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Surgery for Atrial
Abh蝶it Joshi
basic mechanisms
 concept of refractory period

 a faster source will eventually re-organise cardiac

 what is re-entry?

 what are ectopic foci? what is macro and micro re-entry?
 so now we know why:

 ectopic foci/鍖brosis foci cause re-entry 

 e鍖ect of chamber dilatation on macro re-entry
3 atrial tachycardias
 focal ectopic tachycardia: no re-entry

 atrial 鍖utter : single wavefront

 atrial 鍖brillation : multiple (at least 2) wavefronts : multiple
simultaneous irregular re entry circuits - unde鍖ned
number of spatiotemporally varying wavelets and colli-
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
AF maintaining substrate
 AF begets AF

Structural remodeling (atrial
enlargement and 鍖brosis, most
typically a鍖ecting the left atrium
[LA]), produces relatively 鍖xed
reentry substrates 

Progressive atrial dilation creates
longer conduction pathways for
reentry. Tissue 鍖brosis slows
conduction, makes conduction
more heterogeneous, and creates
conduction barriers that favor re
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
3 problems in AF
(1) palpitations, which cause the patient discomfort and anxiety; 

(2) loss of synchronous atrioventricular contraction, which
compromises cardiac haemodynamics, resulting in varying
degrees of ventricular dysfunction; and 

(3) stasis of blood 鍖ow thromboembolism and stroke 

contrast this with atrial 鍖utter
鍖utter has an atrial kick
regular atrial systoles, evidenced by a waves in the JVP
remodelling in AF
 electrical remodelling : reduction in atrial e鍖ective
refractory periods, increased spatial heterogeneity of
refractoriness, and conduction slowing. 

 structural remodelling : atrial dilatation, myocyte
hypertrophy, sarcomere loss, glycogen accumulation,
mitochondrial abnormalities, and the development of
atrial 鍖brosis. Atrial 鍖brosis is thought to be a fundamental
component of AF sustenance 

 鍖brosis promotes AF and AF promotes Fibrosis : AF
begets AF
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
hence AF needs..
 a trigger : usually a premature depolarization or runs of
focal ectopic depolarizations 

 a macro re-entry circuit

 surgery for AF is directed at alteration of geometry and
anatomy needed to support AF.
  Fortunately, the macro-reentrant circuits that we had
mapped in both dogs and patients were physically
relatively large, that is, more than 5 to 6 cm in diameter
in the left atrium and much larger than that in the right
atrium. Therefore, atrial incisions placed no more than 5
to 6 cm apart should theoretically prevent the
development of macro-reentrant circuits anywhere in the
atria. It was clear that if macro-reentrant circuits could not
develop in the atria, then the atria could not 鍖brillate. The
dilemma was how to place enough lesions on the atriato
preclude the development of atrial macro-reentry
(鍖brillation) and leave behind an atrium that could be
activated by the sinus node and still contract e鍖ectively.
- James Cox
if the atrium cannot develop macro re-entry circuits then it cannot 鍖brillate, because
thats what a-鍖b is by de鍖nition.
initial surgeries
 1980 : James Cox - left atrial isolation - 

 electrical isolation of the LA, after recognition that most
triggers are from the LA

 advantages : controlled the ventricular rate, alleviated
palpitations, Right atrial kick was present and surprisingly
increased LA preload because of this signi鍖cantly improved

 drawback : LA still 鍖brillated, thromboembolism risk

 eventually abandoned
 Catheter Ablation of the Atrioventricular NodeHis Bundle
Complex. 1982 - Scheinman
 only alleviated palpitations and anxiety

 necessitated pacemaker

 no improvement in haemodynamics

 thromboembolism persists

 1985, Giraudons corridor procedure: isolated a strip of atrial septum
harboring both the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node, thereby
allowing the sinoatrial node to drive the ventricles. This procedure
corrected the irregular heart beat associated with AF, but both atria
either remained in 鍖brillation or developed their own asynchronous
intrinsic rhythm because they were isolated from the septal corridor. 

