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MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa PPrreevveennttiioonn 
aanndd EErraaddiiccaattiioonn ooff 
HHuummaann SSaaccrriiffiiccee aanndd 
OOtthheerr IInnhhuummaann,, EEvviill aanndd 
AAgghhoorrii PPrraaccttiicceess aanndd 
BBllaacckk MMaaggiicc AAcctt,, 22001133..
This Act came in force on 26th 
August, 2013. 
Object- To create social awakening 
and awareness and to combat and 
eradicate Human Sacrifice and 
Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori 
Practices and Black Magic.
IImmppoorrttaanntt DDeeffiinniittiioonnss 
Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and 
Aghori Practices and Black Magic means 
commission of any act enlisted in Schedule. 
Propagate means issuance or publication of 
advertisement, literature, article or book relating 
to or about Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, 
Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic and 
includes any type of abetment
Section 3 prescribes any act of commission, 
promotion, propagation and practice of Human 
Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori 
Practices and Black Magic to be an offence. 
Offence is non-bailable and cognizable 
Punishment- Minimum 6 months upto 7 yrs with 
fine minimum Rs.5,000/- upto Rs.50,000/-
In Metropolitan Cities- 
Metropolitan Magistrate 
In Other Places- 
Judicial Magistrate First Class
VViiggiillaannccee OOffffiicceerr 
-State Government may appoint 
Vigilance Officer not below the 
rank of Inspector of police. 
-Such VO to detect, prevent, 
advice and assist Police in 
respect to offence punishable 
under this Act. 
-VO shall have right of search and 
seizure and collection of 
PPuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff FFaacctt ooff CCoonnvviiccttiioonn 
AAcctt pprroovviiddeess ffoorr ppuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee 
nnaammee ooff tthhee AAccccuusseedd aalloonngg wwiitthh 
ddeettaaiillss ooff ooffffeennccee ccoommmmiitttteedd bbyy hhiimm..
FFoolllloowwiinngg aarree nnoott ooffffeennccee 
VVaarrii ooff VVaarrkkaarriieess 
MMiirraacclleess ooff ddeecceeaasseedd 
PPiieerrcciinngg ooff NNoossee && 
EEaarrss ooff cchhiilldd'ss 
CCeelleebbrraattiioonn ooff 
VVaassttuusshhaassttrraa eettcc..
PPrreesseenntteedd BByy :: MMaahheesshh SS..LLoonnee
PPrreesseenntteedd BByy :: MMaahheesshh SS..LLoonnee

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  • 1. TTiittllee MMaahhaarraasshhttrraa PPrreevveennttiioonn aanndd EErraaddiiccaattiioonn ooff HHuummaann SSaaccrriiffiiccee aanndd OOtthheerr IInnhhuummaann,, EEvviill aanndd AAgghhoorrii PPrraaccttiicceess aanndd BBllaacckk MMaaggiicc AAcctt,, 22001133..
  • 2. OObbjjeecctt This Act came in force on 26th August, 2013. Object- To create social awakening and awareness and to combat and eradicate Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic.
  • 3. IImmppoorrttaanntt DDeeffiinniittiioonnss Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic means commission of any act enlisted in Schedule. Propagate means issuance or publication of advertisement, literature, article or book relating to or about Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic and includes any type of abetment
  • 4. OOffffeenncceess Section 3 prescribes any act of commission, promotion, propagation and practice of Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic to be an offence. Offence is non-bailable and cognizable Punishment- Minimum 6 months upto 7 yrs with fine minimum Rs.5,000/- upto Rs.50,000/-
  • 5. JJuurriissddiiccttiioonn In Metropolitan Cities- Metropolitan Magistrate In Other Places- Judicial Magistrate First Class
  • 6. VViiggiillaannccee OOffffiicceerr -State Government may appoint Vigilance Officer not below the rank of Inspector of police. -Such VO to detect, prevent, advice and assist Police in respect to offence punishable under this Act. -VO shall have right of search and seizure and collection of evidence.
  • 7. PPuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff FFaacctt ooff CCoonnvviiccttiioonn AAcctt pprroovviiddeess ffoorr ppuubblliiccaattiioonn ooff tthhee nnaammee ooff tthhee AAccccuusseedd aalloonngg wwiitthh ddeettaaiillss ooff ooffffeennccee ccoommmmiitttteedd bbyy hhiimm..
  • 8. FFoolllloowwiinngg aarree nnoott ooffffeennccee PPaarriikkrraammaa PPrraaddaakksshhiinnaa YYaattrraa BBhhaajjaann KKiirrttaann VVaarrii ooff VVaarrkkaarriieess MMiirraacclleess ooff ddeecceeaasseedd ssaaiinnttss PPrraarrtthhaannaa UUppaassaannaa PPiieerrcciinngg ooff NNoossee && EEaarrss ooff cchhiilldd'ss CCeelleebbrraattiioonn ooff FFeessttiivvaallss NNaawwaass VVaassttuusshhaassttrraa eettcc..
  • 9. TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU PPrreesseenntteedd BByy :: MMaahheesshh SS..LLoonnee
  • 10. TTHHAANNKK YYOOUU PPrreesseenntteedd BByy :: MMaahheesshh SS..LLoonnee