he dropped down on the couch
to pull on his leather high-tops. A lamp
glowed orange in one corner of the living
room; cltherwise, it was early-morning gray.
Latrice slept next to him. Her long, brown
legs stretched the length of the couch that
does double-duty as her bed. She lay on top
of a mst-colored throw that Jackie uses to
cover the couchs thinning, stained uphol-
stery. Jackie was zrlready up, washing in the
bathroom. Her grandmother lay still in her
bed: she had not vet called for her breakfast
or a morning drink cllt waten
T h e l i v i n g r o o m i s s u b s t a n t i a l l y l o n g e r
than it is wide ancl is divided into two rnain
sections. The back area, where Robert sat
and Latrice slept, holds Jackie s furniture, the
couch zrnd a matching love seat she brought
when she, Robert, and Latrice moved in with
h e r g r a n d m o t h e r i n 1 9 8 6 . A d a r k w o o d h u t c h ,
br-rilt into the back wall, is filled with pictures
of the family. Some of the photos are old and
tattered, their frarnes tarnished, but none of
that seems to matter mtrch. The pictures look
as it they have been there for a long time and
will remain for-a long time to come. A light-
colored wood bookshelf next to the hutch is
overflow ...
Essays About Cell Phones. Reflection Essay: Persuasive essay on cell phone us...davih0fytav3
Mobile Phones Essay Free Essay Example. Essay describing a cellphone. Cell phones should be banned in schools essay in 2021 School essay .... Essay on use and abuse of mobile phones - Essay about the cell phones. Essay About Cell Phone. Should cell phones be allowed at school? - GCSE English - Marked by .... Mobile Phones Essay Essay on Mobile Phones for Students and Children .... Argumentative Essay Practice- Students Use of Cell Phones in School. 004 Cell Phone Usage In Schools Essayerm Paper Academic Writing Phones .... Essay on harmful effects of mobile phones on students. Harmful .... Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones: Should They Be Allowed in School .... Calam辿o - Essay on Cell Phones: Great and Excellent Tips for Students. Mobile Phone Essay - IMobile Cool. mobile phones essay - GCSE English - Marked by Persuasive essay cell phones. Mobile Phones and Drivi
The document provides instructions for replacing an automotive air conditioning evaporator in 4 steps: 1) Prepare the AC system by recovering refrigerant and removing covers. 2) Remove the evaporator by taking off liquid and suction lines. 3) Reinstall the new evaporator by attaching the lines. 4) Test the system to verify the repair was successful.
Major military authorities regard the Twin Cities area as the nation's major center for the spread of Communism. A military officer from the University of Minnesota claims Communism is rampant at the university and that the student newspaper, the Minnesota Daily, has communist influences. He calls for public support of the ROTC program at the university. Another military officer has returned from investigating claims of Communism being taught at a local high school.
Life After High School Essay. Online assignment writing service.Christina Gomez
Here are the key steps to solve this word problem about finding the arc length of a circle:
1. Draw a diagram showing the earth and the satellite's circular orbit. Label the radius of the earth and the satellite's constant altitude.
2. Set up the formula for arc length: s = r慮. The radius r is the sum of the earth's radius and the satellite's altitude. 慮 is given as 70% of a full circle, which is 0.72 = 1.4 radians.
