To achieve supply chain excellence, organizations should understand how supply chain supports their core competency. They should make strategic plans based on analytics that operations can implement, and modify plans in real-time based on data. Additionally, they need to understand costs and revenues, opportunity costs, and hire analytics talent to optimize supply chain strategy, planning, and operations through data-driven decision making.
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Supply chain excellence
1. Supply Chain Excellence
1. Understand The Role Of Supply Chain In Meeting Core Competency
2. Make Strategic Decisions And Convert Them To Actionable Plans That
Operations Can Implement
3. Develop Analytics Driven Optimized Plans Versus Heuristics Driven In-
feasible Plans
4. Make Course Corrections And Modify The Plan Based On Real-time
5. Drive On-boarding And Retention Of Analytics Talent
6. Understand How Cost & Revenue Are Incurred And Tie Them To Decision
7. Ability To Understand Opportunity Costs Associated With Any Decisions
Being Made
2. Decision In Supply Chain
Supply Chain Strategy or design
Supply Chain Planning
Supply Chain Operation