If the global environment is to be saved for future generations, many experts warn that more of the worlds citizens need to participate in green living. This means using materials that reduce pollution of all types in various aspects of daily life, thereby reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and producing less waste.
6. Real Cost of Goods
Product Stewardship
The Natural Step Framework
7. Not pictured:
woodworking tools
glass butter鍖y collection
鍖shing equipment
ri鍖es for deer hunting
among other things
Skeen Family - Pearland, Texas
Photograph 息 2004 Peter Menzel/menzelphoto.com
Its all about Stuff.
8. The U.S. has 5% of the worlds population,
but uses 30% of its resources.
9. The $ on the price tag re鍖ects direct costs --
labor & materials.
10. The $ on the price tag does NOT include the
hidden costs.
11. It takes 1.8 tons of raw materialsincluding fossil
fuels, water and metal oresto manufacture a desktop
PC and monitor.
Source: 2004 United Nations University Study [Smithsonian Magazine, August 2005]
12. Its one thing to have all these hazardous
materials in our computers.
Source: Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition/Electronics Take Back Campaign, 2008 [The Story of Stuff,
by Annie Leonard]
13. You should also look at how those chemicals are
released into the environment and into humans!
Source: The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard
14. In 2006, one
received a high
ranking in
Guide to Green
Another study looked into their supply chain -- the
manufacturers who supply the components that make
up a computer -- in China, Mexico, the Philippines and
Source: The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard
15. working
conditions that
were dangerous,
degrading and
working hours
and forced
illegally low
wages and
unpaid overtime
The Chinese workers in this
photo make 55蔵 an hour.
and more.
Source: Impact Lab, April 17, 2010
Source: The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard
16. Wenling, Zhejiang Province, China
Source: Greenpeace.org
Guiyu, China
Source: Basel Action Network, 2008.
Lastly, we must consider the disposal of computers
and how they can continue to harm the environment.
The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard
18. Developed in 1989, the TNS Framework
builds on the basic understanding of what
makes life possible, how our biosphere
functions and how we are part of the
earths natural systems.
19. 1. Eliminate fossil fuel dependence and wasteful use of
scarce metals and minerals.
Reduce mining and use of
substances from
earths crust:
heavy metals such as
cadmium, lead, mercury,
minerals such as phosphorus
fossil fuels
Samarco Alegria Iron Ore mine in Brazil . Mining operations began
in 1992. 8.5 million tons of iron ore was mined in 2008.
These substances and their emissions (CO2 and NOx) are
steadily increasing in human society and nature.
20. 2. Eliminate dependence upon persistent chemicals and
wasteful use of synthetic substances.
Humans are manufacturing
synthetic substances faster than
they can be broken down.
EPA lists more than 70,000
chemicals that are in common use.
Every U.S. citizens fatty tissue
contains at least 700 chemical
contaminants, according to EPA.
21. 3. Eliminate encroachment upon nature land, water,
wildlife, forests, soil, ecosystems.
Human activity is breaking down
natural systems faster than they
can renew themselves.
Nearly one-half of the Earths
original forest cover has been lost.
Demand for fresh water exceeds
the worlds supply by 17 percent.
22. 4. Meet human needs fairly and ef鍖ciently.
If people around the world cannot meet their basic
human needs (air, water, food, shelter), the 鍖rst three
system conditions will not be met.
Within our businesses & communities, our needs include:
a means of a livelihood
equal treatment
equal access
participation in decisions
right to peaceful enjoyment of life
connection with nature
23. Real Cost of Goods
Product Stewardship
The Natural Step Framework
24. Learn More
The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard
Cradle to Cradle
by William McDonough & Michael Braungart
Af鍖uenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic
by John De Graff, David Wann & Thomas H. Naylor
Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and
Whats at Stake for American Power
by Mark Schapiro
Confessions of an Eco-Sinner:
Tracking Down the Sources of My Stuff
by Fred Pearce
25. Lori De La Cruz, ABC
Blue Marble Media, LLC