The document describes a touchscreen kiosk interface designed to provide students with information about on-campus and off-campus activities, services, transportation, jobs and discounts. It includes details about the user interface, navigation, search functions and demonstrations of searching for maps, events, transportation timetables, sending information to mobile phones and more.
CSP-Innovazione nelle ICT is a non-profit research organization based in Turin, Italy that is focused on experimental development and industrial research. It has partnerships with local universities and works on projects related to emerging technologies. CSP provides technology assets to enterprises free of charge to help bring prototypes to market. It has been involved in 18 EU funded projects and has offices in Turin that employ around 50 full-time researchers.
This document provides a summary of the regional needs analysis on the use of Web 2.0 applications in vocational education and training (VET) and adult training in the Piemonte region of Italy.
It finds that while ICT adoption is higher in Piemonte than other Italian regions, use of Web 2.0 tools in VET institutions is still low, at less than 20% for most organizations. However, interviews revealed strong interest from VET organizations in understanding how to use these tools for training. While most participants were familiar with common Web 2.0 technologies, their use of these tools was higher for personal activities than professional ones. The analysis identified a need for collaboration and knowledge sharing using Web 2.
The document discusses three new problems that have emerged with cloud computing: vendor control over user data, restrictions on accessing and moving data between services, and data becoming siloed in separate cloud services. It then provides details on the Backupify service which aims to address these issues by allowing users to back up their cloud data and retain control and access to it. The document concludes by outlining Backupify's future roadmap to provide more capabilities for analyzing and using the large amounts of user data it has backed up.
Taejun Park has over 10 years of experience in technical development for construction projects of varying scales. He has worked on projects such as dining halls at Kennesaw State University and Gainesville State College, as well as academic buildings and student centers. Most recently, he served as the junior project manager and designer on a student dining facility project at Kennesaw State University, producing drawings and 3D graphics using Revit and completing the project through the construction documents phase.
Wondering About Retirement Income presentation by KJH Financial ServicesKimberly Howard, CFP
This document discusses asset allocation strategies before and after retirement. It notes that before retirement the focus is on accumulation and growth, while after retirement the focus shifts to income disbursement and managing risks like withdrawals, spending, market volatility, longevity, inflation, and savings shortfalls. The document also provides statistics on life expectancy, sources of retirement income, the strain on Social Security from fewer workers per retiree, the effects of inflation, how sequence of returns can impact portfolios, and how simulation can show the probability of meeting income needs in retirement under different withdrawal rates and portfolio allocations.
The document discusses a security layer for cloud data that provides automated and secure backups of cloud data. It notes that one out of three companies using SaaS applications lose data, with 60% of businesses that lose data shutting down within 6 months. The security layer aims to backup all cloud data in one place and decrease backup time from days to hours through integration with cloud applications via an API. The vision is for the solution to become a broader data management layer providing backup, archiving, e-discovery, and migration capabilities across cloud storage providers.
The document discusses sustainable development practices in hotels based on a workshop. It addresses five questions:
1. Hotels implement sustainability for marketing and cost savings, through recycling, energy efficiency, and CSR programs. Evidence is limited to these operational measures.
2. Stakeholders like customers, employees and the local environment benefit most from sustainability. Governments influence hotels through regulations and subsidies.
3. Hotels gather feedback mainly through post-stay surveys that don't mention sustainability. Employees rarely provide ideas due to lack of training.
4. The Green Key eco-label is a major incentive for hotels to participate in sustainability. A customer rewards program could also encourage sustainable behaviors.
5. Benef
The document summarizes the biblical parable of the sower told by Jesus in Mark 4:1-20. In the parable, a farmer scatters seed on four types of soil - along the path, on rocky places, among thorns, and on good soil. The seed represents God's word and the soil represents different human heart conditions - hard, shallow, divided, and whole. Those with whole hearts accept God's word and produce a large crop, while other heart conditions reject or fail to fully accept the word. The summary encourages examining one's own heart condition and sowing God's word in others.
The document summarizes a pilot program called "5 Steps to Rapid Employment" run by RochesterWorks! to help participants quickly find employment. Over the course of the pilot year, 11 classes were presented to 192 participants, with a 99% completion rate. Participants reported an average satisfaction rating of 4+ out of 5 and testimonials on the program's YouTube channel. On average, participants found employment within 10 weeks and 6 days of starting the program, much faster than the national average of 36.9 weeks. Based on the success of the pilot program, RochesterWorks! will continue offering the program monthly.