 except for the requirement of a pacemaker, it su鍖ered all the drawbacks
of Scheinmans catheter ablation of the Bundle.
 to cure AF, what was needed is to have lesions close
enough to prevent macro re entry lesions to develop, at
the same time maintain the pathway for conduction from
SA node to AV node.
James Cox 
That question was answered one Saturday afternoon while I
was studying some of the BoineauSchuessler experimental
maps of atrial 鍖brillation in my o鍖ce at Barnes Hospital. To
better visualize the relationship between atrial anatomy and
atrial electrophysiology, a rectangle was drawn to represent
the entire mass of both atria 2-dimensionally.
 While studying this 2-dimensional representation of the atria
with the superimposed electrophysiology of atrial 鍖brillation, I
suddenly realized that everything necessary to abolish atrial
鍖brillation, while leaving the atrial activation and contraction
intact afterward, could be accomplished by creating a pattern of
lesions in the atria that was essentially that of a simple maze.
The lesions could be placed close enough to prevent atrial
macro-reentry, and if placed in a maze pattern, the SA node
could serve as the site of entry of electrical activity into the atria
and the AV node as its site of exit from the atria. One contiguous
true route of conduction would be left intact between the
entrance and exit sites, and multiple blind alleys o鍖 this main
conduction route would allow activation of all of the atrial
myocardium, thereby preserving atrial contractility (Figure1, D).
One entrance, one exit, one true route between the two and
multiple blind alleys  the pattern and principle of a maze.
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Maze 1
 compromised the
normal sinus
tachycardia response

 LA conduction delayed

 both these :

 high rate of pacemaker
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Bachmanns bundle allows almost simultaneous activation of the 2 atria
Maze 1 led to LA activation delay to the extent that LA was activated when the impulse
had reached the LV
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Maze 2
 required SVC transection and was too di鍖cult

 abandoned soon
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Maze 3
Operation is performed via median sternotomy. Cannulae for venous uptake are placed in superior
vena cava and through the low right atrium into inferior vena cava. Small venous cannulae (24F) and
vacuum-assisted venous return are employed. Cardiopulmonary bypass is established, and
tourniquets are tight- ened around venae cavae. First incision divides right atrial appendage and
extends obliquely to midpoint of right atrial free wall. Medially, incision extends to atrioven- tricular
groove. Longitudinal incision is made from superior to inferior vena cava along crista terminalis. Lower
2 cm of inci- sion is closed with a continuous suture of 4-0 polypropylene to prevent tearing during
retraction. Vertical incision is made from point of closure to atrioventricular groove
Vertical incision is extended to tricuspid valve anulus in area of posterior lea鍖et
(2-oclock position, surgeons view), working on endocardial surface of atrium
cutting through the entire atrial wall. Residual myocardial 鍖bers are ablated by
applying a 3-mm cryolesion (70属C for 2 minutes) at tricuspid anulus. This
portion of incision is closed with 4-0 polypropyl- ene suture.
Incision of medial aspect of right atrial
appendage is continued into atrial groove
to tricuspid valve anulus (10- oclock
position, surgeons view) by dis- secting
on endocardial surface. A cryolesion is
placed at anulus of tricuspid valve to
ablate residual myocardial 鍖bers. This
portion of incision is closed with 4-0
poly- propylene suture.
Aorta is occluded. Coronary sinus is cannulated, and cold
cardioplegic solution is administered to achieve total
electromechanical arrest. Left atrium is opened on right side
behind interatrial groove and in front of pulmonary veins.
Incision is extended superiorly and inferiorly. Atrial septum is
divided at level of right superior pulmonary vein. This incision
is curved inferiorly to divide the membrane of fossa ovalis.
Atrial septum is
retracted anteriorly.
Pulmonary vein
encircling incision is
developed, working
within left atrium by
extending incision
across back wall of
atrium above and
below left pulmonary
Heart is retracted inferiorly and to the right to expose left atrial
appendage on external surface of heart. Two ori- entation
sutures of 3-0 polypropylene are placed through left pulmonary
vein encircling incision at level of left superior and left inferior
pulmonary veins. Encircling incision is completed between
orientation sutures (dashed line). Left atrial appendage is
excised at its base. Atrial wall between atrial appendage and
encircling incision is divided (dashed line).
Orientation sutures are tied, then used to close left atrium between them.
Separate suture of 3-0 polypropylene is used to close bridge to and base of left
atrial appendage.
Exposure returns to interior of left atrium. Orientation sutures are passed inside
left atrium and used to close encircling incision superiorly to midpoint and
inferiorly for about 2 cm of posterior wall of left atrium. Vertical incision is
developed between encircling incision and mitral valve anulus. Incision is
through entire left atrial wall into epicardial fat in atrioventricular groove,
exposing coronary sinus. A cryolesion is made on exterior surface of coronary
sinus, using a 15-mm cryoprobe applied for 3 minutes. After 1 minute, a 3-mm
cryoprobe is placed on mitral valve anulus and a 2-minute cryolesion is made.
Vertical incision is closed with 4-0 polypropylene. Mitral valve repair or
Pulmonary vein encircling incision is closed to pulmonary veins on right side.
Retraction is switched to right atrium, allowing all but 鍖nal centimeter of
encircling incision to be closed. Left ventricular venting catheter is placed
through separate incision in right superior pulmonary vein.
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Maze 4
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Hassaiguerre et al - 1998, NEJM
 studied 45 patients with frequent
episodes of atrial 鍖brillation
refractory to drug therapy. 

