Luke Closs discusses sustaining open data innovation through various business models. He describes creating the VanTrash app to track litter, which led to realizing cities miss out on cheap citizen solutions. Four business models are outlined: citizen funded, city funded, infrastructure service, and public open source service. Closs details building Recollect by redesigning, validating with customers, and collaborating with Ottawa to create a unique product now used by over 100,000 households.
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Sustaining open data innovations
1. Sustaining Open Data
Luke Closs
Founder & CTO, OpenWest Systems
@lukec -
2. Speaker Background
Based in Vancouver, BC
Telecomm, Anti-spam, Collaboration
Long walks, HTTP, Open Web
Co-founder of Vancouver Hack Space
VanTrash, Budget visualization, gut, Parliament scrapers, Corporate
registry tools, Election 鍖nance tools, Recollect, Open Data
catalogues, Marine AIS Tra鍖c, CKAN,, sidewalk chalk
dataviz, hackathons, Open Data Day,
17. Ideas &
Projects Products Services Infrastructure
Cities miss out, these solutions are too cheap!
19. Nobody will use this!
City wont use it.
City wont link to it.
City would need a SLA.
No business to provide a SLA.
Cost would be too low.
Project will probably die out.
20. Why is that bad?
The city cant do cheap things
The city cant collaborate with citizens
This limits opportunity for new vendors
to provide greatly cheaper services.
28. My BM Gen Process
Brainstorm every possible idea / detail
Stare at it & Discuss
Split into distinct business models
Compare / Contrast
Will it blend!?
Try, learn, iterate!
31. Citizen Funded
Requires marketing strength
Doesnt require a sales team
Hard to market to target customers
(Non-techie citizens)
Few barriers to get started
33. City Funded
Sell to municipal decision makers
Requires sales team
Typically looooong sloooow sale
City handles marketing
Administration features, cost reduction
Cant be too cheap, or too expensive!
35. Infrastructure Service
Market to developers, no sales team.
Make it easy for hackers to use in their
Create new innovations on the service
Too niche?
37. POSS
Idea by @Progrium -
Citizens collectively pitch in to cover
Donations => Bank account => Hosting fees
$$ / burn rate = months of service.
No pro鍖t incentive to expand, enhance
Good for small, very cheap services
42. Customer Development
Get out of the building
Learn current pains
Talk in their language
Understand the buyers & their process
Experiment with pricing
43. Funding?
Finding money for civic startups is hard
VCs dont like selling to governments!
Cool, but whats your plan B?
We said no (so far!):
Cant get o鍖 the treadmill
No masters
60. In Summary
Open data + Ideas + Hacks Innovation
Innovations + Time + E鍖ort Products
Building a open data company is:
fucking hard
fucking stressful
fucking awesome