This document provides information about sunscreen, including its history, types of UV rays, sunscreen classifications, SPF ratings, and key ingredients. Ancient Egyptians used plant extracts for rudimentary sun protection. There are three types of UV rays: UVA causes aging, UVA causes sunburn and contributes to skin cancer, and UVC is blocked by the atmosphere. Sunscreens can be physical or chemical, with physical using ingredients like zinc oxide to scatter rays and chemical using ingredients like PABA to absorb rays. SPF ratings measure UVB ray protection, with higher SPF blocking more rays. Ingredients include avobenzoates, cinnamic acid derivatives, and salicylates. An ideal
2. Introduction
Ancient Egyptians used extracts of rice, jasmine,
and lupine plants. Again, these ingredients offered
low levels of sun protection but were proven to be
very beneficial to the skin and are still used in skin
care products today.
Sunscreen, also known as sunblock, is a
lotion, spray, gel, foam (such as an expanded
foam lotion or whipped lotion), stick or other
topical product that absorbs or reflects some
of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation and thus
helps protect against sunburn.
3. Sunrays
UVA (Longwave Radiation) (infrared rays)
Range 320-400 nm
Erythrogenic activity is weak.
penetrates dermis
Responsible for development of slow natural tan
Most drug-induced photosensitivity rxn occurs
4. UVB (Middlewave Radiation)(visible rays)
Range 290-320 nm
Erythrogenic activity is the highest
Produces new pigment formation, sunburn,
Vit D synthesis
Responsible for inducing skin cancer
UVB rays will usually burn the
superficial layers of your skin. It
plays a key role in the development
of skin cancer.
5. UVC (Shortwave or Germicidal Radiation) (ultraviolet rays)
Range 100-290 nm.
Does not reach the surface of the earth.
Is emitted from artificial ultraviolet source
7. Sunscreen Classification
Opaque formulations containing:
titanium dioxide
talc, kaolin
zinc oxide
ferric chloride
icthyol, red petrolatum
Mechanism: scatters or reflects UV
radiation due to large particle size
8. Chemical
Formulations containing one or more:
PABA, PABA esters
digalloyl trioleate
Mechanism: absorbs UV radiation
9. SPF (sun protective factor)
SPF, or Sun Protection Factor,is a measure of how well a sunscreen will protect skin from
UVB rays, the kind of radiation that causes sunburn, damages skin, and can contribute to
skin cancer.
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) =MED of Photoprotected Skin/
MED of Unprotected Skin
MED is minimum dose of radiation which
produces erythema
SPFs are determined indoors using xenon lamps which
approximate the spectral quality of UV radiation
SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays
11. Category Skin Type SPF
1. Always burns, never tans 15 >
2. Burns easily 15
3. Burns moderately, (avg caucasian) 10-15
4. Burns minimally, tans well (olive skin) 6-10
5. Rarely burns, tans profusely (brown skin) 4-6
6. Never burns (black skin) none
12. List of SPF agents
Cinnamic acid derivatives
Coumarin derivatives
Diazoles and triazoles
Dibenzalactone and bezal-acetophenone
Dihydroxynapthalic acid derivative
Quinoline salt
13. Formula
Glceryl p-aminobenzoate :-3.0%
Propylene glycol ricinolate :-8.0%
Glycerin :-10.0%
Alcohol :-60.0%
Perfume and color :- q.s
(ability to absorb UV raysthe ones that cause sunburn)
( It imparts emolliency and softening characteristics to the skin)
(Freezing action)
14. Ideal characteristics of sunscreen
1. It should be resistan to water and perspiration..
2. Itshould allow full transmission of radiation in the range of 300 to 400 NM for tanning effect
3. It should be non volatile.
4. It should have suitable solubility characteristic in suitable vehicle.
5. It should be stable to heat light and perspiration.
6. It should be non toxic, non irritant and non sensitizing.
7. It should be capable of retaining its son scaling property for several hours.
8. It should not stain on body cloth.
9. It should be neutral.