 The spontaneous initiation of atrial
鍖brillation was mapped with the use
of multielectrode catheters 

 Three foci were in the right atrium, 1
in the posterior left atrium, and 65
(94 percent) in the pulmonary
veins (31 in the left superior, 17 in
the right superior, 11 in the left
inferior, and 6 in the right inferior
pulmonary vein).

 laid down the basis for PVI
 RA is the trigger source in 15%

 also, addressing only the RA, frequent post procedure
鍖utter is there
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Energy sources for ablation
Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation
Thank You

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Surgery for atrial fibrillation abhijit presentation

  • 2. basic mechanisms concept of refractory period a faster source will eventually re-organise cardiac excitation what is re-entry? what are ectopic foci? what is macro and micro re-entry?
  • 3. so now we know why: ectopic foci/鍖brosis foci cause re-entry e鍖ect of chamber dilatation on macro re-entry
  • 4. 3 atrial tachycardias focal ectopic tachycardia: no re-entry atrial 鍖utter : single wavefront atrial 鍖brillation : multiple (at least 2) wavefronts : multiple simultaneous irregular re entry circuits - unde鍖ned number of spatiotemporally varying wavelets and colli- sions
  • 6. AF maintaining substrate AF begets AF Structural remodeling (atrial enlargement and 鍖brosis, most typically a鍖ecting the left atrium [LA]), produces relatively 鍖xed reentry substrates Progressive atrial dilation creates longer conduction pathways for reentry. Tissue 鍖brosis slows conduction, makes conduction more heterogeneous, and creates conduction barriers that favor re entry
  • 9. 3 problems in AF (1) palpitations, which cause the patient discomfort and anxiety; (2) loss of synchronous atrioventricular contraction, which compromises cardiac haemodynamics, resulting in varying degrees of ventricular dysfunction; and (3) stasis of blood 鍖ow thromboembolism and stroke contrast this with atrial 鍖utter
  • 10. 鍖utter has an atrial kick regular atrial systoles, evidenced by a waves in the JVP
  • 11. remodelling in AF electrical remodelling : reduction in atrial e鍖ective refractory periods, increased spatial heterogeneity of refractoriness, and conduction slowing. structural remodelling : atrial dilatation, myocyte hypertrophy, sarcomere loss, glycogen accumulation, mitochondrial abnormalities, and the development of atrial 鍖brosis. Atrial 鍖brosis is thought to be a fundamental component of AF sustenance 鍖brosis promotes AF and AF promotes Fibrosis : AF begets AF
  • 13. hence AF needs.. a trigger : usually a premature depolarization or runs of focal ectopic depolarizations a macro re-entry circuit surgery for AF is directed at alteration of geometry and anatomy needed to support AF.
  • 14. Fortunately, the macro-reentrant circuits that we had mapped in both dogs and patients were physically relatively large, that is, more than 5 to 6 cm in diameter in the left atrium and much larger than that in the right atrium. Therefore, atrial incisions placed no more than 5 to 6 cm apart should theoretically prevent the development of macro-reentrant circuits anywhere in the atria. It was clear that if macro-reentrant circuits could not develop in the atria, then the atria could not 鍖brillate. The dilemma was how to place enough lesions on the atriato preclude the development of atrial macro-reentry (鍖brillation) and leave behind an atrium that could be activated by the sinus node and still contract e鍖ectively. - James Cox
  • 15. if the atrium cannot develop macro re-entry circuits then it cannot 鍖brillate, because thats what a-鍖b is by de鍖nition.
