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Inclusion of an additionalInclusion of an additional
perforator to augmentperforator to augment
(SNC) flap(SNC) flap
Dr. Sumita ShankarDr. Sumita Shankar
Clinical application
Cadaveric study
Addl.perforator along the
lat. border of TA
The SNC flap
as we know it
SNC flap
 Fasciocut. flap
 Pivot point
 Surface marking
 Flap size
(SNC) flap-Utility
Reconstructive option
for the defects
 Lower 1/3 leg
 Around ankle
 Mid foot
Other treatmentOther treatment
 Free flap
 Local flaps
medial plantar artery
lateral calcaneal artery
local muscle flaps
 Premalleolar flap
 Cross-leg flap
Advantages of SNC flapAdvantages of SNC flap
 Work horseWork horse
 Ease of dissectionEase of dissection
 Major limb vesselMajor limb vessel
 Single stage procedureSingle stage procedure
the nagging problem
Venous congestionVenous congestion
Use of Leeches
three months postop
Post cellulitis defectPost cellulitis defect
Age >65 yrsAge >65 yrs
Clinical application
Cadaveric study
Addl.perforator along the
side of TA
The problem: edge
necrosis with SNC flap
Doppler study
 Hand held doppler, 5Mhz probe
 24 limbs studied
(7 healthy, 10 injured)
 4-6cms prox. to lat. malleolus
 Along the lateral
border of TA
Colour doppler studyColour doppler study
 Presence and
location confirmed
1.0 -1.2mm sizes
1.0 & 1.2 mms perforators
Clinical application
Cadaveric study
Addl.perforator on either
side of TA
The problem: edge
necrosis with SNC flap
 10 limbs in 5 fresh cadavers
 Ant.tibial, Post.tibial & Peroneal
arteries cannulated
 Colour dye injected
 A different colour for each
Dye injection
Flap base
Post. Tibial NV bundle
 Communicating br.
between PTA and
Peroneal art.
 4-6cms. prox.l to tip of
 Along the lat. border
of TA
Clinical application
Cadaveric study
Addl.perforator on either
side of TA
The problem: edge
necrosis with SNC flap
 SNC flap 23SNC flap 23
 SNC variant 10SNC variant 10
 Age 25-65 yrsAge 25-65 yrs
 M:F 32:1M:F 32:1
 Distal 1/3 leg 11
 Medial malleolus 3
 Lat. malleolus 8

the study ( 33 cases )the study ( 33 cases )
Jan 02  Nov 04Jan 02  Nov 04
SNC Variant  Flap planning
Caveats for success
 Patent perforators onPatent perforators on
 Inclusion of sural nerve nInclusion of sural nerve n
short saphenous veinshort saphenous vein
 Inclusion of addl. PerforatorInclusion of addl. Perforator
 Inset without any tensionInset without any tension
The art of raising
The art of raising
The challanges
Lat malleolar defect
Med. malleolar defect
heel defectLat malleolar defect
Causative factorsCausative factors
 Posttraumatic 16Posttraumatic 16
Inj.Rx interval (<6hrs->4wks)Inj.Rx interval (<6hrs->4wks)
 Cellulitis 3Cellulitis 3
 Chronic venous ulcers 5Chronic venous ulcers 5
 Postoperative 3Postoperative 3
 Unstable Scar 5Unstable Scar 5
 Neoplastic lesion 1Neoplastic lesion 1
Post.traumatic heel defect
Post. infective
2 wks2 wks
Xposed ankle jtXposed ankle jt.
Post traumatic
Lat malleolar defect
Medial reach of the flap
Med. malleolar
Chronic Venous ulcer
Med. malleolar defect
Xposed TA
classical variant
 Tip necrosis 8 nilTip necrosis 8 nil
 Venous congestion 2 nilVenous congestion 2 nil
 Transient infection 4 2Transient infection 4 2
 Subflap collection 1Subflap collection 1
 Donor graft loss 3 2Donor graft loss 3 2
* Total flap loss nil nil* Total flap loss nil nil
Inclusion of an extraInclusion of an extra
 Ensures perfusion thro dual
 Larger flaps can be raised
 Significant reduction in
complication rate
 It is a successful alternative
to free flap
thank you
Follow up:
 Followup range 4wks-18 mths
 Mean followup 6mths
 Min. followup 4wks
 Max. followup 18mths
Distribution of defect
 Distal 1/3 leg 11
 Medial malleolus 3
 Lat, malleolus 8
 Heel 7
 Dorsum foot 4
 Flap size
Post tibial .n
Findings  Pr. of a constantPr. of a constant
 4-6cms from tip of4-6cms from tip of
lat. Malleoluslat. Malleolus
 along either side ofalong either side of
 arising fromarising from
communicating branchcommunicating branch
between post.tibial &between post.tibial &
peroneal arteriesperoneal arteries
Comorbid factors
 Diabetes 2
 Hypertension 1
 Venous insufficiency 5
 Tip necrosis 8
 Venous congestion 2
 Transient infection 2
 Sub flap collection 1
 Donor graft loss 4
* Total flap loss nil

