1) The document proposes a campaign to encourage senior women in the Delta Delta Delta sorority to develop the healthy habit of applying sunscreen in the mornings.
2) The campaign would involve placing a sunscreen dispenser with an informational note in the sorority bathroom for one week to trigger the behavior when the women perform their morning routines.
3) It would also involve sending a text message in the mornings to remind and encourage the women to apply sunscreen that day.
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Sunscreen Concept Design
1. Protect Tridelta: Wear Sunscreen Campaign A conceptual design by Dana Sittler Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Design Challenge To encourage the healthy habit of sunscreen use. Time limit:1 week
2. Protect Tridelta Persuasive Purpose To encourage adding applying sunscreen to the morning rituals of the senior ladies in Delta Delta Delta. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Industrial Design
3. User Description Stanford Student Female Class of 2010 Member of Delta Delta Delta Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
4. Habit Formation Flow Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Together the women protect themselves from harmful rays from the sun, fight the process of aging, and create a new healthy habit with the help of technology. Currently, Tridelt senior women congregate in the bathroom in the mornings to perform their daily beauty and health habits. For many, that does not include applying sunscreen. I will provide sunscreen in the bathroom in an easy to access place for one week. I will include a note above the bottle explaining the many benefits of protecting yourself from the harmful parts of the sun’s rays - Visual Trigger. The girls will see each other using the product and be inclined to also use it - social cues act as a motivator. Sometime that morning the girls will receive a text asking if they applied their sunscreen yet that morning. They will respond positively and be proud.
5. Prototype of Protect Tridelta Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu USE ME Wearing sunscreen protects your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, decreases your likelihood of getting skin cancer, and helps FIGHT THE SIGNS OF AGING. (NO WRINKLES LADIES!) Be good to your body, be good to your image. Put on sunscreen.
6. Features/Functionality Location: Tridelta bathroom Duration: 1 week Note posted above dispenser to trigger behavior Easy dispenser Information about benefits Technology Involvement: additional reminder and reporting communication channel Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
7. Theoretical Justifications In my experience of attempting to create a new habit, the trigger was the most important factor in forming the habit. By placing the trigger within the environment in which the morning ritual already takes place, the trigger is easily visible and readily available. Also, it makes the habit able to be performed immediately. The additional factor of motivation being built in makes the bathroom an ideal location. The use of the text message is due to the ubiquity of cell phones and texting within the Tridelta house as well as in the broader Stanford Community. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
8. Results of User Testing Girls that are in the bathroom at the same time as me reported informally that they would be interested in adding Sunscreen application to their daily routine and that the having the sunscreen available would be great. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
9. Shortcomings of Design The process works the best when there is a larger group of girls in the bathroom at once. The social cues provide great motivation to use the product. For those girls that have unique schedule’s, the motivation to perform the behavior is not as strong. Timing of the text message reporting can also be troublesome for girls with unique schedules. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
10. Expansion - What else is possible? Other form factors or ID possibilities Use of the mirrors and notes as reminders Facts inside the stalls to provide motivation Add reply to the text on the trigger sticky note Other features and interactions Encourage the social use of the sunscreen apply together help each other Expand to the younger girls in the Tridelta house Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
11. Next Steps in Design Process Create Dispenser/Note Recruit 5 Senior Tridelts (already done) Create Cotact group of those Tridelts to make the texting easier in the mornings. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu
12. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Evaluation of Design Project How well does the idea reflect concepts from class? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How well does the design match the design brief? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How viable/convincing is the proposed solution? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Evaluation continued… How well could this solution scale to reach many? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How well does this document communicate? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bonus Points How insightful is the proposed solution? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14. Stanford University, Spring 2010 CS377v - Creating Health Habits habits.stanford.edu Additional Comments: Overall remarks or additional comments here