  • 16. initial surgeries 1980 : James Cox - left atrial isolation - electrical isolation of the LA, after recognition that most triggers are from the LA advantages : controlled the ventricular rate, alleviated palpitations, Right atrial kick was present and surprisingly increased LA preload because of this signi鍖cantly improved haemodynamics drawback : LA still 鍖brillated, thromboembolism risk continued eventually abandoned
  • 17. Catheter Ablation of the Atrioventricular NodeHis Bundle Complex. 1982 - Scheinman only alleviated palpitations and anxiety necessitated pacemaker no improvement in haemodynamics thromboembolism persists 1985, Giraudons corridor procedure: isolated a strip of atrial septum harboring both the sinoatrial node and the atrioventricular node, thereby allowing the sinoatrial node to drive the ventricles. This procedure corrected the irregular heart beat associated with AF, but both atria either remained in 鍖brillation or developed their own asynchronous intrinsic rhythm because they were isolated from the septal corridor. except for the requirement of a pacemaker, it su鍖ered all the drawbacks of Scheinmans catheter ablation of the Bundle.
  • 18. to cure AF, what was needed is to have lesions close enough to prevent macro re entry lesions to develop, at the same time maintain the pathway for conduction from SA node to AV node.
  • 19. James Cox That question was answered one Saturday afternoon while I was studying some of the BoineauSchuessler experimental maps of atrial 鍖brillation in my o鍖ce at Barnes Hospital. To better visualize the relationship between atrial anatomy and atrial electrophysiology, a rectangle was drawn to represent the entire mass of both atria 2-dimensionally.
  • 20. While studying this 2-dimensional representation of the atria with the superimposed electrophysiology of atrial 鍖brillation, I suddenly realized that everything necessary to abolish atrial 鍖brillation, while leaving the atrial activation and contraction intact afterward, could be accomplished by creating a pattern of lesions in the atria that was essentially that of a simple maze. The lesions could be placed close enough to prevent atrial macro-reentry, and if placed in a maze pattern, the SA node could serve as the site of entry of electrical activity into the atria and the AV node as its site of exit from the atria. One contiguous true route of conduction would be left intact between the entrance and exit sites, and multiple blind alleys o鍖 this main conduction route would allow activation of all of the atrial myocardium, thereby preserving atrial contractility (Figure1, D). One entrance, one exit, one true route between the two and multiple blind alleys the pattern and principle of a maze.
  • 23. Maze 1 compromised the normal sinus tachycardia response LA conduction delayed both these : chronotropic incompetence high rate of pacemaker implantation
  • 25. Bachmanns bundle allows almost simultaneous activation of the 2 atria Maze 1 led to LA activation delay to the extent that LA was activated when the impulse had reached the LV
  • 27. Maze 2 required SVC transection and was too di鍖cult abandoned soon
  • 30. Operation is performed via median sternotomy. Cannulae for venous uptake are placed in superior vena cava and through the low right atrium into inferior vena cava. Small venous cannulae (24F) and vacuum-assisted venous return are employed. Cardiopulmonary bypass is established, and tourniquets are tight- ened around venae cavae. First incision divides right atrial appendage and extends obliquely to midpoint of right atrial free wall. Medially, incision extends to atrioven- tricular groove. Longitudinal incision is made from superior to inferior vena cava along crista terminalis. Lower 2 cm of inci- sion is closed with a continuous suture of 4-0 polypropylene to prevent tearing during retraction. Vertical incision is made from point of closure to atrioventricular groove