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Sural Neurocutaneous Flap by Dr Sumita Shankar, Amaze MedSpa

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Respected chairpersons, members of the jury and senior colleagues and dear friends, Greetings from Andhra Pradesh . In this study we will see as to how we were able to extend the utility of the sural neurocutaneous flap by including an additional perforator.
  • #3: This is the sequence in which this study will be dealt with. We will c in brief abt SNC flp n problems associated with it . While elevating these flaps an additionaql perf was found at the base of the flap. This stimulated us to follow it up with doppler and cadaveric study. Finally we will see how we utilised this finding in to reconstruction of larger and most challenging defects without any significant complications.
  • #4: According 2 cormack n lambertys classf, it has multiple small perf at the base n which run along the sural nerve.. The ant border is along fibular border, postly it is along the lat border of TA. In its classic description SNC flap can be raised up to the jus behind lat malleolus where the perforator is commonly found to be located on doppler This is the max dimensions mentioned
  • #5: These r the most common defects where Snc flp finds its major role- the so called free flap zone
  • #6: This is jus 2 enumerate what r the other options 2 our flap in question. As we notice here free flap is the Rx of choice. This is esp in pr of acute limb trauma, major injuries, n coverage of larger defects. But its use is limited by the cost and technical expertise. Local flaps - use limited by size of the defect and its limited mobility -premalleolar flap is the exception,a fairly large flap can be raised but - technically difficult to raise Cross leg, poor patient acceptance, it does have its use. Immobilization with ExFix gives better acceptance and result.
  • #7: given the circumstances in the general hospitals and in most of the peripheral setups, Snc remains the flap of choice for coverage of distal 1/3rd leg n foot defects . Its a most versatile flp. If gd the difficulty of elevating the flp it can counted in gd1. it does not involve sacrifice of any major vessel
  • #8: - An otherwise good result is spoilt by tip necrosis, superficial/ deep. Though in most of the cases if planned judiciously, critical parts do get covered. In most of such cases we have got away with wound debridement , ssg or flp advancement
  • #9: The other significant problem we encountered was venous congestion Post cellulitis defect in an elderly, long standing diabetic with exposure of TA. In this case we could limit the distal tip loss retaining TA functn as is depicted in the lowermost flup pic Leecheshave been used with good result in a couple of cases
  • #10: While raising these flps an xtra perforator was visualised along the lateral border of TA. We investigated the consistency an size of the perforator.
  • #11: The constancy of this perforater was verified with doppler finding aft studying healthy volunteers and injured limbs. Its location was consistently found 4-6 cm proximal to tip of lat malleolus and on either side of TA.
  • #12: On color doppler we found it to be a sizeable enough to be of significant in enhancing the bld supply of snc flp
  • #13: To confirm these 10 limbs in 5 fresh cadavers were studied by dye injection.
  • #14: This was carried out by injecting the major vessels of the limb with 4-7 ml of dye after identifying each vesseln cannulating it individually In some cases the popliteal artery was cannulated an all three vessels injected the same color.
  • #15: This is the appearance of the dissected limb As is seen here the communicating br bet PTA n peroneal vessels giving of a perforator. This perforator entered the base of flp at approx 4-6 cms frm the tip of lat malleolus along the lat border of TA The plane of the vessel is anterior to the TA.
  • #16: This is a diagramatic representation of what we saw earlier. The perforator found entering the base of flap is arising frm this communicating br.
  • #17: Next we will c how we utilised these findings and achieved these desired results
  • #18: We had an occasion 2 use Snc variant in 10 of the cases . Out of which only one case was female pt
  • #20: Keeping these points in mind it is possible to raise SNC variant reliably n regularly
  • #22: This is an animated sequence showing the flap as it covers the defect on the heel. This has been done as a single stage by raising a dermal flap over the skin bridge bet the base of the flap and the defect. Flap margins r attached to the raised dermal flap.
  • #23: Explain the difficulties of covering this area with ipsilateral flaps as the patient acceptance of cross leg and other distant flaps is not good. On the other hand ,free flaps are the best alternative but centers doing free tissue transfer are limited, not to mention the costs involved.
  • #32: In all the cases the flap sizes far exceeded the dimensions mentioned for snc flap. It is a good substitute for free flap.Inclusion of an extra sizeable perforator reduces complication rate. Larger flap can be designed with safety Concept has been confirmed by cadaveric dissection and doppler study Perfusion thro dual axis
  • #36: Mention flap size &amp; dimensions mehaboob khan
  • #37: Combinig 2 slides