3. Plug the values into the formula: s = (6370+100)km 1.4 = 6470km 1.4 = 9,058 km
BEHIND THE FORMALDEHYDE CURTAINByJessica MitfordThe dra.docxjasoninnes20
Jessica Mitford
The drama begins to unfold with the arrival of the corpse at the mortuary. Alas, poor Yorick! How surprised he would be to see how his counterpart of today is whisked off to a funeral parlor and is in short order sprayed, sliced, pierced, pickled, trussed, trimmed, creamed, waxed, painted, rouged and neatly dressedtransformed from a common corpse into a Beautiful Memory Picture. This process is known in the trade as embalming and restorative art, and is so universally employed in the United States and Canada that the funeral director does it routinely, without consulting corpse or kin. He regards as eccentric those few who are hardy enough to suggest that it might be dispensed with. Yet no law requires embalming, no religious doctrine commends it, nor is it dictated by considerations of health, sanita- tion, or even of personal daintiness. In no part of the world but in Northern America is it widely used. The purpose of embalming is to make the corpse presentable for viewing in a suitably costly container; and here too the funeral director routinely, without first consulting the family, prepares the body for public display. Is all this legal? The processes to which a dead body may be subjected are after all to some extent circumscribed by law. In most states, for instance, the signature of next of kin must be obtained before an autopsy may be performed, before the deceased may be cremated, before the body may be turned over to a medical school for research purposes; or such provision must be made in the decedents will. In the case of embalming, no such permission is required nor is it ever sought. A textbook, The Principles and Practices of Embalming, com- ments on this: There is some question regarding the legality of much that is done within the preparation room. The author points out that it would be most unusual for a responsible member of a bereaved family to instruct the morti- cian, in so many words, to embalm the body of a deceased relative. The very term embalming is so seldom used that the mortician must rely upon custom in the matter. The author concludes that unless the family specifies otherwise, the act of entrusting the body to the care of a funeral establishment carries with it an implied permission to go ahead and embalm.
Embalming is indeed a most extraordinary procedure, and one must won- der at the docility of Americans who each year pay hundreds of millions of dol- lars for its perpetuation, blissfully ignorant of what it is all about, what is done, how it is done. Not one in ten thousand has any idea of what actually takes place. Books on the subject are extremely hard to come by. They are not to be found in most libraries or bookshops.
In an era when huge television audiences watch surgical operations in 5 the comfort of their living rooms, when, thanks to the animated cartoon, the geography of the digestive system has become familiar territory even to the n ...
This document provides an introduction to the book "Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Americas" edited by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano. It discusses how feminicide, or the murder of women, has become a widespread issue across Latin America. The introduction notes how the international community has been slow to recognize gender-based violence as a tool of war and conflict. It aims to have a transdisciplinary dialogue on feminicide as elaborated by feminist researchers and advocates working in Latin America to better understand and frame this phenomenon.
The President's Lecture Series (PLS) is one of the hall mark training of Barley Secondary School Student Leadership Development. Distinguished student leaders who have graduated are invited to share their journey, experiences and reflections on leadership.
The document discusses the issue of trash pollution in oceans and beaches. It describes how trash from beaches blows into the ocean and gets carried by currents, eventually collecting in large areas of concentrated debris called trash vortices or garbage patches. The largest of these is in the North Pacific Ocean, covering an area estimated to be the size of Texas, where garbage from human life accumulates in a spinning current. The document expresses concern that beaches and oceans, which are essential to life, are being contaminated by waste instead of being properly cared for.
Fidel Castro writes a letter to Nikita Khrushchev on October 28, 1962 regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis. Castro expresses gratitude to Khrushchev for defending Cuba from invasion and preventing nuclear war. However, Castro argues that they should take advantage of the current situation to further strengthen Cuba's independence and sovereignty. Castro believes they have accomplished preventing invasion and aggression, and should continue efforts to build a socialist society in Cuba.
Art Blog Thesis Review - Need Help Writing An Essay LapLori Mathers
The document discusses gender bias faced by women in sports media. It notes that until 1978, female reporters were banned from interviewing players in locker rooms. This changed when a reporter sued and a judge ruled the ban violated the Equal Protection Clause. The document argues that gender bias remains an issue, and fines or suspensions should be imposed on those who make sexist remarks toward women in sports media. Addressing unfair treatment of women is important for the sports business and management.
David Burcham, the new dean of Loyola Law School, has a long history in education. As a young activities director, he successfully challenged layoffs by the Long Beach school district. This fueled his interest in impacting education policy through the legal system. After clerking for the Supreme Court, he returned to teach at Loyola Law School. When the previous dean stepped down, Burcham's colleagues and experience made him the ideal candidate. As dean, he aims to increase the endowment, continue an emphasis on ethics, and raise the bar passage rate through improved instruction.
