The document discusses passages from Genesis relating to God's relationship with humanity. It tells of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit and being cast out of the Garden of Eden. It then discusses God's regret at creating humanity due to their wickedness, leading to the story of Noah and the flood. The flood destroys most of humanity as punishment for their sins. Noah and his family are spared through the ark. The document draws life lessons from this story about God experiencing pain due to human actions, his promises coming to pass even if it takes time, and the possibility of new beginnings with God.
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Surviving the Flood
2. And I will put enmity between
you and the woman, and
between your seed and her
Seed; He shall bruise your
head, and you shall bruise His
Genesis 3:15
3. The man has now become
like one of us, knowing good
and evil. He must not be
allowed to reach out his hand
and take also from the tree of
life and eat, and live forever.
Genesis 3:22
4. Now Adam knew Eve his wife,
and she conceived and bore
Cain, saying, I have gotten a
man with the help of the
Genesis 4:1
6. The LORD saw that the
wickedness of man was great
in the earth, and that every
intention of the thoughts of his
heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5
7. As it was in the days of Noah, so
it will be at the coming of the
Son of Man. For in the days
before the flood, people were
eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage, up to the
day Noah entered the ark.
Matthew 24:37-38
8. The LORD regretted that he
had made human beings on
the earth, and his heart was
deeply troubled.
Genesis 6:6
9. 1. Our actions can and do cause God pain.
Life Lessons from the Flood
11. Then God said to Noah, The
end of all flesh has come
before Me; for the earth is filled
with violence because of them;
and behold, I am about to
destroy them with the earth.
Genesis 6:13
12. 1. Our actions can and do cause God pain
2. It may take a little or a long time,
but Gods promises always come through.
Life Lessons from the Flood
17. 7 days of waiting for the rain
7 days of waiting for the Flood
40 days of Flood
150 days of waters rising
God remembers Noah
150 days of waters decreasing
40 days of waiting for dry land
7 days of waiting to send the first bird
7 days of waiting to send the second bird
18. The waters flooded the earth
for a hundred and fifty
daysBut God remembered
Noah and all the wild animals
and the livestock that were
with him in the ark
Genesis 7:24;8:1
20. 1. Our actions can and do cause God pain
2. It may take a little or a long time,
but Gods promises always come through.
3. New beginnings are always possible
with God
Life Lessons from the Flood
22. Are there areas of our lives where we
need a fresh start?
What will we do with the fresh starts that
are given to us?
Life Questions from the Flood
23. 1. Our actions can and do cause God pain
2. It may take a little or a long time,
but Gods promises always come through.
3. New beginnings are always possible
with God
Life Lessons from the Flood