This document provides guidance on answering questions about sources in a history exam. It outlines 5 key question types and what students should do for each type. The question types are: 1) making inferences from sources, 2) recognizing how information is portrayed, 3) judging source reliability, 4) cross-referencing multiple sources, and 5) making a judgement on a historical question. For each type, it provides example question phrases and describes what pupils should do to correctly answer the question.
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Question Ability being tested Key question phrases What pupils need to do
1 Inference from What can you tell from Make an inference about the subject and
sources this source about explain how the details of the source
helped them make that inference
2-4 Recognition of how How has the artist/writer Look at the language of the source
information has been shown that carefully
portrayed How can you tell that x Consider why the author has chosen that
thinks that material to include
Consider why the author has chosen to
present their view in that way
Show awareness that they recognise this
view has been deliberately created
2-4 Judging the reliability How far can we trust Comment on how much knowledge the
of a source How reliable author had of the situation they are
Can we rely on writing about
Is x more reliable than Pick up on any clear exaggeration in the
y source
Comment on when and why the source
was produced
Assess the strengths/weaknesses of this
particular source (no generic
2-4 Cross referencing of How far does x agree Establish the message of the one source
sources with y that and state it
By looking at a, b and c, Cross reference with all sources
how far can we trust x mentioned, referring to precise details
Top students should consider the extent
of the difference
2-4 Judging utility How useful is this source Decide how much a source would help a
for historian in their work
Is x more useful than y Consider the relevance of the content of
for the source
Consider the reliability of the sources
author in providing the truth for the
5 Making a judgement How far do you agree Write at length
on a historical that Answer the question clearly and
question To what extent explicitly
.. . How far Use both source and own knowledge as
do you agree with this required by question- if it tells you to use
statement? certain sources then theyre probably
useful ones
Top students should plan essay round
their own knowledge and build in
sources as supporting evidence
Dont go through sources one at a time.