The document provides instructions for a 5-part assignment on preparing to teach in lifelong learning. It includes the dates the course will take place, as well as details for Assignment 1 which involves creating a poster summarizing the teacher's roles, responsibilities, and relationships within their subject area and context, with consideration of relevant legislation and codes of practice. The word count is 1200 words.
Amazing College Essay - The Oscillation BandLiz Harris
The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a refund for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.
Fitzgerald was special counsel to the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in 1953. He was commissioned by Congressman Charles Tobey of Massachusetts to investigate the obstruction of natural cancer treatments by the American Medical Association.
His report to the committee is known as The Fitzgerald Report of 1953.
Alone, this information is a bombshell. But, to my knowledge the information you are about to read hasnt been put into the same or connect-the-dots context before.
How To Write A Descriptive Essay About Art - AdermaSerena Brown
Henry Fleming matures from a glory-seeking boy into a patriotic soldier over the course of three battles. His initial desire for glory leads him to flee from his first battle out of fear. However, in the second battle he realizes the true horrors of war but stands his ground and fights bravely. By the third battle, Henry has fully accepted his role as a soldier and no longer cares about glory, focusing only on surviving and protecting his fellow soldiers.
100Th Day Of School Writing Prompts And Journal In 20Aaron Anyaakuu
This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from in 5 steps:
1. Create an account with a password and email.
2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and sample work.
3. Choose a writer based on their bid, qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start work.
4. Review the paper and authorize full payment if pleased, or request revisions using included revisions.
5. Choose confidently knowing needs will be fully met, or receive a full refund for plagiarized work.
12The Rigors ofKidney DialYsisfor Robert BanesLaurie K.docxmoggdede
The Rigors of
Kidney DialYsis
for Robert Banes
Laurie Kaye Abraham
Robert Banes' sloty reveals the daily rou,tine o'f'
a patient vtho ntust luve dialysis or di.e.
R<tbert's story tells ntore, however, thctn a saga
ol'sickne-ss. Tltis chapter links the personal ex-
perience of illness to Larger trends in incidence
ol disease and diflbrerttials by race and class in
receiving care. Like anyone else with a chronic
tlhrcss, Rr,tbert experiences the vicissitudes of
kidney dialysis within tlrc parcLntelers of a lilb.
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) yvith sub-
seqLtenl dia\,5i5 is iiot the crisis in Robert's life.
Rather, it is one nrore crisis in a life riddenwith
crises born out of poverty, lhnited education,
and lacl< ofopportunity. For people like Robert
and his wife, Jackie, disability and death are
routine events. Pooled resources and shared
housing ruith relatives help some but poverty
and ill health prove to be relentless.
As yott read this selection, look for places
wlrcre both Robert and Tbmmy could have
1 lbeett ltel1ted, wlrcre a further slide downhill
could have been prevented. Note the contrast
tn econorttic circutnstances between Robert
and D r. lning. Assess the structure and quality
ol treatment available to Robert.
r\ober-t ivas thinking about frying some ba-
con for breakfast when the driver who takes
him to the kidney dialysis center sounded his
horn foom the street. This was unusual be-
cause it was iust a little after 5:30 A.M., and
Robert is scheduled for a six o'clock pickup,
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Robert
has knor,r,n drivers to be late, sometimes by
The Rigors of Kidney Dialysis for Robert Banes l13
hours; he has known drivers not to show.
They are rarely early.
Still sleepy, he dropped down on the couch
to pull on his leather high-tops. A lamp
glowed orange in one corner of the living
room; cltherwise, it was early-morning gray.