La USCO particip¨® en el FLISOL 2010, un importante evento de inform¨¢tica que reuni¨® a un gran n¨²mero de personas en la Universidad Antonio Nari?o. En el FLISOL se discutieron temas importantes de inter¨¦s general en inform¨¢tica, incluyendo la tecnolog¨ªa 3.0 donde los discos duros ya no estar¨¢n localizados en los computadores sino en la red, lo que traer¨¢ muchos beneficios. El grupo de inform¨¢tica jur¨ªdica de la USCO present¨® sobre Copy Left y Creative Commons.
We get lots of requests for finding the best dog for adoption and fostering. A lot of them are for dogs that do not shed or shed considerably less than the other breeds. Here is a compilation of 8 dog breeds who sheds less (almost insignificant).
We have added some extra behavioral information too.
And all these breeds & more are available at your nearest shelter or rescue.
Paul Balcerak shares the tools he uses as an assistant editor to gather, distribute, and organize information for journalism. He uses Google Reader to aggregate news from various sources, Twitter to get information from citizens and officials, and TweetDeck to manage Twitter from his desktop. He also recommends tools for live reporting, presentation, and internal communication like Cover It Live, Google Maps, Dropbox, and Google Docs.
The document discusses three sliding techniques in paintball: the one knee slide, two knee slide, and superman dive.
The one knee slide involves leaning back, putting the strongest foot forward for balance, dropping the back foot and bending the front leg to slide, then using the back foot to stand up.
The two knee slide is similar but keeps the body straight and gun up to return fire, slipping the strongest leg forward to stop the slide and standing using the stopping foot.
The superman dive has the player lean forward, stick both arms out with the marker held sideways and fitted under the bent arm, then push with the legs to fly through the air into the bunker and move quickly.
The document promotes an enhanced Facebook like button called givven that provides incentives to users for liking webpages. It claims this button performs 750% better than the standard like button because incentives boost sharing and virality. The givven service allows users to create viral pages hosting incentives like videos, downloads and coupons to initiate chain reactions of users sharing the content. It costs $497 annually for unlimited page creation and support.
This document outlines Governor Rick Perry's 2020 vision to cut, balance, and grow the American economy. It proposes simplifying the tax code so that families and businesses are no longer wasting billions of hours and dollars complying with it. It also advocates lowering the corporate tax rate to make the U.S. more competitive globally and eliminating special interest tax breaks. The plan aims to balance the federal budget without raising taxes through regulatory reform, entitlement reform, and repealing job-killing legislation to spur economic growth.
The document discusses various treatment controversies for Meniere's disease. It outlines the history and definition of the disease, as well as current understandings of physiology and pathophysiology. It then summarizes different medical, mechanical, intratympanic, surgical, and ablative treatment options and discusses evidence from studies evaluating their efficacy and side effects, finding that many options remain unproven or controversial while intratympanic gentamicin titration and vestibular nerve section/labyrinthectomy can reliably reduce vertigo.
Marketing on the Internet focuses on using various online marketing strategies and tools to generate leads and fill vacancies. These include listing properties on sites like Michigan Housing Locator (MHL) and RentLinx, using social media like Facebook and Twitter, optimizing websites, and responding promptly to leads from any source. MHL in particular has been very successful, generating over 98,000 leads in the last year from its 5 million property views. It is important to keep listings and information up-to-date on all sites to stay at the top of search results.
The document discusses a security layer for cloud data that provides automated and secure backups of cloud data. It notes that one out of three companies using SaaS applications lose data, with 60% of businesses that lose data shutting down within 6 months. The security layer aims to backup all cloud data in one place and decrease backup time from days to hours through integration with cloud applications via an API. The vision is for the solution to become a broader data management layer providing backup, archiving, e-discovery, and migration capabilities across cloud storage providers.
The document discusses sustainable development practices in hotels based on a workshop. It addresses five questions:
1. Hotels implement sustainability for marketing and cost savings, through recycling, energy efficiency, and CSR programs. Evidence is limited to these operational measures.
2. Stakeholders like customers, employees and the local environment benefit most from sustainability. Governments influence hotels through regulations and subsidies.
3. Hotels gather feedback mainly through post-stay surveys that don't mention sustainability. Employees rarely provide ideas due to lack of training.
4. The Green Key eco-label is a major incentive for hotels to participate in sustainability. A customer rewards program could also encourage sustainable behaviors.
5. Benef
The document summarizes the biblical parable of the sower told by Jesus in Mark 4:1-20. In the parable, a farmer scatters seed on four types of soil - along the path, on rocky places, among thorns, and on good soil. The seed represents God's word and the soil represents different human heart conditions - hard, shallow, divided, and whole. Those with whole hearts accept God's word and produce a large crop, while other heart conditions reject or fail to fully accept the word. The summary encourages examining one's own heart condition and sowing God's word in others.
