This document discusses the importance of superior customer service and maintaining a customer service mindset. It emphasizes that customer needs are constantly changing and companies must work to keep up with rising expectations. Activities are presented to reflect on how customer expectations have changed and what gaps still need to be addressed. Key aspects of cultivating a customer service mindset are outlined, including clarity, signaling, consistency, and developing a service orientation. The importance of resolving conflicts, empathizing with customers, apologizing when needed and taking action to resolve issues are also discussed. The presentation concludes by emphasizing humility, gratitude and continually striving for excellence in customer service.
4. Finding Common Ground
Within your individual groups, find something common
to all.
Make a note of all that is common.
One member from each group to read out the common
Total time for discussion: 7 minutes
Debrief: 5 minutes
5. Customer needs are constantly changing
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Customer Demand Customer Service New Service Level
6. Group Activity
How has the customers expectation changed in the last one
What have we as a company or a CS team done to keep up
with these expectations?
What are the gaps that we see that still need to be filled?
Time: 10 minutes
Debrief: 5 minutes
7. Excellence in Business
Relationships EXCELLENCE Logistics
8. Self assessment, a reality check
Please take the survey provided separately
Once complete, share some of the areas that you feel
concerned about with your partner
12. From Customers to Raving Fans!
Do you rave about anything or anyone? It could be a
sports team, a brand, an airline, and so on.
Select that which you rave about and elicit
characteristics of that team/brand/person!
List the top 5 reasons for this, flipchart it!
Can these be emulated in our business, and can we be a
team that others rave about?
10 minutes for discussions
5 minutes to debrief
13. 7 highly effective customer service habits
Believe in your company and the service you provide
Understands what the customer says - explicit and
Go the extra mile
Every customer is worth the effort
Work as a Team to continuously improve service
Build skills and continuously improve
Take initiative, accept responsibility and be positive
15. Conflicts in the workplace
What are the major reasons why conflicts take place?
What are the typical causes for conflict in your company?
Internal and External!
Is it possible that we never have any conflicts at work?
18. Empathize
In Fact I agree it would be
I understand your
You are right, we
disappointment to
frustrating not on
told you we would do
In Principle the previous
receive this
it but we did not
In Opinion
21. HumiGrat, a final note!
Service stems from servant thus meant to act from a
space of humility.
Customer pays my cheque
Main purpose of my and my companys very existence
Awed with the attitude of gratitude!!!
22. Thank you
Would love to hear from
you all
Hope you found the slides interesting?
If you would like to have further details, or would like to hire
one of our trainers to deliver this program, please contact us
Editor's Notes
#3: Starting with a quote that epitomizes customer services so wonderfully, where we state that the very existence of organizations is to service customers, and making a profit thereof. So a sound appreciation of their roles and their importance in the organization. Acknowledging the fact that the role is highly demanding, and it certainly does not finish at the end of business hours of Dulsco. Most importantly, while technical skills in a mandate in this role, what will really bring success is their attitude towards service as well as their strong will to succeed. (Technical competence would mean someone with strong product knowledge, powerful language skills, etc ).Here one needs to continually progress, improve and renew himself/herself for complacency will kill! Give your experience with the bank where your money went back into the machine and how you got different views from different personnel in the same bank!
#5: While this works as an icebreaker and helps each other come closer as a team, it certainly has a strong message on rapport building which is critical for superior customer service. Split in groups, based on numbers that are provided to them at the startHave the groups to find out what is common to all in that group, and one takes notesNotes are first shared with their groups and then with the entire audienceTime: 10 minutes in totalDebrief : Understand how this can be applied in Customer ServiceAsk How does it feel having found common ground between participantsNew perspective of the person Know them betterFeel CloserRelate moreLike me and hence I like him/her (underlying principle in NLP for rapport building)Hence, in Customer Service too, it will be good to understand common ground which will bring about a personal touch to the entire transaction. My experience with the CS staff of HDFC in having the same date of birth, and how that has us exchange emails at least on one day each year.
#6: Customer demands are ever increasing and our service levels have to move up in accordanceWe may be good customer service personnel already, and we do have a certain level of CS, but this is not enough for us.simply because the customer has moved on and we need to keep pace. Yesterdays delight is todays basic!
#7: An activity to stimulate the participants in seeing how there have been practical changes in the behavior of customers over the year.
#10: Continuing on the track/path of excellence, today we are going to see how we can support and help with developing world class customer service mind set. This requires clarity, signaling and consistency. Apply and Southwest Airlines ex
#11: Taking from the examples of apple and Southwest Airlines, let us see why we in Dulsco individually are doing what we are doing?We are pretty good about what we need to day, and to a large extent how to go about it. We have our JDs and we have the experience and training to see how best to go about doing what we have to do. The big question that we need to now ask ourselves is why are we doing it! What drives me. Why is this important for me. What if I was not doing this. What am I ultimately trying to achieve here.the why is a question that brings faith in the task I do.Faith, without it nothing is possible; with it nothing is impossible!
#13: Group activity to solicit what makes us rave about other teams / people. Can these traits be reflected in our business?
#14: Roger Banister, first to run a mile in less than 4 minutes, once he did it, many others broke this record.Customers vary in types.some vocal, some may not. Listening is a skill and an art. Not just words, but got to read between the lines. Greetings, gifts, wishes, updates, share common info, etcNever under estimate the power of a customer. Pretty woman story with J RobertsTeam.1 and 1 certainly exceeds 2. whole is greater than sum of the partsprovided we work towards working together.knowing we share the same goal.Skills go redundant over time.Story of the woodcutters.I must keep sharpening the saw.2 kinds of men, pro-active and re-active! One chooses to do, other helplessly does. One is early, other is late. One is swift, other slow. One hits the target, the other misses.