School bus drivers should watch for suspicious items and behaviors. Suspicious items may be abandoned, leaking, or have exposed wires or threatening messages. Potentially suspicious items include canisters, propane tanks, boxes, or out-of-place objects. Suspicious behaviors include abandoning an item and leaving quickly, showing unusual interest in people or locations, being where one shouldn't, or possessing weapons. If something suspicious is seen, drivers should immediately report the item's location and description to authorities without touching it or using devices near it.
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Suspicious itemsbehavior
1. School Bus Drivers
Watch for Suspicious
Characteristics of Suspicious Items: Suspicious Behavior Includes Persons:
Are abandoned or hidden in unusual place Abandoning item(s) and leaving quickly
Have leaking gas, vapor, odor or suspicious substance Showing an unusual interest in employees, children,
(including excessive grease) the school or bus stop locations
Contain exposed wires or timer Being where they are not supposed to be
Have an attached message with threatening note or Possessing a weapon or dangerous item
suspicious marking Using a vehicle in a suspicious way (illegally parked,
erratic driving, following)
Potentially Suspicious Items: Causing disruptions or distractions
Canister, propane style tank, metal box, bottle, out of
place items
If You See Suspicious Items and/or Behavior:
IMMEDIATELY report suspicious item and behavior to Do NOT move or touch item or device
your dispatch, school administrator, local authorities or Report location of scene
911 Include physical appearance, gender, unusual
Do NOT use radio or cell phone within 50 feet of item characteristics
or device Report clothing characteristics
Pay attention to location of item or device
Suspicious Reporting Number:
Transportation Sector Network Management
Highway and Motor Carrier Division