The document summarizes a pilot program called "5 Steps to Rapid Employment" run by RochesterWorks! to help participants quickly find employment. Over the course of the pilot year, 11 classes were presented to 192 participants, with a 99% completion rate. Participants reported an average satisfaction rating of 4+ out of 5 and testimonials on the program's YouTube channel. On average, participants found employment within 10 weeks and 6 days of starting the program, much faster than the national average of 36.9 weeks. Based on the success of the pilot program, RochesterWorks! will continue offering the program monthly.
La USCO particip¨® en el FLISOL 2010, un importante evento de inform¨¢tica que reuni¨® a un gran n¨²mero de personas en la Universidad Antonio Nari?o. En el FLISOL se discutieron temas importantes de inter¨¦s general en inform¨¢tica, incluyendo la tecnolog¨ªa 3.0 donde los discos duros ya no estar¨¢n localizados en los computadores sino en la red, lo que traer¨¢ muchos beneficios. El grupo de inform¨¢tica jur¨ªdica de la USCO present¨® sobre Copy Left y Creative Commons.
We get lots of requests for finding the best dog for adoption and fostering. A lot of them are for dogs that do not shed or shed considerably less than the other breeds. Here is a compilation of 8 dog breeds who sheds less (almost insignificant).
We have added some extra behavioral information too.
And all these breeds & more are available at your nearest shelter or rescue.
Paul Balcerak shares the tools he uses as an assistant editor to gather, distribute, and organize information for journalism. He uses Google Reader to aggregate news from various sources, Twitter to get information from citizens and officials, and TweetDeck to manage Twitter from his desktop. He also recommends tools for live reporting, presentation, and internal communication like Cover It Live, Google Maps, Dropbox, and Google Docs.
The document discusses three sliding techniques in paintball: the one knee slide, two knee slide, and superman dive.
The one knee slide involves leaning back, putting the strongest foot forward for balance, dropping the back foot and bending the front leg to slide, then using the back foot to stand up.
The two knee slide is similar but keeps the body straight and gun up to return fire, slipping the strongest leg forward to stop the slide and standing using the stopping foot.
The superman dive has the player lean forward, stick both arms out with the marker held sideways and fitted under the bent arm, then push with the legs to fly through the air into the bunker and move quickly.
The document promotes an enhanced Facebook like button called givven that provides incentives to users for liking webpages. It claims this button performs 750% better than the standard like button because incentives boost sharing and virality. The givven service allows users to create viral pages hosting incentives like videos, downloads and coupons to initiate chain reactions of users sharing the content. It costs $497 annually for unlimited page creation and support.
This document outlines Governor Rick Perry's 2020 vision to cut, balance, and grow the American economy. It proposes simplifying the tax code so that families and businesses are no longer wasting billions of hours and dollars complying with it. It also advocates lowering the corporate tax rate to make the U.S. more competitive globally and eliminating special interest tax breaks. The plan aims to balance the federal budget without raising taxes through regulatory reform, entitlement reform, and repealing job-killing legislation to spur economic growth.
The document discusses various treatment controversies for Meniere's disease. It outlines the history and definition of the disease, as well as current understandings of physiology and pathophysiology. It then summarizes different medical, mechanical, intratympanic, surgical, and ablative treatment options and discusses evidence from studies evaluating their efficacy and side effects, finding that many options remain unproven or controversial while intratympanic gentamicin titration and vestibular nerve section/labyrinthectomy can reliably reduce vertigo.
Marketing on the Internet focuses on using various online marketing strategies and tools to generate leads and fill vacancies. These include listing properties on sites like Michigan Housing Locator (MHL) and RentLinx, using social media like Facebook and Twitter, optimizing websites, and responding promptly to leads from any source. MHL in particular has been very successful, generating over 98,000 leads in the last year from its 5 million property views. It is important to keep listings and information up-to-date on all sites to stay at the top of search results.
15. Yandaki resimdeki bir kad?nd?r.V¨¹cut temizli?i i?in su bulamayan kad?n sa?lar?n? temiz tutmak i?in t?ra? etmek zorunda kalm??t?r¡ Eskiden kad?nlar?n ?ok g¨¹zel sa?lar? vard?.
23. Hala biraz ye?il alan? olan ,nehirleri akan, b?lgeler silahl? askerler taraf?ndan korunuyor... Su alt?n ve elmastan ?ok daha de?erli bir hazine haline geldi...