This document discusses the use of virtual worlds and digital games in European libraries based on surveys conducted in the UK. It finds that nearly all UK universities have explored or implemented the use of Second Life for research, teaching, or learning activities. Examples include simulations of dangerous environments, campus tours, filmmaking projects, and medical equipment simulations. While Second Life remains popular, some institutions are experimenting with alternative virtual worlds like OpenSim, which is seen as more flexible and open-source. Overall virtual worlds are seen as a way to enhance lifelong, distance, and flexible learning.
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Surveying Virtual World use in UK Higher and Further Education
1. Digital Games in
European Libraries
Surveying Virtual World use in UK Higher and Further Education
Saturday, 13 September 2014
4. Personal position
Three things getting better; the perfect storm:
PC and Mac technology is getting better e.g.
processor power, graphics.
Broadband nearly ubiquitous.
Virtual worlds are constantly improving.
Lifelong learning: fit learning around your life.
Distance learning: more choice of courses.
Always-on learning: whenever you want.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
5. Unofficial aims (mine) of Virtual World Watch
* To provide ammunition for academics to use to
make their case inside their institution.
* To try and bring together like-minded academic
* To see where this goes.
* To - professionally - challenge the (closed
minded) sceptics.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
6. Where VWW is at (Mid March 2009)
Now on snapshot survey number 6 - release date of mid
to late April 2009.
Also to be released then is first report looking at
alternative virtual world uses in academia.
Weekly podcasts with academic developers proving
unexpected success. Want to be interviewed? Get in
Building up the resource directory to provide some
evidence and useful stuff.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
7. Typical respondent to a snapshot survey
Isnt afraid to give
an opinion
Usually either
concise or
extremely verbose
Open minded
Practises what
they preach re:
virtual worlds
Can go nose to
nose with sceptics
Core of contacts in
~30 universities
who respond to
most surveys
Just does it
Saturday, 13 September 2014
8. Activity in UK universities (generally HE)
Saturday, 13 September 2014
9. Activity in UK colleges (generally FE)
Saturday, 13 September 2014
10. Much activity outside responses
Staffordshire University is carrying out a project to see how
useful a virtual world like Second Life might be when it
comes to undergraduate teaching.
We are active but not yet public. - many responses.
A one year JISC funded research project at the University of
We are creating a collection of paintings that will be
displayed within a virtual Pompeiian house in a similar
way to the actual Sydenham Crystal Palace that was build
in London in 1854.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
12. Summary of Snapshot 5+
All bar one UK university has some evidence of Second
Life activity i.e. research, design, study, teaching or
Building a replica of your campus in SL just for the sake
of it is rare now (hurrah!).
Activities diverse, but newer universities tend to be more
into it than older ones.
Huge amount of duplicated work going on across
universities in investigating use of Second Life in
teaching and learning
Saturday, 13 September 2014
15. Virtual worlds as simulations of dangerous environments
Saturday, 13 September 2014
16. More safety
The witnesses go
down to the simulation
set and the
investigators stay at
the gathering point.
The tutor runs the
simulation through
in this case a fork lift
truck accident in a
small warehouse
which the witness
students can view
through their avatars.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
19. Machinima
A section of the island is designated for film making
(machinima), with an adaptable diorama and
terraformable landscape for creating sets. - JISC
RSC (Northern)
A group of media students are undertaking a
project on creating machinima and guidance on
the use of the event simulator described above as
part of their interactive media course. - West of
Saturday, 13 September 2014
23. Studying SL as a learning environment
A pilot study looking at Interprofessional education in Second
Life. - Coventry
Determining whether SL is a suitable environment within
which to develop students' business enterprise skills. -
Through the Open Habitat project, we are piloting various
approaches to teaching and learning in Second Life and
OpenSim. - Leeds Metropolitan
This project investigated pedagogical issues related to
teaching within 3D virtual worlds using Second Life as the
delivery platform. - Ulster
Saturday, 13 September 2014
24. Medical equipment created by Glasgow Caledonian
A simulation of a full
working model of an
X-ray machine.
