O documento descreve a arquitetura BIONETS, inspirada na biologia, para redes aut?nomas e servi?os. A arquitetura prop?e n¨®s auto-organiz¨¢veis e propriedades auton?micas como auto-configura??o, auto-cura e auto-otimiza??o. Tamb¨¦m discute desafios como heterogeneidade, escalabilidade e complexidade, e aplica??es como Undersound e U-Hopper.
Hercules was the son of Zeus, king of the gods, and Alcmene, wife of the king of Thebes. Due to Hera's jealousy of Zeus' affairs, she tricked the king into declaring that the baby born that night would gain kingship. However, Hercules was born that night, making him the rightful king. As a child, Hera sent snakes to kill Hercules but he strangled them with his bare hands. To redeem himself after a madness induced by Hera caused him to kill his wife and children, the Oracle at Delphi told Hercules he must complete twelve impossible tasks.
This Photoshop workflow involves opening images, sizing portraits, setting DPI, combining photos onto a background image, transforming photos into place, removing backgrounds using lasso, applying masks, adding radial gradients to blend images, using blending brushes, and adding text layers for a title and names.
Este documento describe las tarjetas gr¨¢ficas (GPU) y el modding (modificaci¨®n) de computadoras. Explica que una GPU transforma las se?ales del procesador en im¨¢genes en la pantalla y contiene chips y memoria. Luego describe varios tipos de tarjetas gr¨¢ficas a trav¨¦s de los a?os como CGA, EGA, VGA y SVGA, mejorando la resoluci¨®n y colores. Tambi¨¦n cubre el modding como personalizar la computadora cambiando piezas como la caja y agregando iluminaci¨®n. Finalmente recomienda algunas
This document provides an overview of different movie genres including comedy, romantic comedy (romcom), and action. It notes that comedy films can take place in a variety of locations and feature an ensemble cast with different comedy styles. Romcoms typically involve a couple falling in love but facing obstacles before resolving their issues at the end. Action movies commonly take place in big cities and feature props, a strong male protagonist, and villain defeated by the end.
Sudbury in a forerunner in Massachusetts in developing further regulatory standards for the protection of Cold Water trout streams. This presentation was given to the Greater Boston Chapter of Trout Unlimited on Feb. 25, 2013 by Debbie Dineen, Sudbury¡¯s Conservation Agent.
This document presents a case of a 4-year-old boy with 1 month of intermittent high fever and pallor who was found to have severe anemia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, and bone marrow findings consistent with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). HLH is a life-threatening syndrome characterized by uncontrolled activation of macrophages and T-cells leading to hyperinflammation. It can be primary/familial or secondary to infections, malignancies, or autoimmune conditions. The case report reviews the diagnostic criteria, associated infections, clinical manifestations, bone marrow findings, treatment including chemotherapy and stem cell transplant, and prognosis of HLH.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kemahiran mendengar yang efektif dalam proses konseling. Ia menyentuh tentang beberapa unsur penting dalam mendengar seperti mendengar isi, perasaan, dan makna. Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh-contoh tanggapan nonverbal dan pertanyaan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendengar secara aktif."
Este documento describe las tarjetas gr¨¢ficas (GPU) y el modding (modificaci¨®n) de computadoras. Explica que una GPU transforma las se?ales del procesador en im¨¢genes en la pantalla y contiene chips y memoria. Luego describe varios tipos de tarjetas gr¨¢ficas a trav¨¦s de los a?os como CGA, EGA, VGA y SVGA, mejorando la resoluci¨®n y colores. Tambi¨¦n cubre el modding como personalizar la computadora cambiando piezas como la caja y agregando iluminaci¨®n. Finalmente recomienda algunas
This document provides an overview of different movie genres including comedy, romantic comedy (romcom), and action. It notes that comedy films can take place in a variety of locations and feature an ensemble cast with different comedy styles. Romcoms typically involve a couple falling in love but facing obstacles before resolving their issues at the end. Action movies commonly take place in big cities and feature props, a strong male protagonist, and villain defeated by the end.
