The document summarizes the key steps in South Africa's supply chain management procurement process for closed quotations valued between R30,000 to R200,000. It outlines the responsibilities of the different roles involved including the department requiring goods or services, the SCM unit, and bidders. The main stages are compiling the advertisement and quotation documents, holding a compulsory site meeting, opening tender submissions in public, evaluating bids, and notifying bidders of the outcome.
2. Summary of Responsibilities
Department SCM Bidder
Sends out Receive Requisition- Service/
Requisition Product
Confirms Compile: - Advertisement - Complete the
Specifications are - Quotation Document Documentation correctly
(Send out Invitations to Public)
Schedule Site -Be present at Site meeting Attend Site meeting- Name
meeting - Note Minutes, Register in register
- Open Tender Box Place Document in Tender
Box, before closing date
Inspect Technical Evaluate Bids
Cc to department Inform Bidders on Success status Actually perform the work!
3. Requisition Received COMPILE+ PLACE
Advertisement Site Meeting Open of Tender Box
- Need for Service/
product with Specs Quotation Document -Record register Quotations received: opened in
- Explain Specifications Public and prices and Details
- Explain SCM policies announced
- Send out Minutes
Evaluate Bids
Ensure Specifications and
CQ: Process - Points: 80/20 ; 90/10
- Supporting Docs
dates and details are all
Create Purchase Evaluation Report
- Create on Collab. Notify Bidders on their
{Fax, Post}
Successful Unsuccessful
Follow up: Prices+
Completion of Work
4. Requisition Received Bid Specification Committee Compile + PLACE
Director, official and consultant Advertisement Site Meeting
- Need for Service/
product discuss Specs. Quotation Document -Record register
- SCM present - Explain Specifications
- Explain the Tender Doc; SCM
- Send out Minutes
Ensure Specifications and
dates and details are all
Open of Tender Box
Award Bid
Tenders received: opened in
- Await Appeals; 4 weeks
Public and prices and Details
- Award Bid; Notify Tender: Process A announced
- Create on Collab.
Evaluation Process
-Consultants Evaluate
Bid Adjudication Committee - Award Points: 90/10
- Evaluation Report
- Chaired- CFO, Bid Evaluation Committee - Suggest a recommended
independent persons - Director, official and Bidder
- Addition factors consultant discuss Specs.
discussed - Qualitative factors+
- Award recommended findings discussed
Bid - Recommended bidder
agreed upon ENQUERIES
6. 際際滷 Show
Advertisement & Quotation Document
Compile+ Prepare
Make Invitation Public: Have Quotation Doc Ready:
Website Website
Notice Boards At local offices
News Paper Compulsory SITE meeting