Latrice slept next to him. Her long, brown
legs stretched the length of the couch that
does double-duty as her bed. She lay on top
of a mst-colored throw that Jackie uses to
cover the couchs thinning, stained uphol-
stery. Jackie was zrlready up, washing in the
bathroom. Her grandmother lay still in her
bed: she had not vet called for her breakfast
or a morning drink cllt waten
T h e l i v i n g r o o m i s s u b s t a n t i a l l y l o n g e r
than it is wide ancl is divided into two rnain
sections. The back area, where Robert sat
and Latrice slept, holds Jackie s furniture, the
couch zrnd a matching love seat she brought
when she, Robert, and Latrice moved in with
h e r g r a n d m o t h e r i n 1 9 8 6 . A d a r k w o o d h u t c h ,
br-rilt into the back wall, is filled with pictures
of the family. Some of the photos are old and
tattered, their frarnes tarnished, but none of
that seems to matter mtrch. The pictures look
as it they have been there for a long time and
will remain for-a long time to come. A light-
colored wood bookshelf next to the hutch is
overflow ...
Essays About Cell Phones. Reflection Essay: Persuasive essay on cell phone us...davih0fytav3
Mobile Phones Essay Free Essay Example. Essay describing a cellphone. Cell phones should be banned in schools essay in 2021 School essay .... Essay on use and abuse of mobile phones - Essay about the cell phones. Essay About Cell Phone. Should cell phones be allowed at school? - GCSE English - Marked by .... Mobile Phones Essay Essay on Mobile Phones for Students and Children .... Argumentative Essay Practice- Students Use of Cell Phones in School. 004 Cell Phone Usage In Schools Essayerm Paper Academic Writing Phones .... Essay on harmful effects of mobile phones on students. Harmful .... Argumentative Essay on Cell Phones: Should They Be Allowed in School .... Calam辿o - Essay on Cell Phones: Great and Excellent Tips for Students. Mobile Phone Essay - IMobile Cool. mobile phones essay - GCSE English - Marked by Persuasive essay cell phones. Mobile Phones and Drivi
The document provides instructions for replacing an automotive air conditioning evaporator in 4 steps: 1) Prepare the AC system by recovering refrigerant and removing covers. 2) Remove the evaporator by taking off liquid and suction lines. 3) Reinstall the new evaporator by attaching the lines. 4) Test the system to verify the repair was successful.
Major military authorities regard the Twin Cities area as the nation's major center for the spread of Communism. A military officer from the University of Minnesota claims Communism is rampant at the university and that the student newspaper, the Minnesota Daily, has communist influences. He calls for public support of the ROTC program at the university. Another military officer has returned from investigating claims of Communism being taught at a local high school.
Life After High School Essay. Online assignment writing service.Christina Gomez
Here are the key steps to solve this word problem about finding the arc length of a circle:
1. Draw a diagram showing the earth and the satellite's circular orbit. Label the radius of the earth and the satellite's constant altitude.
2. Set up the formula for arc length: s = r慮. The radius r is the sum of the earth's radius and the satellite's altitude. 慮 is given as 70% of a full circle, which is 0.72 = 1.4 radians.
3. Plug the values into the formula: s = (6370+100)km 1.4 = 6470km 1.4 = 9,058 km
,{ } df
,'rf ,ldl?[d$ff,.-'
-l &
Jl' $
/ |
tj, I
ft , F
Lucky Wednesday who was born wrth a cleft lrp was burred
alrve by her father rn Cambodra Lucky for her she was
drscovered and rs now aboLrt to underpo lrfe changrng
surgery, writes Mike Bruce
VF.RYO| is trlking
ai>out Luckr' Vednt's-
da'. Ir hushsl tones.
the nes of h(r'inr
pcnding aII rl sprerds
through the hospitrl.
,t ju5t ts! nronths old,
Luck)' Wednesda) is already a
nationil celebrity ior the most
pitiiul ol reasons.