Sudbury in a forerunner in Massachusetts in developing further regulatory standards for the protection of Cold Water trout streams. This presentation was given to the Greater Boston Chapter of Trout Unlimited on Feb. 25, 2013 by Debbie Dineen, Sudbury¡¯s Conservation Agent.
This document presents a case of a 4-year-old boy with 1 month of intermittent high fever and pallor who was found to have severe anemia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, and bone marrow findings consistent with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). HLH is a life-threatening syndrome characterized by uncontrolled activation of macrophages and T-cells leading to hyperinflammation. It can be primary/familial or secondary to infections, malignancies, or autoimmune conditions. The case report reviews the diagnostic criteria, associated infections, clinical manifestations, bone marrow findings, treatment including chemotherapy and stem cell transplant, and prognosis of HLH.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kemahiran mendengar yang efektif dalam proses konseling. Ia menyentuh tentang beberapa unsur penting dalam mendengar seperti mendengar isi, perasaan, dan makna. Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh-contoh tanggapan nonverbal dan pertanyaan yang dapat digunakan untuk mendengar secara aktif."
3. Art?r?lm?? ger?eklik(Augmented Reality)
? Ger?ek d¨¹nya ¨¹zerine ? Teknolojik geli?meler
sanal materyallerin ile birlikte
d¨¹?¨¹r¨¹lmesini sa?layan, ¨C e?itim,
¨C askeriye,
¨C tasar?m,
? 2000¡¯li y?llarda son ¨C spor,
kullan?c?ya kadar ula?an, ¨C sa?l?k,
bir ?ok alanda artt?r?lm??
ger?eklik kullan?lmaya
? Augmented Reality(AR) ba?lanm??t?r.
4. Art?r?lm?? ger?eklik(Augmented Reality)
? Ger?ek d¨¹nyan?n kamera ? Bilgisayardan mobil
ile g?r¨¹nt¨¹s¨¹n¨¹n al?nmas? cihazlara do?ru
s?ras?nda, kaymas?na sebep;
? ger?ek d¨¹nya ¨¹zerinde ¨C Mobil cihazlar?n y¨¹ksek
?nceden belirlenmi? olan performansl?
hedef noktalara, ¨C mobil olu?lar? artt?r?lm??
ger?eklik uygulamalar?
? bilgisayarda yarat?lm??
olan materyallerin belli ? Ba?lamda mobil
noktalar?ndan ba?lanmas? telefonlar?n ve tabletlerin
? Ve e?itim alan?nda ¨¹?
? olu?an sonucun boyutlu bir nesneyi daha
programlar vas?tas?yla interaktif bir hale getirip
yorumlanarak ??kt? ??renciyi objeye dolay?s?
g?r¨¹nt¨¹n¨¹n e? zamanl? ile derse ?ekme a??s?ndan
olarak al?nmas?d?r. olduk?a ?nemlidir.
6. Proje
? Art?r?lm?? ger?e?in ? Haritadaki bir nokta
temellerine dayanan kameran?n alan?na
co?rafya temal? mobil girdi?inde o b?lgenin
uygulama (iste?e ba?l? olarak) fiziki,
? Yeterli b¨¹y¨¹kl¨¹kte etkile?imli be?eri g?r¨¹n¨¹m¨¹ belirecek.
bir y¨¹zey ¨¹zerindeki harita ? Dilendi?inden b?lgeye
g?r¨¹n¨¹m¨¹yle zoom ?zelli?i
? mobil cihazlara kurulacak uygulanabilecek.
d¨¹zenek sayesinde ? Zoom yap?ld?k?a b?lgenin
? mobil cihaz?n kameras?yla tarihi, co?rafi, sosyal ve
harita bask?l? etkile?imli siyasi alanlarda ?neme
y¨¹zeyden al?nan g?r¨¹nt¨¹ sahip noktalar?,
? art?r?lm?? ger?eklik ? Mobil cihazla belirlenecek
teknolojisiyle ger?ekmi? ve ?zellikler etkili bir
g?r¨¹nt¨¹s¨¹ kazanacakt?r. anlat?mla sesli ya da
metinsel olarak kullan?c?ya