  • 31. Vertical incision is extended to tricuspid valve anulus in area of posterior lea鍖et (2-oclock position, surgeons view), working on endocardial surface of atrium cutting through the entire atrial wall. Residual myocardial 鍖bers are ablated by applying a 3-mm cryolesion (70属C for 2 minutes) at tricuspid anulus. This portion of incision is closed with 4-0 polypropyl- ene suture.
  • 32. Incision of medial aspect of right atrial appendage is continued into atrial groove to tricuspid valve anulus (10- oclock position, surgeons view) by dis- secting on endocardial surface. A cryolesion is placed at anulus of tricuspid valve to ablate residual myocardial 鍖bers. This portion of incision is closed with 4-0 poly- propylene suture.
  • 33. Aorta is occluded. Coronary sinus is cannulated, and cold cardioplegic solution is administered to achieve total electromechanical arrest. Left atrium is opened on right side behind interatrial groove and in front of pulmonary veins. Incision is extended superiorly and inferiorly. Atrial septum is divided at level of right superior pulmonary vein. This incision is curved inferiorly to divide the membrane of fossa ovalis.
  • 34. Atrial septum is retracted anteriorly. Pulmonary vein encircling incision is developed, working within left atrium by extending incision across back wall of atrium above and below left pulmonary veins.
  • 35. Heart is retracted inferiorly and to the right to expose left atrial appendage on external surface of heart. Two ori- entation sutures of 3-0 polypropylene are placed through left pulmonary vein encircling incision at level of left superior and left inferior pulmonary veins. Encircling incision is completed between orientation sutures (dashed line). Left atrial appendage is excised at its base. Atrial wall between atrial appendage and encircling incision is divided (dashed line).
  • 36. Orientation sutures are tied, then used to close left atrium between them. Separate suture of 3-0 polypropylene is used to close bridge to and base of left atrial appendage.
  • 37. Exposure returns to interior of left atrium. Orientation sutures are passed inside left atrium and used to close encircling incision superiorly to midpoint and inferiorly for about 2 cm of posterior wall of left atrium. Vertical incision is developed between encircling incision and mitral valve anulus. Incision is through entire left atrial wall into epicardial fat in atrioventricular groove, exposing coronary sinus. A cryolesion is made on exterior surface of coronary sinus, using a 15-mm cryoprobe applied for 3 minutes. After 1 minute, a 3-mm cryoprobe is placed on mitral valve anulus and a 2-minute cryolesion is made. Vertical incision is closed with 4-0 polypropylene. Mitral valve repair or
  • 38. Pulmonary vein encircling incision is closed to pulmonary veins on right side. Retraction is switched to right atrium, allowing all but 鍖nal centimeter of encircling incision to be closed. Left ventricular venting catheter is placed through separate incision in right superior pulmonary vein.
  • 44. Hassaiguerre et al - 1998, NEJM studied 45 patients with frequent episodes of atrial 鍖brillation refractory to drug therapy. The spontaneous initiation of atrial 鍖brillation was mapped with the use of multielectrode catheters Three foci were in the right atrium, 1 in the posterior left atrium, and 65 (94 percent) in the pulmonary veins (31 in the left superior, 17 in the right superior, 11 in the left inferior, and 6 in the right inferior pulmonary vein). laid down the basis for PVI
  • 45. RA is the trigger source in 15% also, addressing only the RA, frequent post procedure 鍖utter is there
  • 47. Energy sources for ablation