Hours after her brdh on April
l(l in a provrnce of :outherst
Cambodia, hcr tathcr took her
to the grounds of r tenrpl(' rnd
buried her alirc. His rcason? Sht
nrs born rvith a clt'ft lip.
lost of the 25 voluntL'ers
tiom not-for'proiit surgicil
group Operution Snrilc gath-
frcd at the hospital in rural
Clambodia loda) havc witnessed
the lenible sadness thirt rL'sults
irom prejudice rnd e'('n rlroci
tlt conrmjtted agrinst chlldren
*rih rleft lip of palatr'. ( hildren
hlc been bullrccl rti!r).1tied.
rhunned. ocn abrndonrd lrr
tl)r'rr ftnilles and c(nr)nruDiti('s.
Ilut thr wocill tirlc o1 little
i,uck) lvednesda]' nrrrks a
sorn fist.
She rvas discovcrcd lbout ln
hour irfter her burial ltv bors
pla lng nearb. I hc hcard her
nruUlcd cries and ill(rlsl nlonks
who spcd her to thc lo("1 hospi-
tal where doctos christcncd her
I-ucky Wednesda'. Ily the
weekend her molher had
nanrcd her Kong Sokthida.
lodal she has hrought hcf t0
the hospital of Sval' Rirng. a
slcepv town of 10.0i)0 lxople at
the south-eastcm reach ol Crnr-
l)odia. w here oluntccf Austrr-
lian surgeons. iinacsthctisls.
Duhes, speech pathologists rnd
Dsvchologists are on il nriss()n
to pedbmr. predoninantly, clcll
lip rnd palate surgcrf. Nlost
hrve laken innual lclvr'. sonre
h$e left behind ]oung lilnrilies
lit lhc cight dal s of thr nrission
'fhe ston of littlr l.uckv
'edneda) shocks rnd n)ovL,s
thr'm t!ithout eception Sokthi
da rnives at thc hospitrl still in
that si{eet place of rvondcr rnd
bcwildement al the wofld. And
thrnktully oblivious to h0 tory.
I ler nrother is a mix oi relief
and shame. She strugglos to look
the medical team rn the e'('. un
crsv rt the luss eddving rround
her She has said publicl! sht'
lants her husband. r 19 )car-
ol(l schooltcachcr. rclcirsed lionr
prison s(nrcthrng whrch nran]
fail to undstlnd aftr'r an ad
that so l)etravs the instin{ts ol
parenl ing
rtionrl nrtrlia repoded the 7
father did it hecause he
''couldn t l)crr thc sight 0f her
cleli. P .hul lhcrr'11r.r h(,{her
hazicr crplrrnlrl r, 'n:
David l'ruitnrn. r dircctor ol
Operation Snile Cambodia.
sa]'s the incid('nt j svrlptomatic
of the misundcntrndinS rround
clefting in sonrc cullures. ciling
accounts oI prrfnts lbandoning
children on the ide ol thc road
orto extend(al funril!
Dcpcnding on the culture. a
cleft can lle scen ts a cu$e. an
act of an rngr',' god or gods.
kamrr, a nrrnilestrtion ol nrlth
or nr!stici5lr (n tn intelledual
disabilit that tc kids shunned
and rdicu[r] on a practical
level. rn lruntri* sueh ar Canr
l)odii i!ith no lrt'r'ht'rlthcare. it
Gn aiso he seen rs a liletimc oj
nredicrl hills rnri, thcrcfore, a
sentence of inrpovcriihment.
t !l.l(lam, the telnr ilililes
after a thfR'hour drive
from Phnon Penh irnd
fans out through thr'hospital
Ike conrnlndos on r riiid. tak-
ing up stations in crinlped. llasic
facilitres rvhich can bt'kindll de-
scribed as lLrndionrl.
Parts ol th(' hosfital are, b)'
west!'rn standards, lllthv. An in
formal rubbish tip has fomred
outside it side (loor ol thc hospi-
tal. a tcnnis-court ized patch
cattered rth littfl and bin
bags. 1ot oluntfon llssure ne
conditrons arc prcttv good bl
usual nrision stirndards.
