Surfline specializes in providing live and predicted ocean weather information, editorial content, and consulting services to businesses, governments, and consumers worldwide. They have the largest live HD streaming surf camera network with over 200 locations globally and an expert team of meteorologists, oceanographers, and scientists forecasting weather. They experienced traffic spikes of up to 185% during weather events that their legacy application could not handle, but implementing Varnish helped them cache full pages, APIs, data, and imagery, allowing them to handle over 200 requests per second.
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Surfing into the future with Varnish High Availability
2. Specializing in providing live and predicted ocean weather information,
editorial content, and consulting services to consumers, businesses,
and government agencies worldwide.
The premiere surf forecasting and news resource in the world
3. Largest LIVE HD streaming surf camera
network with 200+ locations worldwide
Ocean Beach, San Francisco Camera
4. Professional Forecasting Team
Unmatched team of experts in the fields of
meteorology, oceanography, science, and surfing.
Full & Part-time
Full & Part-time
Data Scientists