This allows for safe
practice; is flexible
either to be used in a
class or for self study.
It is scaleable - only
one exists on campus
but we can copy the
simulation as many
times as we wish.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
26. Just to complicate things: Other worlds
Playstation Home
Saturday, 13 September 2014
27. Metaplace
University of
the West of
- Web-based
- Flash
- extensible
- avatars
- scripting
Isometric view
Easy to work in
(Sims meets
Second Life?)
Saturday, 13 September 2014
28. OpenSim
We expect to see more interest in OpenSim, and
possibly Wonderland - emphasising the need to
keep the intelligence of any solution out of any
one particular virtual world. We also still see no
Second Life killer out there. - Daden Limited
The latest OpenSim server builds offer outstanding
performance, and are rapidly maturing and
becoming reliable for everyday use. Porting
objects and scripts (but not all of them) from
Second Life to OpenSim is now possible. -
Saturday, 13 September 2014
29. OpenSim (more)
We plan to set up our own OpenSim server for our
600 art & design students to enjoy, free from
some of the obstacles that we have encountered
whilst trying to use Second Life. - Leeds
We have an OpenSim grid running with a few
regions set up. We are applying for funding to
support an OpenSim grid for the UK academic
community. St. Andrews
Saturday, 13 September 2014
31. Dealing with sceptics
Academics? Getting funding to play silly games
like Second Life and World of Warcraft and
pretend it is learning?
In my day we didnt have email, made do with
slate and chalk and it did us no harm yadda
yadda yadda
Saturday, 13 September 2014
41. Virtual World Watch: future
CDC (Continuous Data Collection) starts this week.
Future reports:
Quarterly (3) throughout 2009.
SL and alternative virtual worlds (2).
Ongoing virtual world research (1).
Other interests:
Search in virtual worlds.
Funding for virtual world development in UK HE/FE.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
42. Okay, thats all
Virtual World Watch is funded by Eduserv.
Twitter: @V_World_Watch
Im here for the rest of the day
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Editor's Notes
#2: Night balloon over the University of Nottingham Marina.
#3: The Eduserv Foundations interest in Virtual Worlds.
#4: Virtual World Watch is the holding place for the snapshots. Various bits of relevant data and information will appear on the website as it develops over the next year.
#5: Why I am interested in this whole Virtual World thing.
#6: These are my personal reasons for doing Virtual World Watch. The project runs for a year, from mid-October 2008.
#8: Some characteristics of many of the respondents to the five snapshots to date. Typically, these are battle-hardened academics.
#9: Lots of responses, as ever, from UK universities.
#10: Activity in UK colleges, and other Further Education institutions, has been negligible. Having said that, there seems to be some more activity very recently, but it is still only a tiny fraction of that found in UK universities.
#11: It should be stressed that the survey is not comprehensive. There is much Second Life, and increasingly other Virtual World activity, in places and by people who did not respond. Here are a few examples; in addition, a number of respondents always indicate other activities that they cannot yet go public on.
#12: Here is some of the data (removing personal and other information) from most of the previous snapshot survey. It shouldnt be taken as cast in stone, as the situation with most institutions is constantly changing. Things to notice:
Most respondents thought they would be doing virtual world activities next year as well.
Teaching and learning activities were mentioned in most responses.
Second Life is still the predominant virtual world (albeit this was the partial focus of the survey), though OpenSim is gaining significant interest).
#16: The quarry simulator at the University of Derby.
#29: And this year may very well see the main discussion be whether to stick with Second Life, or to use OpenSim. Several universities and academics are looking at it at the moment.
#40: There are an increasing number of funding sources, unlike a few years ago, for research, teaching and learning projects in Second Life in UK academia. Coventry University has also got hold of some big money from the Leverhulme Trust for a group of researchers and PhD students.