At one t'nd ol the building, a
medical tcchnicirn s('ts up thrcc
operaling trl)lcs in two small
theatnrs, rvhilr nufscs squeezc
and manoeuvre thfr,r'brrls into
a stofrroonr to creatc ii nlake-
shift recrrren roonr. Across the
lols rs r posl op room
qammed rvith scvcn beds, its
walls hded rnd pcrling.
StirlT buzz bolwc(.n roonrs.
shifting and unprcking 80 ltrtge
boxes oi nr('di(al (luipment.
enough lirr 125 ptticnts. l.hc
boes havc b('$ shipp0d lronl
Operation Smilds herd office in
Virynrjr in tlrf t:nilcd States.
underlining htxr rvithin l{) ) ean
the llrdv has gonc lronl one
well-irtentj0nrd ufgeon to a
3. counf ERMAf t.coM.Au 5vN0AV JULY 28 zAM
AGEilDA 47
global charityjuggemaut that in
2012-13 perfomed almost
21,500 opemtions in 37 countris
with 3700 volunteen world-
wide. This Austnlian mission,
funded by Lions Australia, com-
prising 25 Aussie volunteen md
17 from Cambodia India and the
US, is asmall cog in abigwheel.
dsbane anasthetist Ver-
r' -i non Mm hslostcountof
i' ' the ovemeas missions he's
done At least one ayear, mostly
two, since 1998, hethinks,
sure," he pondeN. "lt's
prcbably more than 30, but it's
the l2th forOperation Smile."
Brisbane paediatric nune
Kate Cogill, 41, is another She's
on her l5th mission for which
she'staken annual leave and left
two-year-old son Charlie at
home forthe fist time.
She got hooked after her first
mission to lndia in 2005 and ha
sinceworked in The Philippins,
Kenya Vietnm and Cambodia.
All on her om time. Cogill says
cleft surgery delivers the most
bang for buck and an instant
gratification that has an addic-
tive quality.
"Much intemational aid is
valuable, but you don't se re
sults for a long time," she ex-
plains. "With this you se a kid
tum up and within an hour the
problem is genemlly
repaired and gone.
You see it so
quickly and you
reeit partiolarly on theparents
facs. That's so powerful. And
for that kid, ever,,thing changd
... but itchangestheirfamily and
theircommunity aswell."
For Brisbile consultant plas-
tic surgmn Raymond Goh, 38,
the satisfaclion is twofold. It's
that shoft act ofchanging some
one's features by millimetres,
yet leaving such a powerful leg-
acy on how they look, talk or
eat, but most impoftantly their
place in theworld.
"And it's notjust the patients'
rsponsg but their parents',"
Goh explains. "They'vegot tea6
in their ey6 when they bring
their kids in, they hand them
over to omplete stranges and
ree them emerge with a full lip
and whole new life. I can't de-
rribethat feling."
But Goh saysequally rewild-
ing is thetraining ofsurgmns in
the host countris to enable
them to aeate local mpacity.
.'n Austnlia it's a quick and
: mostly routine opration
., done in the fint months of
life. Yet in developing countries,
cleft kids are often adults before
they undergo surgery. In Mae
Sot in Thailand's northwst,
Opemtion Smile staff opemted
on a mm who'd lived with his
cleft lip for 67 yean.
being perfomed
differ be- ,
twen countries and olturs,
Goh says. It can beresources, fa-
cilitjes, training or simple will.
Cambodia, for example, has
around 15 plastic surgmns,
about five ofwhom can do cleft
suryery. (Thre are on this mis-
sion.) With no established pro-
gnm of training, Cambodian
surgsns are forced to go over-
se6 ifthey want to leam.
Interestingly, the
thre Austmlian
surPeons on the , ,,'
miiion all div-
ide their time
betwen public ,
and private -
work. Much of -
the latter deals
with facelitu,
breast implants, lipo-
suction or Botox. Predict-
ably, taking annual leave to do
an opemtion (valued at $240)
that an tmnsfom a life on
prove a ontmt, an exerose in
humility. All volunttrs talk of
mi$ions in tems of a reality
check, coming down to eanh, a
prism of gmtitude through
which we view our own, com-
fortable livs so differently.
