o whom interested to be investment partner(s) in our facility maintenance program by work packages (wp) based on Islamic Shariah principles i.e. Mudarabas riba free, fair, and transparent
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Supplies & Services for Plant Facilities Maintenance
2. Assalamualaykum,
To all Dear who are interested to be investment partner(s) in our facility maintenance
program by work packages (wp) based on Islamic Shariah principles i.e. Mudarabas riba
free, fair, and transparent (please refer to my article in this link https://lnkd.in/fi58Zt7 ) ;
1) Our vision is to build mutual relationship and trust based on transparancy and fairness.
You are entertained to visit project directly and will receive regular performance reports.
2) Partnerss P/L sharing options are 10% to 30%. We share profits based on actual net
profit gained and share lost only based on your selected share option against your capital.
3) Average work package completion duration are vary from 3 to 6 months from date of
letter of intent. You will receive share 1 month after wp completion certified.
4) In the future when trust has been well established among us then we can go and enter
into Company Musharakah partnership.
If you are interested or have query, Please dont hesitate to contact me via linkedin msg or
wa +62-82126152075
4. VisionVision
PT. Tridarma Mandiri Perkasa aims to implement the spirit of the Company as aPT. Tridarma Mandiri Perkasa aims to implement the spirit of the Company as a
one-stop solution provider for plant facilities protection and condition monitoringone-stop solution provider for plant facilities protection and condition monitoring
product and services involving all other technical aspect. Besides, we perform onproduct and services involving all other technical aspect. Besides, we perform on
cost effective and deliver added value to our customers.cost effective and deliver added value to our customers.
PT. Tridarma Mandiri Perkasa eager to carry out its duties in accordance to thePT. Tridarma Mandiri Perkasa eager to carry out its duties in accordance to the
Company motto "Solution is Our Business", which is as a solution provider inCompany motto "Solution is Our Business", which is as a solution provider in
maintenance, in particular, either supplies or services.maintenance, in particular, either supplies or services.
Vision & Mission
5. Organization Chart
Marketing & Technical
Secretary & Finance
Product Manager
Technical Support
(Arief Budi Darmawan)
Bussines Development &
Marketing Support
Area Sales Manager I Area Sales Manager II