Supporting municipalities with modeled based policy support - When to provide which kind of information?
Dr. Anna Krook-Riekkola, Lule奪 University of Technology, Sweden
21st25th October 2024, etsap meeting, semi-annual etsap meeting, etsap winter workshop, Energy Studies Institute (ESI),
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
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Supporting municipalities with modeled based policy support - When to provide which kind of information?
1. Supporting municipalities with modeled based
policy support When to provide which kind of
ETSAP Workshop, October 25 2024, Singapore
Anna Krook-Riekkola, Associated Professor (TIMES)
Jonas Forsberg, Postdoc (TIMES)
Carina Lundmark, Associate Professor (Political Science)
2. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
A climate policy framework & a climate and clean air strategy
for Sweden entered into force Jan 2018
1. A long-term climate goal: By 2045 - at the latest
Sweden will have no net emissions of greenhouse
gases. Net-zero means 15% of reduction can be
offset by: i)LULUCF, ii)abroad, iii)BECCS
2. Intermediate targets only for emissions outside the
EU Emissions Trading System (called the non-
trading sector/NETS), special focus on transports.
2020 NETS: 40% reduction from 1990
2030 NETS: 63% reduction from 1990
2040 NETS: 75% reduction from 1990
2030 international transport: 70% reduction
from 1990.
3. A clean air strategy with a focus on reducing air
pollutants (NOX, SO2, VOC, NH4 and particles)
and thereby improved air quality.
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 2
Industry Transport Residential and
Final Energy Demand in 2020 (TWh)
District heating
Other fuels
Natural gas, gasworks gas
Oil products
Coal and coke
Net electricity production, from 1970, TWh
Other thermal power
CHP (district heating)
CHP (industry)
Nuclear power
Solar power
Wind power
Net Import
3. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
A climate policy framework & a climate and clean air strategy
for Sweden entered into force Jan 2018
1. A long-term climate goal: By 2045 - at the latest
Sweden will have no net emissions of greenhouse
gases. Net-zero means 15% of reduction can be
offset by: i)LULUCF, ii)abroad, iii)BECCS
2. Intermediate targets only for emissions outside the
EU Emissions Trading System (called the non-
trading sector/NETS), special focus on transports.
2020 NETS: 40% reduction from 1990
2030 NETS: 63% reduction from 1990
2040 NETS: 75% reduction from 1990
2030 international transport: 70% reduction
from 1990.
3. A clean air strategy with a focus on reducing air
pollutants (NOX, SO2, VOC, NH4 and particles)
and thereby improved air quality.
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 3
Transportation Target: 70%
reduction by 2030 from 1990.
Net-zero by 2045
4. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
Sweden V辰sterbotten county 15 municipalities
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 4
A1-2: 193 000
B1-6: 33 000
C1-7: 25 000
Tot: 251 000
5. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What did we plan to do?
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k
6. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What we aimed at: A process driven by the municipalities
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 6
Workshop on
actions needed
Model based
Workshop on
future societal
needs that
require energy
the local
Workshop interpreting
the model result on the
local context
7. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What are the
implication of the
policy, i.e. how much
CO2 are reduced to
what cost
future system
Step 1
Simplify &
Step 3
Interpret &
Step 4
Available data
System requirements
description of the
real system
Anna Krook-Riekkola
Scenario analysis
Step 2
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k
8. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What did we do?
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k
9. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 9
From: Forsberg, Lundmark & Krook-Riekkola (202?) Exploring local CO2 mitigation
strategies in transportation under ambitious national policies A participatory
energy system modelling approach. Under review
What we did Process
10. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What we did Scenarios
F o r s b e r g , L u n d m a r k & K r o o k - R i e k k o l a 10
Type Scenario Comment
Baseline WPS Weak Policy Scenario. No specific CO2 mitigation policies.
Av Avoid strategy.
MS Mode shift strategy.
Purchase premium awarded to new low-emission light-duty vehicles (improve
strategy). BEVs receive the highest premium.
Reduction obligation policy (improve strategy); quotas progressing up until 2030 but
unchanged thereafter.
Q2045 Reduction obligation policy (improve strategy); quotas progressing up until 2045.
National Policy Scenario. Combines the purchase premium and reduction
obligation (Q2045 case) policies.
NPS + MS + Av
National Policy Scenario with the addition of local shift and avoid mitigation
NPS + MS + Av + EFS
National Policy Scenario with the addition of local shift and avoid mitigation
strategies, and quicker cost reduction for new BEVs and a biofuel availability
limitation (EFS).
From: Forsberg, Lundmark & Krook-Riekkola (202?) Exploring local CO2 mitigation
strategies in transportation under ambitious national policies A participatory
energy system modelling approach. Under review
11. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What we did Report
Reading guideline
Success factors and key challenges (1 page)
Normal summary (1 page)
1) Introduction: Why, how and what.
2) Modelling & scenario analysis philosophy
3) Model result County
4) Model result Each municipality
5) Who can do what? Municipalities, County,
Sweden, European Unition
Appendix 1: More analysis
Appendix II: Assumptions
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 11
12. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What we did Results
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 12
13. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
What would we have done in retrospect?
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k
14. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 14
From: Forsberg, Lundmark & Krook-Riekkola (202?) Exploring local CO2 mitigation
strategies in transportation under ambitious national policies A participatory
energy system modelling approach. Under review
What we did Process
15. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
Planning the participatory process
Assign a process coordination team to facilitate the
process itself.
Build trust and open up for stupid questions: Long-
term collaboration with multiple interactions.
OUR ROLE: Listen
Model development
To get good data, the practitioners need to
understand a bit about the model.
Focus on what the model can do by showing results
opens up curiosity about how we derived to these
results, thus how the model works.
Start with rough data or another similar region.
OUR ROLE: Answer questions
Construct and select scenarios to run
OUR ROLE: to support in imagining the future (thinking about
the future is hard)
Introduce the scenario cone to open up to more futures.
Show scenario results opens up for questions and
suggestions for alternative scenarios (to run).
Also introduce scenarios with changes in demand.
Identify preferable futures and actions plans
OUR ROLE: Create discussion opportunities
Reflect on what can be put on the table to create constructive
discussions? In term of results and in term of questions.
Invite practitioners to choose which scenarios to focus on in
the analysis; this can increase acceptance of the outcome of
scenario analyses.
Discuss which scenario(s) that are preferred future(s).
Discuss possible enablers in making a scenario reality.
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 15
From: Forsberg, Lundmark & Krook-Riekkola (202?) Exploring local CO2 mitigation strategies in transportation under
ambitious national policies A participatory energy system modelling approach. Under review
16. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
1 2
3 4
How to meet the
future societal
needs that
require energy?
and at the same
time meet other
society goals that we
have defined
to the lowest costs
given available
resources, and
given what is
happening with
technology evolution,
future prices, and so
Anna Krook-Riekkola
17. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T
The Future Cone
K r o o k - R i e k k o l a 17
Scenarios of the future?
Scenarios FOR the future?
18. L U L E T E K N I S K A U N I V E R S I T E T K r o o k - R i e k k o l a , F o r s b e r g & L u n d m a r k 18