By mid-moming, about 50
psple have gathercd under a
rainbow-coloured marqure in
ftont ofthe hospital, some wait-
thre houru from
Phnom Penh. It's
a glonous dis-
play of the uni-
venality of
parenthmd the prmf that par-
ents will do an],thing for the
health ild happiness of their
One ofthose kids is Chom, a
four-year-old with a cleft lip
who's miling md lashing out at
staff trying to take his ID pic-
ture. Child psychologists smn
inteNene and take Chom out-
side to play gams and
blow bubbles to calm
him down. He
suckles his moth-
.- : er's brest fte-
quently. even
though she has
no milk.
Child Life
thempist Rajna
Shama asks the
mother ifhe's in hospi-
tal forthe fint time.
Chom has never even ben
past the gat6 of his family
home, let alone to a hospital, his
mum explains. At four, h has
never engaged with a world
asideftom hisparents and seven
siblings, perhaps 6 a r6ult of
his parents'fear, perhaps his
"He is completely non-social
... he hm likely ben bullied and
teased," Shma explains.
"Th6e kids can remain raned
by their expedence and often
find it hnd to reintegmte back
into smiety."
Shesaysmany parents fel so
helpless and hopeless with a
cleft child, their response mtrh-
anism is often to isolatethe child
from thecommunity.
A prusion of hope flows
through the doo6 during the
day. Cleft lips, cleft palata,
groMhs, scars, bums and "revi-
sions" or fine;sing of existing
cleft scan.
A young girl tums up with
hidmus bum ras to her hmd
that have fused her thumb to
her palm and some of her fin-
ge6 into aweb.
"Easily fixed," says Perth
plastic surgeon Mark Le, who
details a procedure of zigag in-
cisions and a graft of skin frcm
her hip to repair it.
An elderly man with a port-
coloured vasculargrowth on the
right sideofhis face is lurkingby
the stain when Melboume sur-
gmn David Chong rcognires
him. Chong opemted on the
man in 2008, caruing offa huge
lump of th groMh, but the 68-
yen-old dce famr hs come
today hoping surgmns Gn have
another mck at the regrom,
debilitating tumour.
''Yep, we've got room,let's do
it " says Chong enthusiastically,
as he discuses the probable ap-
proach with colleagues. It's a
tough job requidng "huge skin
gnfting" and possibly gnfting
some of the bottom lip to thetop
lip lt's a tough job in an Austm-
lim hospital, let alone one
where most patients are dis-
charged and sent home after
.:' hong, on his lgth mi$ion
, and 5th in Cambodia
r. alone, is repeatedly moved
by patients'stods, by their dig-
nity and humility in the face of
suffering and isolation.
One boy in particulil on this
mission has stolen his heart.
He's a25-year-old with a deft lip
and cleft palate. He's now tm
old to have the palate repaired,
but Chong repain the lip and
quickly reconstructs the boy's
nosto realign itto his new face.
When Chong visits him in re-
covery late on day two, he sheds
a tear
"Ever,.thing about that kid's
life will change - his family
structure and dynmi6, the re-
action of his community to
him," Chong uys. "He'll live
with that palate for the rest of
his liie ... but he hs some hope
now, he on look psple in the
eye, he's a boy who might now
lmk foMard to marrying in a
ountry where maniage is so
important. Being able to do that
for him maks me fel really
grateful and very blessed."
And m for Lucky Wednes-
day, the wonderful news is she'll
be having surgery in Phnom
Penh in two months'time.
Mike Bru.e travelled to Canbodia
coutrgy of Lionr Australia.
The reasons why simple cleft
lip and palate surgery isn l
ing since early moming. Some
have travelled far. one
4* trt'3ri 'E-
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